Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What You Do To Me ❯ What You Do To Me ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: What You Do To Me (1/2)

Author: Ariel

Pairing: 1+/x2

Disclaimer: I don't own the boys. I just play around with them. *winking* and I don't own the song "Always" by Saliva. I just saw it fitting to my wicked idea for this fic.

Rating: R going into NC-17

Feedback: I'd love it.

Archive: um... no where really... I'd love for it to be somewhere, just ask me please *grinning*

Warnings: ah, let's see... songfic angst, near suicide, sap, eventual lemon, maybe some language... not really sure yet - oh.... OOC for both...

Note: This is my first Heero-Duo fic on my own... so I hope you all like.

~ stuff ~ = lyrics

'stuff ' = thoughts

"stuff" = spoken words

//stuff// = flashback/end flashback


Duo Maxwell stretched his lithe body slowly, sneaking a peek over at the object of his obsession, Heero Yuy, who was busily typing away on his laptop. 'I wish he would pay half as much attention to me than that stupid computer.' A wistful sigh escaped his lips as he lay on his side on his bed; his torso raised up by his head propped on an elbow.

He closed his eyes, imagining how he would pour out his heart and soul to Heero. 'I could hold his hands in mine and tell him that I love him.' A small smile graced his face. 'Then he would smile at me, whisper the same to me before our lips meet in a loving kiss.' He opened his violet eyes, turning them over to stare at Heero's back. 'He just *has* to feel something for me. I just know it.' Another sigh escaped his lips and he blushed when his thoughts returned back to his fantasy after the kiss.

~ I hear... a voice say "Don't be so blind"...

It's telling me all these things...

That you would probably hide... ~

Heero stilled at his seat, feeling Duo's eyes bore a hole through his back and into his heart. Ever since he met the braided baka, he knew then that he was in love. Although it took him a while to fully admit it to himself, he realized that he couldn't resist the violet-eyed beauty. So instead of allowing the other boy in, Heero worked extra hard to keep his mask into place when it came to Duo.

When the war had ended, they mutually decided to get a house together, not only to keep in touch since they were best friends by chance, but also to share the expenses now that they had to get on with their lives. Heero always watched Duo, mostly to the unawareness of his beautiful braided baka. He cursed himself constantly, knowing that with his coldness he would drive Duo away unintentionally.

But Heero was scared. He had fallen hard for the boy and didn't want to think of what would happen if the other didn't feel the same. He respected their friendship to keep it at that, no matter how much more he wanted. He blinked his eyes as he watched Duo's face through the reflection on the screen of his laptop. He quickly gathered his emotions and re-surfaced his emotionless mask.

"Duo." The Japanese man growled low. "Stop staring at me."

~ Am I... your one and only desire...

Am I the reason you breathe...

Or am I the reason you cry.... ~

Duo snapped out of his silent reverie, turning wide eyes over to Heero when the other man turned in his seat. A blush crossed his cheeks before he stammered to find the right words. "Oh...s-sorry. I-I didn't mean to sta..." He blinked when Heero grunted.

"Hn." Heero turned back to his work. "Be quiet. You talk too much."

The braided pilot's jaw dropped before he glared at the Perfect Soldier. He quickly sat up, glancing down at his feet for a moment before he stood up. "I've had it Yuy." His voice was filled with hurt. "I'm tired of how you treat me. I try to be nice and caring and all... but" He shook his head, closing his eyes as he fought tears. "But you keep treating me like shit."

Duo clenched his fists, praying that Heero would say something. 'Please... say something. Damn it Heero. Say something. I know you are feeling something... anything inside.' He choked back a sob when he heard Heero return to his task of typing away on the keyboard. 'Fine...'

~ Always... always... always...

Always... always... always...

I just can't live without you... ~

Heero didn't know what to do so he started typing faster. He was stunned by the sound of Duo's voice. 'Have I hurt him that badly?' Not knowing what to say, he squinted his eyes to get a better look of Duo by his reflection on the screen. 'Oh no...' He clenched his jaw when he saw the hollow state of Duo's normally lively violet eyes.

"Duo..." He started to speak but winced when he heard Duo slam the door to the bathroom that adjoined their shared bedroom. 'Have I blown it?'

~ I love you...

I hate you...

