Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters Most ❯ To Love, or Not to Love? ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Matters Most
By: Lady Sapphire

Author's Notes: I think there was a bit of misunderstanding in my last chapter. When I said it was the ending, I meant the ending of the chapter! I received some reviews telling me to make a sequel, well the bad news is, I am not through with this fic yet! There's a least three more parts to go. I mean, if that really were the ending of a fic, I'd be bugging the heck out of the author to complete it since that is hardly what I call an ending. The problems weren't even solved, so it couldn't be a proper ending. Another thing a reviewer brought up was the fact that Heero was too young to be driving! Sometimes, when inspiration strikes, I usually jot down my ideas with out even thinking about it first. In spite of this, I am going to change their ages. Heero, Relena, Duo, Hilde, and anyone else who was 15, is now 19. Mark is 22, although I don't think I ever stated his age before, just the fact that he was older. Now they can drive and their older ages might be some use to me later on. In any case, I'm sorry for the confusion and here is the next instalment to the fic. Hope you enjoy! (Yes, I know, cheesy title! :P)

Chapter 7: To Love, or Not to Love?

A weak moan escaped Relena's troubled lips as she ambled through the courtyard, trying to return to the manor. A hand gripped her forehead, which was creased with worry. Heero had dropped her off at the front gates and then left for school. As her feet unconsciously moved her forward, she tried to reason with her mind to think of a solution to her dilemma. None came to her.
'There has to be a mistake. That cannot possibly be his true feelings. He's probably just not himself today. Heero used to be so cold and uncaring. How could he have changed so much and so sudden?' she pondered to herself, still trying to deny the truth. But, deep in her heart, she knew it was futile to avoid the fact any longer. She was in love with Heero Yuy.
This realization wasn't new to her, therefore there was no shock in it, however, the question that troubled her still remained unequivocal. Why me? Yes, those two words were the cause of all her troubles. Why did he have to choose her out of every girl in the world?
The other day ago, while Heero was away, she was running a few errands for the Master and she accidentally overheard Duo and another guard talking to each other. The guard was to deliver a letter to Heero from the Duchess Isabella. Duo took it instead since Heero wasn't here. Now, the letter could have concerned any issue, but in Relena's current paranoid state, she assumed it was a love letter. 'How can I compare to a Duchess? Why would he choose a common, ordinary girl, a servant, nonetheless, over a Duchess?' She was getting more and more doubtful of herself with each passing thought.
"Because you're you. You're special, Relena, and you know it," Heero's kind, heart-warming words ran through her mind, but only to have them put down. Relena snorted. "Me? Special? Hah! What's so special about me? What do I have that others don't?" she challenged to thin air. She wasn't aware that she was speaking out loud.
Relena groaned and gripped her head again, trying to steady herself. The complexity of this emotion was giving her an appalling headache. 'I can't take much more of this, I'm going to explode! I need to let it out. I need to tell someone,' she told herself. A smile broadened across her face, as she knew the perfect person that would help her solve this predicament. She hurried back inside the house.


