Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters Most ❯ Acceptance ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Matters Most
By: Lady Sapphire

Author's Notes: Please don't kill me!!! :( I am very sorry this is taking so long! I know I've probably lost most of my readers by now, so I won't delay any further. If you want to hear my lame excuses, then it's at the bottom. I won't bore you with them here.

Chapter 8: Acceptance

At the first light of dawn, Heero, as anxious as ever, was up and prepared for his meeting with his parents. He did not fear his father or his mother, but he was more afraid of their disapproval. Even now, as he sat awaiting his parents' arrival in the waiting room, he could feel the palm of his hands dampen. Rubbing his hands on his clothes, he let out a soft sigh. He couldn't back out now, no matter the circumstances. He had to show them, once and for all, all the things Relena was, instead of all the things she wasn't. He had to make them see that beneath her exterior, lay a person worth more than all the riches in the world. But, most of all, he had to show them how much she meant to him. With that last thought, his courage picked up, and he was more determined than ever.
"The Master and Mistress will see you now…" announced the servant drowsily, as he exited the living room.
Heero nodded and entered. He really didn't want to wake anyone up at this hour, but he knew he had to go through with this.
The Master and Mistress had been surprised when the servant summoned them with a message from their son. They were just in the process of getting washed and dressed for the day when a knock arrived on their chamber doors. The boy informed them that Heero had requested to meet with them. Puzzled, they consented, and sent the boy to deliver the message.
"Heero, good morning, my dear," greeted his mother when he entered. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, Mother," answered Heero, politely, "Good morning, Mother, Father," he replied back, nodding to address each title to the respective parent.
"Hmm, now what is it that you wanted to see us about?" questioned the Mistress, quite intrigued by her son. She had sensed a hint of uneasiness in him.
Heero straightened up. This was the moment of truth. It was now or never. Clearing his throat and taking a deep breath, he began. "Father, Mother, I have a very important matter to discuss with you. It concerns my future and the future of another individual," he said softly.
"Oh?" questioned his mother, slightly surprised. Heero was never one to reveal his innermost emotions. There was definitely something wrong with this scenario.
Heero nodded uncertainly. He had a feeling his mother knew what was on his mind. He continued, "Lately, I have been thinking. I realize I am no longer a child. I want to discuss some important matter with you… namely marriage," he mumbled out uneasily. He did not dare meet their eyes.
A moment of silence passed as both parents gave him surprised looks. It took a minute for all this to sink in, but to Heero, it was a lifetime of agony and torture.
Was this really Heero Yuy standing before them? Their son was never one who was into this sort of thing. He was never the most open. Yet, there he stood on this fine morning with a request of marriage?
Suddenly, the Master erupted into a wave of laughter. "Excellent! This is just excellent!" he bellowed, clapping excitedly.
The Mistress smiled knowingly, but she also had an uncertain look about her face. It was almost as she suspected that the whole situation wasn't as "excellent" as her husband thought it was.
Heero just stood dumbfounded by his father's sudden outburst.
Continuing, his father explained, "You see, son, your mother and I have been discussing marriage for the longest time now and we just recently started looking at some possible wives. We always thought Mark would be the first to be wedded, but if you've already found someone of your liking, then we shall celebrate your marriage first!" said the Master, chuckling. Nudging his wife, he commented, "Funny, how ironic it is. Who'd have thought Heero would become the first to start a family?"
She gave him a curt nod and smiled, "Yes, quite…" she murmured. There was still something that did not seem right.
"So, Heero, who will be my future daughter-in-law?" questioned his father with a teasing smile. "Is it the Lady Alexandra, the wealthiest young maiden in these parts? Or is it the Countess Caroline? She's a rather attractive young lady. Oh wait, I know, it must be the Duchess Isabella, she's been after you for years! Such a lovely girl, that Isabella is. I know her father very well too. She would make a wonderful addition to our family."
Heero cringed. It was true that these girls had been on his case for the longest time, but he hated them all. They were all the same: selfish, spoiled, and conceited. They never looked past one's looks or wealth. All they cared for were their looks, clothes, gossip, the size of their wealth…he doubted they ever did care for him, only his fortune.
Secondly, now he knew of his father's high expectations, he was certain that this mission wasn't going to get any easier, but he wasn't giving up. Somehow, he just had to make them see it his way.
The master went on about guests, a wedding date, and other details that soon became a blur to Heero.
Suddenly, after remaining silent throughout the whole ordeal, the Mistress spoke for the first time. She had been observing and contemplating the situation until now. "Now dear, let's not be too hasty. Hero still has not revealed the name of the young lady who has captured his heart," she said gently to her husband. The Master looked at her as if the answer was obvious, but she paid him no heed. Turning to her son, she asked, "Heero? Might we know her already?"
She had a look in her eye that told him she knew what was going on. There was no escape from it. The Mistress always had this uncanny knack for figuring out her sons' intentions.
