Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Walkiing in Shadows ❯ Exasperated ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Walking in the Shadows. Pt. 4/?

Authors: Deathangelgw and Nightshadow

Disclaimer: They aren't ours….but we can sure as hell play with them!!!

Warnings: AU, slight OOC, sap, dark, angst, language, mention of torture, incest, rape, fantasy, yaoi, shounen-ai, OCs, lemon/lime later (knowing me….)

Pairings: Varied, but the main is 2+/x5x2, 1xOCx4 (and vice versa), 3xOCx3

Rating: Still PG-13….though Duo in Fei's bed is kiiiiinky!!

Note: Thanks for all the awesome reviews so far!!! We are loving this ficcie so we aim to please!! Some nasty stuff is mentioned in here about Fei and his duties, soooo, keep up! Please review!

NOTE! I accidentally switched three and four. The REAL 3 is up now! Thanks Jordan! You're a life saver! *Hugs*



Exasperated with his lover's foul mood, Larak stopped before him in the hallway, arms crossed. "For goodness sake, Hee-chan! You've been like this since last night! It's morning! Cheer up a bit. I'm sure the King is fine. Duo is a healer. He has shown no signs of harming the King. Do YOU wish to be personally responsible for denying his Majesty a chance at happiness? Do YOU wish to condemn him to a life of misery? Well, do you? Because if you do, then you ARE sleeping on the couch for the next week." Silver eyes turned a disappointed glare upon their companion. "I really thought you wished him some happiness besides just existence..."

Almost close to pouting, Heero crossed his arms across his chest and glared at his love. "I don't wish them....unhappiness if that's what you are getting at. I...just don't trust anyone with his majesty." he said, growling.

Sighing, Larak closed his eyes briefly. "Heero, hon, I know you take your duty seriously. And I know you care about the king. Wufei is also a full-grown man, though. He has his own mind and instincts. Sometimes you have to trust him. And if the one he trusts proves himself worthy of that trust, then you should trust him, otherwise your own distrust will impede you in protecting the King. I know for you, it's not easy love, but sometimes it's necessary. Alright? Now come here." Stepping forward, Larak pulled the other into a tight embrace, placing a gentle kiss against his neck. "Things will work out. Just don't send yourself to an early grave over worry. If not for yourself, then for me. I'd miss you too much and just might have to join you."

Heero stiffened at those words and held his lover tightly. "No...don't you dare die...." he murmured softly, nuzzling his lover's neck. Sighing softly, he relaxed. "Alright alright...I'll try to be....more open." he conceded softly.

"Thank you." Pressing a chaste kiss to the other's lips, Larak smiled as he took Heero's hand in his own before continuing on his way to the King's quarters.

Sighing in relief, Heero shook his head and followed his lover to the King's chambers. He smirked as he saw Shay standing guard. "Everything alright?" he asked crisply.

"Perfectly fine. Been silent all night, except when Duo pooped out to request some food." Smiling, Shay stepped to the side to allow them entry, catching sight of the wink Larak sent her way.

Heero nodded sharply then opened the door. Stepping in, he stopped suddenly...and stared.

Duo...was sleeping in Wufei's bed.

Looking up at the sound of someone entering, a fully clothed Duo placed a finger against his lips before whispering softly. "Shhh. He's resting."

Walking into Heero, Larak stopped for a moment before peeking around his mate to see what had startled him so. A soft smile spread across his face at the sight before him.

Heero's frown grew in intensity as he hissed out, " majesty's...BED?!"

Wufei murmured softly in his sleep, snuggling closer to Duo before sighing and falling deeper asleep.

Placing a restraining hand on his love's arm, Larak whispered warningly. "Heero...remember what we talked about..."

Sighing, Duo motioned to the figure curled against him, a tender smile touching his eyes as well as his lips. "Looking after him. He hasn't been sleeping well. Didn't you see the shadows under his eyes?"

Heero shot his lover a glare first, then a nasty look at Duo. His face softened though when he saw the contented look on Wufei's sleeping face. He shook himself and glared at the braided man. "Yes I've seen them....that's the price he willingly takes for his duties." he snapped out angrily, not liking the reminder of his one failure in protecting his king....duty.

"That I gathered, which is no one's fault, but the problems themselves." Lightly resting his hand on the sleeping figure's shoulder, Duo smiled. " He slept peacefully the whole night without interruption. Though there were some times when he seemed to be about to be disturbed by something in his dreams. A lullaby dealt with those rather quickly."

Heero frowned again as he glared at the braided man. He 'hmphed' and turned away, dismissing the other man as he went over and leaned against the wall grumpily. Wufei whimpered softly, shifting slightly, but then settled again, sleeping peacefully.

