Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled (I still cant think of anything) ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The rant of a rabid authoress.......................................................amusing, ne?

Heh. My ego has been boosted.....which can be a very scary thing for my new muses.

Kyusuke: Your damned right it is.......when she gets an Idea for a story....we run for our lives.

Miyako:'s just outright scary.

Naoko: you aren't any're the ones that give me my ideas....well, you and my friends..........(no comment)

Miyako: ~_~* Yeah........we know. I remember the last time you had Chelsea and Tammi over....You drank three 2 litres of Mountian Dew in less than two and a half hours........That's where the whole plot....or lack of Thereof, started. Cause you got into a discussion about Who you thought would be on top....Heero or Duo? Which I might add, got quickly carried away, because of the Sugar high the three of you had...........

Kyusuke: I remember that..........that's the same night that YOU ended up going to the hospital, cause your sugar got all out of whack.

I'm starting the chappie now, cause Me and my muses...erm are debating why I hate giving myself shots.

"Er......Heero?" Duo asked, as he turned the motorbike around a corner and down a gravel road.

"Hn." Heero grunted in response.

'I managed to get him to talk more than in monosyllable responses....that's good, but He's gotta stop doing the monosyllable "hn-ing." It's driving me insane!' He thought.

"Um...........what time is it?" He sheepishly asked. In his hurry he'd forgotten his watch.

"7:30." He answered. Suddenly high beams flooded his sight.

"What the fuck??" Duo asked, as the truck barrelled toward the two of them......and the driver of the truck really couldn't decide what side of the road he wanted, cause he was all over the place. With a gut-wrenching crunch of metal, the bike and the truck collided.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

Meanwhile back with Quatre and Trowa.....................................................

Quatre doubled over in pain, the instant that the bike and the Truck collided.

Trowa jumped up, and asked "Quatre!?! Daijobu ka?"

Quatre didn't answer his companion as tears threatened to fall from the teenager's eyes.

Trowa looked at him in worry.'What could possibly make him double over like that, unless......... something happened to both Duo and Heero that's serious enough for him to feel pain.' Trowa reasoned.

________________________________________________________________ ________

The collision had thrown the two of them about forty feet away from their original location, which had been on a motorbike, traveling at some 70 kilometres an hour, down a stretch of dirt road.

Heero didn't get out of the mess too badly, only a few scrapes and bruises that were already starting to fade. Thanks to his perternatural strength. Duo on the otherhand, had no such ability to heal, and lay unconcious some ten feet away from Heero.

The driver of the vehicle, had driven away, and it was a good thing too. Because he probably would've become Heero's next meal.

Heero rushed over to Duo, who was breathing shallowly.

"Duo!!! C'mon! Wake up!!" He yelled, shaking the boy. It did nothing to awaken him.

He growled in both annoyance and worry for his friend, and lover.

Suddenly another Idea popped into his head.'Duo....can't stand Relena....maybe....'

"Hey! Duo, Relena's here! She's looking for you!" Heero yelled into his ear. Again....nothing. Suddenly Heero started to smell something...something familiar........

"Shit!!" He growled. The stench of approaching death, hung over the teen's body like flies on a rotting piece of roadkill.

" through my choices...which there seems to only be two of.....he could

1) Sit here and let him die.

2)Turn him into a Vampire."

(Hmm.......which do you think he chose....choice 1 or choice 2........those of you who chose Choice number one....oughta have your heads examined.....that wouldn't go with the plot of th.....waitaminute...there is no plot. ^_^ wouldn't make sense for Duo to die right here anyway. I gotta come up with alternate scenarios for the changing, cause...FFN has banned Lemons. ...Bakas.)

Heero inwardly groaned.' Thanks a lot Kami-sama.'

He picked up Duo, and sat the boy into his lap. 'At least Solaris can't have him this way.' Heero added.

Duo's eyes slowly fluttered open, and he struggled to breathe.

"H..Hee-chan....Daijobu....Daijobu desu...ka?" He said, between ragged breaths.

"I'm fine Duo....Don't waste your'll be needing it." Heero said, trying to add some weak humour.

Duo tried to chuckle at Heero's attempt at a joke, but started to cough. Heero started to get alarmed....he didn't have time for small talk, if he wanted to save Duo's life.


"Shh...I know....I know." Heero said, holding the violet eyed boy closer to him. He raised his wrist to his mouth, and bit into it, creating two puncture holes. He lowered it over Duo's mouth.