Hilde was already up and fixing her hair when she heard a faint rapping sound at her door. Puzzled, she got up to see who could be visiting her so early in the morning. On the other side of the door, she found a very troubled Relena, telling from the disdain look on her face.
"Rel! What are you doing here? Is there something wrong?" she questioned worriedly.
Relena entered the room and closed the door behind her. "Hilde, what am I going to do? Tell me, what am I supposed to do? What do I say to him? Give me an answer, please!" she blurted out frantically. She didn't even realize that she hadn't explained the situation to her best friend yet.
"Calm down, Relena! Now, what is it? You know I will help you anyway I can, just tell me what's wrong," she consoled. Her worried expression deepened seeing her like this. What could have gotten her so upset?
Relena gathered herself. She told herself to be calm and took a deep breath before spilling out the entire story: about how Heero told her he loved her and how she realized that she also loves him too but can't say so.
When she was finished telling her story, Hilde, surprisingly, was trying to suppress a grin from spreading ear to ear. "So he finally found the guts to confess," she mumbled softly, unintentionally, but it was too late.
"What?" Relena asked, confusedly. Then she put two and two together. Of course! Why hadn't she thought of it before? The weird noises from Hilde's closet yesterday, Heero somehow knowing her views on love, and now Hilde commenting on Heero's confidence…it all made sense now. Hilde had let Heero (and probably Duo was involved) stake out in her closet so that they could eavesdrop on her and Hilde's conversation! Her eyes grew wide in shock and disappointment. "Hilde! It was you! You were involved in this! How could you do this to me? Why? I thought you were my friend…" Relena's voice was barely a hurt whisper. She felt so betrayed and alone. Glancing away from her friend's eyes, she started heading for the door.
"Relena! Wait! Let me explain!" exclaimed Hilde, almost bursting into tears. How could Relena think she had betrayed her when all she was trying to do was help? "Yes, I admit, I did allow Heero to hide in my closet, but the only way for him to find out how you truly care about him," she explained, "He's loved you for some time now and wanted some reassurance that you'll love him back once he expressed his feelings for you."
Relena thought about this for a minute and then decided, "That was still very inconsiderate of you to let other's listen to our private conversation! What if I had said I hated him? What if I didn't want to love him?" she challenged.
"That wasn't my task. My job was to ask you questions about your feelings for Master Heero and to shield him from view. And you know why I agreed to it? Because, Relena, you are my best friend. I can't stay by your side forever, and someday we'll have to go our parting ways. I want to make sure that my best friend has someone else to turn to after I was gone. When I heard Master Heero had an interest in you, I decided that I would help you get together. What more could you want? He's got everything a girl could ever hope for! And he seems to love you very much. Plus, his looks are not bad either," she said with a wink, "He's the perfect soul mate and I don't see why you are complaining."
Relena sighed, "What if I can't love him?"
Hilde frowned, "What do you mean?"
"Just think about it. Do you think the Mistress would accept me into her family with arms wide open? Heero and I are completely different. Just compare where we were born, how we grew up, and our lifestyles. The difference is significant enough to for me to realize maybe we are not meant to be."
Hilde shook her head in disbelief, "Don't misjudge the Mistress. She is a very fair and understanding person. She won't turn you down with out a second thought," she reasoned, but was cut off by Relena.
"She won't need to. Just the mention of me and I'll be sent packing," replied Relena, disdainfully.
Hilde sighed. "Relena, Relena, Relena…" she repeated, shaking her head. "What has happened to you? You've changed. What happened to the old Relena whom I used to know? Have you forgotten all of our little talks? About how our Prince Charmings should act, look and be like if we ever meet him? Well, I think yours has arrived and he matches everything you could have ever hoped for. I remember you telling me that as long as you love one another, any obstacles that may stand in the way can be overcome. So whatever became of that belief?" inquired Hilde, almost daring her to answer. She was sick of seeing her friend wallow in her own self-doubt.
Relena glanced at Hilde's stern expression. Deep down, she knew that the raven-haired girl was right. Those were her exact words. But how could she ever apply them to the real life situation she was in now? She tried to come up with an argument, but all she could stammer out was, "I…I…"
"You what? You know what I'm talking about. Face the truth: those were your opinions. He loves you and you love him and love is all that should matter," reasoned Hilde.
"But…" protested Relena.
"Do you dare say that you have no feelings, not even the tiniest bit of affection, whatsoever towards him at all?" she inquired, further strengthening her speech.
Relena became quiet and stood perfectly still as she contemplated what Hilde had just said. If she answered yes, she would be lying and that wouldn't be true to herself or Hilde. But, if she answered no, then she would be admitting that she did love him, but she really didn't know how she felt about him to this point. So she didn't do anything.
"You can't answer that, can you?" asked Hilde, slyly grinning at her friend, "that means you do have some feelings for him, even if it isn't love."
Relena fell silent. She couldn't believe that Hilde was using her own beliefs against her. Sure, she was right, that was how she felt, but now…she wasn't so certain. Was it the same situation? How could love be so simple? No, it could never be. That was just wistful thinking. There has to be more than just love. A relationship between Heero and herself just wouldn't work out. Hilde just doesn't understand.
All of a sudden, a crucial pang erupted throughout her head. Relena released her pain in a groan, clutching her forehead in the process. "Listen, Hilde, I think I'm going to go lie down for a while and think this through," she informed, getting up to leave.
Hilde shot her a worried glance. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you want something for that headache?"
"No, it's all right. Besides, you need to get going too. I'll see you later, Hilde," she said, heading for the door. Before she opened the door to leave, she turned and smiled weakly. "Oh yeah, and thanks, Hilde, for listening to me. You really are a terrific friend."
Hilde smiled back. "Relena, your choice is up to you, but whatever you decide, I'll be right behind you every step of the way. I'll support you no matter what. I just want the best for you."
Nodding, Relena said goodbye and left.
Hilde sighed to herself. What was the matter with her friend? She seems changed somehow. 'She used to be so compassionate in her beliefs. Now, because of a real life situation, all her hopes are falling apart,' thought Hilde to herself, a concerned expression endowed upon her face. Exiting the room, she locked the door behind her, and made a silent prayer, 'Please, Relena, please make the right decision…'


