Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bells ❯ Dizzy Cafe' and a Kiss ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Wedding Bells
by kat

Chapter 3 - Dizzy Gambling

"So, I heard about Serena's date." Quatre commented. Heero glared.

"Don't remind me." he said. "She's been absolutely miserable ever since her sister and Silas got married, that blind date last night really didn't help." Heero snapped.

"Addison was only thinking about Serena's well-being." Quatre defended his daughter.

"Couldn't she have thought about some other way?"

"Like what?" Quatre asked.

"I don't know." Heero growled. "By... taking her to the zoo or something." Quatre chuckled.

"By taking her to the zoo Heero? Do you honestly think that taking her to the zoo would help her to get over Silas? She's the most like of your own children." Quatre reasoned. Heero used his famous death glare.

"What's your point?" he snapped.

"She's stubborn, pig-headed, and brutally honest." Quatre said. "Not only that, but she doesn't give up easily."

"What are you saying? That Serena's going to try to win Silas over, after he's married her older sister?” Heero asked. He couldn’t possibily imagine it... mostly.

“I’m simply saying the truth. Serena’s not the type to forget things, feelings especially.” Quatre said.

“Everyone keeps saying that. They also keep saying she’ll get over it.” Heero moped slightly. “I have to say, for a girl getting over it, she’s taking her time and not making it easy on herself.”

“It’ll get easier, don’t worry. Where is she today?” Quatre asked.

“She’s at the Dizzy Cafe’, that stupid coffee shop downtown kids like to hang out.” Heero replied.

“And where’re Silas and Makenzie?”

“ the stupid coffee shop downtown kids like to hang out.” Heero mumbled.

“How’d they end up there?” Quatre asked. Heero sighed.

“Just because my children are grown up, doesn’t mean they aren’t kids.” Heero stated.

“Yeah, but you’d think they’d have gone to the latest make-out spot.” Duo joked, walking in the room.

“When did you get here?” Quatre asked.

“About two stupid coffee shops ago.” Duo said. He ignored the looks Heero was giving him and sat down. “And by the way, Serena’s not at the Dizzy Cafe’.” Duo said.

“Well then, where is she?” Heero asked. Duo shrugged.

“I’ve just been over there. None of the kids are there, I don’t think any of them would be caught dead in that hippee joint.”

“What were you going over there?” Quatre asked.

“Getting another bag of freshly ground coffee for Hilde.” Duo said. “She’ll only drink it from there.”

“What do you mean they weren’t there? They’ve been going there every week since they started middle school.” Heero asked. Trowa nodded and put down the paper.

“Even my son and daughter are there for hours at a time.” Trowa stated.

“In that place?” Duo asked. “No way. It’s a dead-zone. The only people who go there are junkies.”

“Then why does your onna only drink coffee from there Maxwell?” Wufei asked. Duo grinned.

“Because, they may house junkies, but they have the best coffee in town.” Duo said.

“Well, if they’re not there, where are they?” Heero asked. Duo laughed.

“Ya know, you’d think this would’ve come up before.” he said to himself.

“What does that mean?” Wufei asked.

“Well... How many of our children have all gone to middle school and onto the high school and moved out of the house and spent all their time with their friends at Dizzy Cafe’?” he asked. Everyone looked around at eachother. He did had a good point. Baka, thought Wufei.

“Where are they?” Heero asked again. Duo sighed as he grinned. Wufei glared at him, holding a chinese broad sword threateningly.

“Tell us.” Wufei demanded.

“No, no. This is too sweet. You’ll have to figure it out all on your own.” Duo said.


“So, who’re you betting on?” Gabriel asked. Dylan shrugged, his bangs falling into his eyes.

“I’m thinking Malcolm.”

“He’s got a powerful arm, but Blake’s been working out.” Gabriel said. Dylan nodded.

“Yeah, but Malcolm’s still stronger, and Blake’s only doing himself more harm than good by arm wrestling so much. It only hurts his arm since he’s still not strong enough to be a real challenge.” Dylan replied.

“Well, ya gotta bet soon, or the whole match is gonna be over.” Gabriel replied, taking a sip of the beer he’d bought.

“FIVE DOLLARS ON MALCOLM!” he yelled. They recorded the bet. After about five more minutes, the match was over. Malcolm had won, again. People were patting Blake on the back, saying their "don't worry, you'll do better next time, you've improved a lot" pep talks.

"Who's next?" Gabriel asked.

"Serena against Gaz." Malik said as he walked over. Dylan looked over at him. He was getting tall, reaching six feet. Not bad at seventeen. He was practically a clone of his father when it came to looks. He had the same jet black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, the same eyes, the same nose...