I can't get around you... ~

Duo dropped his head against his chest, allowing his braid to fall over his shoulder as he leaned against the far wall of the bathroom. He bit his lower lip, trying desperately not to cry but sighing when a few tears escaped and made their way down his handsome face. "Oh Heero..." He slid his back down the wall and sat on the floor, wrapping his arms around his legs and setting his forehead on his knees.

"Why do you do this to me Heero?" He whispered to himself. "I know you care. I just know it." He pictured Heero's face, shivering at the cold look in the other's deep blue eyes. 'So beautiful...' Duo sighed softly, groaning when he realized that despite the Japanese man had hurt him, he still found him attractive. 'I need to do something to escape this... this pain.' Unconsciously, the fingers of his right hand rubbed his heart over his black shirt.

~ I breathe you...

I taste you...

I can't live without you... ~

Heero found himself staring at the closed door for several long moments. He frowned when Duo didn't come back out. 'Odd...' he wondered to himself. 'Usually he's out by now.' He cocked his head when he heard shuffling in the bathroom. 'Good. Baka is snapping out of his mood.' Turning back to his laptop, he froze when he heard a curse through the door.

"Duo?" He sighed and stood up, walking over to the door. "Are you alright?" He crossed his arms when the other didn't answer. "I'm serious Duo. What the hell are you doing in there?" Heero rolled his eyes, muttering under breath. "Baka, wasting my time." He reached out to turn the doorknob but blinked when the door opened.

~ I just can't take anymore...

This life of solitude...

I guess that I'm out the door...

And now I'm done with you... ~

The American walked out of the bathroom, carrying a small plastic bag and brushing past Heero, not saying a word. Heero's eyes widened as he realized Duo had packed away his toothbrush, toothbrush, deodorant, brush, shampoo and conditioner in the bag. He shook his head, not understanding what was going on until he saw Duo pull out a duffel bag from their closet. 'No... he's not... l-leaving... is he?' His Prussian blue eyes widened as the other tossed the bags bags on his bed.

Duo bit the inside of his jaw hard as he moved to his closet. He didn't want to talk to Heero, knowing that if he did, he'd say something he would regret. 'And yet the only thing I want to tell him is that I love him. I don't regret that...' He grabbed several shirts and pants, moving over to his dresser and grabbing his boxers and socks before throwing them onto the bed, ignoring Heero's steady gaze upon him. 'Damn it Yuy... if only you knew. If only you weren't so cold. Then neither one of us would be alone...'

~ I feel... like you don't want me around...

I guess I'll pack all my things...

I guess I'll see you around... ~

'I won't look at him,' Duo commanded himself as he began stuffing his duffel bag with his clothes. He frowned when he felt Heero's questioning eyes. "I'm leaving Heero." He walked around his bed, grabbing a few other things that he owned before stuffing them into his bag. He made his way back into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and throwing it into the black duffel before he zipped it closed and picked it up.

Without waiting another moment, he left the room, leaving Heero standing there in shock. Duo nearly flew down the stairs and stopped by the closet in the hallway. He bit his lip as he reached for a metal box that held one of Heero's guns. 'Well, at least he'll be with me...' He grabbed the gun, writing a short note and placing it inside before he quickly shut the door and moved into the kitchen, packing up something simple to eat so he'd have energy later. 'Like I am actually gonna eat anything...'

~ Inside... it bottled up until now...

As I walk out your door...

All I can hear is the sound... ~

Heero blinked slowly, his body began shaking as the realization of what Duo said dawned upon him. "He's leaving." He looked over at Duo's bed and then over at the nearly empty closet. "No... he can't." He clutched at his green tank top, shaking his head for a moment before he ran out of the room and down the stairs, just in time to see Duo opening the door. "Duo! No! You... " He let out a frustrated cry when the door slammed shut. 'I went too far...' He shook his head sadly and sat down heavily on the steps, dropping his head in his hands and suddenly began sobbing.

Duo ran down the path away from the house, never stopping to look back. 'I can't go back. For what? For Heero to treat me like garbage again?' He shifted his bag again and started running faster, not really anywhere in particular, but just away. Far away. 'I wish he could have given me a chance... or hell... I wish I could have just told him....' He sighed as he slowed down to a walk, finally realizing that he had ended up near the beach. "The perfect place..." He whispered aloud while making his way to the shoreline.

~ Always... always... always...

Always... always... always...