With a swift twist of the doorknob, Relena opened and entered her room and locked the door firmly behind her. It was still a mess from rummaging through it this morning, but she didn't care. That was the least of her worries at the current moment. Leaning her weight against a wall for support, she pulled of her sand-covered shoes and threw them aside. She'd clean them later, but right now, she had too much on her mind to worry about shoes. Walking over to her dresser, she untied the ribbon that held her hair together, and shook her head lightly, freeing her locks of hair to hang down like a veil. Laying the satin ribbon on the dresser top, her reflection in the mirror caught her attention. She looked deeply at herself, staring into her own deep azure eyes. It wasn't her. The girl in the mirror wasn't her. She had changed somehow. It was like someone replaced her during her stay at the Yuy residence. A distant melody floated through her head and she began to hum.
"Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?"

She stopped short. The song had just brought an inquiring thought to her. "Who am I, anyway?" she asked out loud. It was a question that had never occurred to her before. She never knew her parents or relatives. She didn't know where she came from, how she became alone, or how she got the name "Relena Peacecraft". Was that even her real name? She wasn't so sure now. She just knew that she was alive. Milliardo wasn't much help either, when he was still with her. He didn't remember much about their past either, or he just didn't want to reveal it because whenever she asked him, he would change the subject. Now it was too late, she had lost all hope of ever finding out her history…
A tear slipped from her eyes and slid down her cheek. She brushed it away and sniffed, so that she wouldn't break out crying. She moved towards her bed, and setting down her purse on the bedside table, she laid herself on the bed.
'How could Heero be in love with someone who has no past? Why would he? I'm just…nobody,' she told herself angrily. Frustrated tears erupted from her eyes, despite the fact she was using all her will power to hold them back. 'There are probably millions of other girls out there, each more attractive than I, each one with a stable home, but most of all, each with a history, a family to call their own. So, why does he choose me?' she wondered. She just couldn't stop thinking about it.
She sighed hopelessly. 'What is the matter with me? Hilde is right; I have changed. Since one have I become so concerned with love?' she shook her head in disbelief.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This seemed to clear her mind. She opened her eyes again and found herself staring at the ceiling, as if searching for an answer to her predicament in the tiny dot designs of the ceiling tiles.
Then, she remembered the seashell that she had brought home with her from the beach. Carefully removing it from her purse, she gently rested it in the palms of her hands, while fingering every crease and texture upon the pale blue shell's surface.
Sighing, she cupped the shell with both her hands and held it close to her chest in prayer-like manner. 'Heero is very sincere to me and he does have a good heart. He would make a great husband a friend…but why can't I bring myself to accept?' This question repeated itself over and over in her head like an old broken record, until she couldn't take it anymore. In one quick movement, she yanked open her dresser drawer and tossed the shell inside, slamming it shut in the end. She turned away. She didn't want to see that shell at that moment, for it only made her think even more.
Exhausted, she collapsed on the soft bed. Pulling the covers over her body, she shut her eyes to get some rest, hoping that by the time she awoke, her mind would be clear enough to think of a solution.


