Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ War Games (Part Three of the Family Sagas) ❯ Part Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them! (Sniffle)

War Games, Part 7

Victoria's head lolled to one side as she leaned back. She could hear the sounds of seagulls and the sound of lapping water. Her body felt stiff and a little sore. She peeked one eye open and saw blue sky. She opened the other one and looked around. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Huh?" mumbled Dominic as he heard his sister shriek. He opened his eyes. "What the hell are you…AHHHHHHHH!"

"We're floating out in the middle of the bay!" yelled Veronica as she glared at Victoria. "And you said there would be no possible way for them to retaliate! Well they retaliated all right! They paid us back in full and then some! I'm going to kill you!" she screamed as she lunged at her sister.

"Don't do that!" snapped Thad, who grabbed hold of his young cousin. "You want to tip us over!"

"Stay out of it!" Veronica snapped back as she elbowed him in the ribs. She got to her sister and latched her hands around her sister's throat. "You, bitch! This is all your fault!"

Dominic and Thad grabbed a hold of her and pinned her to the side of the boat. "Knock it off, Ver," Dominic said he looked around him. "We're not the only ones in this predicament."

"That's for sure," snorted Miles as he looked over at Dominic. "I must say, they were ingenious," he commented.

"Yeah, they were ingenious all right," muttered Donavon. "They stuck us out in the middle of the goddamn bay!"

"And there's no oars to row back either," Jet pointed out as he swiped some of his light brown hair out of his face.

"They must of left us out here and swam back to shore themselves," said Mira as she looked over the side of the boat at the deep blue water of the bay.

"That's a little more then forty feet! And compound that with the water current, that's not an easy swim," said Damien as he looked over at Victoria. "At least your sister is right on one thing?"

"Oh and what's that?" asked Victoria as she rubbed her neck.

"This is all your fault!" Damien shouted at her. "You couldn't leave well enough alone! And now look!" he said furiously as he gestured around him. "We're stuck in the middle of the goddamn bay with no way to get back because they took the oars!" he shouted again.

"Calm down," said Quatrina as she laid a hand on her brother's bare arm. "Yelling at her won't help, but we have to get to shore."

"Which means we have to swim back or stay out here" finished Carin. "I say we swim back."

"That's all well and good. But did you realize that some of the girls are wearing white shirts," stated Vaughn.

Mira, Kellie, Victoria, Veronica, Quatrina, Leigh, and Merin were all wearing white tank tops or tee shirts.

"Shit! Dammit! When I get my hands on that braided son of a bitch, I'm going to kill him!" Victoria yelled. "And you know what? I'm past the point of caring if I'm wearing white. To hell with it! I'm swimming to shore!" she announced as she stood up and dove off the side.

"We can't sit around here all day," Kellie said as she shrugged. "So I'm with Vic," she said as she too jumped in.

"Aww hell," muttered Quatrina. "Let's get going," she said as she looked over at her brother.

Damien nodded. "Come on, you guys," he said as he looked at his other two siblings and at his cousins. He jumped over the side.

Soon all the Winners, Bartons, Yuys, Merquises, and Changs were in the water, swimming towards shore. When they reached the beach, all they could do was lay there on the sand as the water lapped their ankles.

"I never want to get up again," moaned Isabella as she lay on the sand. "My legs and arms are burning," she said as she rolled over to her back.

"Mine too," groaned Leigh as she fisted her hands in the ground under her. Sand squeezed through her fingers.

"I don't think I'll be exercising for the next weak," panted Merin. "I feel sore all over."

"Join the club," mumbled Mira as she curled herself into a ball.

"Come on, we can't stay here all day," Victoria said as she slowly pushed herself up. She crossed her arms over her chest. "We still have to walk home too." A chorus of groans greeted her ears. "But I'm dealing with the Maxwells now, not later. And if you guys want to kill the Maxwells now for doing this to us, please raise your hand?" she asked.

Everyone's hand raised in the air.

"Good. Now lets get going. We have to walk fifteen miles to the Maxwell's house from here," Victoria said as she started walking.

The others soon stood up and followed. The other girls wearing the white shirts crossed their arms over their chests as they walked.

"Can we stop?" moaned Isabella as she knelt on the grass alongside the road.

"Come on," said Miles as he picked up his baby sister. "Not too much further."

"Bull shit," Isabella replied as she rested her head against his shoulder.

