Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When black and white make Grey ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
lemon as promised, for those who don't like lemons when you get to that part just scroll down, nothing important happens 'til the last line ^_^

Part 7

Duo walked down the long hallway, trailing slightly behind Wufei. Surprisingly enough, dragons didn't fly to each other's homes. They traveled through doorways instead. In every dragon household one doorway has a traveling spell keyed to it. The spell has the location of every noble's and lady's home placed in it. However dragons can't just tell the door where they want to go, that would mean that their enemies could get through too. To travel through the doorway they had to have the spell that tells the location of the place they would like to go. This spell appears in the invitation to a noble's home, allowing him or her to travel to the event safely and quickly. It didn't feel like traveling, though, you just walk through the doorway and end up in the dragon's home. The traveling happened instantaneous, no shocks, disorientation, wild colors or any of the other things that Duo expected to happen when he passed through the door way

Only moments away from reaching the ballroom where the party was in full swing, Duo trailed slightly behind Wufei as they followed the servant to the party. The clothes they wore shimmered as the light caressed them, changing colors as they moved from light to shadows and back again. Duo's own clothing looked tight on him but felt loose on his skin, allowing him to move freely. The pants, made of black leather, felt like silk against his skin, clinging to his hips with a plunging belt line that followed the hairs below his belly button before stopping mere inches above his groin. The red silk poet's shirt he wore dipped in a similar fashion laying bare his chest for all to see, the few inches of fabric that actually concealed his flesh laced up the front. The style of the shirts usually had the lacing in the back but the head-sewing servant pointed out the difficulties he would have getting the shirt on and off with his huge wings in the way. Also, in consideration of Duo's wings, the back of the shirt laced up underneath his wings, giving him a comfortable fit and he could leave enough room that he could easily fly while wearing the shirt without tearing it.

Duo stopped his musings over his own clothes and glanced at Wufei. Wearing a tight white leather vest with a low V-neck that showed off the muscles of his chest and matching pants that clung to his hips, Wufei looked irresistible, especially with his hair down, slightly brushing his shoulders as he walked; the silken strands reveled in their newfound freedom. Since he had first saw the dragon back in his room Duo's mind had been filled with the most erotic thoughts.

He had never felt this way before. He knew that a big part of it was lust but male-male relationships were accepted among his people. However, he didn't just lust after a male, he lusted after a dragon, the one who had captured him in the first place. Duo tried to shake off his thoughts but every time he managed to curb his desire he ended up looking at Wufei and it would start all over again.

Duo managed to finally pull his thoughts away from a naked Wufei when the servant they had followed stopped at a pair of huge wooden double doors and touched them with one gloved finger, causing the doors to slowly swing open, causing Duo to gasp in amazement at what he saw.

Wufei tried to keep his thoughts away from the sexy body behind him, but his mind continued to provide him with images of Duo chained to his bed, spreading his legs wide, begging to be taken. Wufei closed his eyes and tried to will away the burning in his groin, luckily the servant they had followed stopped at a pair of wooden doors and opened them with a quiet efficiency. He heard Duo gasp in amazement, he had to admit, the decorations inside the room out did any of Lady Kimiko's previous parties.

The door had revealed a large room that looked only large enough for a hundred of people or so but seemed to stretch for miles. Soft green grass covered the floor, the tables scattered about the room for guests to eat and rest were miniature trees with leaves that looked like they would give away if a plate sat upon them; yet they easily held up large platters filled with delicate treats to tease the palate. Large willow trees formed doorways on the edges of the room where guests entered and exited from, lost in their own worlds. A view of the night sky in all its splendidness with shooting stars speeding across the view made the ceiling. Floating several feet above the guests, gorgeous stars of light, alternating from one color to another every several seconds, emanated enough light to illuminate the entire room like day. These sparkling stars also moved about the room raining small amounts of glitter and sparks that made the sky all the more beautiful but disappeared as soon as they touched someone or fell to the ground.

Grasping the amazed demon with one arm, Wufei gently led Duo into the room, allowing him to take in the all the sights. They passed many dragons already drunk and enjoying themselves, others danced to the music in a large pavilion made of trees and flowers that couldn't exist in the real world. Wearing dresses draped in veils of silk, the women, danced, twirling their skirts, making the veils raise and show off the women's legs. The men wore silk, velvet, anything bright and expensive.

Wufei brought them over to a table on the edges of the room where he could see anybody who approached them. He did not want to end up like the drunken fools around him or under the influence of one of Lady Kimiko's powders or potions.