Amazed and delighted, Larak spoke up joyfully. "You calmed him from his nightmares? He slept the whole night through? He hasn't done that since he took up the Guardianship!"

"Yes, yes, and Shh! He's still tired." Smiling at the young man with the mid-length, honey-brown hair, and silver-eyes, Duo raised his finger to his lips once more before turning his attention back to the young king curled against him.

Heero rolled his eyes. "Larak...just check his Majesty over quietly and let's go." he growled out, but a small smirk crossed his lips. His lover was indeed amusing.

Turning his gaze from the king to the once unknown man, Duo smiled. "So you're Larak. Nice to meet you. Duo Maxwell at your service." Nodding to the young healer, Duo moved to scoot farther to the other side of the bed, so he could have more room. Nodding his appreciation of the gesture, Larak walked over to the bed and his King. Wufei whimpered very softly as Duo pulled away, his face creasing with pain and fear as his dreams approached him.

Heero tensed as he heard his king's distress. 'Does the man soothe our king so much?' he wondered silently, worried. At the sound of the other's distress, Duo began to sing softly. Nodding his head to the longhaired man's soothing tune, Larak rested his hand lightly upon his King's forehead. Relaxing slightly, though distress was still in his form, Wufei stayed asleep. He shivered slightly, as though cold, and whimpered very softly again. Heero looked away, worry in his eyes and on his face. 'Can it really be...'

Raising his gaze from the sleeping figure, Larak smiled. "He'll be fine with some rest and food. He just over did it a bit."

Heero sighed very softly in relief. 'At least he is still in one piece.' he thought to himself. Wufei's face crumpled slightly as he whimpered again, eyes moving rapidly behind his eyelids. Moving back to his place beside Wufei, Duo lightly touched his face, still singing.

Watching the other comfort the lost dreamer, Larak nodded happy with situation. "And what of you, Soul-walker? How are you faring?"

Pausing, Duo answered quickly before resuming his singing. "Fine. Rested and preferring this land to my own." Wufei's whimpers died down as he relaxed. His face relaxed and he turned onto his side, snuggling unconsciously closer to Duo as he relaxed into dreamless sleep once more. Heero's eyebrow raised at this new occurrence, a slight smirk on his lips.

"Well, we're glad to have you. You'll have to come by the Healer's Wing one day. It would be interesting." Turning, Larak walked over to his lifemate, leaning beside him. "And what's on your mind, love?"

"I just may do that. Afterall, I've seen very little of this place." A slow grin spread across Duo's face. "Any secret passages haunted by ghouls I can investigate?"

Heero smirked at his lifemate, then snorted at Duo. "We have enough trouble with brownies sneaking in and pranking us that we don't need ghouls." he said as he rolled his eyes. He stepped over to the door as he said, "I will have food sent up here."

"Thanks, Heero." Amused at the hint of humor in the other, Duo smiled.

Nodding once, Heero stepped aside for his lover to proceed him, then turned one dark look on Duo. "See that he eats." was all he said though and stepped out.

Turning to his wild-haired lover, Larak smiled innocently. "So, now are you going to tell me what's on your mind? I was watching you, you know." Shutting the door behind him, Heero just smirked and walked down the hallway, saying nothing as he headed for the kitchens. Mumbling about strong silent types and their incessant need to not speak, Larak followed behind him closely, subtly caressing his backside. Heero's smirk softened as he looked at his lover then looked into the kitchens. Ordering the servants to send up a large breakfast for the king and his friend, he then walked out and headed for their quarters. Smirking, Larak followed along beside him, reaching for his lover's hand. Heero smiled softly at his love and laced their fingers together, then pushed open their bedroom doors. Drawing his lover inside, he closed the doors firmly.


Wufei sighed softly as he snuggled against Duo, a soft smile on his lips. Seeing the contented look on Wufei's face, Duo pulled him closer. Wufei sighed softly again and his eyes opened slowly, groggily taking in his surroundings. " I?" he mumbled softly, then buried his nose into the strong, yet soft Duo that was holding him.

Chuckling, Duo ran a hand down the other's arm. "Right where you were last night. In your bed asleep, though you're awake now."

Wufei snuggled closer, humming softly in pleasure at the touches. He yawned then, stretching long and luxuriously before wrapping his arms around Duo and snuggling again. "M'k....give me a few more minutes to sleep..." he murmured softly as he buried his face into Duo's neck and drifted off again.

"Sounds good. I'll wake you when the food comes," Duo whispered, turning his attention to watching Wufei sleep. Murmuring softly as he snuggled close, Wufei sighed softly. His hold tightened briefly as he dreamed, but he smiled softly and sighed again in sleep.

