Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When black and white make Grey ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: When Black and White Make Grey
Author: Stephanie Maxwell ><
Archive: I love bishonen, Shinigami/team rockets castle, GW Addiction, Takeo's fortress anywhere else is fine with me just tell me the site so that I can check it out. I'm always eager to check out new sites.^_^
Pairings: 5x2/2x5, 1x3 mentioned, possibly other pairings to pop up. OOC slightly
Disclaimers: they're not mine. I don't own them. the world I put them is mine and all that but that's it.
Warnings: Yaoi, lemons eventually. AU, some angst but not a lot, no duo torture planned but I don't know what I'm going to do with this story. warnings will probably change so check the top of each part.
Rating: NC-17
Notes: I've revised everything so it's slightly different from before but the main ideas are still there

Duo shivered, he was exhausted from running all night trying to escape the humans and their damn dogs. They had chased him into the woods to in the hopes that he would be unable to fly away. Not that he could fly even if he was out in an open field if the dragons were also looking for his him. Ever since his birth he and his family had been on the run. There were three races in the world, the humans, the dragons, and the demons. The humans use to be free and worked side by side with the demons. However, years ago the dragons believing they were superior to the other races, enslaved the humans and hunted the demons down killing them on sight. The demons had gone into hiding but over the years the dragons had found them and destroyed them.

Now they were a dying race, no one truly new how many were demons were still alive. The demons had been a peaceful race, similar to the humans except for two things. One demons had black, bat like wings, two demons could use magic. Their magic could be used for destruction but the knowledge of destruction magic had not been used for centuries and had slowly been forgotten by the demons. However, with the dragons annihilating their race the arts were being taught once again by the few who still remembered a few tricks. Though they were few, they had already changed the tide of the war. However, the dragons had used their newly acquired slaves to help hunt down the demons, which made it difficult for the demons, for they did not want to harm the humans.

Duo shivered again. The wind had picked up. He covered himself with his wings and continued to walk. He had to reach the end of the forest if he wanted to escape. The humans were gaining on him and he knew that if he was caught that he would be killed immediately. Normally, his people stuck together to help each other escape but his family had been killed long ago by the dragons. He would get revenge for their deaths if it was the last thing he did.
He heard the faint sound of dogs barking off to his left. He pulled his wings as close to his body as he could and took off at a run. The sound of barking grew closer. His sides hurt from running and pushing his body to its limits. He stopped and looked around and saw a break in the trees towards his left. He turned to his left and started running. The break was a wide field right smack in the middle of the forest. He mentally thanked Shinigami for the field and ran out of the woods.

As he ran he opened his wings and flapped once. His wings caught a draft and he rose high into the sky. Lightening flashed in the sky lighting the dark night up for several seconds before letting it fall back into darkness. He flapped his wings to gain more altitude getting as close to the storm as he could. He dodged to the left as a lightening bolt struck at the spot he had been only moments before. It was dangerous to fly during a storm but he had always had the strange ability to sense when a bolt was going to strike. It proved useful for the dragons could control the elements and liked to use lightening bolts to shoot his kind out of the sky. Another bolt came down towards his right but he dodged it easily. He loved flying like this. It was exhilarating. Nothing was better than flying, the wind in his hair and the beautiful skies above and below him for him to explore were second to nothing. He had been flying since he was two. Most of his kind did not start to learn to fly until they were five. This was because most had to wait for their wings to grow to the proper size for their body; that way the wing muscles could take the strain of lifting up a body into the air. However, he had been born with wings twice the size of normal demons. Now full grown his wingspan was almost three times larger than that of the elders.(1) Thus, he could out fly anything, even a dragon.

Lightning streaked through the sky as Duo flapped his wings to fly above the clouds. He dodged the lightning as it jumped from cloud to cloud until he broke through the clouds. No wonder the storm was so bad, he thought as he surveyed the clouds. Another storm was on top of the one he had just gone through. Lightning traveled up and down from the two storms. It was the most amazing thing Duo had ever seen. The clouds rolled and shifted with the winds, colors swirled within the clouds varying from shades of violet to shades of blue. The shades grew darker and lighter as lightning passed through them. Duo flapped his wings to gain more altitude and to go above the second storm. Suddenly, a ball of white energy passed by him. Duo looked around to see where it came from and saw a white dragon flying towards him. Its white scales almost seemed to glow in the periodic light of the storm. Another ball of light came towards him; he pulled his wings close to his body and rolled to the right as the ball of white energy flew past him. The dragon dodged the lightning as he flew towards Duo.

Duo concentrated on his power, remembering what he had been taught as a child on how to fight the dragons. A green glow surrounded his body and his wings steadily growing brighter each second, he pointed a finger at the dragon and a green lightening bolt shot out of his finger and towards the dragon. The dragon managed to barely dodge the bolt and it sailed by the dragon narrowly missing its pearly white wing. Another white ball flew at Duo. He easily deflected it with his a flick of his wrist sending it back towards the dragon.

Out of nowhere a blue ball flew past him from behind. Duo turned and saw a blue dragon coming from the opposite direction of the white dragon. Duo was somewhat surprised that the two dragons were working together. However, the two dragons were as different as night and day. The white dragon obviously came from a Chinese Klan of dragons, long pearly white body winding about the clouds. The dragon had no wings for dragons of Chinese descent were capable of flying without wings. The blue dragon, shorter in length compared to the white dragon, had wings that came out just behind the dragon's forearms. This, unfortunately, made the blue dragon more dangerous, unlike most dragons; its wings weren't connected to its forelimbs. It gave the dragon free use to grab him with its deadly claws and shred him into pieces while flying. Not stupid enough to take two dragons at once, Duo flew upwards and into the storm above. Flapping his wings he flew higher and higher.

He was suddenly pulled downwards by the ankle. He started to fall, fortunately or unfortunately depending on the way you look at it, what had grabbed his ankle had not let go. He looked up and found himself in the grip of an emerald green dragon. It was the same species as the blue dragon he had seen moments before. 'Shit,' Duo thought to himself. 'How the hell am I going to get out of this'. Duo looked around to see if the other dragons were around. Not seeing any of them about he gathered his power and shot the dragon in the face. It roared in pain and let go of him. Duo fell for a few feet before he was able to get his wings back under control. He flapped them and slowed his rapid descent.

Once he wasn't falling a few feet a second he realized that he was back in the first storm cloud. "Well, I don't see my new playmates around anywhere. Maybe they left" Duo thought for a moment, " Nah, with my luck they're still here looking for me." Duo flew through the clouds as slowly as he could, keeping an eye out for the dragons. He was just starting to think that maybe they had left when a ball of energy flew past him. "Shit," Duo said. "Why does this always happen to me. I never did anything to them but they have this need to kill me." He dodged another ball but he couldn't see where it had come from. Another ball shot passed him from a different direction than the first two. He was able to dodge it but not the ball that came from behind. It hit him full force in the back. The pain was excruciating, all his muscles suddenly froze up and he couldn't move his wings. He could feel himself falling as unconsciousness started to creep up on the edges of his mind. Before his world went totally black he felt someone catch him before his world turned black. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was a flash of white scales and glowing black eyes.

Stephanie Maxwell

(1) I didn't know how to put this in the story so I'll just put a note. as the demons get older their wingspan grows. it slows down once their body is full-grown but the wings still continue to grow. So the oldest of duo's people have the largest wings. But duo isn't normal ::hint, hint:: so his wings are much bigger and by the time he's an 'elder' his wings will be huge if you think about how big wings would have to be to support a body the size of a human being.