Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ We Can't Be Friends ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: We Can't Be Friends
Genre: sap, romance, denial, angst, songfic
Summary: Duo and Heero separate and try to preserve their friendship and move on at the same time
Pairing: past 1=2, 2+5, 1+S (dating), eventual 1=2 again

One Shot

I didn’t want to go to the party because I knew HE would be there but Wufei had insisted that I went. So who was I to deny my new boyfriend this? Not that I didn’t feel bad enough dating him just because he was HIS best friend. I guess I was being spiteful.

I dressed in a pair of form fitting black slacks and a loose red button down shirt. My hair was left in its usual braid that passed just below my knees now. There was no real point in ‘dressing up’ tonight. It was a party at Quatre’s after all. He’d probably chew me out for even wearing the slacks. He knows I’m more of a jean and t-shirt kind of guy.

I left my room and went straight to the car where Wufei was waiting for me. It was now or never. I sighed as I took my seat next to him.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure they haven’t changed much.” Wufei insisted. He had changed a lot since the war. He smiled more freely, talked more freely and had that knowing gleam in his eyes. He wore his hair down more often letting it barely grace his shoulders. He was dressed in a pair of off white slacks and a black button down. Suddenly I felt a little underdressed. But then again white and black always looked classy.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I mumbled trying to quell the bubble of anxiety in my gut.

The ride was silent the whole way to the estate. As it came up, I could see that it was just the same as the other places Quatre owned. The damn thing could take up a whole football field for crying out loud. I watched it come closer seeing one large fountain in the front and rose bushes and gardens littering the walls. It was impressive.

We stopped at the door and gave the servant the car keys. It was still strange having someone park your car for you. We let it go though. We could give Quatre this much being that it was Christmas.

We went to the door quickly in an attempt to avoid the biting cold. Just earlier it was seventy degrees. Curse you global warming, curse YOU!

We made it inside and were instantly greeted by the golden glow of the biggest evergreen tree I’d ever seen. It was decorated with bulbs of gold, silver, and white. I’d never seen anything so ethereal in my life.

“Duo, Wufei, how are you.” I turned seeing Quatre approaching us. He was still the shortest of the group with his sunny blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and baby shaped face. He was dressed in a knitted sweater and a pair of jeans but still managed to look sophisticated.

“Hey, Quat.” I greeted. Behind me, I knew Wufei nodded to him politely.

“Come on, you’re the last to arrive.”

I swallowed at that. I was planning on getting at least a little drunk before I had to see HIM. But it looked like I wouldn’t get a change to build up to that. Sighing mentally, I followed Quatre through the maze he called a home.

As warned, everyone was in the living room seated around a large fire. Trowa sat silently beside Catherine nodding as the circus performer rattled about some event or another. Trowa was still tall if not more. He was dressed in a simple sage turtleneck and a pair of straight legged jeans. His one emerald green eye flickered towards us in recognition. That was about all we were going to get out of him while his sister was talking.

Catherine was actually dressed normal. She was wearing a skirt that reached just above her knee. It was the color of good red wine and her top was a jet black camisole. Her hair was pulled back and obviously straightened making her look years older.

Beside her, was Relena. She had cut her hair so that it fell in a bob below her jaw line. She was dressed in a striped button-up and a pair of jeans. She smiled tenderly at Catherine as she told her animated story.

“So what happened to Doro and Hil?” I asked.

“Oh they kind of had to cancel. Dorothy got into a little accident and broke her femur.”

“Ouch.” I said half heartedly. That woman still scared me. War be damned. I scanned the room unconsciously looking for HIM. Before I could stop myself, my eyes fell on him.

He was just as he was during the war, built compactly, with bronze skin and unruly hair. His piercing blue eyes were focused on the fire blazing before them. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans I’d bought him and the blue button down that I loved so much. The sight of him made my throat go dry but I had to remind myself. We hadn’t tried this hard to maintain our friendship for the past two months for me to ruin it.

I put a joke mask firmly in place and approached him. “Hey, buddy.” I greeted. No answer. “Heero?” I touched his shoulder and he twitched.

“Huh? Oh, hi Duo.” He said blinking back into focus. That was strange. He stood and offered his hand catching me off guard. It was mine turn to twitch.