Wufei pulled a seat back for Duo to sit in and smiled, as he had to physically sit Duo into the seat. Duo's large eyes grew larger as he looked around at all the wonderful things, even more wonderful, Wufei thought to himself, when he has not seen many things done with magic. Sitting beside Duo, Wufei gently tapped on Duo's shoulder and called his name to rip Duo's attention from the scenery. Duo turned to him, with amazed eyes.

"Is this how all the parties are?" asked Duo.

Wufei smiled, resisting the urge to push a few lone strands behind Duo's ear.

"No, only Lady Kimiko uses magic to transform the surroundings, not very many dragons has the power to do such things and those who do not like to throw parties."

"Oh, do you have enough power?"

Wufei smiled. "Yes, if I wanted to I could do something similar but I would have never come up with something like this. This is amazing even for Lady Kimiko, she has out done herself this time."

Out of the nearby trees several animals appeared and came over to their table. A small fox and a rabbit jumped into Duo's lap, where the delighted boy proceeded to pet them. A baby Firebird (1) flew over to Wufei requesting permission to land before landing on his hand. Wufei studied the bird in fascination. The bird's features alternated from her bird form to her human and back again, while her wings and tail moved and flickered like flames Wufei's hands were not burnt but pleasantly warmed as the firebird sung her lullaby. At first Wufei believe they would fall asleep from the bird's powerful magic, surprisingly he did not feel the least bit tired.

Glancing over at Duo he smiled to himself as Duo scratched the two animals in his lap in all the right places while watching the firebird with large eyes that changed in shades of violet as the flames from the firebird moved in a slow rhythm, in time with her lullaby.

Wufei, absorbed in the beautiful firebird, did not see the tall beautiful woman walk up to their table.

"Lord Chang how glad to see you and I see you brought the brave demon that saved many of our people at the meeting."

Startled, Wufei looked up and took in the featured of the infamous Lady Kimiko. She reminded him of an elf, her face frail and very feminine looking with sharp cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin, and her arms were long, tapering off with long elegant fingers. Waist length, pitch-black hair crowned her head, streaks of purple and blues highlighting it, making her hair look less like a dark void and more like the hair of a beautiful woman. The red dress she wore matched her red wine colored eyes, showing enough bosom for others to consider her daring but not enough for them to consider her 'loose.' Despite her powders and potions, she made them to make others happy not to mess with their minds and bodies. Deep down, Wufei believed she did not like what the Old Ones might have planned and that she might plan to use the potions and powders she created to take care of them without hurting them.

Transferring the Firebird to his shoulder, Wufei stood up, taking Lady Kimiko's offered hand before bowing and kissing her hand lightly out of politeness.

Duo laughed softly as the two animals on his lap butted his hand for attention. Both babies radiated cuteness and their fur felt like the softest clouds in the high skies. He liked touching the animals at leisure, the ones he had seen before would flee out of fear or he had eaten them for food. As Duo slowly petted the baby fox and rabbit he lost his heart to them. He hoped that Lady Kimiko would allow him to keep them; he really didn't want to let them go. He thought of asking Kimiko and maybe even asking if Wufei could keep the bird that held his fascination. Out of nowhere the most beautiful woman he had ever seen came up to their table and offered her hand to Wufei.

"Lord Chang how glad to see you and I see you brought the brave demon that saved many of our people at the meeting."

This is Lady Kimiko? He didn't know what he had expected but this gorgeous, smiling creature certainly wasn't it. Duo could do nothing but stare as Wufei rose from his chair and kissed the top of Kimiko's hand, causing Duo's heart to clench in pain. Certainly, Wufei found her attractive. Her beauty out shown every female he had seen before but she didn't do anything for him, but then females in general don't do anything for him. However, Wufei needed heirs and Kimiko looked perfect for him, blessed with dark looks that sparked the jealousy of the Gods, they would have beautiful children.

Wufei stood up and Lady Kimiko turned to him before smiling and offering her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Duo, I hope you enjoy the party I put my imagination to the test to make these surroundings just for you. I figured something more natural would suit for your first party instead of something wild. Oh, and yes you may keep the animals, these are the only ones I made, think of them as a thank you gift from me to you for saving dragons lives the other day."

Duo gawked; how could she have known something he had only thought about a few minutes ago. Soon his wits returned to him and he transferred the two lovable creatures on his lap to the table and took Kimiko's offered hand mimicking Wufei's actions and setting aside his mixed feeling about her and Wufei.

