Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Worlds Collide

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters to be mentioned nor am I making any money off of this. This is purely for my own enjoyment and possibly for the enjoyment of any that read this story.

Chapter 4

Quatre was happy when his sister started to run towards him. He was startled however when she pushed him out of the way. Quatre looked up at her puzzled. It was only then he noticed the arrow that was protruding from her shoulder. For a second no one said anything as Cathy just sort of stood there shocked. Then she started to wobble.

"Noooo," Quatre shouted as he caught his sister as she collapsed.

Quatre vaguely noticed that other people also called out as well or that they were no longer hiding. All Quatre was aware of was his wounded little sister.

"Cathy," Quatre called softly as he gently shook her uninjured shoulder. "Cathy come on open your eyes. You got to wake up."

Heero, Duo, Dorothy, and Sally all stopped in their tracks when they heard the young man call their friend by her name. They had never seen the guy before but that didn't really matter. But this place was really strange, as were the people who inhibited it. For some reason the idea that Cathy could possibly know anyone from here was. . . hard to believe to say the least.

"Hilde, come over here, she needs help." The blonde holding their friend called back to his friends.

As the blue haired girl stepped forward everyone raised their weapons.

"Just what do you think that you are doing?" Herro demanded.

"Trying to get her help, what does it look like," the blonde replied.

"The only one that is going to be helping her well be Sally." Heero told him.

"Who are you to say what's what?" the blonde questioned.

"One of her friends, Heero Yuy. Who do you think you are?" Heero challenged.

"I'm her brother, Quatre Winner."

"What proof do you have?" Sally demanded.

"Why do I need proof?"

"Cathy has never said anything about having a brother," Dorothy answered. "Now all of a sudden we bump into you and you claim to be her brother? That's just a bit strange don't you think?"

"Does that really matter right now?" asked the female brunet. "What matters is getting Cathy medical. . . ."

"Quatre. . . ." Cathy muttered.

"Cathy, can you hear me?" Quatre questioned.

Cathy opened her eyes and stared up at Quatre for a few seconds before cautiously reaching her hand up to touch his face. It was almost like she thought that he was going to disappear.

"I thought that it was just a dream." Cathy whispered.

"What was just a dream?" Quatre asked softly.

"That I had actually found you again." Cathy answered. She tried to sit up but that ended up sending pain shooting through her shoulder. Looking down she saw the arrow that was still there. "Then again, how could I have forgotten?"

"You have to get that looked at." Quatre told her. "I tried to get Hilde over here to look at you but your 'friends' didn't like that idea. Saying that some person called Sally should look at you."

Cathy glanced in the direction that Quatre had indicated. Sure enough all of her friends were standing there with their weapons only slightly lowered.

"You guys don't have to worry, they won't hurt us." Cathy told her friends wincing slightly. "Sally I know that you are a fair healer, but you haven't got the experience that Hilde does with flesh wounds."

"Uh. . .ok," was all that stunned Sally could say as she was stuck by how familiarly Cathy talked about the new comers.

"Before I even think about doing anything, we have to move Cathy inside some where." The one called Hilde said taking charge.

"The building that I was in looks like a girls cabin at a camp." Dorothy spoke up. "We can take her there."

For a moment Hilde looked puzzled before Cathy explained the whole camp thing as quickly as possible as she was in quite a bit of pain.

"What will work nicely." Hilde decided. "Will you lead us there, miss. Quatre, help Cathy up so that she can walk."

"No, I'll carry her." Quatre insisted. This statement was met with a snigger from Duo. "Well?"

"Right, this way," Dorothy said shooting Duo a glare as she turned and walked away.

"Quatre, I don't need to be carried." Cathy protested from her spot in his arms. "I'm wounded in my shoulder not my leg."

"I don't care," Quatre told her, "it's my fault that you're hurt so I'm going to take care of you."

"It's not your fault." Cathy disagreed. "It's my fault or if you don't want to blame me blame Duo. It's his arrow after all."

"Hey! How was I supposed to know that the man charging at you was your long last brother?!" Duo declared. "It's not like you ever told us that you had a brother."

Quatre looked at her sharply, which caused Cathy to look away. "Don't look at me like that. Things were very confusing and still are."

"We have to talk as soon as your feeling up to it." Quatre told her in a stern tone.


"Here we are." Dorothy announced as she walked up the steps to the cabin.

Quatre started to follow her inside but stumbled back as if he had walked into something. Shaking it off Quatre tried again but had the same result.

"Quatre quit playing around and bring her inside," Hilde chided from the doorway.

