Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Vows ❯ Why These Two Should Not Wed ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
LSE // 8-10-02
(Wedding Vows - Chapter Six: Why These Two Should Not Wed)
rated: PG13 - adult language, content
shounen-ai/AU (slight lime)

Why These Two Should Not Wed

"...And Ruth said, entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from
following after thee." the pastor said solemnly, looking up from the
bible for a moment and taking in the gathering.

Heero mentally wondered why bible passages always sounded confusing.
Why couldn't they be simple? Then again, life never was simple, so
why should religion be?

Relena had picked out the passages with the help of the pastor. She'd
arranged most of the wedding. Heero looked to the candles to either
side of them, noting with pleasure they were the white tapers he'd
bought. At least something was his.

//"Do you ever attend church, Heero?"//

//Heero stretched and looked over at Duo, "No. Why?"//

//Duo shrugged as he adjusted the white collar to his pseudo-priest
outfit, "I was just wondering."//

//"Do you?"//

//"Once, a long time ago."//

//"Were you a priest?"//

//Duo shook his head, his loose chestnut hair rippling down his back.
He turned from the mirror, walking over and sitting beside Heero,
"Braid my hair?"//


"For whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will
lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God."

//Relena turned on the shower, stepping under the hot spray. Her eyes
closed and she tipped her head back, feeling the refreshing water run
over her closed eyelids.//

//Her hair clung wetly to her back as she reached for the shampoo,
stepping out from the spray slightly to work up a good lather.//

//"Relena? What are you doing up so early?" Heero asked, the bathroom
door opening to admit him.//

//From behind the shower curtain, Relena frowned, "I'm getting ready
for church, Heero. You go get ready, we don't want to be late."//



He looked over to Relena, affectionately squeezing her hand as she
was trembling slightly. Was she scared?

"Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord
do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me." The
pastor looked up and gave the passage name, "Ruth 1:16-17."

//Duo trailed his fingers lightly across Heero's jaw, causing him to
look over and raise one eyebrow. "Did you want some popcorn?"//

//Amethyst eyes dropped to the bowl in Heero's lap as Duo picked up a
piece of the fluffed, buttery snack, "Don't mind if I do."//

//Heero watched, transfixed, as Duo slid the popcorn into his mouth.
Cobalt blue widened as Duo somehow turned the simple act of eating
into an intensely arousing action. "Damn you, Maxwell..."//

//With a shrug, Duo leaned forward, capturing the rest of the words
as his mouth closed over Heero's.//

//"You taste like butter," Heero muttered as they parted slightly.//

//Duo simply laughed.//

"As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my

//"Do you want anything?" Heero asked he stepped away from Relena and
towards the concessions.//

//Relena made a face, grabbing Heero's wrist as he moved away, "You
aren't going to waste your money on popcorn, are you?"//

//He looked to her in surprise, "You don't like popcorn?"//

//"It's salty, greasy. Not good for you at all. There are much better
things for you to spend your money on," Relena assured him, drawing
him away from the concession stand.//

"If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I
have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love."

//Duo took Heero's hand as they passed by the shop windows. Heero
looked over in slight surprise, but didn't pull away. They looked
like any other couple walking along the main streets beneath the
stars. He suddenly stopped moving, Duo jerking to a halt to avoid
breaking their contact.//

//"What is it, Heero?"//

//Heero tilted his head up to look at the swirled sky above.//

//Wordlessly, Duo came over and stood beside him, likewise looking
upwards. "What am I looking at?" Duo whispered after a while.//

//"The stars."//

//"Any reason?"//

//"Because they're there."//

//"All right." Duo shifted his weight impatiently as the minutes drew
on, "Heero, I'm getting a crick in my neck."//

//"Baka," Heero said with a smile.//

//"Oh, shut up and kiss me."//

"These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in
you, and that your joy might be full."

//Their kiss deepened, Relena shifting further into Heero's lap as
she circled her arms around his neck. He drew her to him, their
bodies melting into one as the fire light danced across their

//Heero's hand explored down her back, crossing over another as one
dipped low, sliding down between the waist of her jeans and her warm
skin. Relena nibbled slightly at his bottom lip, arching her back in
response to his caresses.//

//Relena's breath to teased across his lips as she separated enough
to whisper, "I thought this was a goodnight kiss."//

//"It doesn't have to be goodnight," Heero suggested boldly,
surprising himself with the words. But once said they couldn't be
taken back, and he placed his hands on Relena's waist, drawing the
girl into his lap more.//

//"Heero, you know the rules," Relena whispered back, untangling
herself from him. He longed to reach out and pull her back. To hell
with propriety and waiting. To hell with...//

//"Goodnight," Relena murmured, blowing him a kiss.//

//Heero nodded slightly, watching her leave with unfulfilled desire
coursing strongly through him.//


"This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved
you. John 15:9-12."

Heero looked up as the pastor closed the bible and stepped in front
of them. For one frantic moment he thought the man would start with
the part where something more than standing was required from him,
but the pastor launched into a spiel about the meaning of marriage.

Relena glanced sideways to him, a small smile lighting across her
features. She squeezed his hand and smiled again as if to say, "This
is it."

This is it?


----------------------------------------------- -----------------------

For a moment, Duo froze as he saw the train racing towards him. He
had the image of himself splattered against the rails, the piece of
paper with the information about Heero's wedding still clutched in
his fist.


Quickly, he reached down and tried to unhook himself from the piece
of metal that snagged his jeans. With a strangled cry of horror, he
knew he wouldn't make it.

He'd die.

Dead, never again to feel the wind through his hair, or the touch of
Heero's lips across his own...




//" I love you."//

//"Ai shiteru."//

I love you!

Duo shouted as the material gave a rip and he was free. He windmilled
his arms, struggling for balance as the train narrowed in. He shoved
the paper deep into his pocket and jumped for the edge of the

He scrambled to pull himself up before death closed in. Fortunately,
strong hands grabbed his arm and he was hauled onto the platform and
firmly planted into freedom.

A shocked security officer was glaring at him, mouth opened to burst
into a lecture about the dangers of falling onto the tracks.

Duo broke free and stumbled away from the gathered crowd. Forsaking
his duffle bag, he started running for the exit. He had to get to
Heero. He had to stop the wedding.

For once in his life, he couldn't be late!

"Taxi!" he screamed, bursting out from the station.

Please, let there be time!


-------------------------------------------- --------------------------

"Do you, Relena, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband..."

Heero was frozen in place. He was secretly glad Relena was going
first, if anything to buy him time. He couldn't move.

From the corner of his eye, he could see Quatre and several of the
female guests beginning to tear up. He never understood why people
cried at weddings until today.

Relena wasn't crying anymore, she was practically radiant with joy.
Heero watched her listen intently to the pastors words. Should he be
paying attention?

She spoke softly, her voice carrying back through the church, "I do."

"Do you, Heero, take this woman..."


Author' s Notes: It's nearly two thirty in the morning. I'm tired, but
I wrote the chapter. I finished it. Now all I have to do is spell-
check and format...
I hate skittles. Skittles are the devil. Evil skittles. Down with
skittles. *passes out*

Bible passages taken from the King James Holy Bible. Thank you for being there in the wee hours of the
morning for me to copy and paste. All hail copy and paste.
Baka - idiot
Ai shiteru - I love you
// - marks a flashback sequence

Feedback/reviews are very much appreciated! More chapters soon.
copyright 2002 - Gundam Wing and characters copyright other people.
LSE - "Violet" (
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