"I thank you, my Lady, for the wonderful presents and for the lengths you have gone for me, you didn't have to." replied Duo.

"Oh, but I wanted to and if you will excuse me, I must see to our other guests. If you too ever want any privacy simply walk through one of the willow tree made doorways and they will take you to a room where you two may rest or talk without the rest of my quests disturbing you." Kimiko said as she turned away.

Beside Duo, Wufei spoke up grabbing her attention before she moved to go.

"I have one question, Lady Kimiko, you are known for putting aphrodisiacs and other whatnots in the food and drink. Is it safe for Duo and I to eat without worrying about waking up naked in somebody else's arms?"

Kimiko smiled, looking at Duo instead of Wufei as she replied.

"No, I haven't tampered with the food or refreshments, what happens tonight is merely fate's own doing, not my own match making."

Turning she walked away, disappearing into the throng of dancing dragons.

Duo turned to Wufei and raised a quizzical eye as he sat down, replacing the animals back on his lap. Wufei simply shook his head.

Duo reevaluated his assumptions about Kimiko and Wufei, as he continued petting his new pets. Wufei, for some reason, did not like Kimiko all that much and she seemed to have no affections for Wufei. The pain around Duo's heart eased but he didn't bother to think why.

"Are you hungry? I can go get us some food, you should be safe over here, so far nobody has come up to you so you should be safe for a few minutes." Asked Wufei.

Startled out of his thoughts, Duo smiled up at Wufei before answering.

" I am a little hungry, if there's any vegetables and some meat bring some so I can feed my two new pets, please."

Wufei graced him with a small smile, turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Duo to love up on his new pets.

Wufei weaved his way around the oblivious dancers. Lady Kimiko said she had not messed with the food and she had not been lying but the other guests, dancing in mindless circles and bumping into something, obviously had something done to them. Confused, Wufei continued to ponder the question as he grabbed a large plate and grabbed a little bit of everything for Duo to eat. He did not know what the winged boy liked but whatever Duo did not like the animals would eat.

Once he had filled the plate to its capacity, Wufei made his way back to Duo. Setting the plate down on the table he handed Duo a fork and told him the names of the different types of food.

They chatted as they ate, Duo occasionally feeding a little tidbit to his new friends, and Wufei fed some berries to the firebird. As their meal continued, Wufei noticed one of the stars float above them, still producing its glitter and sparks, gently raining down on them colored glitter that disappeared on their clothes and food.

As the food dwindled, Wufei noticed that everything was moving faster. His surroundings grew hazy and blurry, filled with magnificent, yet dull colors. The only clear object he could see was Duo. Beautiful Duo. Duo's eyes shined brightly and some how he looked a hundred times more beautiful than he did before. He wanted to touch him, kiss him, and taste him. He wanted to show Duo everything he could about the pleasures between two people. Feeling slightly dizzy, Wufei stood up and pulled Duo with him, gently leading Duo to the middle of the dance floor before pulling Duo up against his body and wrapping his arms around Duo's waist.

Duo couldn't believe the beauty around him. The food tasted delicious and the colorful star thing above him continuously showered him in glitter that left him feeling warm until the instant it disappears. Gradually, his surroundings grew more colorful, hazy, and undistinguishable. All except for Wufei, Wufei grew more beautiful by the minute, dark hair shining in the lights, dark exotic eyes that seem to see inside of him, feeding his desire for the dragon.

Surprised when Wufei suddenly stood up and pulled him onto the dance floor, wrapping his strong arms around his waist and started dancing with him, Duo didn't think of why Wufei acted this way. The strong warm embrace that held him as they gyrated on the dance floor had his every thought. The music enslaved Duo as he swung his hips in time to the music and pressed his hips into Wufei's. Wufei spun him around and came up between Duo's wings, rubbing his arousal against Duo's bottom, slowly stroking the sensitive area between Duo's wings with one hand while the other traced a path from Duo's nipple down to his stomach.

Duo moaned in Wufei's grasp, the room spun, moving fast; the people around them were only a blur and undistinguishable noises. Duo's entire senses focused completely on Wufei and what he was doing with his hands. Duo moaned again as Wufei nuzzled the side of his neck and nipped at small areas of skin before licking it with his teeth.

