Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ ...what is left that's pure? ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

… what is left that is pure?
“I'll be honest with you…” A middle-aged doctor informed the two ex-pilots from outside the ICU.
So many tubes and machines…
“…There is absolutely no brain activity, what-so-ever.”
Those oppressive beeps counting the precarious pulse of the bed's frail occupant…
“He has massive internal injuries…”
The dim lighting that casts ghostly shadows against the pale boy…
“If it weren't for the life-support, he'd-“
This couldn't be my angel…
“Quatre.” Wu Fei interrupted. He frowned lightly as Trowa leaned against the large window, staring in at the lifeless form of his lover.
My angel is full of life…
“Excuse me?”
My angel shines with heavenly light…
“You keep referring to him as `he'.” The Chinese boy explained, his arms crossed at his chest to match the glare he was giving the doctor.
My angel is untamable
“His name is Quatre.”
But this is my angel…
“I beg your pardon.” The doctor apologized.
My angel was captured…
“As I was saying, if it weren't for the machines, Quatre wouldn't be here.”
My angel was abused…
“You may wish to notify his next of kin.” The doctor sighed, “They'll have a difficult decision to make.”
My angel was broken…
“Trowa?” Wu Fei placed a hand on the taller boy's shoulder.
“I-I am the next of kin…” The banged boy croaked as he found his voice.
“I'll need to see verification of that.” The doctor raised an eyebrow, “What are you? His brother?”
“His lover.” Trowa replied numbly.
“That doesn't make you next of kin.”
“He has power of attorney.” Wu Fei ground out.
“Very well. Then you need to decide to sever life support and if the organs that escaped damage should be donated.”
“I want to see him…”
“Visiting hours are over for ICU-“
“DAMN Bastard!” The irate Chinese boy glared, “You're telling him that his lover may die; but you won't allow him to say good-bye!? You have no honor! Where is your supervisor?”
“My supervisor is away at her other job and won't be back until next week.”
“Next week, huh?” Wu Fei snorted, taking out his cell phone and pushing speed dial. “Sally? Chang. I apologize for interrupting your work, but could you come down to the hospital? One of your physicians is a prejudicial pompous ass. ” He listened for a moment before replying to something she said in Chinese. Before him, the doctor had paled considerably. “She's on her way.” Wu Fei informed him, snapping his phone shut.
“Go on in.”
“Are you alright?” Hiiro asked, as he placed a mug of steaming coffee into the braided boy's hands.
Violet eyes stared numbly at the liquid, not registering its presence.
“Duo?” The Japanese boy frowned, concern mirrored in his eyes as well as his tone. “Please, say something?”
“He's going to die.” Shinigami stated, his voice saddened. “Another person I care for is going to die… and there's nothing I can do.”
“Duo…” Hiiro shook his head, slowly trying to deny his friend's thinking.
“It's my fault…” The boy whispered, “Everyone I care for ends up dead… It's only a matter of time before Trowa and Wu Fei die…”
Hiiro's eyes widened with barely concealed hurt at not hearing his name, “Don't say that, Duo.” He choked out, kneeling in front of the boy, and taking the drink from him. Placing the mug on the floor, Hiiro took the braided boy's hands in his own, “This is not your fault. You've got to believe that!”
“What will I do if He leaves too?” Duo continued, not acknowledging the other pilot's presence, “I couldn't…Not again...”
“Couldn't what?” Hiiro pressed, gently brushing his fingers along the boy's cheek. “Duo, you're scaring me.”
The braided boy blinked once, then twice before focusing on the Japanese boy, “Hiiro?” He frowned, glancing around the room, “I thought we were at the hospital. How'd- When did we come home? Where's Quat- Did you just say you were scared?”
Prussian eyes narrowed slightly as Hiiro studied the confused boy that sat in front of him. “Duo…” He began slowly, “We came home about an hour ago… Quatre's still at the hospital… Don't you remember?”
“Remember?” The American's eyebrows furrowed in thought, “Yeah… I guess I do…Has Fei called yet?”
“Not yet.” Hiiro shook his head. “Are you alright?”
Mutely, the braided boy nodded.
“Are you sure?”
“What's the deal, Hiiro? I said I was fine!” The boy's violet eyes flashed as he snapped at his friend.
Taken back, Hiiro swallowed harshly. “You're not acting like yourself.”
“Like myself?” He glared, rising to his feet and storming to the door. “You don't even know me!”
“I do know you, Duo.”
“NO! You know what I want you to know! You don't know me!” He hissed, missing the hurt expression that had briefly crossed the other boy's face.
Hiiro stepped towards the braided boy, his hands in plain sight, “I do know you, Duo. I see past the jokes and the mask that you flaunt. I know that you're upset and scared. I know that Quatre is like your brother. I know this situation hits far to close to home and I know you don't want to be alone.” He reached out and pulled the smaller boy into a strong embrace.
“LET GO!” Duo struggled, physically pushing at the other boy while trying to hide his expression and the pain he couldn't mask. “Damn it, Hiiro! What's gotten into you!?”
The embrace tightened, “You don't have to run anymore, Duo. You don't have to hide.”
“Let me go, Hiiro… please…” the boy trembled, his voice wavered and his breathing was border lining hyperventilation. “L-let g-go…”
“Sshh.” The normally stoic boy soothed as he gently massaged the braided boy's shoulders, “You're not alone anymore, Duo. I'm here…”
“No…” Duo's need to escape intensified, “NO! YOU'LL LEAVE! EVERYONE LEAVES! THEY ALL DIE! YOU'LL DIE!”
“Not. Without. YOU.” Hiiro said forcibly, releasing his embrace in favor of taking Duo by his shoulders and making the panicked boy meet his gaze. “I'm not going anywhere. Believe me, Duo.”
“I-I can't… Not again! Please, not again!?”
“Duo, what are you talking about?”
“It hurt too much! I thought I was going to die when-I can't live through that again…”
“What happened?” Hiiro gently caressed the boy's shoulders and back.
“You self-destructed…B-because they bluffed with the colonies…It hurt-I can't… and now Quat-Then they and you…” Suddenly, Duo lost his inner-battle to control his emotions and his tears flooded down his face as Hiiro's arms tightened around him. “I don't want to be alone, Hiiro!”
“You won't be. I swear it.” The Japanese boy promised as his cell phone trilled. Keeping on hand on the braided boy's back, holding him tight against his chest, Hiiro answered, “Yui…”
To be continued…