Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When black and white make Grey ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Part 8

...Are they alright...

...Don't worry... Aphrodisiac...lasts for 24 hours...only works on those who truly want it to happen... you think they'll be suspicious...

...of course... too busy care...

Moaning softly, Duo climbed out of his dreams of dark eyes and opened his eyes to the glaring light shining in the room. His body ached; he hurt in places he didn't know existed; like the pain radiating from his bottom. He sighed softly as he closed his eyes and snuggled closer to the body beside him; one wing acting similar to an extra arm, wrapping around the hard body.

Suddenly Duo's eyes flew open as images of last night's activities came unbidden to his mind; Duo scrambled out of the bed in a flurry of limbs, wings and unbound hair; the sheets and blankets wrapped about his limbs as if they were trying to keep him in the warm bed, one wing flapping about uselessly while the other one was folded and pinned against his body by the sheets. After several seconds of struggling, Duo finally got free, falling off the bed and stumbling a few feet across the floor before righting himself and rushing to the nearest wall, leaning up against the nearby wall, arms spread, and legs ready to run.

On the bed, Wufei slept peacefully; a sheet wrapped around his nude form. Duo looked away from the sight, he did not understand the feelings the sight invoked in him. Before last night he had been attracted to the dragon, interested in the feelings he felt around him. Now just gazing upon Wufei's caramel skin made his body feel lie, a warm pressure build up between his legs, and all he could think about was how good it felt to have Wufei on top of him, pinning him to the ground, thrusting into him over and over. His body felt like it would burn up if it didn't get what it wanted, and it wanted Wufei.

'Wait...what am I thinking... '

'What have I done...'

I've slept with the enemy...When I first got here, I actually tried to kill him and within a span of a few days I've gone from hating him, to saving him and other dragons, befriending him, and then SLEEPING with him.'

Duo grabbed his head with his hands, moaning as he slid to the ground, He leaned up against the desk next to him. He pulled his knees up to his chest and rocked slowly as his thoughts ran rampant.

'My people are being slaughtered daily and I'm in here doing nothing, except helping a dragon find out who wants to kill HIS people.'

/He said he would help you to stop the slaughtering./ a lone voice spoke up.

'But he hasn't done anything, except screw me into some pillows. I promised to avenge their souls...'

' I promised them and myself that the killing would stop and those responsible would die...'

The voice was silent.

Duo sobbed into his knees, his hair covering him like a thin shroud. Duo unfurled his large wings and wrapped them around his body, creating a dark cocoon of solitude and protection.

'I betrayed them, sleeping with Wufei and still my traitorous body wants him. I want him to touch me, even now my lust for him runs through my body, urging me to go to him. I'm not suppose to want my enemy.'

'I'm not suppose like my enemy...'

'I'm not suppose to sleep with my enemy...'

'I'm not suppose to love my enemy...'

Wufei woke up slowly, his body felt wonderful. With a slow grin, he remembered why his body felt so great. Stretching, Wufei moved an arm to the left of the bed, searching for the warm body he expected to be there and felt nothing.

Sitting up, he noted that he was back in his room.

'Has to be Kimiko's doing, not that I mind, less work for me. Now, where is Duo.'

Looking around, Wufei found his lost lover sitting on the floor making a peak out of his wings. The bone at the tip of Duo's two wings was interlocked together creating an odd mountain of black membrane surrounding Duo; there was even a little whitish-gray peak at the top.

'That's odd, I don't recall Duo having any color but black on his wings.'

On the floor a trail of sheets and blankets led to Duo. Wufei grinned at the sight; if all the sheets were on the bed and the floor then only Duo's wings covered Duo's naked form.

Wufei felt his arousal grow at the thought of Duo being just as naked as he was underneath those beautiful wings. His body demanded that he have another round, or several with the winged demon. Normally, just the site of something of Duo wouldn't turn him on this much, but he chalked it up to whatever drug Kimiko has used on them, the drug would probably last a few more hours or until they had burned it out of their system. He knew under normal circumstances he would have been furious at Kimiko for manipulating him in such a way, but he had to consider the benefits of her meddling.

After a week of lusting after the braided demon, he had gotten Duo, even if it was not intentional, in his bed. A place he fully intended to keep Duo in. Anybody else he tumbled would be compared to last night; He was ruined on anybody else. All he wanted was Duo.

