Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When black and white make Grey ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Part 5

When the Garaus had crashed into the room Duo knew immediately that they were screwed. None of the Dragons could transform without hurting the others. Not that it would help much; the room was too small for a dragon to fight in. That left Duo the only one capable of doing anything. He didn't care about the other Dragons but one of the Garaus was only a few feet from Wufei.

Duo slowly slipped off his shirt. He would need his wings if he took on these things. He couldn't believe he was helping them. There was a chance that they would kill him for simply being what he was. Part of him wanted to walk out the door and let them be slaughtered. Yet, another part of him, a bigger part, wouldn't let him. It insisted that he had to stay and save Wufei. He didn't know why he should save his enemy - even if his enemy had been extremely nice to him.

He had just gotten his shirt off when there was a scream from one of the women. Duo reacted instantly, he lunged for Wufei at the same time the Garau did. Duo pulled back Wufei's chair and brought up a wing to protect them. The Garau slammed into Duo's wing and tried to take a chunk out of it with its teeth.

Duo had never been so happy for his wings. Unlike Dragon wings, a Demon's wings, though looking flimsy and breakable, were almost impenetrable. It would take hours of gnawing for a Garau to even break the skin of his wings.

Duo extended his wing and pushed the Garau of the table. The nearby Dragons ran to the servant doors to get away. The other Garaus blocked their way. The head Garau, growled as it got up from the floor. Duo crouched on top of the table, still protecting Wufei with his wings spread ready to take flight at any moment. The Garau lunged again; Duo grabbed a knife from the table and took flight. The flap of his wings pushed Wufei out of harms way.

The room was silent except for the flap of Duo's wings and the constant growling of the Garaus. Duo wasn't sure what to do. On the ground he was toast without a weapon. That left only magic but he wasn't sure what he could do with the necklace on. He knew it drained magic but would that still allow him to use the magic through his wings? The only way to find out was try it.

Duo sat down on a window ledge, taking in the scene below him. Four of the Garaus guarded the exits, the last one was on top of the table watching, waiting, for him to do something.

'Well,' Duo thought, ' I would hate to disappoint him.'

Duo closed his eyes and concentrated on his magic, letting it flow through his body and letting it gather in his wings. He opened one eye and extended a wing, noting the slight green glow around his wings he closed his eye. He put all of his energy into his wings, the necklace was draining his energy but it didn't have the capacity to drain his completely. If he wasn't careful he might overload the necklace and get his head blown off. Duo shuddered, that would be a gruesome sight.

Duo could feel the energy jumping from wing to wing like it did the last time. He opened his eyes; he imagined the energy turning into five arrows and a bow. A glowing, green bow appeared in front of Duo. Duo imagined the bow shooting an arrow at the Garau on the table and killing it. An arrow appeared inside the bow and turned downwards. All but three of the Dragons below screamed and went underneath the table. Duo laughed at the frightened Dragons. Wufei and the two Dragons who had sat beside him were still standing watching what he was doing. He laughed again, as the bow let loose its arrow and it struck the Garau directly in the heart.

The Garau was hit so hard that it flew backwards and landed on the floor. The arrow disappeared leaving a perfect red hole in the Garau's chest. The Garaus guarding the doors howled in rage and ran towards Duo. They scrabbled at the walls, digging their claws into the stones in their attempt to climb the wall. Duo dispatched another arrow that sliced through a Garaus head. He didn't waist anytime to kill the last three, he was becoming tired with trying to use his power without killing himself.

Once he had killed the last three he glided down from the windowsill. He landed in front of Wufei and folded his wings on his back. Wufei stared at him with a stunned expression. Duo snickered, "If you don't mind Wu, I'm going to go to bed. I'm beat and I think you can get some servants to take care of the carcasses. You might want to get it done as soon as possible; those things reek almost as soon as they're dead. I should know. Okay, well I'm off to bed see you in a few hours." With that he walked out of the room stopping only to pick up his discarded shirt and to slip it on. He walked down the hallway with a jaunt. 'That was priceless,' he thought to himself. Letting the other Nobles know that he was a Demon was completely worth the looks that he got from Wufei, from the entire room for that matter. 'They'll probably think that every Demon can do that. If I'm lucky they'll assume that we could have killed them at any time and chose not to, I certainly did. I can only hope.'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Wufei stalked down the halls. He had spent the last six hours listening to one person accusing the other. His muscles ached and he had a massive headache.

After Duo had left, he had called in the doctors to check if anyone received any wounds from the incident. Once, the shock had worn off his people... Wufei snarled at the thought, those weak sniveling dragons had pointed fingers at each other blaming one person or another of planning the attack to kill them all. They had totally lost their ability to think logically. Hell, some of them hinted at starting a war over such an 'insult,' as they had put it.

Then they had argued the issue of the demon, most had wanted to kill it but Catalonia came to the rescue well placed comment about the demon saving them. In the end he was left with the care of the demon, Duo would still be his servant but the head of all the dragon clans that had been present at the meeting would respect him.

At the time he did not know what to do to stop their sniveling and whining. Heero, fortunately, solved the problem beautifully. Apparently, the talking had disgusted Heero just as much as it had himself. With just one levin bolt Heero managed to get everyone's attention. He didn't even say a word he just glared them into submission.

Wufei grinned, no one was willing to go against Heero, not unless you wanted to get yourself dead. After that he had been able to gain control and get everyone on his or her way home. He would have liked to discuss who had that kind of power to be able to control animals as stubborn and wild as the Garaus; but other than Heero, Trowa and himself only Lady Catalonia had kept her sanity about her. Well, as much as she had in the first place. She takes too much pleasure in destruction to be considered sane. Wufei laughed, ironically enough, Lady Catalonia's mate happened to be a pacifist, an odd match indeed.

