Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wayward Souls ❯ Entry 4: Like a Moth to Flame ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Wayward Souls

Warnings: Angst, swearing, LEMON, YAOI, OOCNESS, WAFF, prostitution, slight Relena-bashing, probable violence, Duo POV, darkness, violent sex, possible suicide attempts, drug/alcohol abuse, etc...

Author's Notes: Thank you to all who have reviewed so far. I hadn't thought that so many people would be interested in this story, so thank you all so much for the great feedback. Also, if any questions arise about the plot, please feel free and I will answer them as best I can. Thanks again and please keep the reviews coming.

Entry 4: Like a Moth to Flame


I looked at the razor blade I'd been using to separate the left over cocaine, staring at the dull glint of the silvery metal. It was strange to think how easily the blade would be able to rip through my flesh. If I just placed it over a pale wrist and cut into the winding green vein, everything could end. It would be so simple. I'd just bleed it all out, pain and shame and life.

I shook my head, trying to scatter the morbid thoughts from my mind. I sighed heavily, like an old man who'd been alive for too long. And in a sense I supposed I was old, too old for my eighteen years. I wondered if all of us had been aged like this or if it was just me in specific.

I licked chapped lips as I shifted to snort the last line of coke I had. I flopped back onto the bed, the bible falling to the floor as I laid myself out, waiting for the euphoria to take me over again. God, but it felt good to be numb. I puffed on a cigarette, letting the smoke filter into my lungs, holding it there for several seconds before it seeped back out through my lips, silvery white wisps curling above my head towards the ceiling. I watched the ashes on the end of the cigarette until my eyes unfocused and the vision of it blurred. I smiled dreamily.

The drug took only minutes to kick in, maybe ten at the most and then I was flying. I closed my eyes, letting my body float, the smile still on my lips. I ran a hand over my stomach, enjoying the tingling sensation that came with the simple acting of touching my own skin. It was deliciously arousing and erotic at the same time even though I was all alone. That actually almost made it better. No one knew how to make me feel like this, only myself.

My thoughts drifted in the deserted wasteland that had become my mind. I was wandering through my thoughts as though they were tangible and I could reach out and grasp them. I laughed at the mere notion of it, even though it really wasn't that funny at all. It must have been the Dust I'd snorted. In fact, I was sure that it was the drug.

I don't know how long I laid there, running my fingertips over my own body, grinning and giggling to myself. I didn't feel drowsy, but it felt to good to just lay on my bed, the covers feeling ten times softer than I knew them to be. I didn't even think about Heero or the fact that Randy would be coming later tonight. I nearly forgot that Heero's wallet was still in my possession too.

I thought I was imagining it when I heard the pounding on my door. It took like ten minutes for me to realize that it was someone at my door. As I stood finally, my feet feeling as though they were asleep as I moved, I could hear the cursing outside my door. It sounded like a different language, but I knew what it meant. I knew that it was swearing. I knew it, but I couldn't remember how or why. I shrugged, my eyes half-lidded as I opened the door.

Heero stood before me, looking pissed off and completely gorgeous. I swallowed and watched him, not really hearing him speak at first. His eyes flashed with anger and I wondered if he would have broken in if I hadn't let him in. He strode into my motel room as though it belonged to him and I couldn't even care. I felt disconnected from the whole situation. He searched around the room and I smiled goofily, knowing full-well what he was looking for. I didn't say anything.

“What took you so long to answer the door Duo? Did you have a john in here or something?” he questioned maliciously. I ignored him, my smile staying in place. He couldn't bring me down when I was flying so high. He glanced at me, still searching on the floor around the bed and in the drawers of the nightstands.

“Where's my god damned wallet Duo?! I know it's here,” he exclaimed furiously. I grinned and shrugged.

“What wallet?” I inquired, my voice sounding foreign in my own ears. Heero looked at me like I was insane and I wondered if maybe he was right.

“Don't play with me,” he warned as though I would actually be scared. I supposed I would have been if not for the cocaine pumping through my bloodstream.

“Who's playin'?” I asked, raising a cinnamon coloured brow at him. I pulled a smoke from the crushed package in my pocket and held it between my lips, patting my pockets for my lighter. I found it quickly and lifted it to the unlit cigarette. Heero watched me with disgust. I just smiled around the white stick of tobacco and lit up. I breathed in the poisonous smoke deeply, inhaling it into my lungs. It was a pleasant feeling, the smoke in my lungs, filling them up and increasing my high.

“Duo, where is it?” Heero asked, stepping forward menacingly. I chuckled, pulling the leather wallet from my pocket and tossing it at his feet. He growled, but snatched it up off of the dingy carpet, looking through it. I knew that he'd notice the missing bills, but he didn't say anything about it. He put it in his pocket and glared at me, hunger hiding behind the Prussian irises.

There was the man I knew, the one who was surely going to use me before he left. It would be such a waste of a trip if he didn't get something more out of it. I grinned at him widely, letting the smoke billow out from between my teeth. Heero pursed his lips, stepping closer to me and ripping the cigarette from my thin fingers, crushing it onto the floor before grabbing my wrist. The warmth from his skin felt as though it was burning me from the increased sensitivity the coke gave me.