Climbing out of bed, Wufei walked closer to Duo, frowning at the faint sobbing he heard. Bending down on one knee, Wufei gently touched the wings and softly called Duo's name. The wings trembled underneath his touch and a soft moan reached his ears. Duo wanted him as much as he wanted Duo.

Slowly, so as not to hurt the wings or startle Duo, Wufei pulled the wings apart while trying to coax his beautiful lover out. Eventually, he pulled them far enough apart to see large red rimmed violet eyes looking at him from atop two knees.

"Duo, tell me what it is that is bothering you. Please, don't hide from me."

In a rush of movement, two black wings hit him causing him to lose his precarious balance, sending him to land on his butt. Duo stood, wings spread making the slender body appear lager and dominating, his naked body on full display, and his hard arousal standing proudly from his body

He was beautiful in his anger, chestnut hair clinging to various areas of his body, large black, glossy wings contrasting the pale smooth skin of the body they were attached to. Eyes flashing, muscles clenched in anger, Duo's beauty shone as bright as his anger. Wufei gritted his teeth as a wave of lust went through him, stronger than the others. No doubt they would continue to get stronger the longer he went without satisfying his need.

"You want to know what's bothering me?" Duo asked in a hard voice. "Last night I slept with the enemy and in doing so, betrayed my people, who at this very moment are being hunted down and killed by your people."

Wufei mentally winced at the harsh words. He had hoped that Duo would have felt at least something for him. He knew that a relationship between them would be rough, but he had thought that if they both felt the same way then maybe they could have made a difference. Wufei hardened his heart; it was wishful thinking, as if a demon could ever love a dragon. Even if he hadn't done like the rest of his species did, he was still on of them. How foolish of him to let himself love.

Within seconds, Duo's anger faded, his wings sagged to the floor, his shoulders shook and his voice cracked.

"I hate myself for having slept with you. I can't help my people now, you did something to me, I know you did. Even now all my body wants is to crawl into bed with you, even a part of my mind wants it"

A small hope grew in Wufei's heart, maybe Duo did care and he only hated the feelings the drugs were making his body feel.

Standing up slowly, Wufei approached the shaken boy, slowly wrapping his arms around Duo and bringing his hanging head to fit in the spot beneath his chin. Within moments Duo wrapped his arms around him and began crying in earnest, his large wings surrounding them, cocooning them in their own little world.

Wufei stood silently as Duo sobbed in his arms, gently stroking Duo's braid. There was nothing he could say to make it all right; Duo needed reassurance that he couldn't give, he didn't know what was going to happen next. He only knew that whatever happened he would try to keep the boy in his arms happy and by his side. He didn't know how his feelings developed so fast, it felt like it was only yesterday that he decided on making Duo his slave. Mentally snorting on how well that plan turned out, Wufei tried to stop his thoughts as his body started reacting to the physical proximity of Duo, a very naked Duo. Who did not need to be accosted by his lust in the current state he was in.

Wufei steeled himself, refusing to give in to his growing lust, even as Duo's body pressed up against his. Wufei realized that Duo was no longer crying when he felt long fingers ghosting down his chest, his muscles clenched as the fingers circled his belly button before teasing his hard arousal.

Wufei groaned as he slowly shifted his hands from Duo's waist down to his ass. He wrought a moan out of Duo as he caressed the two soft cheeks with his hands before cupping them and pulling Duo's hips up to his and grinding their erections together.

Arching his back in pleasure Duo moaned as their bodies pressed tightly together, he wrapped his arms around Wufei's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Tongues moved wildly together, plunging into each other's mouths in an erotic dance. Wufei lifted Duo up and took the two steps to the desk before setting Duo upon it.

Gasping and moaning, Duo spread his legs for more as Wufei grasped and stroked him. Duo thrusted into the tight hand that gripped him, digging his fingers into Wufei's arms, pulling him closer, silently begging for more. He felt Wufei's breath against his ear, sending another wave of lust through his body.

Wufei knelt between Duo's legs, softly brushing Duo's thighs with his hands before tightly gripping the base of Duo's cock, the other cupping his balls. Leaning forwards Wufei teasingly licked the tip of Duo's arousal, causing the boy to moan louder, wings twitching. Swirling his tongue around the head, Wufei slowly wrapped his mouth around Duo, taking in a little at a time while watching the expressions of pleasure on Duo's face as his hands grasped the edge of the desk.