I just can't live without you... ~

Dropping his bag on the sand, Duo started walking out towards the water, his eyes gazing up at the full moon. 'How I'd love to cuddle up against Heero and just stare at you, Moon.' He sighed sadly, dropping his head. "Who was I kidding? How could I think he cared about me?" He moved along the edge of the water, the waves rushing in to his feet before the fled away.

Duo heard the soft splashes against his black boots, slowing becoming used to the soothing sounds. 'I shouldn't go back... not with the way he treats me. He can't care about me at all.' A tear escaped his eyes. "Damn it. I'm not crying." When several more fell, he sadly sighed longingly. "Yes, I am. Only for you Heero..."

~ I love you...

I hate you...

I can't get around you... ~

The braided man stopped and turned to stare out at the deep blue ocean. 'God... anywhere I go I am reminded of him.' He closed his eyes, remembering a few nights ago when he and Heero were sitting at their kitchen table working on a puzzle of a mystical castle with unicorns that Duo had insisted on buying.


"Duo. Why did you want to do this? It's ridiculous," Heero asked, meeting Duo's eyes for a moment before he picked up a small piece and gave it a critical look before setting it back down on the table and taking another.

Duo gave a sheepish look. "I thought it looked cool. Besides, we aren't doing anything else and I thought it could be fun." He smiled when he added another piece to the puzzle before he grabbed another.

Heero frowned when he tried to fit one piece on a corner but it would go in. "Hn." He blinked when Duo stretched across the table and took the piece from the other man's hand and placed it on his own corner. "Okay."

The violet eyed man blushed at the slight contact of his fingers brushing against Heero's. "I needed that piece." He spoke quickly, turning his head down to focus on another piece in front of him, hoping to hide his red cheeks.

//End Flashback//

~ I breathe you...

I taste you...

I can't live without you... ~

At the same moment, Heero's thoughts were on the same very night. He smirked slightly, remembering how adorable Duo looked with the blush. He, himself, had fought the red from appearing on his cheeks but he couldn't forget the tingly feeling that he had sparked when their fingers touched. "Duo..." He whispered as he stood from his place on the stairs and climbed them two at a time before heading straight into the bathroom, looking around.

The Japanese pilot took a deep breath, choking back another sob when he inhaled the remnants of Duo's shampoo from the shower he had taken before their supposed talk. He quickly left that room and looked through the closet, grabbing a shirt that he recognized as Duo's and brought it to his chest, holding it close, rubbing his cheek against the soft black material. "Where did you go... my beautiful baka?"

~ I just can't take anymore...

This life of solitude...

I guess that I'm out the door...

And now I'm done with you... ~

Tears were streaming down Duo's face as he focused over the ocean, watching as the distant waves danced around each other, as if purposefully teasing one another with tiny splashes. 'The ocean reminds me so much of you Heero... of how we are...' He turned and continued walking along the shoreline, stopping once to take off his boots and socks, throwing them into the ocean and then watching as the water engulfed the pieces hungrily.

Duo sighed sadly once again before continuing his slow walk. A few lines of a song he had heard once came to his mind and he sang them aloud. "I love you... I hate you... I can't live without you..." He choked back a sob when he began thinking of how true it was. He loved Heero, even if the other didn't return the feelings. The fact that they were friends should be enough. Yet, he still hated Heero for how badly he treated him. He hastily wiped a few tears from his eyes as he continued with his song, his voice began trembling as it filled more and more with his emotions. "I left my head around your heart... Why would you tear my world apart???"

~Always... always... always... always... ~

Heero stared at the floor for a long while before he decided to go search for Duo and apologize. He quickly slipped Duo's shirt on over his tank top just to keep it close and then went over to the closet to grab his and Duo's jacket since he had seen the other leave without it. "Baka... doesn't he realize he can catch a cold?" He sighed worriedly, trying to settle himself.

Just as he was about to leave, Heero got a strong feeling to check the box with his gun. He frowned, knowing that he was probably wasting valuable time but the feeling was too strong to ignore. He reached for it and flipped off the lid, gasping when he didn't see his gun. "Wha..." His prussian blue eyes widened when he saw a note with Duo's writing. Another feeling, stronger and darker, made his stomach turn as he read the note.

~ I see... the blood all over your hands...

Does it make you feel... more like a man...