"Serena arm wrestles?" Gabriel asked in wonder.

"No, she's never arm wrestled in her life. That's just about the only thing she hasn't done." Dylan replied. He watched his younger sister sit down at the table by Gaz, a musclebound brute who could bend five inches of thick steel, and easily break his baby sister's arm.

"Should we uh.... step in?" Malik asked.

"Nah." Gabriel replied.

"WHAT?!" Dylan said. "I can't believe you. You're in love with my sister, but you're just gonna stand there while someone breaks her arm?" Dylan asked is disbelief.

"I'd rather brave your wrath than hers, and that's exactly what I'd get if I stood in." he said. Dylan glared. He walked over to the table and reached it just as the match begun. People all around were shouting bets on Gaz winning and how long Serena could last. He walked over to sister while she was wrestling to try to talk some sense into her.

"Serena, you can stop now." Dylan said.

"Do you mind, I'm busy." she replied. Gaz glared at him.

"He's gonna break your arm." Dylan snapped. She looked over at him angrily as she continued to arm wrestle.

"And," she began in a deceptively sweet voice that she used at her most dangerous moments. "If you don't back off, I'll break yours." Dylan stepped away slowly.

"Told you." Gabriel said.

"Shut up." Dylan said. Malik leaned against the wall and watched. His sister walked over to him smiling.

"Care to place a bet?" she asked. He looked down at her.

"Bridge, how could you place Serena up against Gaz?" he asked. "She could get hurt."

"No she won't. Gaz is such a softie." Bridget replied, brushing it off. Malik glared at her.


"MAXWELL! TELL ME OR I'LL CUT OFF YOUR BRAID!" Wufei screamed. He chased after Duo who was running away towards the woods.

"Shouldn't we stop Wufei?" Quatre asked. The others all looked up at eachother, considering. They looked back down at their books and newspapers and continued to drink their coffee. Quatre sighed.


I won the arm wrestling match with Gaz. It was easy, set up so bets would be placed, so of course I won. Some people said Bridget was crazy, setting this up. It wasn't originally her idea, it belonged to her sister Jayla originally, but she was the current owner of Dizzy Gambling. She was working extra hard to get enough money so they could move out from underneath the Dizzy Cafe' and get their own building. Jayla had argued that this was a bad idea, but it was goal Bridget was determined to reach. I grinned at my good friend as I walked over to her.

"Nicely done." Bridget congradulated.

"Thank you." I said. "Hey Malik. How're the cats?" I asked politely. He had the cutest tabby cats. It seemed all the children of Chang Wufei were carbon copies, but their personalities were so very different. Maybe they got that from their mother? But Sally Po didn't have the kind of mischievious side that they had to run this place. It was a family establishment.

"Fine. Terry just figured out how to use the liter box." he told me. I grinned.

"'Bout time." I said. "What took him so long?" I asked.

"I dunno. The pet therapist said it was probably some kind of childhood trauma." he replied. Malik was the only person I knew who would actually take their pet to a therapist. It was kinda frightening. "Hey uh, do you want a soda?" he asked me. I thought about it for a second. I was kinda thirsty. I looked over at Makenzie and Silas who were spending all their money at the poker table...

"Uh... Yeah." I said. "I could go for that." We walked over to the small bar where you could get refreshments.


"Is that Malik and Serena?" Gabriel asked, spying two people who looked exactly like them over at the bar. Dylan looked over.

"Yep, that's them." Dylan said. He looked over at Gabriel, who was trying to keep from going over there to kill Malik every time he made her laugh. "Maybe you should go ask her to dance."

"What?" Gabriel asked, coming out of his daze.

"I said, ask her to dance." Dylan told him.

"I can't."


"She's with Malik." Gabriel told him. "Besides, there's no where to dance here."

"Is too. Bridge just put it in." he said. Dylan pointed to the back of room. There was music playing and a couple was slow dancing.

"I can't." he said again.

"Chicken." Dylan mumbled.

"Would you shut up!"

"No. If you're in love with her, you ought to make a move." he said.

"What am I supposed to do?" Gabriel snapped. Dylan grinned. Gabriel could see mischief in his eyes.


Malik took my hand and led me over to the dance floor. We walked by my brother and Gabriel, who were arguing. Dylan smiled at me, that fake smile he uses when he's been in a fight at school and he wasn't supposed to. I looked over at Gabriel, who seemed depressed. His hair was a mess, again.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Uh... sure..." he mumbled. Malik and I kept walking. We got to the dance floor and started to dance.

"So....." he began.

"So...When is Abby due?" I asked.

