Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Urgent Call ❯ Mirielle Duet Yuy ( Chapter 3 )
See part 1 for disclaimers.
A/N For karina who has reviewed everything I've ever posted up till now I think thanks so much and thanks to everyone else who reviewed.
Chapter 3
Heero smiled and ran a finger gently down his daughter's cheek, "hello beautiful."
"Have you decided on a name yet?"
"Huh?" Heero looked up startled and Duo realised that he'd completely forgotten that he and his daughter weren't the only ones in the room."
"A name," Duo prompted, "you can't keep calling her beautiful forever can you? Even though she is."
"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it…"
"Yeah right!" Duo snorted, "you probably had a name picked out for every day of the week, don't give me that crap…"
"Alright, alright I have a name picked out…"
"Well? What is it?"
"Mirielle, Mirielle Duet Yuy…"
"I wonder where that name could have come up from!"
Heero glared.
"Sorry. But you're going to have to face up to who her father is sooner or later."
"I… I just didn't want to think about it, I just thought… the name… he told me once that he'd been called `Miri' as a child and it was his mother's name and… It doesn't matter he's dead, he's not coming back."
"Heero, he may be dead, that's not the point. It's still his child as much as she is yours. She's going to want to know who her father… er… whoever was when she grows up."
"I know, I'll tell her, she does have a right to know who he was."
The `even if I never really did' was obviously meant to go unheard.
"None of this was what I was getting at in the first place! It is a nice name but don't you think some people may be slightly suspicious if she grows to look like him *and* the names are similar…? She might look more like you though, she already has your eyes."
Duo added the last part before Heero even had a chance to think of the answer and he found himself extraordinarily pleased that he could see his eyes in his daughters face, it meant that she really was his and not the result of some twisted experiment that he had just been the vessel for.
"I think that more people will make the connection to Relena than Zechs, she was Relena's mother as well and the rumours of a romance between us have been there since before the end of the first war. People will hear and accept what they want to hear and accept, they have so far refused to accept that there is nothing between myself and Relena and that there never will be. I've been missing for eight months and they still haven't let up, they seem to ignore that fact that she's seeing someone and they're definitely ignoring the fact that she's seeing a woman."
"Ok, I'll give you that, but what about others; people who knew him, Noin, Lady Une, Relena, Dorothy, the other pilots?"
"I managed to keep it from them before, you only found out because you're so nosy!"
"Yes, but I bet you're glad I knew now `cos otherwise, you'd really have been dropped in it all those times I covered for you and what about earlier? Who'd you have rang if I hadn't known? You wouldn't have had such an easy time if you'd phoned up Auntie Relena!"
Heero bowed his head and looked at his daughter again, unable to stop the smile she inspired. "You're right, I suppose but… I don't want to think about him now."
He stared at her, lost in those deep blue eyes, so much like his own. Duo's never-ending voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Can I hold her?"
Heero looked wary, he didn't want to let her go.
"Hey come on! What do ya think I'm gonna do, throw her out the window without a parachute?!"
A half smile graced his lips.
"Ok." Carefully he handed the small bundle over, his smile transforming into a glare as he made it very clear with his eyes to the braided American just what he would do to him if he did drop her. Duo ignored him… as usual.
"Hi there gorgeous! I'm your Uncle Duo, if your Dad's ever acting too serious, which wouldn't surprise me, just come to me and I'll help you to get him to lighten up!"
"Alright I'm just messing, I'm sure you'll be a great mother… father... er whatever…" Duo grinned sheepishly for a minute before frowning, "hang on a minute Mirielle Duet, Duet?"
"Heero smile gently and a bit awkwardly, it was still a foreign expression to him but one that was becoming more commonplace every day, "like you said, you have helped and covered for me a lot, you saved mine and my daughter's life this time, I thought it was only appropriate."
"Wow… I… I don't know what to say"
From the doorway Sally laughed, "Duo Maxwell speechless, "I thought I'd never see the day." Duo mock-glared at her as she walked into the room. "What on the colonies did you say to him Heero?"
Heero ignored her, "Is it alright with you Duo? I mean if you don't want…"
"No! No, it's fine, I just never expected… Wow."
Sally smiled again, "well? Do we have a name then? Only I need to fill in the birth certificate and…"
"Yes." Heero interrupted her, "yes, it's Mirielle Duet Yuy."
Sally blinked and her eyes narrowed slightly, "Mirielle?" She asked, obviously surprised but upon Heero's nod quickly recovered, "that's lovely," she hesitated, "erm Heero… I'm putting your name down for the mother but the father…"
Shutters came down over Heero's face and Duo glared at her, "Just leave it for now Sal yeah?" It wasn't a suggestion.
"Alright…" Sally didn't look happy but she soon cheered up. "Right, well you can tell me how the hell you ended up like this in the first place instead can't you."
Heero groaned, "I had a baby today, can't you leave me in peace."
Sally smirked sympathetically, if such a thing was possible, "I'm sorry Heero but if there's any way your pregnancy could be replicated for other couples then, as a doctor, it's my duty to try."
"There's load of gay couples would love to have their own children and I don't mean with a test tube, Quat and Tro for one," Duo butted in.
"Like you care about medical knowledge Duo, you're just dying of curiosity… Alright then but it's not really me you should be talking to…"