Heero looked down and nodded, "She…she lives in this house…"
The Master was about to speak when the unsettling news made him freeze. He shut his mouth promptly and widened his eyes, staring in shock. He was rendered speechless.
The Mistress continued interrogating Heero. "And would this young lady be one of the household workers?" she questioned. Once again she had pinpointed the right direction. Hero nodded solemnly.
The Master's eyes grew even wider. He opened his mouth to express his anger, but the instrument of his voice was malfunctioning.
"And would her name be Relena?" she asked, looking directly into her son's eyes, unblinking. She knew she had him.
Heero didn't know why he was surprised, but he was. He shouldn't be, for he knew he could never keep anything hidden from his mother for long. And yet, there he stood, astounded and dazed, unable to summon his voice to reply. His confidence was lost. He was trapped with no way out. Oh, how wonderful it would be if the floor would just crack open and swallow him up.
After a moment, Heero managed to calm himself. He let out a sigh, and nodding he answered, "yes mother, Relena is the one that I choose."
"The room fell silent. It was almost as if time had stopped turning as the impact of Heero's revelation sunk in.
The Master was the first to react. Unfortunately for Heero, his reaction wasn't a very pleasnt one. "WHAT?! What is the meaning of this?!" he roared, rising from his seat. An enraged glare penetrated through Heero's soul.
Heero winced inwardly. He knew exactly how his father would react. He was old enough to know by now his father's temperaments and had foreseen this little scene. Thus he now bravely stood against him. Standing his ground, he looked at his superior directly in the eye and repeated, "I wish to marry Relena Peacecraft and hope that you will consent to it."
"Most absolutely NOT!" confirmed the older Yuy immediately. His wrinkled face was flushed, fury evidently written across it. This is an outrage! A conspiracy! I will not tolerate the mismatch of statuses. It is unheard of! She is not suit this family, therefore you shall do as I command and marry Isabella!"
Heero remained unfazed. "I do not love her…" was his simple, yet stern reply.
The eyes of the old man bulged even further, if humanly possible. Any further, and they'd have popped right out of their sockets. "What? What nonsense is this?!" he spluttered, at a loss for words. "Why, I've never heard of such obscenities! What does love have to do with anything? Marriage isn't about love; it's about creating bridge ways to opportunities! Business opportunities! It's about benefiting from your soul mates wealth and power!" he preached, making a fist for effect.
"You are wrong, father," replied Heero, "Love has everything to do with marriage, for love is marriage. Marriage is the union of two souls who deeply care for one another, who love one another. The measure of wealth and power is irrelevant; what matters is the measure of love. I cannot marry someone whom I do not love, regardless of the fact that you approve. It is I who is choosing a wife, not you. I should be able to make my own decision." He had never seen his father so angry before in his life! He had never been so out of line before in his life as well…
His father glared at him darkly. He opened his mouth to retort, when his son interrupted him.
"Father, did you love mother when you married her?" he challenged.
"I…uh…" stammered the older man. He knew he was beat. In fact, he had truly loved his wife, and still did, but if he answered in the affirmative, he would just be contradicting what he had just spoken of earlier, but if he answered in the negative…he took a fleeting glance at his wife who glared expectantly at her him.
The Mistress, who had been silently analyzing the situation, was suddenly intrigued by her husband's discomfort. She knew he loved her, but she knew he wouldn't admit it willingly to their son.
"That's none of your business, son! Your marriage will be determined by your parents just like how it's always been, and we say you shall be wed to Isabella!" shouted the Master, growing crimson.
"No, we do not!" dictated a calm, soft-spoken, yet firm voice. The voice, of course, belonged to the Mistress, who rose from her seat.
"We have…we're not?" questioned Master Yuy, giving his wife a confused and betrayed look.
She shook her head with a placid smile. Gracefully, she made her way towards her son, and placed a tender hand on his cheek. She brought him down to kiss his forehead.
"Dearest Heero, I am proud of you, my son. You have learned and understood the true meaning of love, a feat not many can accomplish," she said in a gentle voice.
Heero raised a soliciting eyebrow, but watched curiously, anxious to listen to his mother's words. His father was aghast, but more resentful than anything else.
"Tell me Heero, why do you love Relena?" she tested him.
Heero took a breath. The answer was clear to him, but why was it difficult to say it? "Well…she's kind and gentle, and a favourite to Rosabelle. She is loyal and caring, worrying for others before she worries for herself. She is free-spirited and ambitious, not afraid to speak what she feels. She's different from any other girl I've met, and I know she will love me for me and not for money. I cannot imagine letting her go, because…I love her," he said quietly, running the words through his mind before speaking them.
The Mistress smiled approvingly at her son, "As long as you love someone with your whole heart, nothing else in the world should matter. Nothing else can take that away. And to be happy, one should have the right to choose his or he own soul mate," she nodded at Heero, "Yes, Heero, I grant you full liberty of selecting your own bride. I trust in you and your judgement, and I'm certain I shall love whomever you choose to be my daughter-in-law."