A servant approached Shay and presented her with a huge tray of foods with pastries, fruit, juice, and eggs on it. He bowed and said quietly, "The captain ordered this for his Majesty?"

"Yes he did. Thank you. I'll deliver it." Nodding she took the tray from him and entered the King's Chambers. "Anybody order some food?"

"Well, Heero did, but we'll be glad to eat it, won't we 'Fei?" Duo said with a grin. Wufei mumbled softly and nodded, burying his face farther into Duo's neck. He snuggled closer, sighing softly as he fell back asleep. Chuckling, Duo shook him lightly. "Time to eat sleepy head. You can sleep more after."

Whimpering and pouting, Wufei blinked open sleepy eyes. "Don't wanna, Duo....wanna sleep..." he said, sounding very much like a child in his exhaustion.

"Uh uh. Eat first, then sleep. Come on. It smells good. Bet it tastes even better." Running fingers down the young man's sides, Duo began looking for tickle spots. Smiling, Shay set the platter down upon the table, then left for her post.

Whimpering as he wiggled under the touches, Wufei giggled softly. "Nono...don't..." he said, laughing softly as he tried to wiggle away from those teasing touches.

"Well, if you want me to stop, then get up. Its time to eat!" Chuckling, Duo continued tickling him. *He's just too cute*

Giggling as he wiggled under the torturous touches, Wufei grabbed at Duo's hands, gasping for air. "Ok ok! I'm up I'm UP!" he said, glaring at the other man.

Grinning, Duo bowed slightly. "Good. Now out of bed. That food's gonna get cold!" Sighing in exasperation, Wufei tugged on Duo's braid before slipping out of bed, forgetting he was only in a sleeveless shift as he walked unsteadily over to the table. His shift rode up tantalizingly to show glimpses of his ass as he sat down at the table and started pouring the juice into glasses. Groaning at the tempting sight presented so innocently, Duo buried his head in a pillow, counting to ten. *He's going to kill me if this continues* Grin still in place, he rose from the bed and sauntered over to join the king, pulling his chair next to Wufei's.

Smiling softly up at Duo as he finished pouring the drinks, Wufei asked, "Are you ok?" He graciously took some of the pastries, eggs, and fruit and placed them on a plate for Duo before getting his own food.

"Perfectly fine. Why do you ask and what about you?" Taking the plate and glass, he ate quickly, but still relishing the flavor of the meal.

Wufei smiled softly and shook his head as he ate a lot slower. " just seemed....a little upset or something just now....and I feel..." his brow furrowed and he sighed. "Very tired."

"Nah, I'm not upset. Believe me if I was, you and the whole palace would know it. I was the something, but it's a good something, I promise." Pausing, Duo took a bite of pastry before continuing. "And I suspect you're tired because you overdid it. Least that's what Larak said. He also said food and rest would fix you up."

Wufei sighed softly and looked down. "Yea...prolly..." he murmured sadly. He frowned and sucked on a piece of melon slowly, letting the sweet taste cheer him up.

*I will not jump him. I will NOT jump him. I want more than I will NOT jump him!!* Resting his hand atop Wufei's, Duo asked, curious at the evident sadness. "What's up?"

Shrugging as he swallowed his melon, Wufei turned sad eyes to Duo. "It's....been so long since I've relax and sleep..." he said quietly, then looked away and picked up a strawberry, looking at it thoughtfully. "And...guess I'm wondering how long it will last..." he said finally before biting into the juicy berry.

Smiling softly, Duo pulled Wufei into a tight hug. "Silly. I have no intentions of going anywhere, so it'll last as long as you wish. Remember what I said last night?"

Wufei nodded as he held onto Duo, but then said, "But...can your....presence stop the magic of my ...." he trailed off and sighed softly, holding onto Duo tightly as he trembled.

"The magic of your what, 'Fei?" Duo asked softly.

Shaking his head, Wufei buried his face into Duo's neck as he whispered softly, "'s nothing..."

"The barrier? Or something else?" Resting his cheek atop Wufei's head, Duo pleaded softly. "Come on, 'Fei. Don't let me face something half-blind. Makes it pretty hard to win that way."

Wufei sighed very softly in resignation, then leaned back. He locked fearful eyes with Duo's, then pulled down his shirt collar. A green and red tattoo of a snake writhed just above his heart. "The magic of the a pact with the Guardians....and the Veil of the Underworld." he said quietly, solemnly.

"Hmm. Well, I'm a child of Life and Death, so maybe so." Duo frowned holding Wufei tight. "At least I hope so."