To just act like we never wereTo come around and not show hurtHow dare we greet by shaking handsJust months ago I was your man

I forced a smile on my face and took it giving it two firm shakes. “How have you been?” Something flickered over his eyes. Nothing any of the others would notice but I did.

“Fine, and yourself?”

“Good, and Sally?”

“She couldn’t come. She says she had to work a double shift.”

Verbally we’d agreed it was overand we were throughI’m trying to compose myselfbut I just can’t get over you cause

“Ah,” I nodded with mild interest. So, Sally wasn’t here. Why did that make me happy?

We can’t be friends, we can’t be friends We can’t friends cause I’m still in love with you

The night went pretty uneventful with us dancing around each other. By eleven, I was ready to go home and find somewhere to vent my emotions.

“Oh, how about you guys save the trip back and stay the night?” Trowa suggested. I wanted to kill him.

“That would be a splendid idea?” Quatre chimed in. Then Relena nodded and Catherine agreed. Wufei couldn’t see a problem with it so that just left me and Heero.

“I don’t want to be any trouble….” Heero said slowly.

“Nonsense, you’re family too, Heero.” Quatre shook his head adamantly. “You can have the guest room suite all to yourself.” He nodded knowing full well that room held memories for the both of us. I wondered absently if it had any affect on him. Being that he was the one that initiated our breakup, I doubt it did. Just be friends, that’s what he wanted.

I went by Mothers, saw your car thereTo her you still family and it don’t seem fairFor everyone to just go onI’ve tried and I can’t do itCause I’m still torn
I’ve tried to think of youas just another loveIn my past that didn’t lastbut it’s not that simple

I didn’t want to share a room with Wufei that night. And thanks to my bullheadedness I ended up in the room right next to Heero. I stared blankly at the wall that I knew his bed was just across from trying to figure out what he’d be doing. Was he sleeping on his side or his stomach with his arm under his pillow clutching his gun like he often did.

“Get it together, Maxwell.” I chided myself and rolled over to face away.

We can’t be friends, we can’t be friends We can’t friends cause I’m still in love with you


The morning came agonizingly slow for me. Just knowing Duo was in the room next to me made my body ache for him. So by four in the morning, I was out of the bed and taking a walk I down the leaf littered pathways of Quatre’s backyard. I hadn’t really been the same since we parted zoning out periodically just like at the party when he spoke to me. But how could I forget the way his smile seemed so genuine when he directed it at me? And how it felt to cuddle with him every night?

I blinked away the memories feeling ghosts of caresses I hadn’t felt in months. And there he stood leaned against a wall. “Hey Duo.” I greeted. He looked up head still hanging just a little.

“Hey, Heero.”

You may see me staringor catch me in a dazeMay see me hang my head when you come my wayDon’t get too close to me and expect me to behave

“You’re up early.” I tried at conversation because the lack of his chatter was making me nervous. He smiled slightly turning his head up towards the sky. Then I noticed something crawling up a strand of his hair.

I moved forward coming toe to toe to him. I felt him tense. “Be still.” I said softly and leaned close to untangle a beetle from his hair. “There,” I said triumphantly and watched as it flew from my hand. It was then I noticed how close to his face I was.

I might just steal a kissif you come near my face, what I’m trying to say

We stared at each other for a second before gravity seemed to call out lips together. I licked mine nervously. He pulled away quickly throwing his hands up in frustration.

“Damn it, Heero, I can’t do this.” He shouted.

“Do what?” I asked feeling fear well up in my gut.

“We can’t be friends. It just isn’t gonna happen.”

//But this is all I have left of you.// I thought frantically but couldn’t bring myself to say. “Why?”

He stalked forward pressing his lips to mine forcefully but tenderly. “Tell me you still don’t love me, Heero. Look me in the eye and tell me that.”

We can’t be friendsCan you look me in the eyes and honestly say you don’t love meHeero you know, Duo I knowI’ll never ever find another love like youI love you too much

I swallowed twice and shook my head. The taste of his lips were intoxicating. “If you want me to lie to you then I will if it makes you happy.”

“Tell me the truth damn it.”

“We can’t be friends, I’m still in love with you” I whispered and kissed him.


A/N: Ah, the power of music!! I couldn’t help myself. XD Review!!