"Heero, dear, what's wrong? You barely touched your food! Something on your mind, hun?" asked his mother at the dinner table that evening.
"I'm fine, mother," he responded, taking a spoonful of food to prove it.
The Mistress's eyes filled with concern at the sight of her younger son. As always, he had an emotionless expression when he entered the dining room, but today, there was also something else. "I know that's not the truth," she said warningly, "Come on, tell me what's bothering you."
Heero simply shook his head. "Nothing. Nothing at all."
"I know what you need; something we all need. A song!" exclaimed the Mistress, suddenly coming up with an idea. "It's been a long time since I've heard Relena sing." She called for a messenger to deliver the message to the kitchen.
Two minutes later, they heard a knock and then the creaking of the heavy, wooden doors. Heero's heart skipped a beat, believing it was Relena. However, when the doors parted, there stood, not Relena, but Hilde.
"Hilde? What is the meaning of this?" asked the Mistress in surprise.
Hilde curtsied, "Master, Mistress, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but Relena isn't feeling well today. She did not join us for supper and I'm afraid she missed lunch. I do not think would be able to sing this evening," she explained, bowing her head.
Just then, a figure appeared behind her. "On the contrary, I feel fine." It was Relena. She had heard that her presence was requested, and hurried down to the dining room. She did not dare defy the Mistress. Not even if her head felt as if it were a time bomb waiting to explode. Not after everything this family had done for her.
Hilde spun around, surprised to see her friend up on her two feet and actually wanting to sing. Judging by her appearance, she was not suited for anything but rest, and yet, here she was insisting that she was strong enough to perform. There was nothing Hilde could do now since Relena had spoken. Sighing, she shot her a worried glance and left.
"Are you absolutely certain, dear?" questioned the Mistress, with concern in her tone. "By the looks of it, I'd say Hilde wasn't wrong about you."
Relena tried to smile, but it came out more like a forced one. Taking a few steps forward, she dipped to greet the family. "I do feel a bit tired," she admitted, "but I can manage it! Honestly, I can!" she protested.
The Mistress gave her another worried look before giving in to her, "All right then, if you are absolutely, positively sure you can handle it."
Relena nodded and walked in briskly to the other side of the room, eyes not once leaving the ground.
Heero's heart panged. Had he done this to her? Had he caused her to be in the depressed state she was in now? 'She's avoiding me,' he thought to himself. He wanted to ask her why, but he couldn't. Not with his family around. He would just have to wait until after she was finished.
She could feel his deep, concerned eyes on her skin, burning through like a piece of paper underneath a shard of glass on a sunny warm day. It scarred her skin, leaving no visible marking.
Suddenly, she didn't feel so good about singing anymore. She wasn't prepared in her haste, and her headache hadn't completely subsided. She began to wonder if this was a mistake. But it was too late to turn back now. Nevertheless, she had to stay and do what she had to do. She just hoped that a song would come to her soon. Looking up from the ground, she searched the room for inspiration. Then it came to her. As her eyes focused on a window before her, she remembered a song that she knew a long time ago. Stepping forward, she strolled over to the window and placed her hand on the pane. "How lovely the stars are tonight," she commented. Truly, they did seem brighter than usual. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face her eager audience and began her song:

"I've waited all of my life
For the day when love appears
Like a fairy tale in days gone by
He will rescue me from my fears

And now I feel him standing close to me
And how can I tell him what he means to me
My heart stands still --- has he come?