Deciding to stop his teasing, Wufei took all of Duo into his mouth, clenching his throat muscles receiving a cry of pleasure for his trouble. Duo thrashed wildly as he felt himself getting closer to the edge, he brought his hands to Wufei's head, thrusting wildly into the hot mouth

Just as Duo was about to reach his release, Wufei stopped, bringing his hands to Duo's hips stopping his movements. Duo whimpered in protest as Wufei stopped sucking him. Wufei position himself between Duo's spread legs, pressing his own need into Duo's causing the demon to fall back on his back and spread his legs even wider in invitation.

"What do you want?" Wufei asked in a voice full of desire, stroking Duo hard with each word.

"Oh God...take me... I want to feel you inside of me again..please.."

Wufei kissed Duo on the lips before flipping Duo over and spreading his legs wide. Caressing Duo's thighs with one hand while he slowly kissed down Duo's back, he rubbed his need between Duo's cheeks, while one hand fumbled in the desk's drawers for the lotion he knew was in there.

Finding what he needed, Wufei spread the lotion onto his fingers before inserting one into Duo. Duo thrust back onto the finger inside him, wishing it was something bigger and longer, he couldn't think, all he could do was feel and the burning need inside of him urged him on, making him crave every sensation Wufei wrought on his body. Moments later he felt another finger slip inside of him, searching for something. He screamed in ecstasy as one of the fingers hit that spot deep inside of him causing sparks to spread through out his body and his vision blurred.

Grinning in satisfaction as he found the spot he was looking for, Wufei spread the lotion onto himself, before positioning himself at Duo's entrance. Wufei slowly pressed himself into Duo's tight heat.

Panting, Duo pushed himself back on to Wufei; he loved the feeling of Wufei inside of him. It felt so good. Wufei thrust shallowly into him, making him cry out for more.

Wufei's control broke as Duo grasped the edge of the desk and begged to be fucked. Grasping onto Duo's hips, Wufei pulled all the way out except for the tip and thrust hard into Duo.

Duo gasped and pushed back onto Wufei, this was what his body wanted. "Please, faster..." Wufei growled deep in his throat and gave Duo what he asked for. Driving into Duo.

Duo moaned as Wufei gave it to him harder, causing his erection to press up against the desk. Wufei was pounding into him now, each thrust hitting that spot deep inside of him that made his body quiver in pleasure.

Wufei could feel himself getting close; he reached down and stroked Duo's cock. Duo screamed as his pleasure increased ten fold. Within moments he came hard, muscles clenching, back arching, screaming as he came. Wufei groaned as Duo's walls clamped down on him, two more thrusts and he was finished, crying out his lover's name as he came deep inside of Duo. He collapsed on top of Duo, being careful to not put too much of his weight on him.

Wufei closed his eyes and laid his head on Duo's sweaty back, listening to his lover's heartbeat. He did not notice the gray peaks on Duo's wings slowly creep down the black scales. A soft moan rumbled through the body beneath him. Wufei smiled and propped himself up on one arm, while one hand gently pushed one damp lock from Duo's sweaty brow. "How do you feel? Better I hope."

Duo turned and looked at him, large eyes filled with turmoil. A wry smile graced his tired face. "Can you explain to me how one minute I'm agonizing over the death of my friends and race and the next I am bent over a desk screaming for you to take me harder?"

Mentally chuckling, Wufei was glad that Duo's depression had abated. "I do not know but I believe are hostess last night had a hand in it."

Duo wrinkled his nose and shifted. " What do you mean?"

Wufei stood up, pulling Duo with him. "Do you wake up every morning with dirty thoughts flitting about in your head."

Duo blushed and looked away ""

Smiling, Wufei steered Duo over to the bed. "We are both under the influence of some aphrodisiac or drug made by Kimiko. Most likely an aphrodisiac since neither one of us seems to be experiencing anything beyond lust."

Staring at Wufei with wide eyes, Duo plopped down on the bed. Walking to his chamber door, Wufei opened the door long enough to quietly speak to the guard outside before walking back to Duo. "I hope your hungry, I have some servants bringing up a large brunch for us since it is so late in the day." Wufei said as he pulled out two robes, offering one to Duo.

