Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ We Would Dance the Night ❯ The Dance ( One-Shot )

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We Would Dance the Night

She would come from the moon,

take my hand,

And we would dance the night.

To the click of her heels

and the touch of my hand

we would dance the night.

From a horse ride on the beach

to a balloon ride over the ocean

me and my love

we would dance the night.

Because we would dance forever,

the night would never end.

Since our love would fail never

my new life hath began.

Relena, please forgive me

I've hurt you so before,

I'm just answering the call

to protect forever more.

If you don't forgive me,

I'll detonate again

because I want to dance forever

In the night we'll live.


Alexandria the Great

Look out for my one-shot humor, The Leading Ladies on How Life Is