Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wheel of Life ❯ Proposal ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Wheel of Life
By: Haruka-chan

AN: Hey! This is an angst/romance/drama sort of story. It's been six and half years since Zechs returned to work with Relena and preventers. Life seems well for all, Relena was still spreading her pacifist words around the world, The GP (Gundam Pilots) were all moving on with their lives, even if a part was missing. Zechs now Miliardo the prince of the Cinq kingdom was happy with his sister and lover Noin. What he didn't expect was that the past would change his life so drastically that he might lose it all or gain more then he ever imagined.

My Dumb code...

*....*- Means that it's character thoughts.
*~....~*- Character is thinking about what someone said in the past.
"...."- Means characters are talking.
****.....****- Means dreams of the character.
~~~***...***~~~- Means letters and notes from characters

Proposal...Chapter 1

On a wheel that goes on and on, until the day we die, the wheel of Life is what it is called. Those who can out run the wheel ends up with more then those who just let it take them where it wants. Everything happens for a reason right? but what if some things happened by chance to unite two souls that were always one? On the way bringing with it hope and pain.

Miliardo Peacecraft sat watching the sunset on the balcony of the current Peacecraft mansion. He felt arms encircle his shoulders. "Noin" he said softly, afterwards hearing slight giggle. She came and sat down on his lap with her arms around his neck and a smile on her face. "So what is so important that you called me out tonight?" she asked. He smiled as his arms went around her waist. "Noin you love me don't you?" he asked. She gave him a 'are you serious' look before answering. "Yes, I love you with all my heart" she said. He chuckled and nodded. "Good because I have to ask a favor of you" he said. Noin nodded as a serious look came over her. "Miliardo anything" she said. He motioned for her to get off so he could stand. "I think you should sit make this easy for me" said Miliardo. Noin nodded and sat down as a new fear grew within her. Zechs came and got on one knee in front of her. "Noin you are the only woman for me and I would like you now not only my partner in crime, a friend, and a lover but also my wife. Do you accept?" he said pulling out the velvet box, which held a beautiful ring of gold and a cube rock. Noin gasped and smiled. "Oh Miliardo!" She said as she jumped up and it to his arms. "Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times Yes!" she said. He smiled picking her up and spinning her around, before bringing her down for a kiss. "I love you Noin" he whispered. "I love you too" said Noin. Miliardo smiled yes in the past 6 1/2 years things have been good, everything seem to be wonderful and perfect, but he couldn't help but feel that some didn't feel in place. He smiled down at his bride to be. "From now on you are Mrs. Miliardo Peacecraft" He said bending down to kiss her.

The two were so wrapped up in their own little world that they didn't even hear the cheering from the inside. "Noin is on the way now we just have five more of us to go" said Catharine. Relena and Dorothy blushed and giggled and Sally shrugged. "I'm happy those two finally got it together" said Sally. Quatre nodded in agreement. "I am quite happy for Miss. Noin" He said. "Hopefully they won't start having sex right there because they might damage my eyes" said Duo. Hilde elbowed him in the ribs and laughed. Heero and Wufei nodded as they stood against the wall and Trowa just sat with his eyes closed. "Well, something feels strange" said Wufei. "Yeah" said Heero. "Would you guys lighten up a bit, my God so tense" said Hilde. Wufei just ignored her and Heero went and sat down next to Trowa. "What's up with you three can't you guys be a little happy?" asked Catharine. Heero, Trowa and Wufei said nothing. Relena poured the champagne and handed to everyone. Heero looked at the sparkling liquid. "What do you think it is?" asked Trowa. "Definitely not what we thought it was, but only a Gundam could have done those damage" said Wufei. The others turned towards the three slightly interested and disappointed. "What are you guys talking about?" asked Sally. "Something that doesn't concern you onna" said Wufei. Sally smiled "Come on Wufei you could tell me" she said with a big smile and eyes fluttering. Wufei just ignored her. Relena looked towards Heero, he was being really distant, not that it ever really faded, but it seems that he was drawing back to his shell. "I knew you guys were in here" said Noin coming in with Miliardo by her side. "hey Miliardo, Noin congratulation!" said Hilde. "Thanks Hilde" said Noin and Miliardo nodded. Heero and Trowa gave him a nod while Wufei just stood with his eyes closed.

