Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Tears Turn to Blood ❯ Second Chance ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: We own nothing but the plot.

Author's Notes: Relena Lovers beware. It would not be advised to read
chapter 4. You have been warned. 1+2 and language ahead!! Enjoy! C&C
Appreciated as usual

When Tears Turn to Blood

Chapter 2: Second Chance

By: Yaten and Hee-chan

Relena's once beautiful eyes were now a puffy red as she cried into
her pillow. He was gone, her love was gone. She sat up off of her bed
and stared at her dress, the blood on it was slowly browning. She
could smell the foul smell of death on her. The best thing right now
was a shower. A nice, long, hot shower.

He smiled as he saw her figure step out of the curtains. As she put on
her robe, he readied himself. No missing. He couldn't miss. He clicked
off the safety as heavy breathing escaped from his body. Excitement.

Relena turned. "Who's there?" she demanded. Footsteps.
"Wh...wh...Who's there?" now in a whimper. The footsteps stopped.
Slowly, the princess turned her head.

She saw the shadow creeping. Relena ran to the phonw picking it up, it
was dead. "Kuso!" She swore digging through her drawer for the cell
phone. Finding it, she dialed the police.

Damn that bitch, she was going to ruin his plans, his carefully laid
plans. He looked down and saw he was hard. This only made him more
frustrated. When he got a hold of her, he'd make her death slow and

"Damn." Relena swore again. The station was busy. "I hate Saturday!"
she swore again and quickly dialed another number.

"Yo" Heero answered picking up the phone in one ring. "Heero?"
Relena's voice came through the speaker. "Re...Relena? What's wrong?"
Relena began to pant. "Heero...I...I..." The phone went dead. Utter
silence echoed through Heero's ear.

He smiled wickedly. Perfect. This was perfect.

"Damn these cheap batteries! Kuso!"

He pulled out his revolver and took aim. At the last possible instant,
she moved making the bullet miss. He swore as he ran. The little bitch
was safe for now.

Heero stared at the phone. What had been up with the heavy breathing?
"She's okay." Quatre reassured Heero seeing the man's face creased in
worry. "Well, what do we do now?" Duo asked. Heero's face was full of
confusion. "I...I don't know."

Relena looked up. During the explosion, she had been lying on the
floor, hands over head. Now, as she looked around, she noticed the
broken glass all around the room. He had missed and hit the mirror.
Relena reached for the phone, putting it to her ear she heard the dial
tone. With a lack of anything else to do and her emotions running
astrung, Relena sat at the end of her bed and cried.

"I need a shower!" Duo exclaimed. The rest of the pilots sweatdropped.
"Duo, how could you think about that at a time like this?" Quatre
asked in a scolding tone. "Well, I think best when I'm clean" Duo
replied cheerfully, "Besides, I'm still in my nightclothes." Heero
groaned for the sixth time in a half-hour. "What's wrong Heero?"
Quatre asked. "Stupid ass computer!" Heero smacked it. The monitor
rocked back and forth. With a crash it fell to the floor.
"Hallelujah!" Duo screamed. Duo ran to Heero hugging him and planting
small kisses all over his face. "I actually didn't mean to do that."
Heero mused. Jumping up, Duo ran up the stairs singing, "Got rid of
the computer! Got rid of the computer!" Heero swore. "I guess I'll
have to get another one" The phone rang. Heero hesitated before
picking it up. "Yo" Silence..."Uh hello?" Silence then static. No one
moved, the only sound in the whole house was Duo's awful singing. The
phone was dead. "Someone cut the phone lines" Heero said, pulling out
his pistol.

Duo sang happily to himself in the shower as the hot water cascaded
over him. It was at that moment that he saw a shadow. Quietly he
reached for his gun. The the steam helped to hide Duo as he ducked
down. The shadow was coming closer. Duo heard the click of a safety.
With his back against the shower wall, Duo mumbled to himself, "Ai
shiteru Heero Yuy"

Yaten: Relena's acting kinda ditzy

Hee-chan: And that's my fault I suppose?

Yaten: You wrote the part, so I suppose it is.

Hee-chan: So? I told you I had no idea! You write it! You're the one
with the sick mind.

Yaten: What's that supposed to mean?

Hee-chan: Go ahead, *sniff sniff* do what you have to to do (mumbling)
sick minded

Yaten: You're tempting me to write a passionate kiss scene between
Heero and Duo!! (Mumbling) stupid minded

Hee-chan: That's what you wanted me to do! So do it already.

Yaten: (utter confusion) What the hell are you talking about?

Hee-chan: That shadow was Heero! You wanted it to be Heero! So make it
Heero already! (insane laughter)

Yaten: Actually, that wasn't my plan

Hee-chan: LIAR!! You write the ending!

Yaten: I swear, the person wasn't meant to be Heero. You may not be
familiar with this word, it's called a PLOT!!! And this story has a

Hee-chan: This story has flowers????????

Yaten: No, but if you keep messing with me, you'll find yourself
buried in one, a plot I mean.

Hee-chan: Oh, now I feel loved! You write the ending. I'm to lazy

Yaten's Note: I feel I should explain a feq things. The first being
the end converstion. I copied this converstion from off of a note
passed during class. The beginning had to be altered but otherwise
it's the same. This note was writted before the sentence "Duo heard
the click of a safety" So now do you understand? No? Well, I can't
help you there.

Next time: What happened to Duo? Can Relena survive the next chapter?
Will Heero get a new computer? Find out in chapter 3!!!! (It has no
name yet)