Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters Most ❯ The Duel ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Matters Most-Ch.4 What Matters Most
By: Lady Sapphire

Chapter 4: The Duel

"No, please! Please, Master Mark, stop it! Let me go! Don't, DON'T! HELLLPPP!!!" screamed a terrified Relena, as she awoke with a start. She sat upright, breathing heavily and cuddling herself in fright. Trails of sweat and tears could be visible on her pale complexion. Looking around, she realized that Mark was not here and sighed in relief, believing it was all a nightmare. She also noticed that she wasn't in her own room. It wasn't " his' " room either. It was a place she had never been in before. "Where am I?" she wondered out loud.
The strange room was as large as Mark's bedroom. The only difference would be that this one was messier. Papers were scattered all over the place. A laptop was situated in a corner of the room, on a desk, and on screensaver mode. Some weapons lay around the room: a gun on the table, a sword on the wall, more guns here and there… Why, even the room itself would look dark and murderous if it weren't for a window radiating brilliant sunlight.
"This is my room," said a deep voice from out of nowhere. Relena faced the direction of the speaker. To her surprise and relief, she saw that it was Heero. 'Why didn't I notice him before?' she thought to herself. He was sitting at a desk nearby, watching her with a hint of worry in his prussian blue eyes.
"What am I doing here?" she moaned, trying to remember, but everything was blurry. She stood to give him a formal greeting, but the second she was on her feet; Heero averted his face and blushed deep red.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he told her with an obvious tone of embarrassment.
Relena gave him a puzzled look and then looked down at herself. She gasped and screamed. She was practically naked! Quickly, she climbed back on to the bed and under the covers, where she scrambled to gather herself to the far corner of the bed. With her back against the wall and knees hugged to her chest, she brought the covers up all the way up to her neck. Trembling in fear as the horrible memories came back to her, she rested her head on her knees and cried.
Heero watched her in sympathy and pain. He watched her until he couldn't take it anymore. Walking up to her, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder.
She looked up and shot him an angry look. "Don't touch me!" she spat at him, wrapping her arms more protectively around herself.
Heero was about to reprimand her for her rude behaviour, but he realized what she gone through and why she would act this way. He backed up a step, showing that he was sincere. "Are you okay?" he asked. ' "Are you okay?" What kind of stupid question was that? Of course, she's not "okay". If she was, then she wouldn't be here!' he scolded himself mentally.
Relena quieted her sobs and looked up straight into his eyes with fear. "He…tried to…he almost… he almost raped me!" she whispered hoarsely. "I begged him to stop, I pleaded! But, he wouldn't even let me speak," she told him sadly, rubbing away the new tears that were forming in her eyes. An image popped into her mind, a faint image of the person who had saved her, an image of Heero. "You…you saved me, didn't you?" she asked him, her memory returning.
Heero nodded.
Relena bowed her head, "Thank you," she whispered earnestly. She looked up at him and their eyes interlocked instantly, their gazes mutual to one another.
"Er-hem," grunted Heero, looking away. Slowly, he walked over to a table that had a pile of clothing on it. What was odd about this display was that all of the clothes were ones that a female would wear. "I have told no one of your incident except Duo. He has helped you get some new clothes. The ones that were found in your room were highly inappropriate and were discarded. Choose a suitable outfit among this selection and the rest belongs to you," he instructed.
She didn't respond, but looked at him with sad, expressionless eyes, almost as if she were planning something…
Heero's puzzled state remained concealed behind that forever-unchanging mask as he exited the room for her to change.


The fifteen-year-old leaned his back to the wall and slumped. He ran a hand through his thick, lush hair and sighed, asking himself the same question he'd been asking himself all night, 'Why hadn't I come sooner? If I had been there for her, then she wouldn't be in so much pain right now. It's my fault, I promised to never let her hurt anymore and I failed. How could I've been so blind? Why didn't I see this coming?' Angrily, he turned and punched the wall, hard. It left a small crack, his anger seeping from his fist to embed itself to the wall.