Duo stared at the robe before slowly reaching up and taking it from Wufei. "Thank you," he said shyly. "And I don't mean just for the robe, but for not blowing up at me when I went ballistic on you. I..."

"Do not worry about it," assured Wufei. "The situation you woke up to this morning would have left anybody reeling. You just reacted to your emotions. All is forgiven."

Smiling slightly, Wufei continued. "Now unless you want to give the servants a show I suggest you put on the robe before they get here. The aphrodisiac will not wear off for a few hours and I only have so much control." Duo blushed and quickly put on his robe, but not before Wufei saw Duo's reaction to his words.

Breakfast was a quite affair. Duo sat, perched on the bed, slowly eating an assortment of fruits, meats, muffins, and some scrambled eggs. Normally the silence would have bothered him, but he rather sit in silence than have the possibility of talking about the two of them having sex. He still couldn't believe it; he had slept with Wufei not once but twice. And he had enjoyed it!

Sighing heavily, Duo took another bite of him ham.

'I'm so confused.'

'I know I should be angry and shouldn't have just rolled over like a dog when I was captured, but from the beginning Wufei was kind to me, a lot kinder than I had expected as prisoner.'

'aargh,' Duo thought in frustration,' my heart is telling me to go with the flow, Wufei won't hurt me; but my mind is telling me he will betray me or kill me, eventually.'

Setting his now empty plate on the table, Duo glanced at Wufei from the side of his eye. Wufei sat his desk, his own plate beside him, reading a book. His hair tight in a bun except for a few black strands that escaped and wafted into Wufei's eyes. The only sound emitted was the sound of a turning page and an angry sigh as Wufei, once again, pushed a strand of hair out of his face only to have another one take it's place.

Duo grinned at the sight, Wufei could look so cute when he wasn't playing he 'high born noble.' Seeing Wufei's hair reminded the horrible state his own hair was in. Grabbing a near by brush he slowly brushed the tangles out of his hair, starting from the bottom and working his way up. When he finished he quickly braided his hair and tied it with a nearby black ribbon.

Looking again at the oblivious Wufei, he decided it was time for Wufei to stop reading his book. He sauntered over to Wufei, still wearing nothing but a robe and stood in front of Wufei. Wufei looked up, giving him a curious glance before turning his attention back to his book. Duo snatched the book from Wufei's hands, grinning widely at Wufei's shocked countenance, and opened his mouth to say-


The entire building shook, tossing Duo to the floor and toppling Wufei's chair over, sending him sprawling to the floor. Wufei quickly stood up and helped Duo up, pulling him close to protect him.

The room quivered as a part of the far bedroom wall, moved towards them. Rock crumbled to the ground as bricks began to give away and ground against each other. An ear-deafening screech filled the air, causing both Duo and Wufei to cover their ears in pain. Wufei pulled his desk away from the wall and threw Duo behind it just as the wall finally gave away. Bricks exploded from the wall, whizzing threw the air, destroying furniture.

Wufei held his arms up to protect himself but one large brick clipped him on the head, throwing him against the wall. Duo cried out in alarm and ran to Wufei. He pulled Wufei up against him, running his hands all over Wufei's body checking for wounds. The wound on Wufei's temple was the only one he found.

Wufei groaned and opened his eyes, his head felt like it had been cracked open. Looking up he could make out Duo's face, even in the rising dust that had filled the room, the only problem was that he could see three Duo's not one.

Duo shook Wufei's shoulders lightly, "Wufei are you alright?"

"I will be fine as soon as I stop seeing three of you and-

Another screech filled the air followed by an odd roaring sound, along with the sound of flapping and ruffling feathers. Duo gently laid Wufei down; ignoring Wufei's demands that he run away. Spreading his wings wide, Duo relaxed into a protective stance, intent on taking on the new threat head on.

As the dust began to settle, the sound of scraping claws could be heard. A large silhouette appeared. Duo's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as the creature appeared before him.

"Oh shit, I am so dead. Fuck me, I thought those things were extinct."
The beast before him stood at least six feet tall with a large beak and large eagle eyes, the front half of it's body was undeniably that of a bird but the white and blue speckled feathers gave away to tawny colored fur, for the back end of the beast was that of a lion.