Heero mentally let out a sigh of relief. Mission accomplished. The worst part was over. He had persuaded his mother, and even though his father had not consented yet, it would not take much to sway him. Master Yuy loved his wife more than anything, and would not continue to oppose her for a very long time. But, for now, he chose to be sturdy and disagreeable.
"NO, I FORBID IT!" he roared, jumping up and striding to where his son and wife stood. He turned to face his wife, "How dare you grant such a promise without my assent? Do you know the consequences if we let this marriage transpire?" he spluttered angrily.
The Mistress remained unfazed. "No, dear husband, I do not."
"If word gets out, we will be the laughing stock of the entire world!!! Whoever heard of marrying a servant girl when much better can be achieved? It's like the prince and the peasant girl, or the duck trying to pass off as a swan! It is not in the oracle that it is possible, nor is it accepted," stated the Master, earning a frown from Heero. He did not like those analogies his father made.
She looked him straight in the eye. "There is no law that states Heero cannot marry whom he chooses. Provided that, the parents approve, it may occur. Frankly, I do not care what the public thinks. Why is it that all you care about is yourself? Do you not want our son to be happy? How is choosing the one for him to spend his entire life with going to make him happy? No, I do not care for what others will say. I shall only say that it is love that binds them together and that is all that matters. If others cannot see that, then I pity them, for they cannot experience true without believing in it first." She was stern and composed, never wavering in her speech.
Both males stared at her in amazement. They had never seen the passionate side of her before. The elder of the two voiced his rebuttal. "It's not that I don't want Heero to be happy. It's just that, I don't think that Relena will be that much of a gain towards our family or to the company…"
"Must everything have a gain towards your company?" said the Mistress disgustedly, pronouncing the final word with spite. "Is that really more important to you than our son?"
He stood quiet, unable to answer.
She smiled, knowing that she had won. Gently, she took both of his hands into hers, "Listen, if you still believe in love and all that love stands for, you will allow Heero to choose whom he loves. If you believe in our love…" she said tenderly, gazing into deep azure eyes.
That was all that he needed comply. Indeed he loved her, and now he realized that she was right. Love has no boundaries, no restrictions. It is open to all those who have been graced with the privilege of falling in love. And Heero was one of them…
A grin spread across his face, as he placed an arm around his wife. "I'm sorry…my son, I have been selfish and close-minded. I should have valued your love for Relena instead of opposing it. It seems I have forgotten what love is. Thank you both, for returning it to me." He took Heero's arm with his free arm to address him personally, "Heero, I accept your decision," he told him.
Heero bowed as a grin broke across his face. "Father, Mother, you have both taught me a lot today about love and relationships. I shall keep them in mind as long as I live. I thank you for your acceptance," he said sincerely.
"In fact, I quite like Relena. She is like a daughter to me. I was planning on finding her a good husband and home, even if you did not propose, but since you did, what better home to give her than our own?" chuckled the Mistress. "And, dear, I'm quite certain you were pleased with her chess skills when you played against her the other afternoon. I know I'm not that much of a match to you, but she certainly is," she recalled demurely.
The Master nodded with a smirk. It was true. He was fascinated with the girl's capabilities.
The Mistress took Heero's hands and patted them gently. "Now Heero, go see if Relena is awake yet, and bring her here to us. We need to discuss plans for the wedding."
A miserable expression claimed him when he heard his mother's request. "Mother… I havn't received a reply form her yet…"
"I mean I asked her, but I gave her the choice as well. I didn't want to force this upon her, so I gave her time to decide…"
"Oh Heero…" said his mother compassionately, "It must be utter torture for you to wait, isn't it? She must be waiting for our consent, no doubt, and possibly weighing out whether if it were the best for you, and not for herself. She understands the difference between statuses. She is wise, and comprehensive of the facts that lie before her…" she mused. Clapping her hands together, she made a decision. "Go now, Heero, bring her here, and I shall clarify any questions she may have, and hopefully clarify any doubts.
Heero nodded immediately and left the room. It wasn't a bad idea. If there was anyone who could convince her, it would be his mother. He sighed on his way out, a smirk spreading slowly across his face. Everything had turned out better than he had expected. His parents understood how he felt and accepted Relena. Now, if only the latter could understand that in order for others to accept her, she needs to accept herself for who she is. And not for what she is not.


Author's Apologies: Once again, I'm sorry for my lack of updates. Since school started, it's been like @_@...Especially the first semester (gosh I hate Math!). Now it's the second semester, and there's less homework, so I found the time to work on this. You can also have my friend, mari, to thank for bugging me to update this at every opportunity she got. And also thanks to Phoenix for prodding me'll try to keep my updates more recent. Actually, one of the reasons why this took so long, was that it was extremely hard to write...I think it's because of the parents...It's a boring but necessary chapter. But now that it's over, I can get back to the fun stuff! This story is almost at an end, you can be thankful for that! I think there's around 2-3 chapters to go. Well, I have to go do a project now! Bye!

Disclaimer: I needn't tell you that I do not own Gundam Wing.