That night the Peacecraft mansion was alive with a small party for the celebration. Laughter, and cheers flooded the rooms and halls, yet there was something cold and missing as always. "Miss. Noin I know who you could call for your planning, when Iria got married last year we hired this wonderful woman named Athena Moon" said Quatre. That name rang a bell, but Miliardo didn't know where he had heard it before. "I've seen her, she is beautiful and her work is dream like" said Hilde. Dorothy nodded "Yes Miss. Athena is known for her unique style and work" She said. "So why not hire this woman?" asked Duo. Noin nodded "I have seen your sisters wedding and it was beautiful, do you have her number?" asked Noin. Quatre blushed and nodded "Miss. Hilde told me bring it along tonight" He said. Everyone busted out laughing well mostly everyone excluding the certain few. Miliardo saw the look on Heero's, Trowa's, and Wufei's face and knew that something big had happened and they were hiding from everyone else. "Heero, Trowa, Wufei I have to ask you something will come with me?" He finally asked. As they knew the three stood and followed after Miliardo. Duo let lose a playful glare. "Well, just leave us out" he said as he got up. "Duo where are you going?" asked Sally. "To ears drop where else?" he said as he started walking he soon had the whole table following some willing and some reluctant.

Miliardo lead them into a room and closed the door. "Want to tell me what's going on?" asked Miliardo. "We have a problem" spoke up Trowa. "What sort?" asked Miliardo. "The sort that involves a Gundam only it's none of ours" said Wufei. "We were scouting the area and found a small colony now abandoned, but the strange thing is that this colony wasn't even on the charts or maps that we had" said Trowa. Duo's eyebrows creased together as his face took on a serious look just as everyone else's as they listened from the open windows of the room. "All the Gundams made by Oz are under our care now, but now of them could make marks such as those" said Wufei. "We believe that the Gundam was resting in the abandoned colony and now someone has found it and revived it, from the looks of the damage we say it wasn't a play Gundam, it has to be close to the power of the Epyon and wing zero" said Heero. Miliardo nodded. "Where was the colony located?" he asked. The three other Gundam pilots looked at each other. "It was found under the constellation Canis Minor" said Wufei. Something in Miliardo's features changed and he let himself have a silent gasp. "I don't understand is that bad?" asked Relena. "There is a black hole a light year from that constellation, building a colony there is like basically committing suicide" said Duo. "But the more important issue is how come it never showed in our charts, I mean it couldn't have built over night and I'm sure we have all the charts of space" said Sally. "Why didn't Heero, Trowa, and Wufei tell us?" asked Noin.

Miliardo chuckled. "So why didn't you tell the other?" he asked. "They don't need to get involved with something we can handle" said Heero. "But your so serious about it" said Miliardo. "Better to worry about the problem at hand then something that hasn't yet come up" said Wufei. Miliardo nodded. "I will make small division for you guys, you will access to all the files and data, but I will go down there and check it out myself" said Miliardo. "That sounds reasonable" said Trowa. "I say we find out who made the colony, and the mobile suite" said Wufei. "Very well then I'll leave it up to you guys to decided who wants to do what then you guys tell me what option you left me with" said Miliardo. "Is getting married making you soft?" asked Wufei with a smile. Miliardo gave a small laugh. "No thought you guys might want to take charge for a change" he said. Heero chuckled and Trowa smiled. "So do you guys want to tell the others?" asked Miliardo. "No but I figure they already no" said Wufei. "They are standing out side the door" said Heero. "Spying" finished Trowa. Duo sweat dropped as everyone sort of back away. "Probably Maxwell's idea" said Wufei. Duo had veins popping out now. "Hey it's not my fault I'm not included in fun things" said Duo opening the door and walking in. Noin looked at Miliardo who had a worried look over his features. *I know this is serious, but didn't think that it would so much to make him worry* thought Noin. "Well, we better get going" said Hilde. "Yeah I mean I'm sure you guys would want to start early on the honeymoon plans" said Duo with a wink. "You perv!" yelled Catharine. They left saying their good-byes and congratulations.