“What's so funny?” he questioned skeptically, looking into my eyes. I looked right back at him, my eyes vacant. He didn't let go of my wrist and I just kept grinning. I was confusing him.

“What's the matter Heero, you want in on the joke?” I asked snidely, my body thrumming with the continued contact of our skin.

His jaw clenched, “Stop your nonsense Duo. There's no joke,” his voice was low and vicious. I laughed out loudly.

“Yes, there is. Don't you see the humor in this?” I questioned, my voice filled with morbid comedy.

He looked even more baffled. He had no idea that I was high. He obviously hadn't figured it out yet, but I knew he would soon enough. His eyes searched mine. “How is this humorous?” he responded in question.

I shook my head, chortling. His hand on my wrist tightened painfully, the spikes of feeling vividly standing out in my thought processes. It fascinated me. “It's so funny. You, the Perfect Soldier get to have the princess and the pauper and no one questions you. In fact they all love you, Mr. Peacemaker. It's hysterical, you've got everything, the girl, the fame, the fortune, and all the sex you'll ever want because you just take it when you feel like it from a whore you don't even care to pay for,” I explained breathlessly, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Heero recoiled, releasing his grip on me and slapping me across the face. I sprawled on the floor from the impact of the back hand. I smiled through a bloodied lip. Heero looked at me with hard, upset eyes. Apparently he didn't find the joke as amusing as I did. “Shut up,” he growled in warning.

“Or what? What will you do to me that you haven't already done?” I asked rebelliously.

“I'll kill you,” he threatened. I laughed again, spitting droplets of blood and saliva onto the floor next to me.

“And there's the punchline,” I replied chuckling at the hilarity of it all. He was such a liar, an awful liar. “You won't kill me Heero, then who would you have to rape?” I questioned curiously, reveling in the knowledge that I was completely and utterly right. He glared at me. It seemed he didn't like to be reminded of our times together.

“What's wrong with you?” he asked abruptly. I felt back onto the floor, laughing.

“That's a loaded question Heero. You sure you can handle the answer?”

“What?” he was confused again. I wanted to slap his cheek as though he were an idiot. I giggled uncontrollably. My skin tingled all over and I couldn't feel the pain in my face from the slap or my split lip.

“I'm flying,” I answered lightly, making flapping motions with my hands in the air over my face. Heero let out a huff of air.

“What are you on Maxwell?” he asked angrily. I giggled again. Wouldn't he like to know...

“Just a little candy,” I replied enigmatically.

“You're disgusting,” he grated out.

“Am I? Aren't you disgusting too? I'm your candy aren't I?”

“You need help Maxwell,” he stated, his voice shaking with rage.

“That's laughable. Isn't that a bit ridiculous coming from you?” I asked, staring at the flecks of dirt and god knows what else on the ceiling.

“Shut up! You listen Duo. Relena wants you to come to a party in two weeks on the 16th. You best be there and you better not bring your filth with you,” he threatened arrogantly. I snorted derisively.

“Ooh, I could never refuse a request from the princess herself,” I taunted. It was so easy with the false bravery I had achieved through the drug in my veins.

“I'm not joking around Duo,” he said, standing straight and moving towards the door. He stopped short before turning around and stomping back over to me. He yanked me up by the front of my worn out shirt, thrusting me against his muscled chest. I grinned at him. He mashed his lips against mine, opening the split in my lip and making it bleed again. His kiss was brutal and bruising and it lasted so long, I thought I might suffocate, but he back off soon enough.

“And next time I show up, you better be ready for me,” he demanded, shoving me backwards. I stumbled and when I gained my balance back, he was gone. I laughed breathlessly. I was so pathetic. I'd basically melted into the kiss, let my body mold right to his.

I slumped onto the edge of the bed, my body still blissfully numb. Once again, like a moth to flame, I had let him take me over. He always had power over me, always, like every bit of will I had was just forced from me. I spat bloody spittle onto the floor, lying back on the bed and letting my eyes drift closed again, hoping to forget him.

And I knew already that I would be going to Relena's little shindig. I couldn't very well displease the princess, now could I? Plus, I didn't think I could survive Heero's punishment if I didn't show up at all. I heaved a sigh, pulling another cigarette out and lighting it up.

Maybe an hour or so later, there was another knock on the door, not a pounding wood-shuddering knock, but a normal knock, like that of a close friend. I stood and went to greet the visitor. I opened the door with an exaggerated whine from its hinges and laid eyes on the blond drug dealer.

Randy stood, leaning against the door jam. He grinned at me when he saw me, his eyes trailing over my body as if they were hands. I smiled back at him. At least Randy wasn't fat or ugly like some of my customers and at least I got something better in return from him. The blond man was well-built, maybe not as cut as Heero, but definitely built and his dark sandy-coloured hair was soft and clean, his eyes were pretty sea green that kind of reminded me of Trowa and he smelled nice. He was probably as tall as Trowa too. I let him in without question. I knew what he was here for.

