Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What Heero May Dream ❯ Getting into Politics ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Duo finally slept. Heero feared to touch him, to wake him again. So he stood there, fists at his side, and watched him. The burn, a mix
of radioactive and chemical, had stopped spreading after Sally arrived with medicine for it. Stolen, she had admitted, and they didn't have enough of it, but it had stopped the progress for now. For now.

Those felt like the most painful words Heero had ever really dealt
with. Duo was going to die. The burn would start to spread again.
He'd become restless and… and.. Heero was not going to think about
it. So he stood there, watching the peaceful sleep in the man he'd
only hours ago admitted that he loved.

He'd known before that, he thought to himself. It had always just
been something he couldn't deal with until there was peace. J was
dead though. Relena was dead. G was dead. Duo lived still.

When he'd come in, burned, and stumbling.. Heero's mission had
changed. Closing his eyes, he played the memory of holding a burned
and fragile Duo in his arms, watching the burn almost spread as we
watched in the mirror. The mission, so many missions.. they'd been
about destruction, and Heero knew, how he didn't know, but he knew as
he was holding Duo then, that Duo was fighting for him, was doing
missions still because if he hadn't, Heero would have tried to do
them all.

Then the mission changed. He couldn't walk away from the colonies. He couldn't leave them and Earth to fend for themselves. He couldn't let Duo fight anymore. The mission became peace.

"Sally," he said softly, knowing she would hear him. She sat near
Heero's bed, watching Duo sleep.

"Yes," she sat up a little sudden, shifting her chair. Maybe she had been sleeping, Heero thought. "What is it?"

"I want you to contact Quatre. Have him start the process for me to
enter the race for governor of L1."

"Governor?" She asked, blinking in the darkness, pushing hair back
from her face.

"Duo will not fight anymore," Heero stated. "Will you contact Quatre?"

"Yes, of course." Her attention turned to Duo then, even as she
wondered about this change in Heero. It was hard to imagine one
without the other. Always together, they were just always
together. "Heero, he might not die. His body might beat back the

"It shouldn't have happened this way. Oz shouldn't have been building this kind of weapon in the first place. Duo and I, we can't stop them. We'll just die trying, but the people, they could stop it.
Relena would have shown them how, if I'd kept her alive."

"You can't know that, can't blame yourself, Heero," Sally whispered, biting her lip as she leaned over to see the farther side of Duo's face. "I have one more dose of the antidote. We should take him into the hospital. They have medicine there."

"He'll be arrested."

"He'll live."

"For how long, Sally. With Oz in charge, he's committed capital
crimes. They'll execute him."

Sally sat back down, closed her eyes. "Heero, by destroying that
plant, he saved many lives, crippled Oz for at least another couple
of years. Maybe he even got the scientists who would make such a
poison, but …" And she trailed off, not able to finish what was
perfectly obvious to both of them.

"If he had more of the antidote, would he live?"


"He wanted a house, with flowers. Did you know he likes flowers? I
want to give him flowers."

She rubbed her forehead, hiding her face from him, from his eyes that could see in light that was less than a normal human needed. "Then go and buy some now."

"He wouldn't die. He's Duo Maxwell."

"Everyone dies, Heero."

"Not Duo." Heero gave a tight nod of his head and turned his back to her. Not. Duo.

His bare feet were the only sound, softly padding on the short
commercial carpet of the hotel room. Then Sally's sigh, and his
keyboard clicks filled the room. From the small keyboard, he hit the
lists, the boards, and worst of all, he hacked Quatre's company's
mailing list. 10 million emails.. going out at 1000 a minute. They
were simple emails. Heero Yuy <video clip of Zero blowing up a
falling Libra parts> Support Peace. Support Heero Yuy, president of
the Earth Sphere. Reject lies. Reject violence done to control you.
<date, five days from email> <image of Duo's burned face> Reject
weapons of mass destruction. Be ready to support the new unified
democratic government.

If they didn't support him, didn't turn out when he sent the second
email that he had, then he'd take his Duo, and he'd leave them to
their own resources. "Sally, forget what I said about Quatre. I wrote
him. I don't want to be governor. I want to be what Relena would
been. I let her die, now I'll finish her mission for her. I'm going
to get more antidote for Duo. Will you stay with him?"

"I'll stay with him." She pressed a button on her watch, reflecting green light from her face. "Three hours, I"ll give him the last of the antidote. If he's not better, if his body isn't holding his own by then, and you're not back, what do you want me to do?" She
swallowed. If Duo were in horrible pain, and she couldn't help him,
and he couldn't get better… She didn't know what she'd do, or if she
even could do anything.

"I'll be back. Just wait for me."

Duo's eyes flickered, slitting open. "Heero?"

Heero moved to him then, kneeling on the floor, taking Duo's
hand. "I'm here."

"Okay," Duo said, closing his fingers around Heero's. "I'm here too."

There were so many things he wanted to say! Maybe it was this hard
for someone who wasn't trained to be the perfect solider too, but
Heero didn't know. He knew his eyes leaked, but didn't know how to do
get past the next breath or where to find words. "Duo, I'm going to
get you some flowers. I'll be back. I'm going to get more medicine
for you. I know how to end the fighting now. I know what to do. If it
works, there will be peace soon. If it doesn't, I'll take you away
and no one will find us. I'll get you a house and a cat. I promise."

Sleep though was pulling Duo back under and he breathed, "I'm here, Heero. I'm here." Comforting words, as if Duo were trying to sooth Heero.

Gently, Heero slipped his fingers from Duo's and stood. "I'll be
back, Sally. Keep him quiet, and trust me."

Angry now, she rounded on him. "How? How are you going to do what you promised him? He's dying. You should stay here and watch him, not
leave it to me!"

"He's not going to die," Heero hissed, then grabbed his jacket and
headed out the door, only barely resisting the urge to slam it behind
him. Once out side, he looked at the coming dawn and promised it too.
Duo was not going to die.