Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Angels Fly ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own GW/AC
Claimers: I do own Mohawk
Summary: You really haven't given her reasons to trust you
Ratings: NC-17
Pairing: Zechs x Treize
POV: Mohawk
When Angels Fly
Chapter Twelve
Wufei and Duo got into one of their little fights, even thought that deep down, Wufei cared about as a friend, while they were fighting, Zechs slipped away. Heading straight for the shower, he no longer wanted to be in his smelly clothing or smell like he had `had good shag' as Duo had said to him earlier. Zechs stripped down and out of the clothing before turning on the shower, feeling for the water to be night and hot enough for him before slipping inside. The warm water felt so good against his skin, like tiny kisses being showered upon his very flesh, emitting a soft moan from the feeling of the water.
Sally Chang had gone and tried to get Treize under her care, seeing how he would be more happier to be outside of the hospital and be able to be with Zechs more. Sally gave a little giggle at the thought, “Mrs. Chang are you alright?” That snapped her out of her thoughts, she gave a light nod, “Yes sorry about that, but lets get back to the order at hand.” Both Sally and the doctor went to go and talk to Treize, Treize was sitting up and talking to Zechs who came by after his shower to talk to him for a little bit.
“Treize, I wanted to tell you that I-“ a cough was heard which cut off Zechs from finishing what he was going to say to Treize, he gave a light nod towards them before leaving. Treize gave a light nod towards Sally before speaking, “Mrs. Chang and doctor, what can I do for you two?” Spoke Treize in his rather charming voice he seemed to be gifted with along with that sliver tongue of his.
At the Hotel
“Come on you guys, pay up” Duo spoke in his same cheery voice like he always does; he was currently getting his money for winning the bet of where Zechs was. Relena had just entered the room, “What are you guys doing?” She asked, she seemed in a pretty good mood, “I just won a bet, nothing knew, so why are you in such a cheery mood? Figure out a way to turn Heero straight?” Duo gave a wide smirk while Heero smacked him upside the head, Relena choose to ignore the comment Duo made about Heero being straight and everything. “I'm finally finished with my meeting, so I have sometime to relax here in Germany until we leave tomorrow, that is why I'm in a happy mood.”
Else Where
“Are you sure this will work?” spoke a voice to another person within the room, “Of course I'm sure, I'm always right, now lets get a move on or else” replied the person within the room to the voice.
Back at the Hospital
“Alright then, so I shall take him under my care” Sally spoke to the other doctor she had been talking to, glancing towards Treize, “You ready to get out of here?” Treize gave a nod before getting out of bed to get ready to get going, Sally and the doctor left to let him change his clothing. Zechs was sitting outside of the room, waiting to see what is happening, he was wondering if Treize would be able to come back with him or not. His heart filled up with hope of being able to spend more time with Treize then he is able to right now, Sally and the doctor came out. “Treize shall be under my care from now on” Sally spoke with a smile upon her face while Zechs gave her a grin and a light nod. “Thank you for doing this Sally Chang” “It's nothing” the two spoke for a little bit before Treize came out of the room, dressed in real clothing and ready to go.
Mohawk's POV
Mohawk had awaken in the middle of the night, her breathing came out in pants, she was sweating, she did have a dream about her past, that only fueled her hatred for Treize all the more. She was wearing nothing more then a tank top along with a pair of boxers, the tank top showed off three of her tattoos she had on her body. One was right above her left breast, letters were there but hard to make out seeing how the cloth was blocking out the rest of the letters. The other one was on her right shoulder, a panda and a wolf was right there while on her left forearm, she had a tattoo of a rose there.
I look like shit and I know it, I really need to get some real sleep one of these days, I guess I can do that once I finish my mission. Mohawk gave a soft sigh before getting ready for the day, another boring day in the life of Mohawk what joys it is to be me. But never the less, I shall finish this mission, even if it is the last think I do, I made my promise and I shall keep it, I shall do it for her.
Sometime later (a.k.a. when Sally and the Doctor were talking)
Great, now they're going to be moving him under her care, what joys, another hoop to jump through, but none the less, this should be a little bit easier. Seeing how now I can drop this stupid act of being a nurse and get down to business as to how and when I am going to knock him off. The gundam pilots better not get in my way or else, along with that stupid little Relena Peacecraft, maybe I should also knock her off too, start another war.