Wufei felt confusion flood through him. He hadn't expected that reaction at all! Here he had just shown Duo something that basically tried to consume him almost daily, linking him with the underworld at the cost of his own soul...and he had been so....

"Duo...I...don't understand...." he whispered, pulling away. He readjusted his tunic, hiding the symbol as he stared at the longhaired man.

"It's what I am 'Fei. I'm a child born of Life and Death. You know how I said I'm happy being a Shinigami because it meant Blackheart isn't my father? Well, it's true. My parents are Life and Death. The earthly parents are kinda just like how I came to this plane of existence. Least that's how I understand it and why I think I have a chance. Both life and death deal with souls. I take it the Underworld wants yours?" Sighing, he rested his hands on Wufei's shoulders and watched his face to see if any of it was making sense now.

Shaking his head sadly, Wufei stood up. "You don't understand...." he whispered softly, tears filling his eyes as he walked back to his bed and curled up tightly.

Standing up, Duo walked over to the bed, hands playing with his braid. "Hey, Wu, mind letting me finish? Hmm?" Not looking at him, Wufei just nodded. He hugged himself a bit and shivered. "Ok. Death is like the gateway to places like the underworld. I can travel there and bar people from reaching those places and bring them back here past the barrier that life creates. Life is the barrier against places like the underworld. That's why I think I can help. I'm balanced between the two. Am I making sense now? Fei?" Gingerly, Duo reached out a hand to the other.

Wufei wiped his eyes of the tears that had been filling them and smiled up at Duo. "You do understand..." he said softly in joy as he took the hand gently.

Nodding, Duo gently pulled the other against him. "Think you can finish your breakfast now?"

Nodding in return, Wufei smiled softly, then snuggled close to the other man. "Thank you..." he whispered softly.

Smiling, Duo held him close as he carried him back to the table. "You're welcome. Now eat or Heero will skewer me for not looking after you."

"He wouldn't skewer you....just glare a lot..." Wufei said softly and chuckled, suddenly feeling very light headed. He leaned against Duo, burying his face into the other man's neck as he sighed softly.

Walking over to the table, Duo looked down at Wufei before sitting down, still holding him. "Why don't you sit here while you eat? Then we'll get some more sleep. Ok?"

"Mm'k..." Wufei murmured softly, closing his eyes to stop the dizziness that swept over him. He frowned slightly. 'Haven't had this happen before...what's going on?' Holding a piece of melon to the other's lips, Duo continued watching him, not liking what he saw. Opening his mouth and taking the offering, Wufei chewed on it slowly, laying his head on Duo's shoulder tiredly. His head still spun, but it was lessening. The mark on his chest burned slightly, but it too was fading. 'Maybe it's nothing...' he told himself as he swallowed.

Working through the platter, Duo fed Wufei and himself until it was empty. "Feel any better?"

Nodding tiredly, Wufei just lay his head on Duo's shoulder. His eyes slipped close as he lay there and he said softly, "Duo...can we go back to bed, please? I...don't feel very right."

"Ok. You want I should tell Shay?" Rising from the chair, Duo walked back to the bed, placing Wufei atop it.

Shaking his head slightly, then nodding, Wufei said, "I forgot...I have meetings....should get up..." But he couldn't move, so dizzy and tired.

Quickly, Duo pressed one hand against the other's chest to keep him down. "Oh no you don't. You're resting. The meetings can go for a day. Larak said you needed to rest."

"Duo..." Wufei whispered, his eyes filling with helpless tears as he looked up at the man. "Scared..."

*I can tell Shay later...* "It's alright, 'Fei. I'm not going anywhere except right here." Moving quickly, Duo climbed into the bed, lying down beside Wufei before pulling the covers over both of them.

Wufei curled onto his side and snuggled close to Duo almost immediately, moaning as his head spun with dizziness and fatigue. "What's going on? I don't understand what's happening..." he murmured, his eyes closing in exhaustion as almost ten years of little sleep caught up to him in ten seconds.

"You're tired and exhausted. You need some rest and I'll do my best to see you get some." Gently, Duo caressed the other's face.

"Don't leave" Wufei said softly, pushing his face into the caress. Fearful onyx eyes gazed into violet as he wrapped his arms around Duo's waist in an added plea for him to stay.

Pulling the other close, Duo whispered fiercely to him. "'Fei, I may run and hide, but I NEVER tell a lie. I won't leave you as long as you wish me here."

"Thank you..." Wufei whimpered softly, then clung to him, shivering as a wave of dizziness washed over him. He gasped sharply, then groaned softly before falling unconscious at last. Sighing softly, Duo held him close, resting his chin atop the other's head.