Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ We Need a Resolution ❯ We Need a Resolution ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Gundam Wing or Aaliya's song `We Need a Resolution.' Don't sue, I am a poor person.
We Need a Resolution
Duo's eyes snapped open at the shrill cry of a cell phone. It was an ugly sound that infiltrated the peaceful darkness of their bedroom. Burrowing his head under a pillow, he let Heero answer his cell. True to life, the weight next to him shifted and a soft, husky voice could be heard. “Mush mushi?”
There was silence from Heero, signaling that he was listening. Duo decided that he was going to go back to bed and hope that who ever had the nerve to call them this late at night would be around tomorrow so he could give them a good and thorough tongue lashing. However, before he could drift back into La-la land, Heero's weight completely disappeared from the bed. Raising his head from under his pillow, he shot his boyfriend a confused look.
Heero was up and getting dressed, muttering something under his breath. Duo made a noise in the back of his throat, too tired to do anything else. Heero must have caught its meaning because he turned around, still on the phone, and mouthed one name that haunted both of their lives. “Relena.”
Duo glared at the offending phone in his lover's hands before flopping his head back down on his pillow. He wasn't going to be able to see Heero for over twelve hours now. He saw Heero heading out of their bedroom door, intent on leaving. Duo croaked out an audible “I love you” before Heero could disappear. The wing pilot raised a hand to show that he had heard, and then he was gone. It was a moment later, Duo rolled over and the illuminating lights of his clock blinked 5:49.
Did you sleep on the wrong side?
I'm catching a bad vibe
And it's contagious, What's the latest?
Speak your heart, Don't bite your tongue
Don't get it twisted, Don't misuse it
What's your problem?
Lets resolve it
We can solve it, What's the causes?
It's official, You got issues
I got issues, but I know I miss you
It was a rough day at work the next day, and Duo couldn't wait to see Heero again. He wasn't clingy, but it didn't help that it was their anniversary. That made the day a little better. That didn't change that fact that he was stuck following some rich white guy around his scrap yard, like he owned it. It had ticked him off so bad. The bastard hadn't gone unscathed either, much to Duo's amusement. Fat men fall in mud puddles easily.
When he got home, it was only 4:10, and Heero would be home at six, no sooner, no later. Grinning Duo pulled off his jacket and pushed his way into the kitchen. He knew the best way to make Heero a happy man when he got home. Food. He'd heard somewhere that you only got to a man's heart through his stomach. Chuckling at that thought, he shoved his braid down the back of his shirt and started looking through what they had in terms of food. There was a lot of healthy mumbo-jumbo that Heero made them eat, but then there was the good stuff.
Pulling a ham from the fridge and setting it on the counter, he pulled out a can of pineapple rings and a big pot to accommodate the ham. He didn't have enough time to slow cook it for several hours, but he knew how to wing it and make it seem like he did. Humming an idle tune as he unwrapped the ham and set in the pan. He mentally went over all the things he could serve with the ham, and he knew he would have to go to the store.
Opening the pineapple rings and strategically placing them on the ham, he covered it with the pan's lid and slid it into the oven, setting the temperature.(1) Walking back into the living room, he grabbed his jacket and keys before heading back at the door, thinking about the great dinner he was planning and all the kinky sex they would have afterwards. It was their anniversary after all.
Duo backed out of the kitchen, making sure that everything was in order. Candles lit? Check. Windows open so that smell won't bleed into the living room? Check. Delicious looking food set out all for Heero? Check. Grinning, he closed the door that led from the living room into the kitchen and walked over to the couch to sit down. It was just now turning 5:59; Heero would be there any second now.
True to his nature, Heero opened the door to their house exactly at six, like clockwork, looking up with an impassive expression on his face. Duo frowned and stood up. He had dragged his lover out of his emotionless phase kicking and screaming. The only time he ever came home like this was when there was something happening.
“What's the matter?” Duo asked, reaching out for his lover.
Heero didn't respond, only dodge the hand and move towards the stairs that led to their bedroom. Duo, ignoring the pain of rejection, followed suit. Stopping in the doorway of their bedroom, Duo placed his hands on his hips. “Damn it Heero! Talk to me!” He was fed up with being ignored, and he wanted answers, that instant.
Heero turned around, half finished stuffing his duffle bag full of clothes. “Relena needs me.” He said, an irritable look flashing through his features before disappearing into his expressionless self again. “I have to go.”
Duo's fingers clenched around his own skin while his eyes narrowed. “Have to? Or want to?” He hissed with malice.
Not waiting for an answer, he turned around and moved silently down the stairs. He didn't want to see any more emotion in those beautiful blue eyes. He sat in the living room, refusing to go back into the kitchen while Heero was there. The wing pilot would be none the wiser.