Wufei continued down the hall until he reached the library. Opening the doors, he headed into the room. The library had rows upon rows of books, most of them being magic books or history books. The shelves were made of a wood that seemed almost red when the light touched it. Walking down the rows, Wufei, headed towards the oldest section in the library. He had every magic book ever written in his library. To figure out who ordered the attack; he would first have to find the spell or spells used. As he moved down the rows the distinct smell of old books reached his nose. It was a comforting smell that brought back memories of him spending hours in the library reading its books, when he was younger.

Wufei stopped and stared at the books before him. Scanning the titles, He stopped when he found what he was looking for. The book itself was about ten inches thick, its cover brown from age, slightly tattered from use. 'Spells, Curses, Prophecies, and other Magic's' was just the book he needed. He grabbed a couple of other books that sounded like they were what he needed. Having found what he was looking for Wufei walked out of the library and headed towards his room. He figured that Duo was in there sleeping. He didn't know when he started trusting the demon, but something told him he could. Maybe it was because he had saved his life just hours before, yet he believed it just wasn't that. There was something about the winged creature that beckoned to him. Ever since capturing Duo he had been unable to stop thinking about him. What was worse was the way his body reacted when the longhaired demon was around.

Turning down another hallway, Wufei shook his head. He needed to stop having these thoughts. He could not...should not have feeling in anyway for Duo even if it was only lust.

But who could blame him? The boy was undeniably sexy. Long chestnut hair, violet tinged eyes, and the long lithe body, the boy was a force on his own. Wufei shifted uncomfortably as he walked, he was already half hard just thinking about the creature.

Wufei opened the doors to his room and felt himself get hard at the sight before him. Duo was sprawled on top of the covers of the bed.

And he was completely naked.

Duo's hair had come out of its braid and was tangled about Duo's body and wings. His wings were slightly open covering just enough of Duo's body to cover the essentials. He was beautiful.

Wufei stopped the surge of protectiveness and lust that swept through him at the sight of Duo naked in bed. Despite Duo being in the nude he looked younger than he actually was. With his mouth open, with his hair in his face Duo looked like an innocent child. Shutting the doors, he walked over to the bed and stifled the urge to climb into bed with Duo. Not that they would get much sleep with what he had in mind. Slowly, as to not disturb the sleeping boy, Wufei pulled the white covers up to Duo's shoulders.

Walking to the table, Wufei set his books down and grabbed a chair. Crossing his legs and putting on his glasses, Wufei opened the first book and began to read.

Not long after he had begun, Wufei found himself staring at Duo, watching him sleep. He shook himself out of his thoughts and turned back to his book. Several minutes later, Wufei was once again staring at Duo. Growling, he turned his chair until his back faced the bed. That way the beautiful boy would not distract him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Several hours later, Wufei's patience ended. The book had only small spells and curses in it. None of which even hinted at being able to control animals. As he was about to set the book aside the pages in the book turned and stopped on one of the prophecies. Surprised, Wufei sat down and picked up the book.

The Chosen (1)

When the winged humans have nearly disappeared the chosen will appear.
Neither demon nor dragon powers will be, in many ways, more powerful than both worlds.
Life being nothing but pain and despair, the chosen must find balance before the darkness that waits on the horizon comes.

'The Chosen one,' thought Wufei. So far, everything in the book had pertained to dragons, not surprising since a dragon wrote the book. But to have a demon prophecy in it was odd.

A rustling sound broke him out of his thoughts. Wufei turned around just in time to see Duo sit up and look blearily at his surroundings. Wufei almost laughed out loud when Duo, realizing he wasn't alone in the room, clutched the sheets to his chest and blushed.

With his hair loose and flowing around him, Duo was a sight to behold and Wufei was glad he hadn't left when he realized the boy was nude.

"You were the one that covered me with the blankets, weren't you?" Asked Duo.

Wufei hid a knowing smirk and nodded an affirmative to the blushing boy.

Blushing harder, Duo offered an explanation for his actions.

"I was hot, and tired. The clothes were dirty from the battle and I didn't want the bed to get dirty so I took them off," Duo explained.

Smiling, Wufei put the boy at ease. "I understand. The pile of clothes I gave you this morning is all yours, so you can change into a new outfit. Soon I hope to have something for your clothes to go in so that they will not get dirty lying on the ground."

Duo nodded and looked about the room searching for the pile of clothes. He found them on the far wall, behind Wufei. Wufei, noticing Duo's silent question of privacy when he looked at him and then glanced at the pile of clothes, got up and walked to the door.

"When you're done changing tell me. I'll be waiting right outside the door."

Duo nodded, wrapping a large white sheet around his body before shuffling to the pile of clothes up against the wall.

Shutting the door, Wufei let out a sigh and leaned up against the wall. A part of him was glad that Duo had asked for privacy while another part was disappointed in not getting to watch the boy get dressed.

Wufei mentally groaned at the images in his head. Images of a beautiful, lithe body moving under his, of violet tinged eyes filled with passion as he thrusted into the boy's body.

Shaking his head to rid himself of the intoxicating images, Wufei crossed his arms and silently waited for the winged boy to finish getting dressed.


(1) I couldn't think of a title that wasn't cheesy but this one isn't as bad as the original title I thought of. Which was The Great Demon. ::winces:: God, I still can't believe I thought that up.