Was it all... just a part of your plan... ~

The note read:

"Dear Heero,

I know this is your gun and all, but since you were so mad at me, I just took it since I figured you'd say no if I had asked. I just wanted to keep something that meant a lot to you close to me. I'm sorry for always being a baka and a pain to you. Having you as a friend means a lot to me and even though you never showed it, I know it means the same to you, despite your hurtful words.

I'm sorry for everything Heero. I hope you can find it in your heart - yes, I do believe you have one - to forgive me. You are a wonderful guy Heero and I hope you find the happiness you deserve one day. Take care of yourself buddy. You'll always be in my thoughts and in my heart.



Heero blinked slowly as he reread the note. "In his heart..." He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to make some sense as to why Duo would write something like that. 'Something's not right.' He frowned as he folded the note and stuffed it into the pocket of his jeans, dropping the metal box on the ground with a crash and running out the front door.

~ The pistol shakin' in my hands...

And all I hear is the sound...

I love you...

I hate you...

I can't live without you... ~

Duo stopped once again and looked back. He had walked a long way from where his bag was but he didn't care. Slowly, he pulled out Heero's gun that was tucked inside his shirt. He trailed his fingers gingerly along the barrel and at the nozzle. He finally allowed his sobs to come out, making his body tremble from their harshness. The song he was thinking about early was now haunting him as he forced some of the words out. "I breathe you... I taste you... I can't live without you..."

The violet-eyed man wanted nothing more than to stay with Heero, in hopes that something more would arise from their friendship. He was so confused because a tiny part of his mind was telling him that Heero didn't care about him when in fact, the rest of his mind and his heart was telling him otherwise. "I just can't take anymore... This life of solitude... " He continued singing as he turned his eyes out towards the ocean. "I guess that I'm out the door... and now I'm done with you..."

~ I love you...
I hate you...

I can't live without you... ~

Heero ran down the street, the only lights illuminating his way were the dim streetlamps along the road. 'Duo... Where are you?' He continued his run, instinct telling him to get closer to the shore. His stomach churned from worry so he forced himself to run faster than he had ever had to. A sad, pain-filled voice made Heero stop dead in his tracks as he neared his destination. He cocked his head to the side, listening to the voice. "I love you... I hate you... I can't live without you..."

Heero blinked slowly. "Duo..." he whispered as he silently made his way towards the other man. His heart clenched at the pain he felt that the braided man eminated. He touched his cheek when he felt a tear roll down and he stared at it before turning back to the boy who had captured his heart. Just as he was a few feet away, he saw Duo sob and lift the gun he had taken up. His breath caught in his throat as he watched the other carefully.

~ I just can't take anymore...

This life of solitude...

I pick myself off the floor...

And now I'm done with you... ~

"I wish I had been able to say this to you, Heero." Duo's voice quivered from all the emotions he was feeling. "I love you, Heero..."



Always. ~

A sad sigh escaped Duo's lips as he whispered into the dark, cold night. "Always." His eyes slid close, a single tear rolling down his cheek as he released the safety and aimed the nozzle of the gun to his right temple.


================================================================ ==========

Title: What You Do To Me (2/2)

Author: Ariel

Pairing: 1+/x2

Disclaimer: I don't own the boys. I just play around with them. *winking* and I don't own the song "Always" by Saliva *OR* "I'm With You" by Avril Lavigne. I see how it fit into this fic in a weird sort of way.

Rating: R going into NC-17

Feedback: I'd love it.

Archive: ... I'd love for it to be somewhere else, just let me know please *grinning*

Warnings: ah, let's see... songfic, angst, near suicide, sap, lemon, maybe some language... not really sure yet - oh.... OOC for both...

Note: This is my first Heero-Duo fic on my own... so I hope you all like.

~ stuff ~ = lyrics

'stuff ' = thoughts

"stuff" = spoken words

//stuff// = flashback/end flashback


======= FROM LAST TIME =========

"I wish I had been able to say this to you, Heero." Duo's voice quivered from all the emotions he was feeling. "I love you, Heero..."

~ Always...


Always. ~

A sad sigh escaped Duo's lips as he whispered into the dark, cold night. "Always." His eyes slid close, a single tear rolling down his cheek as he released the safety and aimed the nozzle of the gun to his right temple.


Duo clenched the fist of his left hand, gritting his teeth as he prepared himself to pull the trigger. He had a faraway hope that Heero would come down and stop him, but he knew it was unlikely. 'Heero probably hasn't found the note. Oh, well. It's better this way,' he thought with a sigh.