He ignored the looks that his boyfriend shot him as he gathered everything he needed from the living room. He ignored the whispered words of love that came from Heero's lips as he left. He ignored the sound of a car door and of a motor leaving. The only things he didn't ignore was the urge to go back into the kitchen and throw everything away, and then, he didn't ignore the urge to go out and drink until he was so fucked up he couldn't even remember his own name anymore.
Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
Who should be hurt? Who should be blamed?
Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
Who should be hurt? Who should be ashamed?
Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
Who should be hurt? Will we remain?
You need a resolution, I need a resolution,
We need a resolution, We have so much confusion.
He didn't wake up, he was dragged back into consciousness screaming profanities the whole way. Someone was knocking at his door. With every sharp tap on the wood, a responding vibration went through his head and triggered every nerve within responding distance. Burrowing under his covers, he moaned softly, hoping that it was loud enough to signal that whoever was knocking on his door had a severe death wish. But it wasn't.
He was in so much pain, that he escaped the cold pain of still being alone. It was Wednesday, what was supposed to be both of their days off. And of course, Heero had left last night to go to Relena. He felt the blinding sensation of tears in his eyes, but refused to acknowledge them for what they were. He pushed his face into his bed to block them out, and tell himself that they were because his headache. He didn't lie to anyone else, just himself.
The knocking had finally died down, and Duo went back to sleep. And it was a long time before he woke up again and was able to get out of bed without his head falling off. He made it down the stairs and into the living room with no problem. It was when he stepped into the kitchen that he nearly died. It was closer to cutting up his feet so bad that he may never walk again.
The kitchen floor was covered with the broken shards of their best china and glass goblets and water glasses. He had cleaned up alright, and now he was going to have to clean up a bigger mess. Shaking his head, he pulled the small shards of glass out of his foot before going to get his shoes from in front of the door. After returning with his protective rubbers on, he set off a crossed the kitchen, heading for the coffee pot instead of the broom. He didn't know when Heero would be home today, since it was usually their time off, but he really didn't care at the moment.
What mainly pissed him off about this was that it had been happening for quite some time now. Ever since the end of the way and Heero had agreed to become her body guard, she felt that she could call him up when ever she wanted and he would come like an obedient dog. Heero had never told her `no.' His coffee mug threatened to shatter in his tight grip. Duo took a deep breath and relaxed his whole body. Pouring himself a cup of strong, black coffee, he took a sip and looked over the extent of the damage. He had slept too long, and his internal clock was fucked so he looked up to the microwave, checking the time. It was 3:34.
Taking another drink of his coffee and then setting it down, he then went over to the broom and began sweeping up all the shards. If he had remembered correctly it was china set that Quatre had given them as house warming presents. All trash now. Pushing and pulling all of the glass and porcelain into a pile, leaned the broom against the wall and hunted for the little broom and dustpan.
It took him several more tries and pots of coffee before he got every speck of glass and stuff of off the floor all out from under the table and in between the cracks. He believed that a person, who makes a mess, should clean it up themselves. That was the only reason he didn't leave it for Heero to clean up. Living on the streets had always made him a neat and tidy person,(2) and knowing that he left a mess would just eat him up inside.
Looking back at the microwave for the time again, he was happy to note that it was only five. Pouring the cold pot of coffee down the drain, he went to a cupboard and opened it. He and Heero only drank once every blue moon, but this particular shelf was full of all kinds of alcohol. They had saved all of their alcohol for their anniversary, which had been last night. Picking out a particularly pretty bottle of German made vodka, he opened the plastic cap and took a small swallow, feeling the burn down his throat.
It was two hours before Heero came back, coming home at seven instead of his usual six. Duo just ignored him like he had been doing with the phone calls of worried neighbors. The empty bottle of vodka was in between his feet, which he still had his shoes on. He kept his eyes on the T.V. where he was watching some show that brought people on to help them deal with their problems. It was pathetic really.
He was drunk, he knew. He just wondered if Heero knew it as well. Heero probably did, seeing as that he hadn't moved from his spot in front of the doorway. The wing pilot was just out of Duo's peripheral vision to see his expression. He didn't know if he should be particularly happy about that or not. A hesitant voice reached out to Duo's ears, calling his name softly. He'd never heard Heero sound so lost before.
Letting his head role to the side, Duo fixed his lover with his alcohol glazed eyes “Yeah?” He asked, not even bothering to move anything else. He'd made his move, albeit a small one, now it was Heero's turn again.
He watched as Heero's little lost boy look disappeared and was replaced with one of understanding and pain. He now knew what he had forgotten, what important day he had left him on. Duo knew that he was going to be sore tomorrow just by that look on his lover's face.
I want to know: Where were you last night?
I fell asleep on the couch, I thought we were going out
I want to know: Were your fingers broke?
If you had let me know, I wouldn't have put on my clothes
I want to know: Where'd you go instead?