Miles chuckled at his little sister's words. "Hey, Vic, how much further?" he called.

"About five more miles," Victoria replied as she looked over her shoulder at him. Her shirt was still a little damp, but she was no longer crossed her arms over her chest.

They continued to walk under the gleaming summer sun until they reached the long winding driveway of the Maxwell's house. It sat on top of a cliff that overlooked the bay.

******************************************************************* ***********

Duo eyed his children over the top of his paper. They were all passing secret smiles to each other. "All right, what did the four of you do?" he asked as he set down the paper.

"What did we do? We didn't do anything," replied Jonathon with an innocent smile.

"That would be BS, and you know it," Duo said as he gazed at his son. "What do all of you look so pleased for?" he pinned a look on his daughter.

Randy snickered as she tried to smile innocently for her father. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Duo looked over at Hilde sitting at the opposite end of the table, sipping her coffee. "Do you have any idea what our kids are up to?" he asked.

"Nope. I tried disciplining them, but they're as bad as you," Hilde commented as she put down her cup. "They follow in your illustrious footsteps."

"Well its nothing illegal," Randy snickered again. "So don't worry about that."

Duo raised a brow at his youngest. "Randy, tell me what the four of you did last night?"

"We pulled something on the others, guaranteeing our victory in this little war we're having," said Randy as she smiled back at him.

"And that would be?" asked Duo, not really wanting to know what his four hellions did, but curious enough to ask.

"Let's just say, they're having a very wet morning," said Chris as he swallowed a mouthful of orange juice.

Duo was getting a little exasperated. "Will one of you tell me straight?" he asked.

"It's like this dad. We chloroformed them all, hauled them in your Suburban to the beach, where we took three lifeboats that we had put there, rowed them out into the bay, and left them there. Without the oars of course," answered David.

For a moment Duo couldn't believe what he heard. He blinked once and then a slight smile creased his lips. "So that's what you did."

"I swear, Duo, this is your entire fault our kids are turning out to be con artists," Hilde sighed as she put her head in her hands.

"Well they have your brains. They used them to pull this off," Duo pointed out. "So it wasn't all my fault."

"Baka," Hilde said as she threw her napkin at him. "You're the one who taught them all your bad habits."

"And you love me for every one of them," Duo smirked at his wife.

Hilde sighed in exasperation and put her head in her hands.

Just then there was a knock at the kitchen door.

"I wonder who that could be," Duo said as he got up and opened the door. He came face to face with all the children of his friends. He looked over at his kids, who had stopped what they were doing momentarily. "Morning, Victoria," he said, trying not to laugh at the bedraggled appearance of every one of them. He noticed that she was holding an oar in her hands. He raised a brow at her.

"Morning, Duo. Would you care to send out your oldest?" Victoria asked sweetly. She clutched the oar in her hands a little bit tighter.

Duo looked over his shoulder at Chris. "Son, its Victoria."

"Really," Chris drawled as he leaned back in the chair. "What does she want?" he smirked.

"I think she wants you," Duo replied as he looked back at Victoria. "And what exactly are you planning to do with the oar?" he asked pointedly.

"Nothing much. Just beat the crap out of him with it," Victoria stated.

Duo's eyes widened at her answer. "She just sounded so much like Heero after I welded him into the wine cellar with Relena. He wanted to kill me. I guess like father like daughter."

********************************************************* *********************

Chris had heard her reply. He went over to the door and looked down at her. "How was your morning, princess?" he asked with a laugh.

Victoria gritted her teeth. "Come on outside, Maxwell so I can give you a proper beating," she snapped.

His smile got even broader. "If you like, ice princess," he said as he went outside. He walked out and stood in the yard. He spread his arms out. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he challenged. "Come and get it, baby."

Victoria growled and charged him. She swung the oar in a wide arc, missing him by inches. "Damn you," she hissed as she swung it again. This time she hit him in the arm. "I'll take you apart piece to piece if I have to," she said as she walked around him.

"You do that," Chris answered as he rubbed his arm. He motioned her forwards with his hands. And this time when she rushed him, he grabbed a hold of the oar. "But I promise I won't make it easy for you," he gritted out as he pushed the oar down between them. "But don't forget this. I will always be stronger then you."

"Screw you," she hissed at him. She put one foot on his stomach and fell back. She succeeded in flipping him over in the grass.

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Duo sighed as he watched the two of them fight.

Randy, Jonathon, and David were also outside, watching the fight between their brother and Victoria.

