Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters Most ❯ Who is She? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Matters Most
By: Lady Sapphire

Chapter 1: Who is She?

"Did you hear? There's a new servant."
"Really? Where is she?"
"In the waiting room, waiting for the master's judgement."
"What's her name?"
"I don't know, but she's cute. She looks poor, though. I heard that Sir Duo was the one who offered her this position."
"How does she know Sir Duo?"
"Beats me."
The Yuy household was filled with rumours of a new servant that morning. The Yuy family was one of the richest in all the lands. They owned massive companies and hundreds of mansions all around the world. They had thousands of servants and guards, and yet today, they were going to receive another.
A frail young woman, around the age of fifteen, sat nervously in a large empty room, fidgeting apprehensively with a tiny gold locket around her neck. The room was marvellously furnished and on one end of the room, were two enormous decorated chairs, thrones, almost. Along the side were other more ordinary chairs, chairs that she was permitted to sit on. Across the two chairs, were two skilfully carved doors, which were gigantic. The room itself was a sight that was hard to miss. It had a gorgeous chandelier that was hung high above her head, the light dancing from furniture to furniture. The long red carpet that stretched from those two "thrones" to the door was so beautifully woven that the she couldn't help but to touch it. The material was soft and silk-like.
She felt like a fish out of water. Everything surrounding her was so beautiful and delicate, and her? She was dirty and ugly, or she thought so. Her clothes were tattered and torn rags and her hair was in knots and tangles. She was filthy from head to toe, covered in dirt.
Her aquamarine eyes clearly displayed fear. "Maybe this was a bad idea. I don't know if I can meet the needs of a family that has everything they could ever want. What could I possibly do? No, I have to go along with this. It's too late to turn back now. I have to do this for…" she said mentally to herself, but then was interrupted when the doors on the other side of the room burst open. She immediately stood up and bowed her head.
A middle-aged man and woman dressed in fine silk and jewellery walked in regally and situated themselves on the throne-like chairs. No doubt that they were the prominent Mr. and Mrs. Yuy. Followed behind were two younger men and a girl. The elder of the two males looked around twenty and had brownish-black hair that was neatly combed into place. He had deep, sea blue eyes and was dressed neatly for any occasion.
The man beside him, however, was around her age, fifteen, and had unruly dark brown hair that spread out wildly in every direction. In other words, he looked like he had just woken up in the morning, but she seemed to find and interest in him. His eyes, a beautiful Prussian blue, were intense, yet captivating to her.
"He's beautiful," she thought to herself, but quickly shook that thought away.
The little girl, who looked around five years of age, had shoulder length light brown hair that was streaked with darker brown highlights. Her eyes were big, round, and bright blue, giving her an adorable innocent look. She followed the other two men to where Mr. and Mrs. Yuy were and stood behind them.
The servant girl stood quietly in front of them, curtsied slightly, and stared at the floor.
Mrs. Yuy stood up and gracefully walked in front of her. She put a finger lightly on her cheek and tilted her face up to meet her own. "Let me take a closer look at your face, child." And she did. "Beautiful. Dirty, yet beautiful. Why would a beautiful young lady such as yourself, want to work as a servant?" she asked.
The girl shyly looked into her eyes before answering, "I…I have no money and there aren't any jobs out there."
"Oh? And how did you find this job?"
"Sir Duo told me about it, Ma'am."
"And how does Sir Duo know you?"
"I'm a friend of Hilde, Duo's girlfriend."
"I see. And what exactly can you do? Have you had any education?"
She slowly shook her head no. "I've been an orphan ever since I can remember. It was my brother who always looked after me. I guess I could do anything you want me to."
"Well, what do you like to do? What are you good at doing?"
"Um…" she thought for a moment, and then timidly said, "I like to sing."
"Wonderful! I love music! Please let me hear you sing a song."
"She hesitated a while before deciding that she had better do it if she wanted to be hired. "Yes, Ma'am," she replied and curtsied slightly.

"Look at me, you may think you see who I really am, but you'll never know me.
Everyday, it's as if I play a part.
Now I see, if I wear a mask, I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart.
Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?"

She suddenly stopped and looked around. She blushed when she saw that all eyes were on her. Even the servants who were passing by, stopped to listen to her sing.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I got carried away," she said apologetically.
"Not at all. Please continue," simply replied Mrs. Yuy.
Puzzled, she continued to sing.

"I am now in a world where I have to hide my heart, and what I believe in.
But somehow I will show the world what's inside my heart, and be loved for who I am.
Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?

There's a heart that must be free to fly.
That burns with the need to know the reason why.
Why must we all conceal what we think, how we feel?
Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide?

I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time.
When will my reflection show who I am inside?
When will my reflection show who I am inside…?"

As her voice gradually died down, she could hear claps and whistles and hoots coming from the other servants, which made her blush an even deeper shade of red.
"Quiet!" Shouted Mr. Yuy on top of all the commotion. The noise applause immediately stopped and the servants quickly got back to work.
"Bravo! That was excellent! You have a really lovely voice," commented Mrs. Yuy, as she herself clapped. The expression on her face clearly stated that she was impressed. "You may work here as a servant and as an entertainer. Your duties as an entertainer is to sing every once in a while for us."
"Really? Oh, thank you, Master and Mistress Yuy," she exclaimed excitedly. She knew from Hilde that that was how all servants addressed their owners.
"You will serve my son, Mark Yuy. You will refer to him as Master Mark." The man with the brown-black hair and sea-blue eyes stepped forth.
"Master Mark," she addressed him politely and curtsied. He nodded his approval.
"And this is my younger son and my daughter, Heero and Rosabelle Yuy. You will refer to them by Master Heero and Small Mistress."
She curtsied to them too and when she came back up, her gaze was locked with Heero Yuy's. His intense prussian blue eyes were cold and impassive, showing no hint of an emotion. Was he angry or delighted with a new servant? Who could tell? She wanted to break free from his stare, but for some reason she couldn't. She was trapped in those mysterious eyes and that made her feel uncomfortable.
Then, as if answering to her prayer, Rosabelle Yuy came forth and tugged at her hand. That broke their bond and she turned to face the little girl.
"Hello, you're pretty. You're song was pretty too! I liked it. Can you sing it again for me?"
Mrs. Yuy answered for her. "No, not now, honey, she needs to settle in now. I bet she's very tired too. She'll sing for you later, alright?"
"Okay, mommy," said Rosabelle, disappointedly and went back to where her brothers were.
"You should probably take a shower and change clothes. Hilde!" she called.
A petite woman with short raven hair appeared at the door. "Yes, Mistress?"
"Since you already know Hilde, she will show you to your room and take you on a tour of the Yuy mansion. After, report to Master Mark's chamber for your duties," explained Mrs. Yuy.
"Yes, Mistress," both girls said in unison and started heading out of the room.
"Oh and by the way, I didn't get a chance to ask you your name, Miss…"
She stopped in her tracks and turned to face her Mistress. "Peacecraft. Relena Peacecraft," she replied and followed Hilde out the doors.
What she didn't notice, was the pair of emotionless Prussian blue eyes that continued to bore into her, even after she had left.


Author's Note: So, how is the first chapter? What do you think? Tell me!!! The second chapter is on the way!
Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing, though I wouldn't mind being their owner! ^_^ Maybe someday….. I do not own the song "Reflection" either. I just love it so I put it in my fic. (It's Christina Aguilera's song, in case you didn't know.) Bye for now!