It was around 3 a.m. last night, when he suddenly awoke with a strange feeling in his heart, a sudden pang that told him that something was not right. He went to get a glass of cold water and on his way back, he passed his brother's room. There was something wrong, he could feel it. The door was slightly opened and he could hear muffled sounds. As he entered to check out the situation, he could see that his brother was up to no good. Without a second thought, he rushed over and slammed both of his fists simultaneously onto his back with all his strength, forcing him to collapse down cold. Only then, did he realize that the poor victim was Relena! Not letting his shock and confusion show, he quickly came to her aid. He would never forget the look on her face, an expression of fear, pain and betrayal all in one. He worriedly picked up the limp body that had fainted in his arms and carried her back to his own room and carefully laid her down on his bed, making sure that her partially exposed body was completely covered by the blankets. He sat there by the bedside all night long, watching her toss and turn in her nightmares, arms flailing and waving about, feet kicking, and her lovely complexion wrinkle in pain as she screamed for help. It pained Heero as well, to see her hurt so much, but he couldn't do anything. She needed her rest.
Finally, at the crack of dawn, he left his post in search of his best friend. The young guard was just heading out to start his morning chores when Heero pulled him aside. After Heero had forced, no, actually threatened Duo to secrecy, he told him of what had happened last night. His reaction was just how you'd expect it: shocked and angry. So angry that in fact, he wanted to march right up to Mark and beat him to death, but Heero stopped him in his tracks. He would deal with Mark soon enough.
Heero asked his friend to go out and buy a few new outfits for Relena. Since she and Hilde were about the same size and since Duo knew Hilde's size, he should be able to find clothing that would suit her. Heero could have asked Hilde instead, but then she would have freaked out.
Duo agreed and returned in around fifteen minutes with four shopping bags in his hands. After handing it over to his friend, he left for his post, wishing Heero good luck.
'How could Mark have done such a dishonourable thing? Had he no sense of pride?' he thought, frustrated. He hated his brother for this. 'Why does Relena have to be the result of his crime?' The eyes that looked at him that morning were filled with so much sadness, anger, hatred, and fear. But still, there was something more. Something that gave her a far away look, a distant look. "It's almost as if she'd lost all purpose to live…" he murmured, his voice drifted. Then his eyes grew wide as he realized her intentions. "Shit! Relena, are you finished?" he asked frantically banging the door. He received no answer. Immediately, he busted into his room, not caring if she was dressed or not, just in time to see her holding a knife high above her chest, ready to pull it down. With lightning quick reflexes, Heero leapt up and knocked the knife out of her hands. Relena glanced at him surprisingly and then hurried to retrieve the blade, but Heero got to it faster, kicking it away further and holding her back.
"No! Let me die! I have disgraced everyone. I don't deserve to live! Please, I /want/ to die!" she begged struggling to get free.
Heero looked at her in pity. "Relena! Get a hold of yourself!" he shouted, shaking her slightly, "It's not your fault! Mark is to blame, not you! You didn't do anything wrong. You can't die, I won't /let/ you! Just think, how would Hilde react? How would my parents? And would your brother be happy if he knew that you were joining him?"
Relena stopped moving and lowered her head in shame, "I…I guess you're right."
Heero sighed and released her. "Promise me, you won't ever attempt to commit suicide again," he ordered sternly.
"I promise…" she whispered sadly, "but…but how will I live through this? I know nothing happened, but the knowledge of almost being…. is just…just inerasable. I'll never be the same again. Never…" she cried, her voice wavering.
Heero watched her weep in sorrow. Her last word striking him again and again, and he felt that he must do something. Without thinking, he grabbed her hand and started dragging her out.
Relena pulled back, frightened. "Where are you going? What are you going to do with me?" she asked him anxiously.
"I'm going to take you to see my mother and tell her what happened," he replied simply.
Relena didn't move and pried his hands of her wrist. "No…you can't."
Heero raised an eyebrow.
Relena explained, "I mean, think about it. Would the mistress believe me? Me, a poor, pathetic servant girl, or would she believe her precious first son? Plus, there is no proof."
"You are the proof," he reminded.
"Maybe so, but she won't know. There's no visible proof."
Heero thought about this and slowly nodded in agreement, but he still persisted, "We have to try."