"Drink." He ordered. He looked into Duo's eyes, a pleading look filling them.

Duo returned the look with confusion in place of the pleading. His vision was starting to swim.

"Please...just do it." Heero begged. Duo nodded, and opened his mouth, and started to suck on the open wound.

He was surprised. Instead of finding the taste to be metallic, coppery and bitter, it was sweet to the taste. Duo sighed, and continued to drink from the wound on Heero's wrist, like a baby would from a bottle. He felt his vision go blurry, and he slowly sunk into a deep sleep.

Heero looked at the object of his affections, sleep peacefully in his arms. A gold colored light formed around the pair, as Heero stroked a stray piece of chestnutt brown hair, out of Duo's face.

He was surprised by this......... he knew that this would happen someday, but was confused that it would be with Duo. Duo was his soulmate, destined to be with him forever. And as Heero was his.(this is starting to get confusing to you isn't it?....Don't worry....I've confused myself too. ^_^ ;;;Ehe...heh.)

Suddenly, Heero moved away from the unconcious boy. He was repelled by some unknown force. An ice blue light started to form around the boy, and a pair of large white wings appeared on his back, giving him an angelic appearance. Though Heero knew, Duo was anything but.

The light died down, and the force field around Duo disappeared. Heero ran over to his Koibito.

He knew better than to try to shake him awake. Duo was going to remain asleep for a few days, having been though the same process some several hundred years earlier.

He picked up Duo, trying not to jostle the wings. And Teleported the two of them back to the safe house. He had purposely not told Duo about this particular ability for a reason. Because Duo would've wanted him just to pop him anywhere he wanted to go.

They appeared in the middle of the den, where Quatre and Trowa were sitting. Alarming the two of them.

"DON"T DO THAT HEERO!!!!" Trowa yelled in surprise by thier sudden appearance.

"....." Heero said. Rolling his eyes.

"What happened to you two, and didn't I hope?" Trowa asked, giving Heero a look that clearly said the words he'd skipped.

"We got into a car crash. Some boozed up guy couldn't decide which side of the road he wanted, and hit us head on. By some miracle, Duo didn't die on impact, giving me enough time to change him." Heero said.

"What's with the erm....wings on his back, Heero?" Quatre asked.

"Must be part of his abilities." Heero answered.

"What abilities?" Quatre asked.

"Well......the five of us, are in the vampiric world, concidered to be the chosen....the ones to defeat Solaris. Solaris is the head honcho of the vampire world. She's the oldest of us. It says in the prophecy that ' unto the world, five will be born, that harbour the power to deafeat the darkness.' That's us. Solaris is the bad guy. She's out to be all powerful. She wants to bring the vampire world into the open, and make our kind overpower the humans. She sees human kind as nothing better than slaves, or food. Like a human sees a 8oz sizzler, with salad, and homemade bread." Trowa said.

"Ok.....that's a little bit of an odd analogy there but.....sure." Quatre said, still slightly confused.

"That's why Solaris is after you. To turn you to her side. To take over the world. That's her's kinda like when we were fighting Oz. They were trying to be totalitarian. trying to exert too much control over the colonies." Heero said.

"Ok...that I understand." Quatre said.

I'm going to bed. My arms are getting tired from holding him, and he's going to be asleep for a while." Heero said, motioning at the unconcious winged Duo with his head.

"Besides, the exchange drained me of energy. So I'm tired anyway." Heero said, teleporting upstairs. Not bothering to climb the stairs.

He laid Duo into bed, and then climbed in himself. He took one last look at the window. And what he saw, pissed him off.

"Relena! What are you doing here!?!" he hissed, walking over to the window.

The look on her face, instead of being a look of innocent puppy love, was hard, and cold.

He opened the window and asked, "What do you want, and what are you doing here?"

"To warn you. Solaris found out what you did. And she's pissed off, big time. Watch your backs. Trouble's coming, with a capital T."


"I bet your wondering how I know this. I'm one of you too. I was sent by my brother to find you, and warn you. He lied to Wufei about not working for Solaris. He's one of her right hand men, and keeps the rest of us informed on what she's planning to do. So we can keep one step ahead of her. Watch your tracks. If I were you, I'd go find the slayer and her friends, and team up with them. I already have......but now I must take my leave. By the way, you'll be happy to know I gave up on you an while ago. I just keep the act up so people think I'm normal." She added, throwing the stoic vampire a sly grin. Then jumped from the ledge and into the woods.

