Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What a Gundam Pilot Would Bring to a Survival Test…. ❯ What a Gundam Pilot Would Bring to a Survival Test…. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What a Gundam Pilot Would Bring to a Wilderness Test…

This fanfic and its author shall not tolerate any flames. Polite criticism yes. Flames no. You've been warned right here. ::Smiles:: Proceed soldier. ^-^

What a Gundam Pilot Would Bring to a Survival Test….
By Kaen-chan

Kaen-chan: Smirks at the readers I love this job! Turns to the lined up Gundam pilots and hands each of them a sheet of paper Yoroshii, you each get to 'bring' ten items, or less. Make sure that they are practical… Turns away and mutters under breathe, Or just plain stupid…
Wufei: Nani? Never!!! I shall not obey your weak little whims!!!
Kaen: Looks at Heero with chibi eyes Onegai? I don't have my glaive with me… Glares at an innocently waving Dekiru-chan Mean Dekiru-chan for stealing it and hiding it…
Heero: Sighs exasperatedly Fine, fine… Pulls out his gun and points it at the raving Wufei Urusai!
Wufei: Sweatdrop… Eh, heh… Okay…
Kaen: Beams Alright everybody ready?
Duo: Scrambling for a pencil Iie. Wait!
Kaen: And start!

*After an hour*

Kaen-chan: Ignores the timer which is ringing pitifully I know that she put it here somewhere…
Quatre: Clears throat politely Um, Kaen?
Kaen-chan: Whirls around ::Through clenched teeth:: What?
Quatre: Cringes Eh, we're ready…
Wufei: This was such a waste of my precious time.
Duo: Rolls his eyes Any time spent with you is wasted.
Duo: Hai, hai Winks roguishly Injustice.
Wufei: ….INJUSTICE….
Trowa: … ::grin::…
Heero: … -_-
Kaen: Sighs I'm never going to get my glaive back… Fine, give me your papers. Gets two papers thrown at her and three handed ::Glare:: Very nice aim Duo… Curse you Chang.
Wufei: Vein bulges from his forehead
Kaen: Okay, first off, Duo's list… Reads from a crumpled sheet

Duo Maxwell-

Gundam's weight of Herbal Essence Shampoo {Kaen: Typical… Duo: What's wrong with shampoo? ANSWER ME!!!}
Extra package of rubber bands
Thermal bladed scythe
'100 Ways and More to Braid your Hair' book
20 or more brushes
Cell phone in case you run out of food {Kaen: Very original Duo… ^^;;}
Fluffy {Kaen: You have one too?!?!}
Hilde/Hirde {Kaen: Duo, you do know that you can't bring a person? Duo: Pout Why not? I'm winning at checkers!}
Checkers {Kaen: ::Wry look:: You've this all planned out haven't you Duo?}

Kaen: On ground after facefaulting Itai… Somebody help me here…
Quatre: Helps her up
Kaen: Very… 'you' Duo.
Duo: 'Smile-smile'
Kaen: ::Sweatdrop:: Alright, Quatre, you're next.

Quatre R. Winner-

Stuffed camel plushie
Rasheed (Also spelled La sheed) {Kaen: ::sweatdrop:: What's wrong with you people?}
50 large crates of tea
Herbal Essence
Safe to keep the Herbal Essence in incase Duo runs out. {Kaen: ::sweatdrop:: You didn't like what happened in Duo Maxwell's Guide to Life, ne? Quatre: ::Zero look:: Iie…}
Vests to last a life time

Kaen: ::Smiles:: Typical of you Quatre.
Quatre: Worried look That's good or bad?
Kaen: ::Sweatdrop::
Trowa: Silently points to his
Kaen: Shrugs Okay.

Trowa Barton-

Hair brush
Herbal Essence
Hair Gel
Hair Mousse {Kaen: ::Raises an eyebrow:: Are you going to take a hair salon with you?}
Ear plugs in case Duo gets too much sugar or Relena tracks Heero down again.

Kaen: That's all?
Trowa: All that is necessary.
Kaen: Sweatdrop
Wufei: Hurry up and read mine onnako!
Kaen: Glares Urusai!

Chang Wufei:

CD player {Kaen: You? Wufei: Shut up and continue reading onnako.}
Mulan CD {Kaen: LOL I see… LOL}
Meiran's grave stone
'A Strong Man's Guide to Justice- Edition #3'
Weekly Justice Magazine
Pantene Pro-V
Hair Gel
5 separate combs.
Snuggles (A teddy)

Kaen: ::Glares:: That was more than 10!
Wufei: Urusai onnako! I shall decide the amount of which I list!
Kaen: ::Under breath:: Boy are you lucky that I don't have my glaive right now… Let's get to the last one.

Heero Yuy-

Whole cache of firearms and ammo
Wing Zero Custom
Extra change of spandex and tank tops
Herbal Essence
Extra tape recorder
Self detonation device
Portable beam cannon
Pixie sticks {KAEN: One question Heero…Why? Heero: …}

Kaen: Finishes reading then runs off
Gundam pilots: …
Kaen: FOUND IT!!! Comes back with glaive in hand SHINE TEMAE WUFEI NO BAKA!!!!!
Wufei: Tries to get up but finds himself stuck to his chair Curse you Maxwell.
Duo: Grins cutely, holding up a bottle of hair gel that Trowa used Heh, heh, no problem Wu-kun.

*One hour later*

Kaen-chan is seen in a Native American ensemble, war paint on her cheeks… Wufei is still in his chair with a fire ring around him, courtesy of Trowa.

Kaen: Walks away after piling the fire with more wood Justice is served.
Rest of the G-Boys: …::sweatdrop::…


Kaen: Heh, I remembered talking with Dekiru-chan about camping and all thought of what would be practical to bring… Note that these are the Gundam pilots we're talking about here. Never expect anything practical from them… ^-^
Dekiru-chan: Konnichiwa! Smiles sweetly at a fuming Kaen
Dekiru-chan: Vague expression How could I what?
Kaen: …grr… Curse you!
De-chan: Mock expression of surprise Why Kaen! You've turned into a priestess? (^^; I just call Dekiru De-chan… easier… :Þ So I'm lazy. Don't even bother suing me!)
Duo: Runs up Anybody called for a priest.
Kaen: ::Growl:: No…
Duo: Eh… Sees the expression on Kaen's face Then, I'll be going now… Ja! Flees