Cause it was 4 in the morning, When you crept back in the bed
I want to know: What was in your head?
Or what was in my head? Am I supposed to change?
Duo gasped as his back hit the door to their room. It was quickly drowned out by the crushing force of another mouth clashing with his. In his alcohol induced haze, he felt every inch of his boyfriend's rock hard body against his. It gave him a vain hope that Relena had never seen this side of Heero, this passion infused being. Moaning throatily as he felt Heero rock against him, the tents in their pants roughly sliding against each other.
The door opened behind him and Duo felt himself fall backwards, unable to hold himself up without support. He braced himself for impact on the floor, but it never came. Instead, he was in Heero's arms, being carried towards the bed. Duo looked up at his savior and lover as he was placed gently on the bed. And then it all started again. Rough, needy hands roaming under his shirt and pulling his shoes off. Hot, demanding mouth claiming his lips in a passionate kiss.
All at once he was naked and Heero was standing beside the bed, discarding his own clothes in a lusty haste. It made Duo moan when he saw his lover's hard cock exposed to him. Everything was driven out of his mind, all except the smooth, sleek body that was now on top of him, demanding everything and more. He gave willingly, spreading his legs and clinging to Heero, needing the reassurance that this was for real, and only for him.
A sweet mix of pain and pleasure ran its course up his spine, making his thighs snap together around Heero's middle. It was a familiar feeling that accompanied the act of taking someone, and it was just what he needed right then. Heero's mouth and lips never stopped moving never stopped whispering words of love and promises. Fingers kept caressing, pinching, loving. Making Duo moan in pleasure and arch up into the slow and deliberate thrusts.
Every movement made his body ache for more, made him whine and beg. They would be at it for several more hours, switching position when they both came too close to orgasm for Heero's liking. Each time, making Duo almost scream with pleasure, feeling like with each new position, Heero was thrusting deeper and deeper inside of him.
When they finally collapsed in a heap of soaked limbs and a tangle of long chestnut hair, Duo looked over at the clock. A little past ten; groaning in content, he curled around his lover, using Heero's chest as a sweaty but comfortable pillow. His body ached in ways that he didn't think they could ache. But he was happy, Heero was all his.
He was half asleep when the shrill sound of a cell phone rang through their room. It woke him up completely, and he felt Heero shift under him. Just like before, it echoed horribly through their room, but this time a little softer. It was probably still in Heero's pants pocket. Gripping the said pilot tighter, he looked up at his lover. “Please don't answer it.” He pleaded.
Heero gave him a pained smile, but slid way from Duo, leaving him all alone in the bed. Duo watched as the wing pilot crouched down and rummaged through his pants, looking for his cell. With a barely audible snap, the phone stopped ringing and it was pressed against Heero's ear. There was a tense silence; Duo watching the muscles in Heero's back work. They had been relaxed, and now were taunt with something akin to rage.
Duo didn't even have to ask who called. He knew, it was Relena. As the phone in Heero's hands snapped closed, Duo curled up in a fatal position. “Please don't go to her.” He asked softly, hoping to win his lover over.
They both knew, however, that Heero would go. Duo held in all of his emotions and feigned sleep as Heero got around, taking a quick shower and getting dressed. And then, just like that, he was gone. It was the first time Duo and not stopped Heero and told him that he loved him. It was the first time, that when Duo heard the car leave the driveway, he turned his head into a pillow and screamed and screamed, letting the tears fall freely down his cheeks.
Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
Who should be hurt? Who should be blamed?
Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
Who should be hurt? Who should be ashamed?
Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
Who should be hurt? And will we remain?
You need a resolution, I need a resolution,
We need a resolution, We have so much confusion.
It took Duo even less time to wake up this morning. No headache, and yet, still no Heero. He laid in bed for a good hour more, even though he was supposed to be getting up and getting ready to go to work. He felt too numb to do anything. But then he could still smell sex. It clung to him and the bed he was laying on. Tears welled up in his already swollen eyes. He didn't push them away though. He had been told when he was younger that big boys don't cry. But now that he was older, he found more reasons to cry then he did when he had been younger.
Throwing the covers off of him violently, he let the tears slide down his cheeks as he moved towards the bathroom, intent on scrubbing the smell off of him. It took him a long time to get out of the shower, his thoughts always straying back to his lover and Relena. It didn't help that he kept forgetting if he had shampooed his hair yet, and so by the time he was done, he was out of shampoo and had very little conditioner left.
The next order of things was brushing his teeth. He tried and tried to keep his eyes from looking into the mirror and focus on what he was going. But halfway in between a brush, he caught himself looking. His eyes were swollen with his crying. It was the last straw. Pulling his fist back, he slammed it into the mirror, sending class everywhere.
