Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the g-boys, much to my dismay. I just like to take them out and play with them occasionally. Please don't sue, I have to send my kids to college someday.
Pairings: 2x3, 3x2, 1+R, 4+6
Let me know if you enjoy, c&c is always appreciated!!!
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Trowa waited patiently in the hallway beside Quatre, hoping to finally get a chance to see him again. It had been over four years since the incident with Dekim Barton's forces and it had been that long since he had seen him leave- in the arms of someone else.
The blonde flashed him a smile and he was once again grateful for the Arabians friendship and understanding. Three years ago, he had shown up on Quatre's doorstep, not sure what to do with himself. The blonde had given him a job and a purpose. He knew that other people thought they were lovers, and neither of them ever bothered to correct their assumptions. After all, it never mattered to Trowa, because the one he wanted was already taken. What other people believed mattered very little to him. He and Quatre both knew otherwise, and that was all that mattered.
Trowa had been as excited as Quatre when the blonde had gotten a message requesting the chance for them to come for a visit, even if he hadn't expressed his feelings to anyone. The blonde knew how he felt, for they had discussed it many times over the years. He felt jittery, like he was about to jump out of his skin with the excitement of seeing him again.
Both men heard the car pull up outside and Quatre nearly bounced to the door in haste. He threw the door open, a huge smile on his face, Trowa directly behind him at a more sedate pace. Both ex-pilots faltered, however, when they saw Heero Yuy helping Relena Dorlian out of the car. They both recovered quickly, letting the butler take the couples luggage and escorting them into the sitting room with the offer of refreshments. Relena declined the offer of tea, saying she wanted to rest for a while before dinner. Heero watched her leave with a serene smile on his face, then turned back to the two men.
They spoke of inconsequential things for a while, until Quatre's curiosity apparently got the better of him, winning out over manners. “Heero, where is Duo?”
Trowa was watching Heero's face closely, so he saw the many emotions that flew across it. Shock, confusion, and then finally…a trace of fear. “I haven't seen Duo in almost four years,” he finally answered slowly, shaking his head. “I have no idea where he is. I honestly thought you already knew that I was bringing Relena.”
“I thought the two of you… you and Duo… were together?” Quatre asked softly.
“We were for a while, but…” the Japanese trailed off, his tone uncertain.
Trowa stared at him for a long moment, the silence heavy and oppressing. Finally he asked what he and Quatre were both wondering. “So what happened?”
“After we defeated Dekim Barton's forces, Duo and I went to L1. It was good. He helped me to cope with not fighting anymore he helped show me how to live during peace,” Heero got up to pace nervously, running fingers through his hair. “I started working for the Preventers as a computer security agent. About six months after I started, I was sent to Relena because she was having some problems with hackers in her computer systems. We started spending more time together,” he shook his head. “She had changed, grown up. We began to see that we just…fit together.”
Trowa moved to look out the window, afraid he would strike the ex-pilot for his stupidity. “So you left Duo for Relena. You left the one person that loved you more than life. The person who helped you learn how to live as a normal person. You abandoned him.”
“It wasn't like that,” Heero insisted, a confused and lost look on his features, “we talked about it. He said it was fine and he hoped we were happy. He never said he loved me.” He said the last part desperately, as if hoping they would understand.
“Of course he never told you,” Trowa sneered. “He lost everyone he ever loved, so why would he ever tell you?” He turned his back on Heero. “You are a complete bastard, Yuy.”
“Trowa,” Quatre laid a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him a little.
“I'm going to make some calls. See if I can locate Duo,” the green-eyed man stated before walking out of the room.
His anger was trying to boil over, spew out, and consume everything around him. How could Heero be so damn stupid? How had he not seen the feelings that had come from the former pilot of Deathscythe. Those feelings had been painfully obvious to everyone else that had been near them. It had always been more painful for Trowa, seeing those emotions directed at the Japanese instead of himself, but he had accepted that because Duo was happy, or so he had believed.
That was what had kept Trowa from searching the braided man out for the last four years. He had believed that they had been happy together. But now, to find that not only had Duo not been with the Japanese, but that he had been without any of his friends and it was enough to make his heart clench.
Sitting down at the desk in his office, he dialed a number from memory, waiting for the call to connect. It didn't take very long, which was a good thing considering his mood.
“Preventers Headquarters, how may I direct your call?” a smiling young woman asked him cheerfully. Her smile quickly faltered upon seeing the expression on his face.
“Chang Wufei, please.”
“I'm sorry, but Mr. Chang is in a meeting at this time. If you would leave your name and a number you can be reached at, I will get him the message as soon as he is available.”
“Trowa Barton, he has the number,” he said shortly then watched as the woman's head jerked and she narrowed her eyes, then they widened in recognition.
She held out a hand to him, keeping him from disconnecting the call. “Hold on Mr. Barton. I'm to put any of you through immediately.” The screen abruptly went black, with the words `thank you for your patience' scrolling across the screen.
It was less that thirty seconds before Wufei's face appeared on the screen. The Chinese looked at him blankly for a few minutes before he spoke. “Barton, what can I do for you?”
“Have you seen Duo?”
A flash of concern passed on Wufei's face, his dark eyes becoming even darker at the question. “I haven't seen Duo for several months. I would suggest you contact Yuy to find out where he is.”
Trowa blinked at Wufei`s use of Duo`s first name. It meant that they had seen each other since the wars and had become closer than comrades in arms. The Chinese using a first name meant that he considered the American to be a friend. “Heero is here, at Quatre's house…with Relena,” Trowa dropped the bombshell and waited to see his friend's reaction.
Wufei frowned, then shook his head. “Why would Yuy be there with that woman?” He apparently shared the same feelings as Trowa about the woman that had been a pain through the entire war.
“They are together, and Heero says they have been together for over three years. He has no idea where Duo is. What do you know, Wufei?”
Full worry bloomed on the Chinese mans face, causing Trowa's blood to freeze in his veins. Wufei looked off screen for a second, then looked into the green eyes facing him. “It seems I have urgent business to attend to on L4. Shall I meet you tomorrow?”
Something was going on, and Wufei was either not willing or not able to speak of it over an open channel. This could not be good at all. “Come here as soon as you get off the shuttle.”