Noin looked towards where Miliardo stood looking out the balcony. She came behind him and placed her head on his beck. "Hey you ok?" she asked. "Fine, great" he said with a smile. Noin smiled back and nodded. "You coming to bed?" she asked. "Maybe later, I want to just sit out for a while" said Miliardo. Something about the way he said that gave Noin the hint that he wanted to be alone. Noin gave him a small kiss on the cheek before walking inside. Miliardo sighed as the cool night's breeze blew through his hair. *It's been so long since it came up...* he thought. "I never questioned it then, but now it seems so long away go" he said sitting down on the chair not far way. Noin stood by the door as she watched him. She wanted to make sure he was all right from afar. "Those eyes...I'll never forgot them...but how come I can't remember either?" said Miliardo. He took the laptop that was on the table next to the chair he was sitting on. "6 1/2 years ago...that's when I first met that colony" he said as he started to type several thing into the computer. *61/2 years ago is Miliardo was on that colony?* thought Noin. They were both left to their own thoughts and work after all that was their life, no room for celebration, not yet anyway.

Miliardo woke to find that he was still in the balcony and that now he had a blanket over his shoulders, with a note on the table next to the laptop.


Good morning sweetheart, after your dressed come down, so you can meet our engagement planner, Relena and I are waiting for her now, she should be here in about an's now 9:30 am


Miliardo chuckled as he looked towards the time on the computer. "10:45, I guess I'm 15 minutes late" he thought getting up walking into his bedroom. He changed and headed down stairs where we heard small conversations taking place in the main room. "I'm so glad you came I thought you might not come because we called you so suddenly" said Noin. Miliardo walked in and almost had his breath knocked out of him at the image of the woman sitting on the Italian couch that Relena and Noin bought. She looked up and that's when he had a flash back. *Those eyes they were so blue...* thought Miliardo. "Miliardo glad to see that you're up" said Relena. Miliardo nodded as he looked towards the woman who looked at him and gave a small smile. "Good morning Mr. Peacecraft" she said. "Good morning..." Miliardo looked at her for introduction. "Athena, Athena Moon" said Athena as she stood and extended a hand. "Nice to meet you, please just call me Miliardo" said Miliardo he said taking her hand feeling a rush wash over him. Athena shook her head. "Miss. Athena was just showing us some of her work! Miliardo they are beautiful" exclaimed Relena. "Can't wait to get married?" asked Athena with a smile. Relena blushed as an image of her and Heero came to mind. "I think it will be a while" said Relena. Noin laughed as Athena smiled. Miliardo looked at her intently before sitting down across from her. "I'm glad that you like my work, and I'm also honored that you called me" said Athena. "The Winner wedding was just wonderful, and Quatre recommended you" said Noin. Athena nodded. "First you have to pick a place, and a theme, or you could just mix in match" said Athena. Noin nodded as she showed several pictures to Miliardo but his eyes kept darting to the woman sitting across from him.

She sat in a stretch matte jersey dress, with a tuxedo coat reaching to her knee over the dress, and black t-strap pumps, her creamy skin shining in their glory, and her silvery blonde hair done up in a bun with some lose curls framing her face, her blue eyes looked down at the designs as she explained them to Relena. Her small full pink lips moved gracefully as she spoke. Miliardo couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was a party planner out of all things. "Mr. Miliardo do you like any of those design after all we do need the grooms point of view?" said Athena looking towards him. "They are nice, but I think I know where I want to have the party and the wedding" said Miliardo. "Really where?" asked Noin. "The Cinq Kingdom" said Miliardo. "That would be an excellent place to do the party!" exclaimed Relena. Miliardo watched as Athena looked down then wet her deep pink painted lips. "Yes that's a...perfect place" said Athena. "Not unless you recommend something else" said Miliardo. Athena smiled at him. "I don't pick places Mr. Miliardo, actually I don't pick anything I plan and just put things together" said Athena. "Well, it was nice meeting you all I will be by tomorrow to discuss other things, such as dates and time" said Athena standing. Miliardo stood with her followed by Noin and Relena. "It was very nice to meet you Miss. Athena" said Relena. "Like wise Miss. Relena" said Athena shaking hand with everyone. "I hope we can work things out perfectly" said Athena. "So do I" said Miliardo.

AN: After so long I actually sat down and started on this fic. This is going to sound dumb but I have chapter 4 done, yet I still have to finish 2 and 3 -_-; well anyway I hope you guys liked it ^^ reviews are loved! So go on and tell me what you think. Sorry about spelling and grammar not my strong points. Thanks!