Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Welcomed Invasion ❯ Found Out ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

GW and its characters don't belong to me but Sunrise/SOTSU Agency etc.

Part 6 of Welcomed Invasion (Subtitled FOUNDOUT).

~Heero's POV~
Dr. J had no problem with my leaving and said it had been long past due for me to move on. I felt like thanking him for nothing. Training me since childhood to become an emotionless, cold-hearted killer with no real ties to anyone and then just letting me go on my way with no type of skills to cope with my life as a non-agent. I snorted a laugh. The perfect soldier, now perfectly lost.

I tried to look on the bright side. I was now in the position of being fully able to concentrate on Relena. We could go anywhere together now because people would just consider me her main bodyguard. This, in turn, would make it so much easier for us to continue our love affair and. I knew for a fact Relena was happy about the situation as well.

I decided to go break the news to Duo. I knocked on the door and it opened just a crack. One of Duo's iris eyes peers out. "Dude. Don't even think about stepping a foot in here." I gave him quite a puzzled look. "Hildie's out for your blood man. Walk to the corner store and I'll meet you in five minutes."

~Relena's POV~

"What do you mean you haven't told him yet?"

"Well, I tried, but then, he, we...ah, made love instead." I saw Hildie slapping her forehead. "I haven't even let the press know yet Hildie. Once this gets out. I'll be politically dead. So that's why I'm resigning my commission."

I flinched seeing her slap her head again. Then I saw her closing her eyes and calming herself. "If that feels like it's the only choice you have then it's probably the best choice. But you have to tell Heero. I know you're not afraid of him."

"No I'm not afraid. I just don't want him to hate me as much as I hate myself." I pause a moment and then begin to cry angry tears. "I'm just so stupid to let myself get into this kind of situation. I should have handled things better...should have done something. And now no matter what important things I've done in the past to bring about pacifism I'll just be remembered as another gullible, single, young girl who got herself knocked up and totally ruined her entire life. Heero will think the same way. He'll be so disappointed and angry at me."

Hildie sighed. "But if we know Heero he won't shrink from his responsibility."

I nodded in agreement with her. "No, he won't, unless, he thinks we'd be better off without him."

~Heero's POV~

I'm sitting outside on one of the canopied picnic tables that the store/ice-cream parlor has trying to think what I might have done to make Hildie so mad at me. I could only think it would be because of the events of the other night.

"There's Mr. Man." I look up and see Duo sitting across from me. I could kill myself for not even realizing he was there-maybe I am slipping.

"So what's up with Hildie?"

He gives me a strange look and then his eyes go wide. "Oh my god. You don't know."

"Know what?"

He covers his eyes with his hands and begins to whine. "Man oh man. WhyamItheonewhoalwaysgetsinthemiddleofthesethings? Ahhh!"

His head has completely collapsed onto his folded arms. He whispers something I can't make out.

"What are you trying to tell me Duo?" I'm just minutes away from taking the baka by the throat and strangling him.

He sighs and looks up at me. "You've no, idea. Great. Well I guess if anyone has to break it to you..."

"Just tell me what the hell's going on!"

He swallows hard. "R, Relena, she's, she's pregnant."

~Relena's POV~

I hang up the phone and as usual I feel better. Hildie has a nice way of putting things in perspective for me. I've already sent out my resignation and there is only the formal public statement left to give. I pull out the top folder on my desk and begin to shuffle through the papers. I hear my secretary's voice and Heero's? I'm startled all of a sudden when my office door slams open. It's Heero, and he's glaring at me, almost insanely.

"Why haven't you told me?"

I jump up from my desk. "Shut the damn door for a second! A lot of people aren't aware yet!" He shuts the door all right. It slams shut louder than when he opened it. We're standing, facing off. "I'm not telling you anything until you calm down Heero."

He tilts his head to the side quickly, cracking his neck. "I'm calm. Now talk."

I feel like shrinking back a little, unsure of how calm he really is. I know he would never physically hurt me, but his words could do just as much, if not more damage. I take a deep breath and summon up all of my strength from within every fiber of my being. "I knew you wouldn't take it well. I know it's even worse now because you had to hear it from someone other than me. I'm sorry. I should have been stronger." I find that I'm looking down now, unable to meet his gaze. "I'm so ashamed of myself Heero. I've failed you, us." I cover my teary eyes with my hands, but I am unable to stop the tears this time. I just want to die.

~Heero's POV~

I feel my anger slowly begin to leave me as I see her sink back down into her chair; she is sobbing, as I've never seen her before. Why can't I control my temper? I open my mouth to apologize but an apology doesn't come out. "So is the kid mine?"

She shoots up from behind her desk; her tears have turned to anger. "Of course it is you bastard! How can you say such a thing to me! I've had more than enough chances to cheat on you but not once have I ever! Can you say the same to me?"

My mouth goes dry. "No. I can't tell you I've been faithful to you Relena. But the times I've strayed it's only been for my missions, nothing more."

I see her close her eyes as if trying to believe that my words were just figments of her imagination. "Part of your job huh?" Her sobs have turned to sniffles. "I've always figured as much." She turns away from me and leans forward resting her head on the large floor length window behind her desk. "I suppose now you're going to accuse me of doing all of this on purpose to try and trap you?" I remain silent. She seems to be reading my thoughts.

"This wasn't supposed to happen Relena."

I notice her trying to control her quivering form. "But it has Heero. It has."

~Heero's POV~

I feel the distance between us closing, and then his arms are around me; he kisses the top of my head. "I should not have said those things, I know you would never...I'm sorry. And since I'm no longer an agent for J you can guarantee they'll never be another woman in my bed, ever."

His infidelity seems irrelevant to me, upsetting yes, but the baby is in the foremost of my mind so I accept his apology, but am not finished yet. "Don't try to talk me out of keeping it."

"I never would Releena. It's not the baby's fault its parents screwed up."

I feel myself beginning to breathe again. Glad that we can agree on something. "Don't hate me Heero. I know you must be disappointed, disgusted because I was weak and let this happen." I feel myself being spun around in his arms; he is gripping me by the shoulders.

His eyes and voice are intense, which is nothing new. "You know I hate it when you talk down about yourself. So stop it all ready."

I avert my eyes from his and nod. "All right, Heero, I won't." I feel the warmth and firmness of his chest as he draws me into an embrace; his heart beats surprisingly normal.

"I have to think about things okay."

I nod again. "How long will you be gone?"

His hands begin to rub the tension out of my back. "A few hours, days, I don't know." I hold back the tears as best as I can, but I know he can feel them soaking through his shirt.

"My career's totally shot and my life's been turned upside down. Where do I go from here Heero?"

He pulls away and gently wipes the tears from my eyes, as he did so many years ago. "I told you I'd end up destroying you. I'm sorry."

I almost want to laugh. "This wasn't intentional by either of us. How can you even suggest you destroyed a life when you you've helped create one?" I see the resolve in his eyes and begin to panic thinking of him leaving; it shows in my voice as I continue to speak. "You can stay here. Don't go. Please Heero." He begins to walk away from me, but I won't let him this time without a fight.

~Heero's POV~

When she called me a selfish, cowardly bastard my hand froze on the doorknob. I should have been angry, but part of her is so right. I feel like apologizing again but I know it will make no difference. Turning the knob I make my exit. Hearing her words continue to curse me as I walk away.

To be continued