Oh starry night
Is this the moment I dream of?
Oh starry night
Tell me, is he my own true love?

Every night I think of him
Here in my lonely room
Waiting for my prince to come
Wondering if he'll be here soon

And I sit patiently, waiting for a sign
And I hope that his heart longs for mine
He calls my name, is he the one?

Oh starry night
Is this the moment I dream of?
Oh starry night
Tell me, is he my own true love?

Oh starry night
Is he the one that I dream of?
Oh starry night
How will I know?
Will his love show?
Is he my own true love?"

Applause filled the room as Relena concluded her song. She curtsied and walked over to the dining table.
"Wonderful, Relena! What a beautiful selection! Your talent is truly exquisite, my dear," exclaimed the Mistress, the commendation bringing a faint tinge of pink to Relena's cheeks.
"I thank you, Mistress, and to all of you, as well," she paused to meet each of their gazes with her own. That is, everyone except Heero. "Now, I must request that I leave. I feel a bit light-headed and think that it would be best if a leave," she noted.
The Mistress nodded. "Oh yes, of course, you should! Good night now, Relena. Hope you feel better in the morning."
Relena bowed her head slightly and walked out of the dining room.
Heero fought hard to resist chasing after her and from shouting out. He clenched and unclenched his fists under the table to fight the urge. He knew he had to talk with her tonight, but not right now. Not with everyone around. Not with Mark around. He had to catch up with her fast, before she fell asleep, but he couldn't rush it or it'd seem suspicious.
He now ate on his food with a purpose. Chewing as fast as his jaws would let him, he devoured everything on his plate within ten minutes. Arising from his seat, he asked for permission to be excused.
His mother gave him a dumbfounded stare. Before Relena arrived, he wouldn't touch even a spoonful of food, and now that she's gone, he suddenly thinks he's in an eating competition! How could that be? What was he hiding? She inspected his plate to make sure it was satisfactory, and then reluctantly nodded her consent.
Moving quickly, Heero stood, turned, and pushed his chair in. Coolly, he left the room. Once he had exited the room, he ran down the hall as quickly as he could to the kitchen.
That left the rest of his family staring out the door in wonder. "Well, that was odd. Heero seems to be in quite a rush this evening," commented Master Yuy.
Mark nodded. 'Too odd, if you asked me…' he added silently to himself.


Heero's sudden appearance at the kitchen startled the kitchen staff. They greeted him properly and quickly moved out of his way as he sought out Hilde.
"Master Heero! What are you doing here?" asked a very surprised Hilde, when he found her.
"Hurry, give me a tray and Relena's dinner. I'll bring it to her," he commanded.
Nodding. She moved without question to prepare the meal.
"Hilde? I also want to ask you something. Could you tell me why Relena is acting like this?" attempted Heero. He thought, while he was waiting, he might as well try to get some answers.
Hilde sighed and closed her eyes. Should she tell him? How could she betray her best friend again by letting him know? How would she bare the fact? Then again, this isn't a matter of betrayal; this is about love, and it would be selfish not to let him know. She opened her eyes, took a deep breath and spilled out the conversation between her and Relena that afternoon.
After hearing her story, Heero could only stand there and blink. The blank look on his face clearly displayed confusion and shock. "How could she think like that? She's got it all wrong. I've got to straighten this out with her," he said firmly. Taking the prepared tray, he thanked Hilde for her help, not only for the food, but for clarifying things about Relena as well. With that, he turned and ran out the door.