Towering over Duo, the gryphon spread it's wings in challenge, puffing up the white and blue feathers, lion fur bristling, tail lashing from side to side like a whip; it screamed/roared once more before lunging at Duo. Tucking his wings quickly to his back, Duo dodged to the side before making a dash for the hole in the wall. He couldn't protect Wufei in such close quarters. Scrambling over the large bed, Duo ran as fast as he could, fortunately the gryphon's large talons ripped the bed into shreds with each step it took, within seconds it was tangled in the mattress as feathers filled the air. A scream of fury came from behind him as he jumped through the hole and spread his wings wide; his body lurched, his wings having caught a breeze that propelled him upwards.

Beating his wings frantically, Duo tried to gain as much altitude as he could, slowly the castle dwindled into a speck and soon could not be seen among the amorphous shades of green of the earth. Turning he could see the gryphon rapidly catching up to him; He may be fast but he couldn't compete with an ancient beast known for it's domination of the skies
. Duo focused his magic in his hands, forming balls of light that encompassed his hands. He threw both of them, within seconds of each other, at the fast approaching gryphon. The gryphon pulled in its wings spiraling out of the way before snapping it wings again, surging upwards with every beat of his wings. Wafting up from the gryphon, Duo could hear what birds would sound like if they knew how to laugh.

Duo threw everything he had at the bird; however, it was just too fast. The few times that his bolts connected, it was simply deflected by the gryphon's own magic. The gryphon was close behind him, he tried loosing it in the clouds, but it had failed. He was just out of his league, he was use to out flying Dragons, who, compared to other flying beasts, were not accomplished flyers, but the gryphon was fucking half bird, it was better than flying than Demons were.

Trying one last tactic, Duo tucked in his wings and dived down to the ground. Wind whistled by him, braid whipping behind him, robe moving in the wind as his body fell faster and faster. He could hear a faint roar of anger, but it sounded far away. The ground grew more distinct with each passing second, various shades of green turned into forests and hills. He could see Wufei's castle, he could just barely make out the panicked guards running around trying to figure out what was going on. He hoped that Wufei was all right.

At the last moment Duo snapped open his wings, hissing in pain as his wings wrenched backwards, trying to slow his momentum. Slowly he made it to the ground, looking up for the gryphon, Duo prepared an arrow of glowing energy for the evil creature.

A loud screech came from behind him, turning quickly Duo shot the arrow at the gryphon. The gryphon roared in pain as the arrow hit, not having had the time to deflect it, and sunk into its chest. Blood trickled down, staining feathers as the gryphon continued its fast decent, seemingly undeterred by the arrow. Duo turned and ran, trying to make it to a barn just ten yards away.

As he ran for the barn, all Duo could hear was the slapping of his feet on dirt and the sound of wings behind him, both were nearly drowned out by the loud pounding of his heart. The barn door was only five yards away.

'I'm going to make it.'

Four yards.

'I'm going to make it.'

Three yards.

'I'm going to make it.'

Duo screamed in agony as pain ripped through his wings. He felt his feet leave the ground as the gryphon beat its wings upwards. The gryphon clutched his wings cruelly between its claws, ripping the membrane as much as it could; it held tightly onto the bone of his wings, squeezing every now and then, just to wring another cry of pain from Duo. He could feel the blood streaming down his wings and down his back, staining the white robe he wore. Moaning, Duo could feel the blackness crowding around his consciousness. With another squeeze from the gryphon's claws, Duo blacked out.


Okay so this took a lot longer than I expected it to take.

Muse: that's because you were too busy reading fics to work on your own, like mitsu's bridlewood manor that has 53 parts and take's you 10 minutes to read each part

...shut up, you... ::throws muse underneath bed::

Anyways, I was having writer's block and I kind of forced myself out of it, but I don't really like how this chapter turned out. Except for maybe the last page or 2.
As a warning, bad things have been running through my head, when I first started this fic I had no intentions of harming duo other than occasional angst but that was almost a year ago ^_^;;;; for the next part or 2 I've gotten in my head some duo torture- in away- not quite sure what I'm going to do but then I might not go with it. Figured I would give everybody a heads up.

Stephanie Maxwell