Relena refused. "I…I can't because I don't blame Master Mark anymore. He was drunk; he didn't realize what he was doing. He was just showing me how he feels for me, and…. I should be flattered, I guess," she whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek. It was clear to anyone that "flattered" was the least of what she wanted to be. She brushed the tear away. "Master Heero, I need you to promise me that you will not go see the Mistress about this. I do not wish to see anyone else get hurt, even if it is Master Mark. Please, promise me…" she pleaded, looking straight into his eyes.
As much as he wanted to turn Mark in, he just couldn't refuse her request. 'I can't let her down again! I won't!' he told himself. Shaking his head, he told her in a solemn voice, "Your kindness will be your undoing."
Relena managed a weak smile at that.
Heero sighed, giving in, "I promise, but on one condition. Go back to bed and get some rest. You look exhausted."
Relena glared back at him with frightened eyes, "No, no, NO! I won't! He'll get me if I do! He'll come back and do it again and again!" she whimpered, backing away. "Look, I'm not tired at all. I can…" she looked around for an escape from her nightmares, "I can tidy up your room! Yeah, that's what I'll do." She began gathering some papers on a desk into a pile. As picked up a sheet of paper, the room started to spin all of a sudden and she collapsed, falling backwards.
Heero rushed towards her and caught her just before she hit the ground. He carried her back to his bed, where he cuddled her, stroking her hair, until she calmed down and fell asleep.
Pulling the covers over her sleeping body, he whispered softly into her ear, "Rest, Relena. Regain your strength. Shh… there is nothing to be afraid of." He stood, watching over her, gazing her troubled face. "Even if you don't want mother to know, something has to be done. And I'm going to be the one to do it," he said confidently and left the room, closing the door behind him, but not without picking up two shiny metal objects that were lying on the ground.


"How is she?" asked Duo, concern filled his violet eyes. He had taken his break earlier today and was waiting outside the room for news of Relena.
"Resting," Heero responded grimly, "Mark wore out most of her strength. Thanks Duo, for your help."
"Hey, it was no problem. She is my friend too, you know. A friend in need, is a friend indeed," he informed him, managing a small grin, but that was all he could do. "I still can't believe Mark could even attempt such a stunt. What was he thinking?" He shook his head in disbelief and anger. "What are you going to do now, Heero? See the Mistress?"
"No, Relena made me promise not to."
"WHAT?!?! Why'd she do that for?" yelled Duo surprised.
"There goes Relena for ya, always caring about others before herself, no matter who the person is. But, no matter, I'll take care of him, anyway," he told him deviously, showing the two metal objects to his friend.
"Ohhhh….. I get it! You're gonna make him pay. This should be interesting. I wish I could watch, but I've gotta go soon," complained Duo.
"Too bad. I'll tell you what happens later."
"Okay. Be sure to give him a little something extra from me, got it?"
"Mission accepted," acknowledged Heero, "See you later, Duo."
"Yeah, later!" replied Duo, and the two boys went their parting ways.


"Ugh…" moaned Mark, waking up with a splitting headache. "What happened?" he wondered groggily. He looked around and saw that he was sleeping at the foot of his bed. His shirt was off and pieces of cloth were scattered around him. He was clutching on to another piece of cloth that was very similar to the ones around him. Examining it, he recognized it to be part of Relena's dress.
His memory returned as he recalled the past nights' events. A smug smile slowly appeared on his face. "Relena is mine."
You're a sick man, Mark," said Heero, who was leaning on the doorway, watching the whole display. He gave him a disgusted look.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," he lied coolly, getting up and dressing himself.
"Oh, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. And I'm sure you know what you did last night. No, "attempted to do" would be more correct,"
Mark's face paled. 'Attempted? This can't be! I had her, I almost did!' His mind went blank after that. "How would you know?" he sneered at him, giving him a glare.
Heero smiled deviously, "Well, let's just say that thanks to me, your plans were spoiled."
"Why you little brat!" he yelled angrily, "I'll teach you to mess up life! You're gonna pay for this!" He charged towards Heero trying to land a punch, but Heero didn't move. He just absent-mindedly stuck out the metal object, a sword, in front of him, just inches before it touched Mark.