"It's not me." Quatre protested. "It's like I'm walking into a barrier."

"That's ridiculous." Hilde scuffed. "We all got through and didn't feel a thing."

"Fine, but I'm telling you that there is something here that is stopping me from entering this building." Quatre insisted.

"He may be right." The brunet spoke up. "You said before, miss, that you thought that this was a girls cabin right?"

"Yeah," Dorothy answered, "what of it?"

"What if this building is warded against males?" suggested the brunet.

"Huh?" Duo said dumfounded.

"Well, all the females that have tried to get into the place have gotten through. But Quatre can't and it doesn't look like Cathy is hitting anything," she explained.

"I still don't get it." Duo said as he scratched his head, clearly puzzling over all this information.

"Oh for. . . " Cathy began. "Do we have to spell it out for you in black and white, Duo? Here we'll make it simple. Come over here and Hilde you to, since you don't look like you believe what Relena is saying either." When both of them were there she continued. "Stand shoulder to shoulder and then walk forward."

Duo and Hilde did as they were bid. Standing shoulder to shoulder the pair started to walk forward. They hadn't gotten more than a handful of steps from where they started when Duo stumbled bask as if he had just walked into something in the dark. Hilde, on the other hand, remained unfazed as she took a couple more steps before realizing that Duo wasn't there any more.

"I believe that my point in proven," Relena said from where she was standing a couple feet away.

"I think so," Cathy agreed. "So Quatre you are going to have to put me down so that I can get in there."

"If I didn't know better," Quatre grumbled as she set his little sister on her feet, "I would say that you did that on purpose."

"Oh but you don't know better." Cathy taunted. "I've been gone a long time."

"Not that long." Quatre replied. "Now get going so that Hilde can get you fixed up."

"Fine." Cathy said as she turned to enter the cabin and Relena moved to take her arm for support.

"Don't worry Quatre, I won't let anything happen to your little sister." Relena assured him in elfish.

All Quatre could do was watch as the women took his sister into the dwelling and shut the door. Well watch hope and pace.

Inside the cabin was light and airy. When they first walked in there was what looked to be a living area with a nice sized window in one wall with lilac curtains. Leading off of the main room were six doors.

"Not bad." Cathy said as she looked around. "But there really isn't anywhere to sit."

No sooner had this statement left her mouth than a table and chairs appeared under the window. In the rest of the room couches, chairs and loveseats appeared out of thin air forming a circle.

"Tell me I didn't just see that." Sally said a dazed.

"No you didn't." Cathy told Sally, as Relena eased her down in one of the chairs by the window. "Nice going, Relena."

"It wasn't me." Relena informed her.

"If it wasn't you then who was it?" Hilde asked as she walked out of what looked to be a bathroom.

"I don't know for sure." Relena answered. "This may sound crazy but I think that this place is enchanted to provide the occupants with whatever they may need."

"Whatever the reason," Hilde said brusquely, "I'm glad that there is a place for me to work. Relena can you bring Cathy over here and close the curtain?"

"I'm not a baby you know." Cathy stated. "I could have made my way over here without any help."

"You may not be a baby, but you are Quatre's baby sister and if anything happens to you, he'll be coming after me." Hilde told her as she got a pair of scissors and began cutting off Cathy's T-shirt.

"You or that braided boy out there." Relena commented.

"Why would he go after Duo?" Sally wondered.

"Because it is his arrow that is in my shoulder." Cathy explained. "It won't matter to him that it was me that ran in the way of it."

"So then it's your fault not anyone else's." Dorothy concluded.

"Yes, but Quatre wouldn't do anything to harm Cathy." Relena told the blonde girl. "All that matters is that his baby sister is hurt and he want's her to be ok."

"Enough about my brother." Cathy told them getting a little irritated with the whole conversation. "I still have a bloody arrow sticking out of my shoulder. Could we please concentrate on that?"

"Always impatient and avoiding things that make her nervous. That the Cathy that we know." Hilde said in elfish before going back to cutting off the T-shirt.

(AN form now on any elfish speech will be in Italics.)

"I've changed a lot." Cathy replied. "You just can't tell the full extent of it right now."

"Well I can tell that you haven't spoken this language in a while, as you have a bad accent and you stutter a bit." Relena told her.

"Of course I haven't." Cathy snorted. "It's not like there are a whole lot of elves in my world to talk to. And right now my friends are looking at me as if I lost my mind."

"Brace yourself Cathy," Hilde told her switching back to common, (AKA English). "This is going to hurt a lot."