~ I'm standing on the bridge

I'm waiting in the dark

I thought that you'd be here - by now ~

Something deep within him was screaming out to him to not do it. Duo didn't understand it but the pain, the heartache, in his heart was too strong that he ignored the feeling and took a deep breath. Just as he was about to tighten his finger around the trigger, he heard another click coming from right behind that made him freeze in his spot, his violet eyes flying open.

Heero stood behind Duo with his own gun aimed at his own temple. He had released the safety and he clenched his other fist, hoping this would stop the other boy from taking his own life. His monotone voice filled the eerily silent darkness. "If you kill yourself, I will do the same. I refuse to live my life without you any longer Duo."

~ There's nothing but the rain

No footsteps on the ground

I'm listening but there's no sound ~

Duo stilled completely when he realized what Heero had just said. 'This has to be a dream. H-he didn't just come looking for me. He really isn't standing behind me, telling me that he isn't going to keep living once I die. It just...' He took in a sharp breath as he felt Heero stop closer behind him, holding out his left hand in front of him from around his side. He slowly turned his head down to see the outstretched fingers, tears streaming down his face once again as he realized that this wasn't a dream.

The Japanese man took another step closer to his braided love, waving his left hand just a bit to get the point across that he wanted Duo to hand over the gun. His body trembled a little, his Prussian blue eyes focused on Duo's right hand that held the gun. 'If he shoots himself, I will follow...' He clenched his jaw when Duo hesitated but gave a mental sigh of relief when the other lowered the gun and slowly turned to look at him.

~ Isn't anyone trying to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home? ~

Violet eyes went wide as Duo noticed that Heero had his own gun aimed at his own temple. "H-Hee-ro?" Duo gave Heero a confused look before he looked down at the gun he had taken that was still in his hand. "Why did you come after me? I thought you didn't care about me." His voice was changed from one of hurt to one that was small, almost childlike when the other didn't answer. "You're mad... aren't you?"

Heero blinked a little before he lowered his own gun, reaching out to gently take the one away from Duo, putting the safety back on both before tossing them on the ground. "Duo..." He whispered before sighing and shaking his head a little, unsure of how to go about expressing his own feelings. He was about to start talking again when Duo's voice continued.

~ It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new ~

"That must be all that you can feel when you are around me, huh? Anger..." Duo sniffled a little, hastily wiping tears that still flowed down his face. "I tried to be your friend Heero... but you always shut me down. I thought I could manage it... and I did... for a long while." His voice cracked as he bit his lower lip, choking back a harsh sob that threatened to escape.

"But it got too much, you see." Duo turned his sad violet eyes up to meet Heero's blue ones. Placing a hand over his heart, his fingers moved slowly over it as if massaging it would heal the pain he felt. "The pain..." he whispered, "got to be too much. Too strong. It hurts... a lot Heero." He dropped his head, allowing the tears to flow freely now as he whispered what he had wanted to tell the Japanese pilot for a long time. "I love you Heero. I-I can't deny what I feel for you. Even if y-you don't feel the same for me..." He stilled once again, but this time when Heero's finger silenced his lips.

~ I don't know who you are


I'm with you...

I'm with you ~

Heero gently cupped Duo's chin, lifting it up a little so their eyes met. His own reflected Duo's sadness and pain but they were for another reason. "Duo..." He took a deep breath to try to control himself from emotional overload. "I-I love you too." He smiled a little when Duo's eyes went large with surprise, smiling more when the other reacted to his smile.

The Japanese pilot sighed softly before he continued. "I'm so sorry to have caused you so much pain Duo. I never meant to drive you this far away." He looked down at the guns. "I thought you didn't like me in that way. I mean, that's why I kept my distance from you. I had fallen for you since Day 1 and I didn't think you could possibly love someone like *me*." Prussian blue eyes saddened before they turned to meet up with the now sparkling violet ones. "You have so much life in you despite of the mask you wear. You deserve so much more. I hope you can forgive me. It hurts me to see you in pain like this." He reached out and covered Duo's fingers on the other's chest, shaking his head a little as the realization dawned clearly on him that he had almost lost the only one who had managed to warm up his cold heart.

