Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ Shall we go. . . ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Shall we go. . .


The chinese boy frowned as he ran the last few months over in his head. Mentally he was kicking himself for not noticing the changes in his Arabian friend's behavior. The lack of laughter, the fake smiles, the minimal appetite, his sudden distain for being touched or for the company of people. Looking back upon it, it seemed to be screaming at him, and yet. . . he had noticed nothing.

A sigh of self-loathing frustration escaped his lips.

He should have noticed.

The door to the waiting room creaked open as Duo and Hiiro returned. Wu Fei lifted his gaze from the floor long enough to meet Hiiro's silent message that the braided pilot was alright at the moment, before continuing to stare at the floor.

"Any word yet?" Duo asked, biting on his lower lip with barely contained nervousness.

"He's awake." The raven-haired boy replied. "Started screaming at Trowa, he had to be sedated to keep from hurting himself. . . I think he was brought to solatary confinement."

A quiet whimper escaped the braided boy's mouth as his eyes filled with tears. "Quat. . ."

"Duo, Let me take you home." Hiiro offered. "You're exhausted."

"B-but. . ."

"Quatre will need you up to your regular energy level." Wu Fei interupted. "You can't do that if you are dead tired. Go with Yui. I'll call if there is any change."

Miserably, the subdued boy nodded and allowed his friend to lead him from the hospital to the car they had used to follow the ambulance earlier in the day.

Wu Fei watched them go, before returning to staring at the floor.

"You know. . ." A soothing voice commented from the doorway, "YOU should get some rest too."

"I can't, Sally." the Chinese boy declined. "This is my fault. I should have noticed. . ."

"You can't blame yourself, Wu Fei. Quatre was very prudent about hiding his problems."

"That's no excuse." The teenager spat.

"Will nothing convince you?" the doctor sighed with exasparation. "You're almost as bad as Trowa! Only he does deserve the guilt trip."


"Trowa knew Quatre was hurting himself." Another voice spoke. "Yet he did nothing to help him."

"What are you doing here, Dorothy!?" Sally glared.

The blonde girl smiled sweetly as she traced her freakishly pointed eyebrows with her boney fingers. "I'm just here to see my sick friend."

"You're no friend of Quatre's!" Sally hissed.

"I believe that is up to Quat." She sneered. "I can guarantee that if asked, he would permit me to see him."

"What do you mean, 'Trowa knew'?" Wu Fei demanded.

"HE's known all along. From the very first time Quatre took a blade to his body. And He knows the cause." Dorothy smirked at the murderous glaze that entered the Chinese boy's eyes.

"You lie!"

"Not in this case." She chuckled to herself, "However, If you don't beleive me, ask your clown boy."

"You whench!"

"Come now. Such language is hardly honorable." The blonde chided.

"How did you even know he was here?" Sally demanded.

"I have my ways. Now, if you will please? Direct me to his room."

"Quatre is in solitary. NO visitation privilages."

"Puh-lease. Do you honestly believe that you can keep a Gundam Pilot in any type of confinement?"

"He wouldn't!" Sally exclaimed.

"He would!" Wu Fei shouted taking off down the hall.

"Turn left, Fei!" Sally instructed. "B hallway. Fourth door on the right."

"DAMN!" The Chinese boy swore, skidding to a halt infront of an unconcious orderly.

"Would it be cliche to say, 'I told you so'?" Dorothy purred, stepping over the man.

"Where are you going?"

"The roof."


The cold wind nipped at his bare arms, stinging at their raw wounds. His pale skin crawled with goosebumps; though he did nothing to acknowlege the chill. He felt so numb. Inside and out.

A sigh escaped him as he climbed onto the ledge, spreading his arms like wings, hoping to catch the current. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the way the wind played with his hair, and the abundent fabric of the hospital gown, which was much to big for his small body.

Suddenly, his eyes flew open as the faint smile that had snuck its way onto his face, disappeared, replaced by a hardened frown. He slowly dropped his arms, wrapping them protectively around himself.

"Go. Away."


To be continued. . .