Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Waltz of a Demon ❯ Prologue
AC 180
Somewhere on the streets of L2:
Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee,
The young woman walked a little bit faster, low soundless heels clicking against the cobbled stones on the dingy street.
Blessed are you amongst women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Her burden shifted restlessly in her hands, the rain beginning to pour down in torrents now, drenching her skin. But she couldn't give a damn.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
A lustful piercing scream of anger disturbed the quiet night. The woman cringed in fear and disgust as she practically ran now.
Now and at the hour of our death,
She stopped in front of the large, looming building. The welcoming lights from the sanctuary filled her restless soul with an inner peace. Her burden bawled even louder. Strong tiny legs kicking in protest, hit her chest and stomach. She winced inwardly at the pain. He was too strong. Too strong for her to control anymore.
~ Finally…I will find peace. ~
She dropped the burden wrapped in a threadbare blanket onto the cold and slightly muddy street. Reaching into the pocket of the plain and quite drab green dress she had on, she brought out the dagger and raised it high above her head. Soaking wet locks of chestnut framed the wan face as a wicked grin came upon her lips. Eyes of darkest violet gleamed with seeming insanity, as hands got ready for the final act.
"I will kill you." She muttered out harshly. "I will kill you here, in the sight of God and all of his angels to witness!! I will destroy you before you cause even more harm!!"
The burden suddenly stopped its wails. Similar violet depths gazed back at the crazed-looking figure in something akin to confusion.
But she saw otherwise. She saw the `look' and her hands trembled with the effort.
"No!! No!! You cannot control me anymore!! I won't let you!! I will kill you for good!!! GO BACK TO THE HELL YOU CAME FROM!!!"
The scream was lost in the rain, the droplets of blood coating the cobbled stones even as they were silently washed away. The dagger clattered to the floor from limp fingers, the heavy thud of a body hitting the ground filling the deadly calm.
The heavy sounds of the rain continued, oblivious to the goings-on, when suddenly…
…the melancholy sound of the church bells rang.
The midnight hour had arrived.
And so had the burden, who with a lustful cry announced his presence to the world.
Amen, dear Lord, Amen.