'The stars are really pretty tonight,' thought Relena to herself. She was sitting on the floor by the wall, her knees huddled against her chest, glancing longingly at the open window. In her hand, she held her little blue seashell…
'Maybe it's Milliardo smiling down on me. His star shines brightly now that he's happy. Then…why can't I be happy too?" wondered Relena. She sighed and played with the delicate-looking shell in her hands. "If only he could spread some of that happiness to me…"
Then there was a knock on the door, followed by a voice, "Relena? Are you still awake? It's Heero." He paused to listen for a response.
Relena didn't know why she answered. She could have pretended to be asleep or pretended to be busy, but she didn't. Instead, she answered, "Come in, the door's open." There was a pause and then she heard the door click open and in stepped Heero.
"Evening, Relena," he greeted, figuring it would be a good place to start.
"Good evening," she nodded, returning his greeting, but still she failed to meet his eyes.
Heero noted this. "Hilde told us that you haven't had supper yet. Why is that?"
"I…wasn't hungry," she lied half-heartedly. She had lost her appetite in spite of her headache, but she had another reason, and that was to avoid him.
"I see…" nodded Heero. He suspected that she wasn't telling him the whole truth, but decided to let it pass. "Well, you can't go around with an empty stomach all day. Here, I brought you your supper," he informed and placed the tray the tray on the floor in front of her, then sat down beside her to watch her eat.
Speechless, Relena stared at the dishes in front of her for a long moment. She didn't know what to do. Should she eat it? Or not? She wasn't expecting such a gesture from him. Why, she was the one who was supposed to be serving him, not the other way around! Her eyes remained focused on the platter, as if her next step of action was written between the grains of rice.
Heero noticed this and beckoned her to eat, "Come on, before it gets cold." He picked up the fork and placed it in her hand.
Blinking, she snapped back to reality and accepted his kind offer. "Thank you, M-Heero," she said, quickly correcting herself. Carefully, she began to eat.
Heero waited and watched patiently until Relena finished eating. Rising, she picked up the tray. "I'll just go and wash these off. Thanks again, Heero," she told him briefly and headed for the door.
"Wait," Heero called out, getting to his feet quickly. He took the tray from her and placed it on the table. "I'll take it with me when I leave. Right now, I want to have a talk with you."
Relena's eyes darted from the floor to meet his gaze. 'Talk?!' she panicked, 'What could he possibly want to say to me? Does he want my decision now?' she wondered. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she questioned, "What about, Heero?"
Heero sighed, and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Ambling over to the window to gaze out. "This evening, in the dining room, the song you sang for us - it was so compelling. It seemed as if the lyrics applied to you…" he ventured, turning his head slightly to the right, so he could see her in the corner of his eye.
"I - "
"And not once did you glance in my direction during your presence in the dining room. Answer me this: why are you avoiding me?" he demanded, quite more strongly than he had intended.
"I…I'm not!" she spluttered. She was lying, but that was the only answer she could conjure up. She was frightened by this change in his tone.
"What is it exactly that you are trying to hide from? What are you afraid of? My brother? With me by your side, I'll make sure he doesn't touch a single hair on your head," he promised, his voice calming down.
"No…it's not that," she said softly, and looked away from him.
Heero walked up to her and placed both hands on her shoulders. "Then?" he asked sincerely.
Relena lifted her face once again to once again meet his strong, piercing eyes.
Those eyes. Those same captivating eyes that had froze her in place when they first met. She could see the same emotion in those eyes that she had seen when their eyes first interlocked, and know she knew, she had seen love. However, now, as she gazed helplessly into his normally expressionless eyes, she saw more than just love. She could see a new strength in them, a new determination that told her that his love was true.
Averting her gaze, she took a step back out of his grasp. "I…I don't want to hurt you," she said finally, in a faint whisper.
"Hurt me? What do you mean by that?" asked Heero, confused by her strange reply.