"I mess up your life? You've ruined all of ours! If word gets out about your "good deed", the Yuy family's reputation would be ruined. You have disgraced father. And what would happen to you when mother and father finds out? Have you considered that?" scowled Heero.
Mark's eyes widened. He hadn't thought of that. "You wouldn't, would you?" he asked his brother pleadingly.
"Try me," he dared blatantly.
Mark looked at him in horror. "No, you can't! Please! I'll do anything!" he begged.
Heero lowered his sword and handed it to Mark. Positioning his own, he said, "I challenge you to a duel. If you win, I'll keep quiet. But, if I win, Relena will no longer be under your service. Do we have a deal?"
'So he does have feelings for her!' Mark thought in realization. At first he was going to reject his challenge, but then he thought otherwise. Confident in his skills, he replied, "I accept your challenge."
Heero responded with a nod and turned to head into the courtyard, where the duel will be held.
They each took their positions at opposite ends of the courtyard.
Heero held up his sword and stood in a stance. "This match will be totally confidential, agreed?" he asked.
"Agreed," replied Mark, also getting ready for the fight.
Both boys had their advantages. Since Mark was older, he had more physical strength than Heero, but since Heero had gone to military school, his skills made up for strength. This could be anyone's match.
They stood, glaring at each other for a long time. Finally, Heero's anger exploded and he charged forward, launching the first attack, aiming right for the chest. Mark easily dodged it and ends up on the other side of the courtyard. Heero slashed at him angrily again and again, but Mark defended each strike with his own. Heero continued his assault until they switched places again. Drops of sweat were trailing down their faces and they both paused to catch their breath.
"Is that all you've got, little brother?" Mark asked mockingly, "I certainly hope not, cause then all those lessons at school would have been a waste!" he laughed cruelly.
That comment just fuelled Heero's anger even more. He attacked again, targeting his brother's right arm, causing Mark to defend his right side, but at the last moment, Heero unexpectedly changed direction and targeted his left. He could feel the tip of his sword scrape the flesh of his brother's left arm. It started to bleed.
Mark was so shocked, that he didn't feel the pain until after five seconds he was wounded. "You bastard! You'll pay for this!" swore Mark. He switched to offensive mode.
The two of them fought fiercely, swords clashing with every blow. Their movements were graceful, as if the two of them was doing a dance: hit, dodge, hit, switch. It seemed to last forever.
Suddenly Mark asked a question that caught Heero off guard. "Why are you fighting so intensely to protect Relena? It's not like she's a princess, she's just a slave, so why bother? Do you love her?"
Heero froze for an instant, taken aback, but that was long enough for Mark to make his move. The tip of his sword swiftly scraped across Heero's left hand. He showed no emotion of pain and quickly regained his position. "No, Mark, you're wrong. She may be a servant on the outside, but she's a human being too, just like you and me," he said softly, remembering Relena's words. "She's just an ordinary human who has real feelings of sad, hurt, and anger, just like the ones you caused, and I'm going to make sure you NEVER hurt her or anymore innocent people again!" he shouted, striking another blow.
"Oh? And since when do you care about anyone other than yourself?" he asked hoarsely, blocking the attack.
Heero didn't answer and concentrated on his fighting. A half an hour later, it seemed like he was fighting a losing battle, when an image appeared in his mind. An image of a powerless Relena screaming for help, but he couldn't give it to her. He wasn't there for her. The image disintegrated and was replaced by Mark's evil grin of victory.
Enraged, Heero charged towards Mark like a mad bull, screaming, "I shall not lose!"
Mark tried to avoid his attack, but he wasn't quick enough for this one.
Heero let his sword slice the flesh of Mark's right arm, forcing him to drop the weapon abruptly.
He then elbowed Mark's stomach so hard that he fell over. 'That was for Duo,' he added mentally, remembering his promise to his friend. 'And this is for Relena!' With that last thought, he pinned his opponent to the ground, sword by neck.
Mark began to beg, "Come on, little bro, cut me some slack! I was drunk, you know. Please don't tell mother or father! Please!"