The other kids spared them a glance, but they were too exhausted and too intrigued by what was going on between Chris and Victoria to go after them.

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Victoria straddled Chris's chest. "I like this much better. And now you're going to pay, devil," she said as she leaned down close to his face. "A Yuy always wins," she gloated.

"And that would be a cold day in hell baby," Chris gritted out as he got an arm free. He grasped her chin between his fingers. "And when are you going to learn, that I will always beat you one way or the other," he said as he gave her a hard kiss on the lips.

She couldn't break free. She was too surprised that he would kiss her. And she had never been kissed like that before in her entire life. Plus, the grip that he had on her chin was firm.

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Duo was momentarily shocked. He looked down at Hilde, who was leaning against him. "Did you see this coming?" he asked.

"No. I'm just as surprised as you," she replied as she watched Chris kissing Victoria.

************************************************************** ****************

Victoria finally managed to brace her hands on Chris's chest and push. She scrambled away from him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She could feel her lips tingling from the feel of his.

"Shutting you up," Chris replied as he sat up. He could taste her on his lips. He smirked at her indignant expression.

************************************************************ ******************

Miles leaned over to Randy. "And she said she wasn't hot for him," he whispered.

"They're both hot for each other. But do you think that they would actually admit it," Randy whispered back.

"And what about you?" he asked as he draped a tan arm over her shoulder.

"What about me?" she asked as she looked up at him through her lashes.

Miles smirked. "If I kissed you, what would you do?" he asked.

"Oh I don't know. I might like it very much. But my dad would probably kill you," Randy said flirtatiously as she looked over at her father.

He looked over too. He saw Duo glaring at him. He dropped his arm and took several steps back.

"Hands off my daughter, Miles," Duo warned as he took a step forwards.

Miles gulped and looked over at Randy. "I swear if I didn't know better, you're actually trying to get me killed."

"Well if you want me bad enough, then you're just going to have to try," Randy challenged with a smirk on her lips as she turned and went over to her parents.

"Devilish little imp," Miles muttered as he turned his attention back to Chris and Victoria.

************************************************************** ****************

Victoria felt intense heat burning her cheeks. "I hate you," she hissed at him.

"I know you do. All the more reason for me to kiss you," Chris replied wickedly.

"You, bastard," she yelled at him. She launched herself at him and pushed him to the ground. She started pounding him with her fists.

He was momentarily taken aback by her sudden attack, but he couldn't really fight back. He had always been taught that you don't hit a woman. And that included Victoria and his sister. He managed to latch onto her wrists and pin them to her sides. "Will you stop that!" he hissed at her. "You managed to swipe me with that knife last night," he said as he sat up.

She slid down onto his lap. Her heart was pounding rapidly. She gulped in some air. "A scar to remember me by," she panted.

"Trust me, I wouldn't forget a bloodthirsty wench like you baby," Chris said as he looked into her eyes.

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Just then, Heero and the other parents showed up. Hilde had called them and told them that their children were here.

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"I am not bloodthirsty," Victoria snapped at him. She yanked her hands free and gripped the collar of his black shirt. "You just make me want to commit acts of violence against you."

"Is that so? It's nice to know that I have that effect on you," Chris replied with a wicked smile. Their noses were touching and he had grabbed her hands again, pressing them to her sides.

"ARGH!" she growled at him. "Why can't you just go away!" she shouted at him in frustration.

"Because princess, you would be bored if I didn't annoy the hell out of you," he said teasingly.

************************************************************* *****************

Heero was getting quite an eyeful of the byplay going on between his best friend's son and his daughter. His daughter looked like she wanted to kill him and Chris was looking extremely pleased with himself. "All right, hands off," he said as he walked over to them and pulled his daughter away. "I think this little war has gone on long enough."

"I agree," said Hilde. "If this keeps up, you guys are going to kill each other," she pointed out.

"Yeah, leave it to a Maxwell to pull the most outrageous stuff," muttered Wufei.

"Oh, yeah, like our children didn't do anything back," replied Sally as she rolled her eyes.

"Onna!" Wufei growled at his wife.

"All our children have inherited their father's bad habits," Catherine pointed out.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Quatre asked as he looked at his wife.

"Nothing. But have you noticed that they're the happiest when they're trying to outdo each other just like the six of you," Catherine said as she looked over at the kids.

