Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Water Games ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the gw boys. They belong to a bunch of other people that are a whole heck of a lot smarter than I am. I just like to borrow and play with them occasionally. Don't sue me, it's not worth it. I have three kids to pay for. If you sue, you might end up with one of them. >_<
Pairings: 3x2
Warnings: lemon ahead!! If you don't know what it means, or don't like it, don't read it. If you ignore the warnings, don't fuss at me for it.
Reviews are always welcome. Drop me a line and let me know if you loved it, hated it, or what I could change/do to make it better!!! PLEASE REVIEW pretty please
Date posted:
On with the fic!!!!
Trowa was unable to sleep, scanning a book he had chosen to waste the hours until he grew tired. Hearing a small splash behind the house, he frowned and set his book aside, glancing at the clock. 1:23 am. Who or what could possibly be making noise at this late hour?
Leaving the lights off as he moved, he quietly and quickly crept down the halls of Quatre's current home. There was a rare lull in the ongoing conflict with Oz forces, and the Arabian had offered all the pilots the chance to take advantage of the break at one of his many estates. After a brief deliberation, they had all agreed. The Maguanac corp was nearby, always ready to offer protection and security for their beloved Master Quatre, and the estate grounds were large and sprawling, offering nowhere for an enemy to hide.
Trowa, for one, had mixed feelings about the respite. While he enjoyed the peace being offered for a short time, he was disturbed by having to be around a certain member of their group. In normal circumstances, he was able to put his emotions in the back of his mind and ignore them, usually too busy to dwell on his growing feelings. Now, he was being forced to face what he felt, put in close contact daily with the object of his growing desire. He didn't understand what he felt, beyond lust, but he was aware that there was some other emotion behind it, a more elusive feeling that was just as strong if not stronger, often overwhelming him with it's intensity.
Shaking off his thoughts, something he had had to do often since they took refuge at the estate, he moved to the door leading outside, taking the time to scan the area for any danger. He could see nothing, could heard nothing beyond what he would normally hear at night. He waited several minutes, stretching his senses, and could barely hear a soft splashing in the distance. He eventually placed the sound coming from the direction of the Olympic-sized swimming pool that was at the back of the house, a novelty he had indulged in several times himself.
He crept outside, rounding the corner of the house, clinging to the shadows. When the pool came into sight, he grew still, watching the surface of the water for some sign of movement.
A figure suddenly broke the still water, coming up from the bottom of the pool at the deep end. His breath caught in his throat, taking in the heart shaped face that had haunted his dreams for some time. Unable to pull his eyes away, he stared at his fellow pilot as he swam into the shallow side of the pool, and then stood.
Water beaded on the bare chest, running down in rivulets, parting to navigate around the pink nipples that were erect in the cool air. The water continued its downward journey, eventually rejoining the pool water that lapped at the lithe form. Hair floated on the surface of the water, wrapping around the lean waist, then unwrapping with the movement of the ripples. Trowa held his breath, his heart beating madly as he took in the vision of beauty before him. He had fantasized several times what all of that hair would look like out of its confining braid, but reality was so much better than he had believed it would be. The water-darkened tresses cascaded around a body that was lithe and muscular. Trowa's mouth went dry as strong but slender hands reached up to push wet hair out of the large violet eyes that drew his attention many times a day. He was entranced as those hands moved lower, skimming down the toned body, brushing over stiff pink nipples before smoothing down to well-formed abs.
A low moan interrupted the silence of the night, and Trowa was shocked to find that the noise had come from his own throat, disgusted with the loss of control that he kept a tight rein on at all time.
Duo's body tensed, hands falling away from his body, eyes opening and scanning the area. Trowa could feel the intensity of the violet gaze that fell on him, making him shudder. “Who's there?” Duo's voice floated to him, obviously not wanting to disturb anyone that was sleeping inside.
Resigning himself to his fate, Trowa reluctantly moved out of the shadows, slowly walking to the concrete that surrounded the pool, taking a seat on one of the many provided chairs. Duo's eyes remained trained on him the entire time, causing him to be hyper aware of his motions. “It's just me, Duo.”