Acting like nothing had happened; he continued to brush his teeth, before cleaning his brush and mouth. Walking casually into his and Heero's room, and looked around dispassionately. Almost mechanically, the same kind of machine was now inside him that he had used during the war, only his Cheshire mask was no longer there. Duo was cold and numb, and even his face showed it now. He grabbed his own duffle bag and set to gathering all of his important items. His brain functions had shut down, and now he was just going by pure instinct alone. The instinct to get out of here.
He was zipping up his duffle bag when he heard the door open downstairs, alerting him that Heero was home. The machine like part of him that had taken over crushed the rising panic and kept moving, grabbing his bag and his keys to his motorcycle before moving down the stairs. He heard Heero moving in the kitchen, completely unaware of the fact that all of their china and glasses had been in pieces on the floor yesterday. It would have made him laugh if it wouldn't have completely broken him inside.
Dropping his bag onto the floor at the bottom of the stairs, he opened the door to the kitchen and froze in his tracks. The machine part of him couldn't crush the onslaught of anger, sorrow and love that weld up in his breast. Heero stood in the middle of the kitchen, holding a large bouquet of red and white roses. “Duo?” Heero called softly worry in his voice.
Duo hardly heard him. He was fighting to turn back into that machine that he'd been only moments before. He kept his eyes firmly on the roses. “I…I can't do this anymore.” He said even though his voice cracked and wavered dangerously. “I can't be second in your life to Relena anymore.”
The roses fell from Heero's lax fingers and Duo was stuck looking where they used to be. It seemed an eternity that they were stuck there, Heero looking at Duo, and Duo looking at his empty hand. Then time seemed to return to normal when Heero stepped forward, an expression of shock and confusion on his face. “Duo? What do you mean second to Relena?”
He couldn't hold onto the machine anymore. The question made him laugh, bitter and shallow. “Everything.” He whispered breathily. “Ever since we have started this relationship, I have always been second to Relena in your life. Her needs have always come before mine.”
Heero moved forward to warp his arms around his lover, but Duo raised his hands in a defensive manner, telling Heero to back off. “Don't” Duo said in a dead voice, his machine part coming back up again to take control once more. “Don't touch me.”
Duo turned around and left a very stunned Heero in the kitchen. He only stopped to grab his duffle bag and put on his shoes before he was out of the house and straddling his motorcycle. It didn't matter to Duo that he had only been able to put his long hair into a pony tail or that his shoes had no socks. He didn't care that he left Heero there alone. The only thing he cared about was leaving before he was hurt even more. He couldn't care about any of those things, or else he would go back inside and he would forgive Heero and nothing would change.
Heero stood in the kitchen for a long while, shocked and confused as to why Duo would think that he was second. It didn't occur to him for a moment that it was his fault, that his inability to say no had caused this whole ordeal. The only thing that knocked him out of his stupor was the phone going off in his pocket.
He reached for it, his face still lax with shock. He hardly got out “Mush Mushi” before Relena's voice was in his ear, sounding with fake urgency that he needed to come to her right away.
It was like something snapped inside of his head. Controlling his facial features with little difficulty, he put it into the cold mask that he had used during the war. She was still babbling in his ear, but he hardly noticed him reassuring her that he would be there soon, and that everything would get better. Yes, everything would get better. He could feel the grin threaten to override his unused soldier's mask, be he pushed it down so that no one would see it.
Snapping the phone closed, he walked into the living room and grabbed his keys. He didn't bother to check if he had his gun and several knives with him. He never left the house without being armed in some way. He could just imagine how he was going to accomplish this, with each passing scenario that played in Heero's head, he grew more and more angry at the blonde politician. With tunnel vision, Heero got into his car and drove to Relena's house, never faltering from his mission for a second.
`To make everything better.'
You give me bits and pieces
You tryna blame me when I don't even know the reason
I think it's just the season, Maybe the month, Maybe the building
Now tell me what's the reason? Snoop video? Looks are deceiving
So, cut the crying, Cut the coughing, Cut the weazing, Girl
Quit the blaming, Cut the naming, Cut the sleeping, Girl
I think you need some prayer, Better call the deacon, Girl
So, get your act right or else we won't be speaking, Girl
So, what's it gonna be? Freaky, freaky... Me and you?
Or is it gonna be who blames who?
I'm tired of these things, I'm tired of these scars
I think I'm gonna get me a drink, I'll call you tomorrow
My step dad is excellent in making things that are supposed to be slow cooked take about an hour and a half and still have the same, delicious taste.
Ladies and Gents, I practically lived on the streets from the age of 3 to 7. Believe it or not, I am a very clean person and I hate being dirty.
A/N)) So what do you think people? Good? Bad? Give me reviews about it! I am planning on a sequel, and even though I harbor no ill will against Relena, well, you saw the end of this fic, you know what's going to happen. But I have plans, and so If you want me to write a sequel, just tell me and I'll do it! -grins-