The beat of the song grew faster, Wufei spun him again, and he faced Wufei, hips pressing into hips. Duo gasped as Wufei's hard arousal touched his, creating delicious friction. Duo felt his knees growing limp. He heard a low growl come from Wufei before he felt hot lips on his, devouring him. Duo opened his mouth allowing entrance to Wufei's searching tongue, as he felt himself being lifted up and carried away from the dance floor. Duo couldn't think; his desire to feel Wufei deep inside of him dispersed all rational thought.

Wufei's mind focused completely on Duo, the way he felt, the way he smelled, the way he tasted. He could not get enough of Duo. Wufei brushed his arousal against Duo's wringing a moan out of both of them, as Wufei's mind spiraled further into the drug and passion filled haze in his mind. All he could feel was Duo and what Duo's touch did to his body and mind. Before he consciously decided on doing it, Wufei picked Duo up and walked off the dance floor, heading towards the willow trees, all the while, kissing Duo with all the passion he had kept inside the last few days. As he carried Duo through the willow trees, Wufei could feel Duo's wings wrapped around him, forcing him to hold Duo closer. Soon they were in a room filled with gigantic violet pillows that lined the walls of the room. Wufei gently placed Duo upon them, giving him a chance to unwrap his wings from Wufei.

Wufei stared down at the beautiful body below him; his mind barely able to process the scene before him, with his clothes slightly undone, lips red and swollen from Wufei's kisses, and hair slightly messed up, Duo looked like every man's wet dream.

Kneeling, Wufei, took Duo's mouth in a passion filled kiss, pressing his tongue into Duo's mouth, tasting him as he unlaced the front of Duo's shirt and began to pull it off. He felt Duo's hands on his own body, tugging at his clothes, pulling of his gloves, pulling him closer, anything to make things move faster.

As if in a dream Wufei found himself pressing bare skin against bare skin, feeling Duo's pale chest against his, pressing his hips further against Duo's hips, eliciting a moan from the boys throat before capturing his lips once again.

Wufei explored Duo's body with his hands and lips, caring only about what made him feel good and what made Duo feel good. Soon the braided demon begged and pleaded to be taken. Wufei, having found a nearby jar of scented oil, deftly inserted one finger in Duo's entrance; slowly stroking him from the inside while his other hand circled Duo's need and pumped it slowly. Duo grabbed him by the head and pulled him down for a tongue-tangling kiss that pushed him over the hazy edge in his mind. Without warning he positioned himself at Duo's entrance and swiftly eased himself all the way in, he moaned in pleasure. Wufei slowly started thrusting into Duo, he could hear Duo moaning, encouraging him to go faster. Wufei picked up the pace, the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air. His entire world zeroed in on the feelings being inside of Duo wrought in him, slamming into those silky walls felt like heaven and he never wanted to leave again.

Beneath him, Duo moaned and panted. Every thrust stroked him in places he never knew he had, feeding the fire growing in the pit of hit stomach.

Wufei, could feel himself getting close, stopping, he quickly pulled himself out of Duo before flipping him onto his knees and entering in one hard thrust, causing Duo to moan loudly and push back on Wufei's arousal. Wufei slammed into the tight sheath, hitting that spot deep inside of Duo with every thrust. Duo's wings spread out beside them, twitching with each thrust. Wufei grasped Duo's neglected arousal and stroked it in time with his thrusts, quickly bringing the boy to completion. With a cry and an arch of his back, Duo came all over the pillow beneath them, his muscles clamping on Wufei's shaft, quickly bringing him to climax, with one more thrust Wufei screamed and came deep inside Duo. He slowly pulled out of Duo, subconsciously noticing that the room no longer looked like it was spinning, before pulling the nearly unconscious Duo into his arms so that they both may sleep.

Neither one noticed Duo's white glowing wings which slowly faded away leaving the tip of his wings gray.

End of chapter

(1) A firebird is different from a phoenix. It's flames do not burn though are very warm. Also she can change from a bird to female. It is said that looking upon her without her permission can give you bad luck and her bird song can put anybody to sleep, obviously I changed things a bit, and for the record she can be in bird form but make her face humanoid. It's part of Russian folklore

Eh, well I did a lemon. I was going for the drug-type haze sex but I couldn't do it, besides it was only a type of aphrodisiac of sorts.

Sorry it took so long but with school and all I have to wait for a day off during the week to work on this. I do have the beginning of ch, 8 thought up and as soon as I decide whether to get into the assassins in this chapter or not…

Well, tell me how I did at my second attempt at a lemon, the first one I did in one of my other fics didn't get such a good review…but it was my first so yeah…
Stephanie Maxwell