Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters Most ❯ A Brother's Wish ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What Matters Most
What Matters Most
By Lady Sapphire

Disclaimers: Gundam Wing is not mine. (Though I wish I did. Then I would definitely put Heero and Relena together.) Oh well, a girl can only dream!
Author's Note: I would like your opinion on my fics. Please tell me!! Anyways, on with the prologue!

Prologue: A Brother's Wish

"I'm right here, my brother."
"I'm sorry, but I will leave you soon."
"No, you can't! Not yet! Please…"
In a dimly lit room, two siblings lived alone. The elder brother was lying on the bed and was at death's door, while his sister nursed and wept for him each day until now. The room was cold and bitter, bearing only the light of a candle, a worn out old bed and a small stool. There was no carpet or wallpaper, just bare stone floors and walls with cracks here and there. The two were dressed in shabby clothes, rags you may even call them. But it wasn't their clothing that they were crying about.
"My sickness is getting worse and we have no money for a doctor. I fear that my time has come," he said weakly.
"No, no," she mumbled over and over, shaking her head, as tears continued to roll down her cheeks and on to her brother's hands.
"Please don't cry anymore, maybe it's just better this way. But before I leave, I want you to promise me one last thing." When she didn't reply, he continued, "I don't want you to be sad about me your whole life. I want to go out there and get a job and live the happy life that you should have lived. Live a life with no more pain and suffering. That is my wish for you and somehow I know it will come true."
He then started coughing uncontrollably. His sister immediately started to rub his back. When his cough started to stop, he whispered hoarsely his final words, "Don't forget me. Goodbye." With that, his eyes rolled back and shut closed. He was in an eternal slumber now.
"I won't cry," she said to herself, trying with all her might to hold back the tears that were burning in her eyes, "He wouldn't want me to be sad." She looked over at her brother's still body. "I will go now, my brother, to find an occupation like your wish. I will live a happy life. I shall not disappoint you."
She gave the lifeless body one last embrace before turning to leave. "Goodbye, Milliardo, and I will never forget you, I promise. And that is a promise that I, Relena Peacecraft, intend to keep."

Author's Note: Well? How is it? I know that this is kind of short, but, hey, it's a prologue. Aren't prologues supposed to be short? Anyway, my chapters will be much longer. I'll try to get the first chapter up ASAP. Well, e-mail me and let me know what you think, okay? Ciao!