He made himself to meet Duo's eyes, forcing them remain on the oddly hued gaze instead of following the droplets that still ran down the Americans body. “I didn't mean to interrupt you swim,” he said after a few long minutes of silence when he just stared t Duo, with the long-haired man staring back at him.
Duo raised one shoulder in a half shrug, his hair parting to show a pale shoulder. “I was thinking about some things and couldn't sleep.”
“So you decided to take a midnight swim?”
The American sank back into the water, gracefully moving thru the water until he reached the side, then rose up and rested his arms on the edge, only a few feet from where Trowa sat. His hair was slicked back off his face, making his eyes seem even larger and more intense. “Swimming helps me relax.”
Trowa waited for a longer explanation, but none was forthcoming. He wasn't used to this side of Duo, the quieter side, and he decided that he liked being the one to see this facet of the jokester, something that was not shown many people. “When did you learn to swim?” he asked, eager to learn something about his comrade. It was a rare occurrence to discover anything about the other teen's life before becoming a Gundam pilot. For all the talking he did, he never let anything slip about his past, and it added to his mysterious aura, intriguing Trowa even more.
“I learned after I came to Earth. There wasn't really any water where I grew up. We were lucky if we had enough to wash our clothes once a week,” Duo explained absently. His face became sad and introspective before lightening slightly. He gave Trowa a shy smile and a small self-deprecating laugh, “I was honestly amazed to see so much water in one place when I got my first look at the ocean, but it was very intimidating for someone that had never seen more than a bucket full at a time.”
“Who taught you how to swim?”
Trowa received another one of those elegant half shrugs and found himself staring at the contrast between the wet dark hair and the pale skin. “I taught myself. I didn't want anyone knowing I had a weakness, so I watched some vids and learned.”
“You swim like a natural,” the banged youth commented honestly. “I thought you had been swimming for many years.”
“Thanks,” the long haired pilot's voice was surprisingly soft, seemingly shy. He looked toward the house, and then met Trowa's green eyes again. “Wanna swim for a little while?”
A thrill ran up Trowa's spine at the idea of touching the other teen underwater. “I don't have a suit.”
“You could swim in your underwear,” Duo was swimming back into deeper water, a teasing smile on his face, “Or you could swim naked like I am.” He disappeared under the surface, leaving Trowa's jaw dropping in shock.
His breathing rapidly accelerated at the thought of the other youth in the water with nothing on, his body bared to the liquid. He glanced around the pool, seeing for the first time the small pile of clothes folded neatly on a nearby chair. He had been so focused on Duo he hadn't paid any attention to anything else.
The long haired teen reappeared at the other end of the pool, saying nothing, merely watching as Trowa took a deep breath, standing to pull off his shirt. Since he hadn't bothered with shoes, and rarely wore underwear, he only had to pull of his pants before he was exposed to the other teen's eyes. Controlling his movements, he folded his clothes carefully, placing them on the chair with Duo's garments. He hoped that Duo wouldn't be able to see the way his body flushed, knowing that those eyes were trained on him.
Seemingly casual, his insides quaking with nerves, he dove into the water, the liquid cooling his heated skin. Swimming to the other side, he broke the surface near where Duo was holding onto the edge. Violet eyes were focused on him with an intensity that was almost frightening, and Trowa briefly wondered if Duo could see into his soul. The look was almost a tangible thing that he could feel moving about the surface of his skin.
Not giving himself time to think about what he was doing, he swam to Duo, putting his hands on either side of the American's head. He shivered when some of Duo's long hair floated around him, caressing him in the water. He made sure to stay an arms length away from, his body reacting to the closeness of the other boy. “What were you thinking about that bothered you?”
“I'm tired of being alone. I was trying to figure out a way to keep me from being alone any more,” Duo was almost whispering, his eyes locked on Trowa's.
“Why are you alone?” the taller teen moved forward just a little, his voice growing raspy with passion.
“Because you never pay any attention to me.”