As soon as the door closed I was stripping off my shirt, revealing the fading bruises I'd gotten from Heero just a few days before. I was unbuttoning my jeans when Randy's hands caught mine and stilled the frantic movements, pulling my fingers away from my pants and holding them.

“You don't have to go so fast darlin',” he spoke softly, his breath warm against my cheek. I swallowed, looking at him. He didn't have to be gentle with me. Didn't he know that he could hurt me if he wanted?

He let my hands fall to my sides and he touched me. His hands slid over my skin, causing little shocks to scuttle beneath it. The last remnants of the drug, I assumed. He watched me, his eyes brimming with lust. His fingers brushed over my nipples and he bent to kiss me. I was nearly shocked at the reverent press of his lips against my own. The first kiss was chaste even before it became more heated. I had no idea what to do with the feeling.

He pulled me in closer, deepening the kiss as his fingers pulled my hair free of its usual plait. I didn't even get the chance to protest. He undressed me and himself slowly, shedding clothes as we moved towards my bed. Randy panted against my mouth and I could feel the heat and hardness of his erection through the thin layer of his pants before he pulled those off too. I looked at his flesh. He was quiet gorgeous. I licked my lips, feeling myself getting oddly aroused.

I turned ont my stomach and got to my hands and knees. Randy tsked from behind me and I was startled when his hands landed on my prominent hipbones and he flipped me back onto my back. “I wanna see your eyes. I didn't wait so long for you so I could fuck you like a dog sweetheart,” he explained, crawling over me and kissing me again.

My arms moved of their own accord, coming up to meet behind his neck and my fingers weaved into the silky locks of his jagged hair. I moaned as his hands pressed against my hips, his fingertips massaging and arousing. I couldn't figure out why it felt good. It had never felt good with anyone before, especially not customers, although Heero did manage to get me hard and moaning for him. It had never been quite like this. Randy wanted me to feel him too, to enjoy what he was doing to me. I realized then that Randy was a secret romantic and a lover. He had to be, there was no other explanation.

He was slow in prepping me, starting with just a finger, even using extra lube and I was panting by the time he was finished. I was ready to beg him to fuck me. And he did, pressing in slow and gentle, keeping his eyes locked with mine. It didn't hurt, just burned a little as he entered me. He wasn't as big as Heero, but he wasn't small either. I closed my eyes and pretended he was Heero. Would this be what it was like to make love to Heero Yuy, if he actually knew how to make love at all? A little voice somewhere inside of my mind tried to convince me that it would be just like this.

I moaned for randy, but I didn't have to force it. “That's it Angel, let me hear you. You like this,” the blond panted into my neck, rocking into me, the tip of his cock brushing my prostate. I nodded, incapable of coherent words. I dug my nails into Randy's back, breathing heavily, teetering on the edge of orgasm. I nearly screamed when his hand managed to snake between us and stroke my aching shaft. I was done then. I came all over his hand. Randy wasn't far behind, filling my insides with hot seed. It was then that I realized I hadn't made him wear a condom. I made all my customers wear them, but I'd forgotten this time.

Randy rolled off of me a few minutes later, moving to pull the sheets up over us. He was staying the night? It was a notion that hadn't even struck me before. Heero never stayed the night and I didn't allow johns to. But I knew Randy; I'd known him for years. Could I let him stay? I got may answer when he pulled me close to him, my head falling to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and I knew I wouldn't be kicking him out tonight.

In between my legs felt sticky, but I ignored it, letting myself drown in the blond's embrace. Randy ran his hands through my hair, twirling the long strands around his fingers. I looked up at him, his eyes meeting mine. He smiled at me.
“Are you okay sweetheart? Didn't hurt you did I?” he asked concernedly. I shook my head.

“You didn't wear a condom,” I stated quietly. I felt his chest jump as he chuckled.

“No worries Angel. I'm clean. Never sleep with no one I don't know personally and never touch drugs 'sides weed,” he explained, his unoccupied hand resting on my hip. I didn't know if I should believe him or not, but I chose not to think on it tonight.

I let Randy's warmth and comforting embrace lull me to sleep. When I woke up, the blonde was gone, but there was a scribbled note and a tiny baggy with a syringe next to it sitting on the nightstand. Randy had left me a gift. The syringe was in a brand new, sealed package and the crystals in the bag were a light brown colour, reminding me of brown sugar. I smiled, reading over the note and then looking back at the new drugs. Heroin, he said was really good, but scary if you developed a habit. He said to just have a taste.

On the note were instructions on how to cook the powder and there was another baggy beneath the heroin. He said it was for cooking with the drug. I understood and I had every intention of putting it to use just as soon as I was finished with my shower. Work would be so much easier to get through tonight when I was flying again.


Please review. Duo is not getting addicted to any drugs so everyone knows, he's just using them from time to time, particularly after he sees Heero. Also, I will explain more about heroin in the 6th chapter and I hope no one was too peeved about the RandyXDuo lemon. It was necessary. Anyways, feedback is appreciated.