Heero stared after the woman in confusion.'Duo would've paid good money to hear those words.' was the only coherent thought that made itself into Heero's confused mind.

"I wonder what the slayers are making of everything...and why Relena is recommending us joining up with them.......?" Heero muttered, rolling his eyes. Knowing the slayer, and her friends as well as her watcher, they were confused as hell. But then again, lately, so were they......maybe it was time to pay Catherine and the circus troupe a visit. After all.....she always wanted to see Trowa.

________________________________________________________________ ________

(Ok....I know by now your thinking that I forgot about everyone's favorite justice possessed chinese pilot. But I didn't I was saving it for the end of the chapter.)

Wufei, once again awoke in the room. This time, both Trieze and Zechs were in bed with him. That.....scared him. Because niether of them had anything on.

'I don't even want to think about what they were doing while I was out.' He thought.

He was too lost in that train of thought to realize he'd said it out loud, and Zechs was awake.

"Good morning." he mumbled, his platinum blonde hair sticking out in odd directions. Wufei turned to face the blonde.

Then asked." Just what did you two do while I was asleep?"

"Planned out a few things, then went to sleep." Zechs sleepily yawned, then turned to face the alarm clock, which sat on the coffee table next to the door.

"Crap! Une is going to kill me!!!" He hissed.

"Still working for the preventers?" Wufei asked.

" the special cases division, I'm a spy. And I'm late, and I overslept. Meaning Une is going to kill me. Oh by the way, how is your mission going?" Zechs asked, grabbing for a tee-shirt, that was slung over a nearby chair. And a pair of pants. He was wearing boxers.'Well I guess he wasn't wearing absolutely nothing.' Wufei thought.

"Our mission......we actually had one?" Wufei asked.

"Never mind, It was Trowa, Duo, and Heero who were put on that one." Zechs said.

"Oh...yeah.....that's right. Sally and Une just sent me and Winner along, to make sure it got done."

"I don't know why they did that, but ok...." Zechs said, reaching for his uniform shirt in the closet.

"It's half complete. They're supposed to complete the other half of the objective in a week, then report back to Une." Wufei said, worming himself underneath the blankets.

"I've got to go. Have Trieze show you around when he wakes up. He's a heavy sleeper, so you can probably get through your morning exercises without waking him up." Zechs said, getting up and going to the door.

"See you both later." He said, then he slipped out the door.

Wufei shrugged and got up. It felt good to stretch, after being asleep for so long.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

Ok.....I had another sadistic urge to end it here. It's 7 pages long according to wordpad. It's actually probably longer than that, but I refuse to use Microsoft word, cause it's a royal pain in the ass. I skipped school to finish this thing up for you people. So I hope you like it. I have writers block. So It's hard for me to write. I promise that I wont give up on it.

Please leave me lotsa reviews. I need them to boost my inspiration...if I get ten more I'll post chapter four. If'll be another month before I post anything.

I'm sorry if this chapter was confusing. because I just couldn't figure out what to write.

Ok...enough about that........Sorry it took me so long to update, but hey! I've had tests up the wazoo, as well as homework. Mom got my 3wk progress report.......I got a D in math.......and I turned in everything, and Got an A on the test we just took. And weve had like 20 assignments already. So I don't know how that happened, but mom grounded me.

I went to cedar point this last weekend. This was interesting.

Lessee what all happened. After a 7 hour van ride, with my friend and his three brothers....all of which are little....and like to sing 100 bottles of beer on the wall for hours on end. we finally arrived the first ride I was forced on was..................

Millenium force. My friend dragged me on and I thought I was going to fall off of my seat at one point, and go flying headfirst into lake Erie. Out of all the coasters in the park, He picked the biggest one he could find.

Then I went on raptor and magnum.......I about pissed my pants.

Then......I got myself a nice big case of Heat exhaustion. I passed out, while I was waiting for my friend and his mother to get off of the ride they were on. They carted me off to the med station.

then after they let me out, we got drenched because it started to storm. that was interesting. because people were packed under awnings and stores.

we finally had enough and went back to the hotel. Which was a Holiday inn. with a big pool and hot tubs.

thats the quick summary of my trip. well, I gotta fly. Please R&R. Onegai.


and muses.
