Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What's In Heero Yuy's Bedroom? ❯ Prologue

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Heero Yuy the perfect solider that he is owned by Sunrise.

What's in Heero Yuy's bedroom?

There would be a single bed with white, cotton sheets and a sage colored blanket.
No frame on the bed, a single pillow and the bed would always be made; cause Heero would probably just fall asleep on it in his clothes.

There would be a simple wood desk next to his bed that would serve as a nightstand and his laptop desk plus a plain, black office chair with no arms would be tucked in at the space provided for a chair. Everything would be in its proper place; an efficient digital alarm clock always set for 6 am. There wouldn't be a speck of dust anywhere in the white painted room. No pictures on the walls and no posters and horizontal, white blinds on the windows. Hardwood floors with just a little, round, navy blue rug next to the bed.

A plain wooden three-drawer dresser with his white cotton briefs and clothes and a 9mm handgun tucked among them and a pic of the Virgin Mary on the bottom of the first drawer that was left over from the pervious owner. The last drawer would be some other types of guns and ammo covered up by more sheets for the bed.

The laptop computer, which would be the latest and the best, would have the fastest connection but no printer would be hooked up cause our perfect solider would have everything committed to memory. And lord knows he wouldn't want a paper trail.

The laptop would sit on a plain desktop blotter and one beautiful official pic of Relena dressed as queen would be tucked in the side just enough for him to see if he was at the computer.

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Kk everybody join in!
put in the reviews what u think would be in Heero's room or just add to mine whatever u feel like doin so everyone can read it! It will be fun 2 c what everybody thinks! or let me know if i should start a ezboard 4 this??? would u guys contribute?? pleaz let me know what u think ;)
Also keep a look out I will put up new ?s every few weeks or so and I will do this same thing 4 the Ronin Warriors 2!! Go check it out! ;)