Cathy took a deep breath and nodded her head to say that she was ready. Right after she had nodded Hilde broke the arrow shaft off as close to Cathy's shoulder as she could get it. The sudden movement caused the arrowhead to jerk around greatly causing a lot of pain. Try as she might, Cathy couldn't keep from crying out.

"Ahh Fuck!!!!!"

"Not the most appropriate language," Relena mused.

"I'd love to see you go through that. I wonder what you would have to say." Cathy snapped.

"I'll give you a few minutes before I continue." Hilde told Cathy as she washed her hands.

"Wait a second, something's wrong." Cathy said as she sat up suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Dorothy asked puzzled.

"I don't hear Quatre or any of the guys." Cathy told her. "Can one of you check out side and see what's going on out there?"

Sally walked over to the door and opened it just a crack. She was expecting to see Heero, Duo, Cathy's brother, and those other two guys, but she saw no one. Opening the door further she walked out onto the veranda to take a better look around. No matter where she looked she couldn't see any of them. Shrugging she went back inside the cabin.

"There's no sign of them out there any where." Sally told the four girls's who were facing her.

"I wonder where they went?" Dorothy said.

"Trowa and Wufei probably got Quatre out of here as soon as they could." Relena said. "Cathy, you know what I just realized?"

"What's that?" Cathy asked.

"That you haven't introduced anyone." Relena told her then switched to elfish. "I thought that you had been raised better than that."

"I was raised better than that," Cathy snapped back at her then switched, "it's just been a while since I've had to use that set of manners. Any way. Dorothy, Sally, this is Relena Peacecraft and the one who is torturing me is Hilde Schbeiker. Relena, Hilde, this is Dorothy Catalonia and Sally Po."

All four girls exchanged salutations before Hilde looked at Cathy and said that it was time to continue. With a sigh Cathy Nodded and braced herself for the pain that she knew was to come.

***Now we go back to the boys***

Once all the girls were inside the building and the door was shut, Quatre started to pace.

"Quatre, will you please stop pacing?" Trowa asked him.

"How can I stop pacing?" Quatre demanded. "That's my little sister in there!"

"We know that your little sister is in there, fool," Wufei told him, "it's not like we are all of a sudden going to forget. It's just that we also know how good of a healer Hilde is and we know that Cathy will be fine."

"Ok. We know that but what about them?" Quatre said nodding in the two strange boy's direction. "They don't know anything about Hilde and they don't look worried at all."

"They probably trust Cathy." Trowa reasoned. "Cathy made it quite clear that she knew Hilde and that she trusted her. As to if they are worried, yes they are. You can feel it coming off both of them in waves. That is if you cared to put aside your own worry for a couple minutes."

Trowa's words struck a chord within Quatre and he stopped pacing. Doing as the banged boy had suggested Quatre pushed aside all of his worry for his sister and concentrated on her two friends. Their worry was indeed being shed off of them in waves. Quatre let his shoulder's sage as if in defeat as he sighed. He had been so caught up in his own worry about Cathy that he didn't notice how it effected anyone else. Through not noticing came the assumption that no one else was worried about her.

"I'm sorry, guys." Quatre said. "I don't know what's going on with me."

"Don't worry about it, Quatre." Trowa reassured him. "We understand."

"What we all need is a distraction." Wufei said switching languages.

"I agree," Trowa said. "Do either of you know of anything to do around here?"

The braided one looked at his companion as if her were shocked that he was talking to them. The two exchanged a look before the braided one said anything.

"We're not from here and we haven't done much in the way of exploring yet." The braided one informed them. "But we do know that there is an armory over there."

"Why don't we all go check it out then." Trowa said.

"Yeah, I guess." Quatre said. "Lead the way."

"Alright," replied a surprised Duo.

The short journey over to the armory was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Duo was leading followed by Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei with Heero bringing up the rear. When he reached the door, Duo simply opened it and then stood aside.

"I don't know it you're into these kind of weapons, but there are some nice ones here." Duo told the elves as they all filed past him.

Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei walked past the braided boy into the building. The three of them stopped just inside of the door to let their eyes adjust to the dim light. Once their eyes had adjusted, they saw that they were in an armory that had a nice variety of weapons. All three elves walked across the room to where the swords were. The elves were surprised to see that the craftsmanship of the weapons was as good as any elven made at their own homes.

"Once we all get weapons, does anyone want to spar?" Quatre asked.

To Be Continues. . . . . . . . .

AN, sorry that it took so long to update, but life has a way of making it's presence know to you. Any way, please review. As always, flames are welcome.
