Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When We Were Young ❯ Meeting Is Such Sweet Sorrow ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Okay here's the next chapter!!! In this chapter Zechs and Noin…bum bum bum…meet! It might be a little cliché but I'm hoping the readers (if there r any..>.<;) like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything…especially not gundam wing. If I did I wouldn't be sittin on my arse writin fanfiction…I'd be out making new episodes and getting my series back on Toonami.

Chapter Two: Meeting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

The repetitive monotone beep of the alarm clock awoke Noin from her restless slumber. As was usual, her long t-shirt was sticking to her body in a cold sweat. She shoved her bangs from her face, sitting up. She immediately recognized her new location, memories of the train ride and check-in flooding back. Since the Academy had a lack of new cadets, everyone had a room to themselves. Which was good, considering they were about the size of a large closet.

Noin peeled the sticky shirt off, and quickly dressed in her uniform. She hadn't brought a mirror, so she pulled a brush through her short hair blindly. She decided to trust in luck that it looked decent. Not that it mattered a whole lot to her. She didn't come to the Academy to make friends. Noin attempted to rub the sleep out of her eyes, stifling a yawn. Grabbing a shoulder bag and a map she headed to her first class. She took a glance at her watch, her eyes growing wide with horror. She rushed in the direction she guessed the class was, not wanting to be late. This caused her to run headfirst into something quite solid. She landed on her butt with a soft "oomph." She looked up at the object she collided with. It was a boy about her age, with long platinum blond hair. His face was concealed beneath a silver mask.

"I'm sorry about that," Noin said quickly, trying to hide a blush, "I was just on my way to fencing class…"

The boy offered her his hand and a half smile, "Well, I'm afraid you were going the wrong way," he told her, his voice full of laughter.

Noin took his proffered hand, trying to come up with a reason as to why she had no idea where to go, "I…um…was never too good with maps," she supplied

The boy nodded, looking at his watch. He cursed under his breath, grabbing Noin's wrist and dragging her through a door where a group of cadets were seated at the feet of an instructor. The two teens sat quickly, going unnoticed.

"Thanks," Noin mouthed to her blonde savior, who merely nodded.

The instructor had just begun roll call, and Noin tuned-out his droning voice, waiting until he got near the "n's".

"Zechs Merquise?" she faintly heard the instructor inquire and, more clearly, she heard a familiar voice answer from beside her, "Here."

She tilted her head, glancing sidelong at the boy who had answered. Zechs…and she had just gotten used to thinking of him as her blonde savior. She smiled at her little mental joke, until she was snapped out of it by the instructor's voice, "Lucrezia Noin?" he asked.

"Here," she replied, before tuning-out the instructor once again.

The morning classes passed without much event. Zechs and Noin compared schedules and found out that they were in almost every class together. So Zechs was able to navigate Noin to most of their classes, but for the others Noin was forced to consult the map.

Noin took her tray and turned to the mess hall. The tables were pretty much divided, first year cadets were forced to the front while third and second year's dominated the back. Noin bit her lip helplessly, looking for an empty seat. Bags or jackets were saving most of the seats. Finally she noticed a table that was empty, except for one sole occupant. She recognized it as her blonde savior, a.k.a., Zechs. She sat her tray on a seat across from him and quickly sat down, trying to avoid stares.

"What's with everyone?" Noin queried the boy across from her.

The boy shrugged, taking a sip of a bottled juice, "I think it's my mask…I guess they find any sort of oddity strange."

Noin stuck out her tongue, "Well that's a good quality for a soldier," she said sarcastically.

Zechs chuckled, nodding. Soon the two were done eating, and sat playing a game. Each would ask the other a question (as long as it wasn't too personal) and when the other answered then they could ask a question.

"Um, birthplace," Zechs asked, resting his arms on the table.

"Italy," Noin answered immediately, tapping her fingers on the table in concentration.

"Um…" she began, "why do you wear a mask?"

Zechs grimaced, "I knew you'd ask that…"

"Oh," Noin said, worried, "is that a bad question?" she didn't want to lose her newfound friend by asking a personal question.

Zechs thought for a moment, before nodding. He wasn't about to jump to conclusions about this girl. He didn't think he could trust her that much. At least not yet.

Noin rested her chin on her hands, thinking. Coming up with no ideas, she repeated his question, "Birthplace?"

"Should I even tell her that?" Zechs thought, furrowing his brow.

"Northern Europe," he said evasively. He watched as Noin frowned a bit, but shrugged it off.

Running out of ideas, Zechs asked something he immediately regretted.

"Parents?" he asked casually.

Noin accidentally knocked over her empty bottled, which clanked across the table noisily. Zechs raised an inquisitive eyebrow <a/n: even tho u cant see it cos of his mask..> and studied Noin's face. She had paled slightly, but quickly recovered and ran a hand through her bangs. He noticed as she did this her hand shook…

Noin quickly gained control of herself and plastered a sad smile on her face, "They passed away."

Zechs knew something was wrong, so he inquired further, "How?"

Noin shook her head, "I'd rather not talk about it, alright?" she said anxiously, her voice cracking slightly. She stood up, dumping the remains in the trash and rushed out of the mess hall. Zechs watched her retreating form, hoping he hadn't lost his new friend. Then again, it would be easier to stay hidden if he didn't socialize. He wasn't sure whether to hope she wasn't angry with him, or hope she never spoke to him again. There was something captivating about the quirky Italian, and he wasn't sure what drew him to her.


Noin threw herself on her bed, thankful that they had free periods all afternoon. She didn't think she could face her new friend again. He probably considered her weak for being so emotionally about something like that. Especially when it happened almost a year ago. Noin rubbed her eyes, attempting to stop the flow of tears. Maybe it was better without having someone asking too many questions. She didn't want anyone finding out she enrolled by herself, feigning her grandmother's signature, saying she was Noin's guardian. No on could no that, or she'd be kicked out. Then she would never see outer space, and she would never avenge her parent's cruel deaths.

No, Noin decided, it was better if the kid stayed away.

Then why do I hope he doesn't…

A/N: yay! The second chapter already. Damn, I'm on a roll! Hehehe. I just wanted to point out that Zechs and Noin don't love each other yet, they are just fascinated by one another and glad to have a friend. In my story I decided to let Noin have a secret as well as Zechs. Tell me what ya think!!! Jus press the review button!





















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