Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ ...who will catch them? ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

… who will catch them?
The blonde teenager ran from the apartment, heedless as to where he fled. His only thoughts were of how he had been betrayed by the one he felt he could trust. Tears streamed down his pale face as he stumbled blindly down one flight of stairs after another.
“QUATRE, MATTE!” Trowa called after him. “COME BACK, LET ME EXPLAIN!”
“Quatre, you didn't give me a choice! I want to help you, but I don't know what else to do! They're our friends! They want to help!” The banged boy tried, leaning over the upper floor's railing. “Quatre, please!?”
“SHOVE IT, TROWA!” The blonde bit out before slamming the front door.
The door slammed behind him, as the small boy ran down the front stairs.
“Well isn't this a lovely surprise?” A dark haired young man mused, stepping from a dark blue van, “I came all this way to find you and you come to me.”
“D-D-DEAN!” Quatre gasped, skidding to a halt before backing towards the building, only to be stopped by two larger men grabbing his arms. “NO! L-Let Me GO!” he cried, struggling against their restraint. “P-Please let me go!”
“Ah, fear.” Dean smirked, licking his lips and approached the smaller boy. Leaning down, he kissed the blonde's quivering lips, running his tongue along them, “Tastes like honey.”
DON'T TOUCH ME!” Quatre screamed, lashing out, trying to kick his assaulter. “Don't touch me!”
“Rebellious, aren't you.” He glared, backhanding the blonde, splitting Quatre's lip. “I'll break you of this defiance in record time.”
“Get him in the van.” Dean ordered, getting back into the passenger seat. “And shut him up!”
“NOOOO!” Quatre shrieked, struggling, kicking, fighting, trying to escape. “TRROOOWAAA!”
The Japanese boy sighed as he watched Duo agitatedly pace the apartment's living room. “What's going through your head?”
The braided boy paused, sighed and continued pacing.
“Duo?” Hiiro frowned, standing from the couch and stepping in front of the boy, taking a hold of the boy's shoulders.
Self-loathing amethyst eyes lifted from the floor to meet cool cobalt gems. Silently, twin tracks of tears slipped down the American's heart-shaped face.
“Nani?” The boy gasped, “Duo, what is it?”
“He didn't tell us… he was alone and he didn't have to be!” The boy's shoulders shook under the force of his sobs, “I could have been there for him… he didn't… didn't have to be… alone!” he leaned his forehead against the taller boy's chest. “I feel awful, Hiiro.”
“Even if you knew, there isn't anything you could have done.”
“THAT'S not true!” the braided boy exclaimed, “I could have listened! I could have understood!”
“Understood?” Hiiro looked confused.
The braided boy swallowed, pulling away from the other boy. “L-Living on the streets of L2 was n-never easy or s-safe…” He whispered, refusing to look up from the carpet.
“I-I was j-just a kid… but Quat…” He shook his head miserably. “No wonder he wants to die.”
“You suspected, didn't you?” Hiiro asked, placing his hands on the boy's shaking shoulders, massaging them gently.
“He was acting so differently… so miserable… like he wasn't comfortable in his own skin… he wouldn't let Trowa touch him…”
“Why didn't you say anything?” Hiiro drew him into a comforting hug.
“… It wasn't my place…”
The banged boy ripped open the door, just in time to see a golden head disappear into the back of the dark van, “QUATRE! NO!” He shouted, taking a step forward.
Machine guns forced Trowa to dive for cover. “I suggest you forget about this one. He belongs to me.” Dean warned. “We meet again, and you will die.”
Trowa panted, peeking out from his cover to watch the van disappear around the corner, the blonde's terrified face pleading for him to do something. “Quatre…”
To be continued…
A/N ::grumbling::
To be honest,
I wasn't planning on this story being more than a one-shot…
What the Hell happened!?
It's becoming a freakin' novel!
::sighs and rubs tired eyes::
Well, I guess that's a good thing if people really want to read more.
Gotta please the masses.
::Switches personalities::
`Don't mind Angel, she's a bit cranky today.
I'm having a blast at writing this!
I was talking to my co-worker about it
And she gave me some wonderful ideas!'
::Switches personalities back::
Damn! You're just a little too perky, Melody!
`Sorry, I'm trying not to be…
but I'm just soo happy!'
“Whatever the Hell for?”
`It's been a wonderful day!'
“The day sucked.
Your mom had the family dog put down for biting your siblings.”
`Yeah, that was too bad… but I got to spend the day with my family!
We played UNO and I won!'
WE were snowed in, you had no choice.
I sure as hell wasn't going to play!
`I got this chapter written.'
“YOU got this chapter written?”
`Uh… I mean WE got this chapter written.'
“And that's a good thing?”
`I think so.'
“Great, so when the readers form a mob at having Quatre kidnapped AGAIN
(Which was completely YOUR idea, Melody)
You'll handle it fine and take the brunt of the threats
and attempts on our lives?”
` Actually, THAT was YOUR Idea, Angel'
“Shut up.”
“You do know, that we have probably just confused the hell out of the readers?”
`Must you swear so much? I really don't like your sour moods, Angel.'
“Focus, Melody. The readers?”
`Oh… well if they get too out of hand, I suppose we could hide in WeissLark.'
“That's an idea, think Lark would mind?”
`Probably not, but you can email her if you want.'
“Yeah, I will…
You don't think we scared anyone off, Do you?”
`If YOU haven't scared them off by now, then I doubt if they're going anywhere.'
::starts walking away::
HEY! THAT wasn't very nice-
Where are you going?”
`I have a sudden craving for skittles, I'm going to go scrounge around for some.'
“Without me!?”
`Come if you want to, but hurry up!
The siblings will get them if we don't hurry!'
“Thank you very much for reading.”
`We'd appreciate a review.'
(Yeah, I know. I'm weird)