Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Angels Fly ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own GW/AC
Claimers: I do own Mohawk
Summary: You really haven't given her reasons to trust you
Ratings: NC-17
Pairing: Zechs x Treize and others too!
POV: None
Author's Note: I swear to god, there is a reason be hidden Mohawk being rather bitchy and rude and totally breaking up the awesome action between Zechs and Treize. It just makes it all the sweeter when they do finally get down to business, so please bear with me, you'll start to see the reason sometime soon.
When Angels Fly
Chapter Eight
Wufei ended up just giving a nasty look at Duo, he didn't like the ideas of watching to men go at it (I know, Wufei doesn't know what he is missing out on) Duo on the other hand just gave him a grin. Zechs' mind started to think of any kind of reason as to get out of there; he was terribly embarrassed about what had happen between himself and Treize. Quatre had to take his turn at making fun of Zechs and Treize before they got down to business, it was all fair in love and war, “Aw, it's so cute to see a couple so shy about kissing one another.”
Before Zechs could think of an idea, Heero go down to the reason be hidden coming with them, “What are you planning to do now that you're alive and not dead, Treize.” Heero openly flung toxic at Treize, when he had said his name, Heero didn't care for the other man, because he was an ex-oz general. Treize kept himself calm, not seeming to notice the toxic flung at him, “I don't really know, to tell you the truth, I wouldn't have thought I'd live this long. Since I am alive, I think I might end up just trying to rebuild my life, don't worry, I shall not try and destroy the peace.” Treize gave a soft sigh, he did want to rebuild his life, he wanted to start a new chapter of his life with Zechs, and he hoped that Zechs wouldn't turn his back on him.
Zechs turned his gaze towards Treize, like he wanted to say something but before he could even say a word, the bloody nurse came back into the room. “Visiting hours are over, not get the hell out of this patience's room or else” Mohawk barked the orders at them, a deadly death glare which was deadlier then Heero's landed on Zechs. “Next time Sir, if I find you on the patience's bed, I shall make sure you will not be allowed to come back, it is against the rules.” Her eyes seemed to sparkle at what she said; she rather did find this somewhat fun, it was her job to make sure nothing got out of hand.
Zechs gave a soft sigh, slowly he moved himself out of the bed, only to have his wrist grabbed onto by Treize, being pulled rather close to him. Softly whispering something into his ear that only made Zechs blush a pretty red, Mohawk kept her glare on Zechs before rudely pushing the small group out of the room, then turning back to face Treize. A feral grin was placed upon her lips, while she spoke softly to Treize, “I'm sorry dear brother, but sometimes you've just have to give a little bit of pay back.” The grin widen, “I think you remember what you've done, that one faithful day when you-“
Outside the Room
Zechs gave another sigh, he had wanted to spend some more alone time with Treize but that wouldn't be happening, at least not yet, and they were to be here for two more days. Sally taking pity upon the sulking Zechs came up to his side, “You really do love him, don't you?” She said in a soft whisper, before he could reply, she spoke again, “Relena is going to ask him to stay with you guys, I shall be the doctor and making sure that everything is alright.”
Quatre glanced around, he was distracted by the scene before him, he gave a gland around, seeing who all was there, and it seemed that they lost two people. Which were Duo and Heero, wondering where they had headed off to, “Where is Duo and Heero?” Trowa was the one to look at Quatre, he had this look about him that he knew something and wasn't telling anyone, and Wufei stopped and stared at Trowa. “Where are they?” The silent clown just shook his head before speaking in a firm voice, “We should just head back, and they'll come back when they're ready to.”
Wufei just glared at him, “What is that suppose to mean?” It seemed that Duo had dragged Heero off somewhere, where the location was unknown to Trowa but he knew that something hot and steamy was to come there way.