"You shouldn't be drinking in the first place!" Heero pointed out coldly, situating the blade closer to his neck. Then, remembering his promise to Relena, he pulled it away and turned his back on Mark. "You should be thankful to know someone as kind as Relena. I wouldn't have been so merciful," he told him and started to walk away.
Mark was not satisfied. He decided this would be a good time to attack. He gathered himself, picking up the sword and then charging towards Heero.
However, Heero had anticipated this and was prepared. Quick as a flash, he managed to kick the weapon out of his brother's hands and once again trap him by placing the sword against his neck, threatening it to sever the skin.
Mark gasped in surprise and froze as Heero glared icily into his eyes, "If you ever touch her again, even a single hair on her head, I swear, I /will/ kill you," he warned dangerously, before heading back to his room.
After he was out of sight, Mark began to laugh, quietly at first, but then insanely. "You think you've won, Heero Yuy, don't you? Well, think again, cause it's not over yet. I haven't lost. I'll get you back, just you wait and see…"


When Heero returned back to his room, Relena was already up and making the bed. Her expression remained the same: sad and frightened. Sad of the past, frightened for her future.
Heero walked in quietly, hiding his injured hand behind his back. "'Morning, Relena," he said.
Relena whipped around, surprised by his sudden appearance. She curtsied and replied, "Good Morning, Master Heero."
There was an awkward silence between them for a minute.
Then, Relena sighed, breaking the silence. "I guess I should be going now. Master Mark's expecting me," she said glumly, and with a shiver. She headed for the door, but Heero blocked her path.
"You don't have to go to that horrid place anymore," he told her softly.
"Pardon me?" questioned Relena, not sure if she had heard correctly.
"It's been settled. You no longer have to serve my brother," he explained.
"Oh," was her response, "The Mistress fired me? I guess this is for the best anyway. Goodbye, Master Heero, and thank you," she said sincerely. Part of her was relieved that she was getting as far away as possible from Master Mark, but an even bigger part of her was sad, since she would be leaving all of her friends. She walked around Heero to get to the door.
"NO!" he exclaimed, stopping her in her tracks by grabbing her wrist with his hands, "Mother doesn't know anything about this. I took care of it myself."
Relena looked down at the hands that were holding her wrists so tightly. She gasped. "Master Heero! You're bleeding! Quick, come here," she ordered. Dragging him to a chair and ordered him to sit. She grabbed and opened the first aid kit and took out the materials that she needed to treat the wound. Carefully, she cleaned the cut, and then gently applied the proper medication over the injury. Naturally, this stung, but Heero showed no emotion. He sat silently as he watched her soft hands tenderly wrapped a bandage around his hand and sealed it off.
Relena replaced the kit. Looking straight into his eyes, she asked, "Master Heero, how on earth did you get hurt?"
He didn't answer. He didn't know how to answer, plus he was also still recovering from the shock of her actions towards his cut. He never expected her to react so hastily.
Then it clicked. "You and Master Mark were fighting, weren't you?" she asked.
Heero nodded.
"Why? Why do you two always have to fight? I don't want to see you fighting anymore, especially for me!" she beseeched, tears filling her eyes. 'This is my fault. He was fighting to protect me. He got hurt because of me.'
As if reading her mind, Heero replied, "It's not your fault. I wanted to help you. You helped me once before and I want to repay your favour."
Understanding his motive, she wiped away her tears. "But where will I go now?" she asked him.
"I would be glad if you would stay here, with me," he said.
Relena just stood there, for a moment, eyes closed, as if waiting for all this to sink in. A tear slid down her cheek, but it was a tear of joy. She opened her eyes a smiled, then dipped down for a low curtsey of gratitude. "Thank you, Master Heero, for everything."

Author's note: Woo-hoo!!! Another chapter! It has been a long time, hasn't it? Oh well, at least I ended this one on a happy note. The next one will be much lighter. Anyway school's starting for me in TWO days!!! Crap. I'll probably get TONS of homework on the first day. I'll be pretty busy with school so the next chapter will probably take a loooooong time! Maybe, I'll get around it during Christmas break….
Disclaimers: Not mine, not mine, not mine (Gee, could you tell?)