Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When the Heart Overrules... ❯ Flattery and Pleasentries ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When the Heart Overrules...
By Tygerlilee
Chapter Two
Flattery and Pleasantries
*Disclaimer: okay, this is the part where I'm supposed to beg for mercy and not to sue to poor student. You know the drill, I don't own Gundam Wing so please don't sue.
/ denotes thought
* denotes flashback or a sound (you'll be able to tell the difference)
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~
L-2 Colonial Shuttle Station, 8 A.M.
* "Marseille!! How long will you be gone?" Duo asked his long-time friend.
"I don't know. Probably as long as it takes to clear up this whole mess," Heero told him.
"I hear they've got great sea food!" Duo informed him.
"I've taken the hint Duo. I'll tell you how it is," Heero promised.
Heero crossed his arms and leaned forward, dozing off. For the past week he had been up late and pulling all-nighters in order to prepare for a dissertation and explanation of his newest design on very short notice. It basically was a sales-kick, consequently forcing him to research the visitors' companies to discover what they were looking for and to find the words to accurately explain the plane.
His designs were quite controversial because he used a completely different fuel and it could fly three times as fast as any other plane with half as much fuel. It had only four engines, which was very unusual for a commercial craft of its size. The wing curvature was slightly different too, allowing for greater air speed, but the wing slats maximize lift at a slower speed. The whole line of planes similar to this was very shaky because they were completely unorthodox and yet worked so much better.
Heero had been exhausted from that, and now he was supposed to solve this airline's problem for them! /I'm no Miracle Max, / Heero grumbled silently. He had pulled another all-nighter last night in order to glean as much information as he possibly could about the Marseille accident. It apparently had nothing to do with the outside elements. The captain and crew had impeccable credentials, even war experience. The problem had to be with the actual plane, but the problem had only occurred once and it could not be simulated because the mystical 'black boxes' had malfunctioned, as usual.
An expert engineer was supposed to magically solve this mystery. /And SSI is expecting that engineer to be me.../ Heero finally dozed off from exhaustion into a dreamless sleep, ignoring the usual hustle and bustle of screaming kids and frustrated phone calls.
He did not wake until the stewardess instructed over the intercom for everyone to fasten his or her seatbelts, ten hours later.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~
La Rough Hotel, Marseille
Relena sighed as she soaked in the hot water and let her back muscles relax. /What a day!/ she silently groaned. She was a naturally introverted person, so all of these debates really drained her. But she was confident and happy doing her work. She was also good and she knew it.
/Today was so much better. I'll actually sleep well tonight! / she thought.
/Well, maybe not/ she grinned to herself, glad that no one else could see her. /He's supposed in Marseille, maybe I'll even see him!! It's been so long. /
Now she was in the hotel room that she should have been in yesterday and it was reserved for several weeks, or at least until the peace talks and negotiations were through. France and England were fighting over the channel again and wanted an objective person to assist in the debates.
But all that didn't really matter because, she would be seeing him.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~
Marseille, France Spaceshuttle Landing Pad, 6 P.M.
Heero grabbed his carry-on duffel and smoothed his suit. He knew that the local airlines would have someone waiting for him, and the most lasting impressions are made in the first thirty seconds of a meeting or sighting. If he impressed them, they would be in business for quite some time. Heero had discovered last night that they were planing on replacing three airplanes, another huge buy for SSI if he could pull it off.
Heero carefully made his way off of the shuttle and strode over to the main air lobby. "Excuse me, but are you the SSI representative?" the deep, somewhat scratchy baritone of a long-term smoker inquired.
Heero turned to greet an older, large man and a much younger one. He nodded. "Heero Yuy, pleasure," Heero said matter of factly with no pretense of friendship.
The older man shifted uncomfortably and forced a smile, /Great, don't tell me you used to work for OZ/ Heero worried. The younger man, however, was completely unaffected by his introduction and held out his hand. Heero shook it and asked "You are..."
"Oh, forgive us, Mr. Yuy. We are M'sieurs D'Adamo and Devon," the younger man spoke in Japanese with a thick French accent. "We are in charge of the investigation of the...incident," he said carefully. /Must not be too familiar with Japanese, / Heero realized. /He's using the language he assumes that I'm most comfortable with. He's already stereotyped me. / Heero inwardly groaned. /This could make out to be a trying experience. /
"Mr. Yuy, we, uh, very grateful for your expert assistance. Please, we will escort, er, you to your temporary, uh, er, place of residence," the older man quickly cut in through broken classroom Japanese.

The drive was riddled with questions from both men. Heero, a naturally quiet man, was beginning to get annoyed. Where was he from? Did he think Marseille was a pretty place? Did he like seafood--of course he must! He's Japanese. Had he always known that he wanted to be an engineer?, and so on. Heero patiently answered many questions and skillfully evaded the ones, which obviously were meant to make him give away some personal information.