Relena sighed softly and turned so her back was to him. "I'm afraid…that if I …if we be together…I'll end up hurting you somehow…not physically…but some way or another…" she drifted off, unable to say more. She turned to face him again. "I wouldn't be able to bare it if that happened because…because you're my friend!" She then became aware that she was still clutching on to their friendship emblem. She opened up her palm to show him, as if proof of their friendship.
Heero had forgotten she had kept this shell. He reached out and gently picked it up. It was warm from her touch, so he instinctively wrapped his own fingers around it so that it would not loose its warmth. Strangely, he could feel a tender warmness spread throughout his body, as if the seashell was magically transferring its warmth into him. This warmth gave him new hope.
He stepped towards her. "Listen, nothing will happen to you, me, or anybody else. Nothing will change. You won't hurt me," he reasoned firmly. "Besides," he added, "I don't care what happens to me, so why should you?"
"Because I…" she started, without thinking, but stopped in her tracks when she realized what she was about to say. She did not want to admit that she loved him so soon, so she remained quiet. Thank goodness the room was dim, for the colour in her cheeks were slowly rising.
Heero didn't seem to notice, though. With a sigh, he said, "Relena, when I decided to love you, I promised myself that I would never let any harm come to you again. Now, it seems that my proposal has been putting a lot on your mind. I don't want to hurt you by forcing you. So, I've decided that I could wait. You may have all the time you need to come to a decision, but I will be awaiting your choice, from now until you think the time is right for you." He took her hand and returned the shell to her hands. Standing, he lingered for a moment or two before picking up the tray and heading for the door.
"Good night, Relena. Sleep well," before going out the door.
Relena stood frozen, surprised by his last few words. The fact that she didn't have to come to a decision by tomorrow brought her relief, but the fact that she didn't know what her decision would be brought her despair. Yet, the most curious part was when he said that he would wait for her decision. That was the sweetest thing she had ever heard. What's worse is that, she had a feeling deep in her heart that he really would wait for her, even if it were for an eternity. Her eyes grew big and round as she realized this. She couldn't let him waste his whole life like this. What kind of friend would she be? No, she had to make a decision by tomorrow; this was not an option. But, it was so hard!
Finally, she gave up thinking altogether and went to get ready for bed. When she was set, she carefully placed the seashell into her drawer beside her bed and turned of the lights.
Heaving a sigh, she wandered back to her window to let down the curtains, when she remembered her brother.
"What do you think, Milliardo? Should I accept Heero? Or do you think he would regret it later? Oh, how I wish you were here with me now to guide me and tell me what to do…" she said wistfully. "Who am I kidding? People can't come back from the dead," she reminded herself disappointedly.
"But you'll always be alive in my heart…" she whispered to the night sky before turning and heading for bed. Pulling the covers over her. She drifted to a wonderful world of dreams and imagination.
The winds blew violently that night, whistling through the sky and shaking the leaves off trees. The curtains of Relena's window flapped around viciously, for she had forgotten to shut the window before she went to bed. The winds swirled around the room, playing with Relena's hair as if it were stroking her like a parent does to her child.
Relena shivered and pulled the covers tightly over her body.
The winds died to a gentle breeze, which brushed over her ear ever so lightly as if it were whispering a secret to her.
To those with the imagination, would hear the simple words of the whispering wind: "Follow your heart." And as long as you believe that one will always be alive in your heart, they will always be with you forever. So who's not to say the gust of wind wasn't Milliardo Peacecraft answering his sister's prayers? Not I.
It whirled around once more, and then died away as quickly as it came. The room was now as calm as it once was.


Author's note: Okay, so I didn't mean for this one to take so long, but I couldn't help it! With the summer and all, I just couldn't bring myself to write. Well, anyway, it's to be continued, if you wanted to know. School's starting soon, and you all know what that means! The next update won't come fore a loooong time. I apologize in advance. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter (that took me all summer to write, but finally got it finished ^_^). Oh well, *sigh*…
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing = not mine, Song "Oh Starry Night" from Sailormoon = not mine, Story = MINE! ^_~ 'Til next time!