~ I'm looking for a place

I'm searching for a face

Is anybody here I know? ~

Duo blinked slowly as he looked down at Heero's hand over his. 'He loves me? Heero Yuy loves me?' He slowly turned his fingers, linking them through Heero's before he lifted them up to his lips, kissing the other man's knuckles tenderly. "I can forgive you." He kept his eyes on Heero's face, smiling when the other's eyes lit up with happiness. It was such a lovely sight, knowing that only he could bring that sparkle in Heero's eyes."

"I fell in love with you when I met you as well, Heero," Duo's voice was quiet. "I thought you hated me. I figured if I could at least be your friend, I would have been fine. Then I wouldn't be alone anymore." He smiled a little, bringing his other hand up to tentatively caress Heero's cheek, smiling when the other turned in to nuzzle his hand. "Oh, Heero..."

~ 'Cause nothing's going right

And everything's a mess

And no one likes to be alone ~

The Japanese man covered Duo's other hand with his own, bringing it over his lips and then kissing Duo's palm softly. "Duo... You never have to be alone again." He smiled a little more, slowly pulling Duo a bit closer to him. "If you'll accept me, I promise I will never make you cry again." He pulled one of hands free from Duo's and wiped away some of the stray tears from the beautiful face.

Heero smiled when the other beamed at him. "I like seeing your handsome face. You are so beautiful to me Duo." He brushed back some of the chestnut bangs that got into Duo's eyes before giving him a questioning look as he reached back to gently grab the long braid. When violet eyes gave him a confused look, Heero smiled sheepishly at him before nodding to the braid.

~ Isn't anyone trying to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home? ~

Duo blinked slowly before he realized what Heero wanted to do. He blushed a little and smiled as he turned around, allowing Heero to release his hair from its confinement. He closed his eyes, sighing softly as he felt Heero's fingers gently unravel the long locks before running deft fingers through his long hair, making him moan softly.

Heero grinned as he watched Duo's head follow his hand's caresses before he moved closer, pressing his chest against Duo's back. He moved slowly, not wanting to force the beautiful boy in front of him into anything. Instead, he held back his own moan when Duo just leaned back against him. Heero dropped his face into the crook of Duo's neck, placing tiny, wet kisses along it. The soft moans that Duo made aroused him greatly and he couldn't help but slide his strong hands down Duo's sides slowly before wrapping them around his waist.

~ It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new ~

Violet eyes slid closed as Duo felt Heero pull him closer. He moaned when he felt Heero's arousal press up against his butt and he slowly grinded himself back onto it, smirking when the Japanese pilot's arms tightened around him. He lolled his head to the side, allowing Heero more access, hissing when a warm wet tongue trailed up and down his neck, stopping at the back of his jaw before switching to the other side, repeating the process. "Heero..." he groaned quietly, covering the man's hands with his own as a cool ocean breeze surrounded them.

The Japanese man smirked a little before suckling one of Duo's ears. He was new to these feelings as well as these acts, but he felt the need to follow his instincts for once. They were stronger than anything minor he had managed to pick up from just observing. 'This feels so right.' He slowly untangled his hands from Duo's and began to unbutton the black shirt, teasing the skin underneath with light touches of his fingers, making Duo hiss from pleasure.

~ I don't know who you are

But I...

I'm with you...

I'm with you ~

"God... Heero..." Duo moaned when Heero's hands moved to unbuckle his belt and slowly pull it off, dropping it on the ground. He looked over his shoulder with dark eyes into Heero's when the other stopped at his black jeans. A tender smile crossed his lips and he nodded once, knowing that Heero wanted permission before continuing any further. 'This is so new... but this is what I want... this is what I've always wanted...'

Heero unbuttoned and unzipped Duo's jeans with trembling hands. He took a deep breath as he slowly pushed down the heavy material, making sure to grab the silky boxers as well. He let them fall to the ground and moaned as Duo shifted, still pressed against him, to kick the garments away, leaving him clad only in his unbuttoned shirt and gold cross that was hidden. "Duo..." He trailed his hands up and down Duo's sides before reaching down and gently grasping the other's hardness in his hand while kissing Duo's shoulder.

~ Why is everything so confusing?

Maybe I'm just out of my mind

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah,

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah,


Duo felt as if he was going to die from sheer pleasure when Heero touched him. His moans spilled helplessly from his lips and he was having trouble maintaining his balance as Heero's strong hand stroked him a little faster. "Heeee~ro... mmm...." His heart began pounding in his chest when he saw and felt Heero move to his side, gazing up at him with a look filled with love, desire and complete adoration. The strong arm around his waist held him securely as he felt himself reaching his completion.