“I pay attention,” Trowa whispered, dropping his gaze to that delicious looking mouth. His body tightened when duo's tongue darted out to moisten those lips. “I was scared to let you see me watching you.”
“Do you want me, Trowa?” Duo leaned just a bit closer, his breath fanning over Trowa's lips. A leg hooked around Trowa's waist, pulling him against the American's body, his breath leaving him in a rush as their erections met; the friction combined with the cool water enough to drive the banged teen wild.
Instead of answering verbally, Trowa leaned forward, taking Duo's mouth with his own. There was no resistance, the braided youth opening to his tongue when he swiped it across the full bottom lip. He plunged inside, stroking the other's wet tongue, hearing the low moans that worked their way out of Duo's throat.
They released only when the need for air became a necessity, both gasping at the intensity of the kiss. Duo sent him a sultry smile, and then disappeared under the water. Trowa started to turn, stopping when his cock was encased in a warm mouth. He remained as still as possible while his member was worked expertly, making him wonder how in the hell Duo managed to do that without choking on water, then just as suddenly as it began, he was released, leaving him reeling,
When Duo reappeared, he was once again on the shallow end of the pool; Trowa couldn't stop the feral smile that came to his mouth upon seeing him. The other pilot looked like some kind of fey water creature, hair unbound and clinging to his body, the water lapping softly at his waist. Without needing to be prompted, Trowa slipped under the water, swimming to the person that had fascinated him for so long.
Reaching Duo, he rose to the surface, his hands running up the other teen's sides, coming out of the water with his face inches away from the smiling face that had enticed him. There was no more teasing as they latched onto one another, feeding off each others mouths, moans swallowed before they could disturb the stillness of the night. Trowa took a great deal of pleasure of exploring that slender body with his hands, mapping out all the scars of Duo's past, inciting the other youth into a riot of desire.
Strong legs wrapped around Trowa's waist, pressing their erections together, inflaming the Heavyarms pilot even further. He released Duo's mouth, then attacked the slender neck, lick and sucking at the exposed column of skin, tasting all he could, much as if he was a gourmand and Duo was the buffet. At first he was rough width his mouth, then surprised himself when he gentled, laving the small love bites with his tongue. He nipped lightly above Duo's collarbone, smiling as his name was released on a low groan. “You like that?” he teased before repeating the action on the other side.
“Ahhh…Trowa…so good…I love the way that feels,” Duo moaned in appreciation as Trowa's tongue laved the hollow below his throat.
Trowa latched onto one word, turning it over and over in his mind while he continued his assault on he long haired teen. `Love? Is that this strange emotion I feel? This craving that is tempered with the urge to protect?'
Pulling his head up, he looked at Duo, studying him, seeing him in a new way. Duo's hair was spread around them both, floating on the surface of the pool. Trowa could see the marks he had made standing out on that pale skin. He drank in the sight, committing it to memory. He had always been attracted to Duo, but at this moment, the self-proclaimed Shinigami looked more beautiful and alive than ever before.
Duo was watching him, the moonlight catching in the liquid violet and reflecting back at him. Trowa shook his head at the question he could see in those eyes, taking those tempting lips in a kiss that spell of passion and tenderness. He felt the youth in his arms tremble. Releasing Duo's mouth just as gently, he offered a small smile, unused to feeling the happy expression on his own face. “You're so beautiful,” he traced his finger around Duo's lips. “Can I-“
Wrapping his arms around Trowa's neck, burying his fingers in the short brown hair at the back of his head, Duo returned the smile with one of his own. “Take me, Trowa. Make me yours.”
His heart leapt at the offer, delighting in the idea of claiming this creature as his own. Carefully shifting Duo by holding onto one hip, he guided his erection to Duo's entrance. He entered slowly, not wanting to cause more pain than necessary, yet far too desperate to spend more time stretching him properly.
After what felt like a small eternity, he was all the way inside the other teen, relishing the way Duo's ass felt against his body. He breathed deeply, staying still until Duo was ready, the sensation of Duo's body clenching him tightly indescribable. When Duo moaned and lifted his hips a little, he began to move. Feeling how Duo's wet heat surrounded him, the muscles massaging him; he let out a low groan of his own.