They stopped at an old brick building with a terrace. Heero left the car to check in and drop off his luggage in a comfortable, mid-sized room. When he returned to the car, M. D'Adamo commented, "Mr. Yuy, you must be exhausted from your flight. Perhaps you would prefer to rest in your room. The plane is not going any where," he laughed at his own cleverness.
"No thank you Monsieur. I had a quite long nap on the shuttle and would like to see the plane," Heero calmly told him, purposely pronouncing Monsieur, Mon-sewer.

They arrived at the airfield. It was a fairly usual one, with the normal chain linked fences and scanning devices. But the hangers could only be accessed through the main building, weaving by way of hallways and escalators. The most unusual security device Heero noticed though, was the main entrance front doors. They had three locks-the usual bolts, a miniscule hole at the top, and a latch in the lower hinge. /They must have a three pronged, hanger key. /
When they entered the hanger, Heero immediately had a distinct impression of their disorganization, confusion, and panic. Tools were strewn everywhere, various panels of the plane had been removed, and much of the interior had been disassembled.
A white-haired man approached them, his gait suggesting haste. "M. Devon, M. D'Adamo! I see you have brought our visitor today," he greeted in falsely enthusiastic English, his eyes glinted slightly.
"Yes, sir. He seems quite eager to get started. This investigation may be closed sooner than we think. Meet Mr. Heero Yuy. Mr. Yuy, this is M. Mathieu the director of the airline investigation sector," M. D'Adamo smoothly covered over the awkwardness of the situation in smooth English. M. Mathieu obviously hadn't expected Heero until the next day.
"It is so nice to meet you, Mr. Yuy. I've heard much of your achievements. Perhaps you will be just the help we are looking for," M. Mathieu told him, with all evidence and pretenses of pleasure.
"Monsieurs, I think that it is best that I inform you that I don't respond well to flattery and false enthusiasm," Heero said. All three men's eyes widened slightly and an uncomfortable silence commenced until Heero broke it. "Perhaps you would be so kind as to make use of my time. What do you have?" he asked abruptly.
M. Devon gave him a blank look.
/This could be a long job, / Heero thought.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~
Author's notes: Okay, periodically I will have incredibly long author's notes. For example, this one!! I like to explain stuff in clumps, not sentence here and there, so anyway...
Sorry to bore you with all the technical stuff (which I will do much more of later), but I personally despise it when people don't explain what a character does or how they come to a certain conclusion. If you are an airplane buff and some stuff doesn't make sense, don't be too surprised. Some stuff I do know, like about the G's (I'll explain that), the black boxes not working, lift, and slats. Other stuff I took an educated guess and reason that this is futuristic fiction and "It could happen!" About the educated part, let's just say I've been in physics way, way to long.
About the G's...a G is the acceleration due to gravity, or the maximum amount that an object can speed up with only one downward force acting on it-gravity. It's equal to about 9.8 m/s2 (squared). Two G's would be 2 time 9.8, and so on. To put it into perspective, 9.8 m/s is equal to about 22 mph (miles per hour), thus ten G's would be 219 mph. An average person can withstand about 3 G's with a generous amount of discomfort, then they start to black out or, as the army calls it, do the funky chicken. I've actually seen the funky chicken, and it looks weird. People start spasing out and contorting. A jet fighter pilot must be able to withstand seven or more G's, I'm not exactly sure what the requirement is now. Women can naturally withstand greater G's than men, which is why we may come to a point that only women can fly fighter jets. I'm not being a women's lib or anything, it's just a fact. The distance between the brain and the stomach has something to do with it and I'm not going to bore you with more facts and details.
I hope you are enjoying is thus far, and please keep reading. I know that I haven't focused too much on the Heero and Relena relationship yet, but I will. Also, there is foreshadowing if you can pick it out.
When Heero purposely pronounced Monsieur wrong, he was trying to make everyone think that he's completely French illiterate in case they ever said anything in his presence that they are hiding, such as facts about the plane or opinions.
Also, before you flame me about getting people out of character, find a copy of "Episode Zero" and tell me if you still think that Heero is emotionless and that Relena is a stupid giggly ditz who stalks Heero constantly. Also, I go much more into Heero's past later, so you might be confused if you haven't read "Episode Zero," but I am following that facts as seen in it. Also, I carefully read the image songs to try and pick out their personalities as the creators of Gundam Wing saw them. I figure that that would be the most accurate way to go about writing their personalities. Call me crazy, but I think the writers probably know more about what Heero and Relena are like than anyone else.
Please review this so I can know how I'm doing and if I should lay off the technical stuff.
Thanks so much!! =) Tygerlilee