"Ugh, next week so says the vet." he replied. I laughed, vets seemed to always be wrong.

"You realize that means either tomorrow night or three weeks from now." I told me.

"Yeah really." he replied. "I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with the kittens." Malik said.

"Hmmm.. how many are there going to be?" I asked.

"A couple. Do you want one?" Malik asked. I thought about it. A kitten would be so cool... of course, Dylan was allergic. I looked over at my brother. He and Gabriel seemed to be arguing. That couldn't be go. Gabriel and Dylan never argue full-out. It's usually just joking. They seemed to be really mad at eachother this time. What had happened? They were getting along fine earlier. When we came in they laughing their heads off at lame jokes and pulling pranks on people. Now they wanted to kill eachother!

"What's going on...." I murmured to myself, not really expecting an answer.

"What do you mean?" Malik asked me.

"Gabriel and Dylan are about to kill eachother!" I said. I ran over just as Dylan's fist landed square in Gabriel's jaw. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed at my brother.

"HE STARTED IT!" Dylan shouted back.

"I DID NOT!" Gabriel screamed.






"SHUT THE HECK UP!" I screamed as loud as I could. The two stopped arguing and looked at me. Gabriel was still lying on the floor. I guess the blow to his head kept making him sway, because he couldn't keep his balance everytime he tried to stand.


"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!" Duo screamed. "They're not at the Dizzy Cafe'." he told them.


"...They're underneath the Dizzy Cafe'."



I lifted Gabriel up and put arm around me so he could balance. I glared nonstop at my brother as I took Gabriel over to the bar so I could get an ice pack. His lip had split and was bleeding, and his jaw looked a little purple, bruised. I helped him sit down on a chair and got a wet cloth. I took it and started cleaning his split lip.

"What the heck was all that about?" I asked. Gabriel tried to grin, but made his lip worse.

"I have no idea." he told me. I glared at him.

"So he just beat the crap outta you over nothing? Not very likely." I said, continuing to clean his lip.

"Ow, that stings." he mumbled.

"Get over it."

"So... How are you doing?" he asked me. I smirked.

"I'm... doing....okay." I said. I shook my head as my long bang fell into my eyes, but it didn't help. He grinned... as close as he could to a grin, and pushed them behind my ears. I felt myself blush.

"Good. You should ummm..." he trailed off.

"Yeah." I said. I leaned over the counter and put some ice into a plastic bag. I wrapped it in some paper towels and put it against the bruise. "Just um... keep this here." I said.

"Yeah. Okay." he replied. I have to admit, it was nice just standing there, staring into his eyes. I could get lost in those eyes of his. Did I mention that already? I don't know how long we stood there. I felt myself smiling, I don't know why. I don't even like Gabriel.

"I um... I ought to... umm.." I began, trying to think of something to say and failing miserably. He began to turn but he grabbed my arm. Before I knew it, he was kissing me! My eyes widened in shock. I think I began to kiss him back. How did that happen?

"SERENA!" I heard my father shout. Both Gabriel and I jumped out of the kiss. I looked around the room. Over by the door was my father, glaring at Gabriel. Not good. The other parents came in the room too. They could hardly believe their eyes. Everything stopped, the dancing, the gambling, everything. "Which one of you is responsable for this place?" he asked, looking around at the all the people. Bridget took a few steps back. This couldn't be good. They must've caught onto her guilt, because the very next second Wufei started screaming.

BRIDGET!? HOW COULD YOU? DON'T YOU HAVE ANY HONOR? RUNNING AN UNDERGROUND GAMBLING RING, LYING TO YOUR PARENTS, ENCOURAGING OTHERS TO- blah blah blah.." I stopped listening somewhere through his rant. It was too long anyway, Duo and Heero took some duck tape and made him shut up. I sighed, this couldn't be good.


That night I lay in my bed thinking about the week's adventure. My sister got married, I moped and whine fourty-seven times, I danced with Malik, went out on a blind date with Addy's friend, Gabriel and Dylan started beating eachother up, and I kissed Gabriel. Why did I kiss Gabriel? That wasn't supposed to happen. How could I kiss Gabriel, I don't even like him. I'm in love with Silas, aren't I? I moving on?


"So how's your jaw?" Dylan asked Gabriel over the phone.

"Death. How could you hit me?" Gabriel snapped.

"Hey, I got you to talk to her didn't I?"

"More than that."

"What do you mean?"

"I kissed her." Gabriel confessed.


"I kissed her, and I think she kissed me back."


A/N: so what do you think? I got the idea for the gambling ring from a friend. I know it's kinda short, but it's been a few days, so I thought I should update... anyway, remember to review!