"And some of the mothers too," Trowa said as he spared his wife a glance. He looked over at Hilde and Noin as well.

"I was a spy! I didn't go blowing up stuff," Middi protested as she propped her hands on her hips.

"And I didn't do anything," Hilde protested as well.

"You held a gun to your husband's head," Heero pointed out dryly.

"So," Hilde said as she crossed her arms.

"I was a trained soldier," Noin said defensively.

"Not much of an excuse," Zechs pointed out. "You were second only to me."

"Hmph!" Noin said as she turned her back on him.

"But we know who the real culprit is," said Wufei. "Those children have the blood of their baka father running through them," he said as he gestured to Duo.

"You say that like that's a bad thing," Duo said with a grin. "My kids were only paying your kids back for what they did to them."

"By leaving them out in the middle of the bay," Relena countered as she looked at Duo.

"It was Chris's idea," Jonathon said as he looked at the parents and pointed at his brother.

"You didn't have to go along, baka," Chris shot back at his brother. "The ice princess started this whole thing because she couldn't stand to lose," he mumbled as he pointed a finger at her.

"My fault! How dare you!" Victoria yelled as she pulled her hand out of her father's grasp.

"Well it was, you were the one who couldn't stand losing at paintball," Chris pointed out as he stood.

"Here we go again," sighed Randy into her hand.

"You don't play fair!" Victoria yelled back at him.

"I don't play fair! You were the one wielding a knife last night!" Chris accused.

"Don't those two ever stop," said Damien as he rolled his eyes heavenwards.

"I'll solve this," said David as he walked over to the hose and picked it up. He pointed it at his brother and Victoria. He turned it on, spraying them with cold water.

"What the…" Chris said as water splashed him.

Miles started to snicker. "Well that's one way to cool them off."

"What's the other?" asked Carin as she turned to look at her brother.

"Getting them into bed with each other," Miles replied with more laughter.

"That's justice," said Jet as he looked at the drenched Chris and Victoria.

"Man, you've been listening to dad way too much," Leigh, said as she rolled her eyes.

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Chris glared at his younger brother. "And what the hell was that for?" he growled.

"Sparks were flying, I had to cool you both off before you singed the grass," David replied innocently as he put the hose down.

Victoria crossed her arms over her chest. "You're so dead," she said to David.

"He's mine," Chris said as he started towards his brother.

"Shit," David muttered as he scrambled inside the house and slammed the door shut behind him.

'Hold it!" Duo said as he grabbed onto Chris's braid. "You and Victoria, are going to call a truce on this war. So shake and apologize."

"Dad," Chris gritted out.

"Nope, shake," Duo, said firmly as he pushed his son towards Victoria.

"You do the same young lady," Heero ordered as he pushed Victoria towards Chris.

Victoria cringed as her and Chris came face to face again. She turned her nose up at him. "Drop dead."

"You first," Chris snapped back.

"Christopher," Duo said warningly. "As much as I like seeing you play tricks on her and the others, end it now."

"Fine," Chris muttered. He held out his hand. "Truce?" he asked Victoria.

Victoria stared at his hand for a moment. She looked over at her father. He raised a brow at her. "Truce," she mumbled grudgingly.

"Good," said Heero as he looked at them. "Now we don't have to worry about our children missing in the morning or waking up to them yelling and cursing."

************************************************************** ****************

"Thank God," said Quatrina. "I don't have to worry about going to sleep anymore."

"Amen to that," added Mira as she nodded her head.

"And I can finally get sleep without things falling on my head or being chloroformed," said Zach as he looked up into the sky.

"And worrying about what our sadistic little cousin will do to the Maxwells," said Kellie with relief.

"And I all I have to worry about, is whether or not my brother will live to see the next day," snickered Donavon.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Miles snapped.

"You going after Randy. Her father will kill you if you lay a hand on her. In any way," Donavon laughed.

"And when this is over, I'm going to kill my sister," said Veronica through clenched teeth.

"You and me both," muttered Dominic, as he looked over at his little sister.

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Chris and Victoria glared at each other and yanked their hands away. He leaned down to her and whispered, "Don't think because we ended the war, doesn't mean this is over between us."

"Fine with me, braid boy," Victoria whispered back. "And I will get the best of you. Just remember that," she said as she walked away.

"Don't worry baby, I will," Chris said as he flipped his braid over his shoulder and went back inside his house.

Part Three of the Family Sagas will be coming soon!