Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

They didn't speak of the upcoming visit from Heero Yuy. Duo estimated they had five days before the Japanese found him. When Trowa asked how he knew, the American had grinned with an evil twinkle in his eyes and informed him that he was the one that had redone the encryption on the Sweepers computer system. He knew exactly how long it would take his ex to break the code to get his address. That was the last time they had spoke of the other man, as if putting the Japanese out of their conversations would make him leave them alone. The rest of the time was spent getting ready for Duo's surprise.
Trowa had been forced to his room for a several hours during the day when the man from the vid call had shown up with three other large men. Duo had pled that he stay in his room, and Trowa had been unable to deny the American anything. He had been able to watch out his window as the large men had taken several crates to a waiting truck, loading them inside. While he had been curious, he had respected Duo's wishes, and had not asked any questions.
On Wednesday, Duo and Trowa had met at the front door of the house. Trowa still had no idea what was going on, but if it kept his love happy, he was willing to do almost anything. His eyes grew large as he spied the braided man, though. The silver jewelry he had gotten used to was gone, replaced with clear eye and lip jewelry. The ear cuff was gone and the dangly cross had been traded for a small black diamond. He still thought Duo was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, though he preferred the silver jewelry.
He chuckled when he saw that the American was nearly bouncing in his nervousness. He took a slender hand in his own, raising an eyebrow when he saw that all but one of the rings that normally decorated his slender fingers were missing. “Duo, are you ready for …whatever it is we are going to do?”
The small touch seemed to help the other mans nerves. He looked into those green eyes and gave him the smile that Trowa was finally realizing was for him and him alone. He still didn't understand what it meant, but he hoped it meant that they would have a future. But that was for later. Duo leaned close, almost close enough for their lips to touch before whispering, “Lets go.”
Trowa was nearly in some sort of shock. When Duo had told him it was a surprise, he hadn't expected this. The small gallery that they were in had nearly a hundred people milling about looking at paintings. Dozens of magnificent paintings…that had been painted by the artist known only as Solo to all the people ready to buy the said paintings for very large quantities of money. Since Duo had told him about his childhood many years ago at a safe house between missions, he knew exactly who Solo had been.
He walked in a stupor, looking at the pictures that came from Duo's mind and heart. It had taken him several minutes and eight different paintings before he had started to see many things that were familiar to him, and would only be recognized by a select few people. Faces that were hidden in the background and scenery that could have only been seen outside many of the safe houses that the Gundam pilots had stayed in during the fighting. Some of the images could have only been seen by someone in the middle of a battle. Seeing the different images brushed on canvases around him, Trowa felt a mixture of sadness and happiness. Knowing that all of the beautiful work had come from the heart and mind of Duo made him feel unbelievably proud of the man he loved with every fiber of his being.
Duo had walked silently beside him, saying nothing for a long time, just letting him look all he wanted. Finally, they had stopped in front of one painting that made Trowa gasp. His clown mask from the circus, placed over a face that was hidden in shadows. Another mask, the exact opposite of the one he had wore, was over another face, also hidden,, but with a long rope of braided hair twining around both people. He turned to Duo, knowing the questions were written in his eyes.
The American gave him that smile again. “When I began working with the Preventers, I realized that I needed some outlet for the stress. Things with Heero were already going downhill, and I knew that he wouldn't be able, or willing, to help me. I started painting when a friend from the Sweepers suggested it, knowing that I had some artistic talent. After a mission, I would go to Howard's or Hilde's house, where they allowed me to set up a room to work in while I was there. When Heero moved in with Relena, I took some of the money I had and bought the house I live in now, mainly because it had that back room. The lighting in there is perfect for painting. Hilde snuck one of my paintings to Paul, who was a friend of a friend, and he became my manager.” He made a small gesture that took in the small museum and the dozens of paintings that lined the walls. “This is the fifth showing that I've had.” Turning back to the picture of the masks, he grabbed his braid nervously. “I painted this a long time ago, Tro. It was one of the first things that ever came out of me. I guess it was my way of saying that I hoped one day we could both take off our masks and get to know the real people behind them one day.”
“How long, Duo?” Trowa's voice was breathless, he was on the verge of learning one of the most important things of his life. “How long has it been since you painted this?”
“Right after the last war. I was still with Heero at the time. I didn't want to be with him anymore because I knew that he was with Relena and lying to me, but I was just so scared of being alone-” a finger placed on his lips stopped him from speaking anymore.
“Maybe we both needed time to grow up and let go of those masks, Duo. I wish you had called me when it ended with Heero, though. Perhaps we were just meant to wait until now to get to know each other. I hope to get to know you even better.” His meaning was not lost on Duo, who blushed before darting his tongue out to taste the finger that was still on his mouth. Trowa's body tightened at the sensation and erotic sight. He removed his hand, a phantom sensation of that tongue lingering.
Duo opened his mouth to speak, but they were interrupted by Paul who was speaking excitedly. “I can't believe it! Almost everything you have has sold. The owner said that you could have another show here in three weeks if you can be ready.” He didn't wait for an answer, turning to the painting they had just been talking about. “I really wish you would let me sell this, Duo. I've been offered four hundred for it.” Duo was already shaking his head.
“Four hundred?” Trowa questioned, insulted that someone would offer so little for something that had changed his entire life with nothing more than a look, “that's it?”
The braided man burst out laughing. “Tro, that's four hundred thousand, not just four hundred dollars,” he stated, then began laughing even harder when he saw the look on his friends face.
“Holy- Oh my- what?! Are you crazy, Duo?”
“Tro, don't freak out,” the braided man smiled at him with a mixture of amusement and shyness,” but I have as much money as Quatre by now, if not more. My paintings have sold -very- well.”