“So good,” the American moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure.
Trowa threaded one hand in the hair at the back of Duo's neck, then pulled him up so their mouths met. Their tongues slid against each other in mimicry of what their bodies were doing, thrusting then retreating, before starting the process all over again. When Duo came between them, Trowa swallowed his cries of ecstasy. Inner muscles that had been rubbing him tightened, and he threw his own head back, shouting Duo's name into the night air as his own orgasm overwhelmed him.
Luckily, they were close to a wall. Trowa slumped against it gratefully, still holding Duo with one arm. The other youth shifted after a few minutes, but he tightened his hold. “Stay for just another minute.”
Duo's head sank to his shoulder. They remained that way for a while longer, time meaning nothing to him, until he felt Duo shiver. “You okay?” he queried in concern. If Duo regretted doing this, he didn't know how he was going to handle it. To have all his dreams realized only to be taken away would destroy the heart he had just found.
“It's getting cool,” was the soft reply, alleviating his fears.
They untangled themselves, shooting each other shy looks when leaving the water. Trowa fetched a towel for himself and two for Duo, realizing that the long mass of hair would probably need an entire towel to get most of the water out. He received a grateful smile for his thoughtfulness, Duo wrapping one towel around his waist, and putting the other over his shoulders. Trowa watched him, enjoying the sight of the naked youth. He couldn't wait until he could see the American with nothing on a little better, it was too dark to really appreciate the sight.
Duo looked at him, a surprised expression on his features when Trowa reached out to take his hand, twining their fingers together. He offered another smile, then pulled the American into the house. When Duo began to pull away, going to his own room, he was yanked back against Trowa's body. “Where do you think you're going?” Trowa questioned, voice husky while nipping playfully at Duo's lips.
Duo's eyes met his, allowing him to see the hope that flared in them. “I didn't think you would want anyone to know what happened,” he replied hesitantly.
Wrapping his arms around the lean figure, he nuzzled the hair at Duo's ear lightly. “I don't care who knows about us,” he whispered, then pulled back to meet beautiful violet eyes, questioning. “As long as it's okay with you.”
Duo's eyes lit up and he smiled softly, “I need to wash my hair and braid it before I go to sleep,” he stated hopefully.
Trowa heard the low voice and recalled earlier, recognizing the lust that was in the tone, and smiled evilly in response. “Would you allow me to assist you? It would probably be more…pleasurable…if you had some help,” he suggested, his body reacting to the thought.
He began to laugh as his hand was grabbed, the other teen pulling him as quickly as possible to his room.
Quatre, Heero, and Wufei were searching for their friends the next morning. It was rare when either of them to miss breakfast and for both of them to be absent was causing some concern.
Heero checked Duo's room, then quickly returned to the other two, shaking his head at their curious expressions. “It doesn't look like he slept in there last night,” he stated in his usual monotone.
At that moment, a servant bustled down the long hallway, a bundle of clothes in her arms. “Master Quatre, forgive me for bothering you, but thee were left beside the pool last night. I didn't know which of your guests they belonged to.”
Eyeing the pile of clothes, all three teens shared a smile. Quatre turned to the maid, who was almost fluttering in her nervousness. “It's fine; just see that these are laundered, please.” With a bow, the woman moved quickly down the hall.
The trio moved down the hall at the same time, stopping in front of a closed door. Quatre moved forward, grabbing the knob and turning it slowly so he wouldn't disturb the room's occupants.
Trowa glanced up from where he had been resting on his elbow, watching duo sleep beside him. Seeing his friends, he smiled slightly, placing a finger to his lips so they would remain quiet.
The three other youths quickly retreated, leaving the new couple alone. It was, surprisingly, Heero that made a soft statement as they walked away from the sweet scene. “It's about damn time.” There was agreeing laughter from the other two.
Trowa and Duo were left alone for the rest of the day, so they could get better acquainted without any distractions. The only downside was the fact that Wufei had to switch rooms, unable to get any rest in the room beside Trowa's.