Licking his dry lips, Heero watched as Duo's face twisted with pleasure. He tilted his head a little to place a wet kiss at the back of Duo's jaw on his neck before focusing on Duo's dark, glittering, lidded eyes, full of need and love. "Come on Duo... let me see you get lost in pleasure..." He spoke in a low husky voice as his hand sped up just a little more before Duo came with a loud cry of his name for anyone possible to hear as he felt Duo's passion on his hand and on their bodies.

~ It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new ~

Unable to keep himself standing, Duo leaned onto Heero, grateful that the other was strong enough to hold him. He managed to wrap his arms around Heero's slim waist, feeling the result of his pleasure cool off with the breeze before groaning softly as he felt Heero's arousal press into his thigh. "Heero..." Duo whispered hoarsely before placing kisses along the other's neck, finding himself getting hard once again as he regained his balance and began to push off the shirt he briefly recognized as being his from Heero's arms, letting it fall to the ground beside them.

Heero groaned as Duo looked deep into his eyes, reflecting the love and desire he knew were in his own Prussian blue ones. A hiss escaped his lips when quick hands lifted and removed his green tank top only to be replaced by wet kisses. "Duo..." he growled when he felt one of his nipples being sucked on while being held by Duo with one hand and the other hand trailing down to the front of his jeans, caressing his confined erection, eliciting a long, low moan from his mouth.

~ I don't know who you are

But I...

I'm with you

I'm with you ~

Duo smirked a little, feeling excited and honored about being able to bring the Perfect Soldier to the point of moaning. He trailed his tongue across Heero's chest and focused on the other nipple, all the while unbuttoning and unzipping Heero's jeans and slowly pushing them down the muscular legs. He pulled away enough to look deep into the Prussian blue depths filled with love and desire as Heero unsteadily toed off his shoes and kicked his jeans off. He smiled lovingly before turning his eyes downward to the dripping arousal.

Feeling as he if was going to lose it by just reacting to how reverently Duo was watching him, Heero shook his head, holding onto Duo tightly while speaking hoarsely. "Duo... please... don't... I... " He licked his lips and blushed a little when violet eyes turned back up to meet his. "I want to... be..." He took a deep breath, his cheeks turning redder as he tried to voice what he wanted - what he needed. When Duo caressed his face, he found himself settling a little and whispered. "I want to be... inside you Duo..."

~ Take me the hand

Take me somewhere new ~

Eyes sparkling at Heero's admission, Duo smiled and nodded rapidly, his dreams were going to come true after all. He whispered softly into Heero's ear, "Oh, Heero... please. I've..." It was his turn to blush. "I want you too..." He blinked slowly when Heero pulled his head down and kissed him on the lips. He felt as if he was about to pass out from the electricity that ran down his spine. It was the first time they had actually kissed on the lips and Duo was intoxicated by the sweet taste that was only Heero.

Heero moaned softly into the kiss, holding Duo tightly against him and moaning more when the other wrapped long arms around his waist, kissing him back with the same amount of passion. Slowly, he pulled away, seeing the glow that had come to Duo's face. With the smile that his violet-eyed love gave him, Heero knew that the same glow was on his own face. He leaned in for another kiss, shifting a little to rub his hardness against Duo's re-awakening arousal.

~ I don't know who you are

But I...

I'm with you...

I'm with you ~

Duo moaned loudly at the touch, deepening the kiss, trying desperately to get Heero to understand the urgency of the moment. He whimpered a little when the other pulled away for a moment but then sighed softly when he felt his open shirt, the remaining piece of clothing on him, being taken off and thrown down on the sand. He blushed a little when he saw Heero's eyes wandering over his naked form before he felt himself being lowered to the cool sand of the beach with Heero's body draped over his own.

Heero tenderly kissed Duo's lips before lifting his fingers up to the red swollen lips of his beloved. He smiled softly when his chestnut-haired beauty took the offered fingers in his mouth, making them slick with his saliva. A hiss escaped escaped through his teeth when Duo wrapped his tongue around the long fingers before allowing Heero to pull them out. "I love you Duo..." he whispered as he shifted his hand down past his lover's arousal to the hidden entrance to what he knew would be his paradise.

~ Take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new ~

Bringing Heero's head down for another kiss, Duo moaned as he felt Heero's wet finger trail a circle around his tight ring before ever-so-slowly inserting the digit inside. It was slightly uncomfortable but nothing he couldn't handle. He shifted a little to open his legs a bit more, letting Heero know that he was fine. He pulled away from the kiss, breathless, as Heero inserted another finger slowly, moving them in and out of his body slowly before adding a third finger.

Heero felt his heart swell up more with love as he watched the pleasure cross Duo's face even by just his fingers. He was worried that he would hurt his love and wanted to take it easy. He moved his three fingers inside of Duo at a slow rhythm, twisting them a little to loosen up the tight space. The moans that spilled from his lover's mouth made him harder and he sped up the pace a little with his fingers, wanting to hear more. Just as he pressed the tips of his fingers, Duo cried out. Alarmed, Heero started to pull his fingers away, fearing that he had hurt his newly-found love but smiled when Duo groaned and pushed himself onto his departing fingers.

~ I don't know who you are

But I...

I'm with you...

I'm with you ~

Duo's lidded eyes turned to watch as Heero shifted away from him, settling on his knees between his open legs while still slowly thrusting his fingers deep inside of him. "Heero... please..." he pleaded with the blue-eyed boy, moaning as the fingers brushed his prostate once again. He nearly lost it again when Heero rubbed his other hand along his stomach where remains of his previous pleasure still clung to his body. He watched intently as Heero lubricated his erection with his passion before slowly removing his fingers.

Meeting Duo's eyes when he whimpered at the loss, Heero shifted closer to Duo, holding his arousal at the puckered entrance. Blowing a kiss to the boy, Heero started to press the tip of his hardness into Duo's tight body. He moved slowly, not wanting to hurt his beloved, despite the fact that all he wanted to do was thrust deep and hard into the welcoming body. He could vaguely hear Duo's moans that were growing louder as he adjusted to the tight, hot, channel that surrounded his arousal. "This... this is... per... perfection..." He panted as he looked at Duo's face, reaching up to wipe a tear that rolled down the beautiful face.

~ Take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new ~

"Hai, Hee-chan..." Duo whispered, moaning when Heero rolled his hips allowing his body to still adjust to the length inside of him. "This... is perfection." He sighed softly as Heero shifted to balance himself on his elbows that were placed on either side of his arms. "I love you...." He wrapped his legs around Heero's waist, inviting him to move. He groaned when the other pulled out slowly, almost completely before pushing back in a bit faster.

Heero was entranced by watching Duo's face twist with pleasure. He strokes were long and slow but when Duo cried out his name pleadingly, he lost all control and thrust faster into the tight channel. He captured the tempting lips in a passionate kiss as they both moved together, fast and urgent. The love they shared was put into each movement and it made both men moan from the intensity of their love-making.

~ I don't know who you are

But I...

I'm with you...

I'm with you ~

Duo groaned loudly when Heero pulled away and wrapped his hand around his achingly hard arousal, pumping in time with his thrusts. He managed to smile a little up at his sweaty lover, enjoying the vision of Heero with the pleasure clear across his face before he let out Heero's name in a sharp, loud cry as he spilled his essence between both of their bodies and Heero's hand. He moaned again, when he felt Heero's release deep inside of him, making him feel totally complete.

Heero cried out Duo's name as he felt the other's body react to his pleasure and tighten even more around his long shaft. He filled Duo's body with his own passion, claiming the other boy as his own forever. He carefully lowered himself onto Duo, sighing softly when long arms wrapped around his back. As he managed to regain his ability to speak, he whispered to his beloved. "You're mine Duo... now... forever..." He kissed the smooth skin underneath him before turning to look up at his lover. "I love you Duo. I... I intend to keep showing you my love... from now on..." His eyes teared up a little with the power of his love.

~ I'm with you ~

The violet-eyed boy smiled tenderly, wiping a tear from Heero's cheek before shifting a little to kiss the swollen lips softly. "I'm yours Hee-chan... just like you are mine. Forever..." He groaned again when Heero moved on top of him, their arousals slowly growing once again. "I love you," he whispered before they claimed each other's lips once again and continued to make slow, sweet love on the sand of the beach. The sound of the ocean's roaring waves competed with the pleasure-filled moans of the couple into the night.

~ The End ~