Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When You Come to Visit ❯ When You Come to Visit ( Chapter 1 )

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When You Come to Visit…
~ phoenixstar

Authors note: I don't own Gundam Wing or 'Time is a Jailer' by Anouk. I got the idea for this fic when listening to this song, so I decided to post the lyrics at the beginning. I know this is short, but I just had to write it. Please review!
Most of it is in Relena's POV


No one can hear me, 'cause no one is around
But I still hear your whisper in the dark
I know I can go, I know I can leave whenever I please
But time is a jailer for me

A face in the window, looking inside
But no one else sees it, I know
And now that you've found that the years have changed
What the ending will be
Time's just a jailer for me

I shut out the light
Alone in the dark
This time of night
Is the hardest part

I still hear the sound of your heels on the floor
I wait for the sound of your key in the door
But it's only the sound of nothing at all and so it must be
That time is a jailer for me
Time's just a jailer for me


You would laugh if you could see me now. I am changed. Wars do that to people. You should know that.

The sun is hovering low, balancing on the edge of the horizon. The world is filled with the pure, clear light of early morning. The day holds many possibilities for those just waking to it.

I laugh at myself too sometimes, but my jokes don't seem as funny. You never laughed. Perhaps I am becoming more like you?

She is sitting on the hill, facing out towards the ocean, letting the wind blow freely through her hair. She has not been here for a long time, yet everything is how it was when she left.

I know you never said you would come back. You never promised me you would. You didn't even tell me you were leaving. I wondered why, but I know you didn't want me to follow you. You hadn't before, but this time it was different. I know that.

The wind is cool and damp. Despite her shivers and goose bumps she stays still. She watches the rising sun, her face set with a weak melancholy smile.

I would have followed you anywhere you know. I would do anything for you. You obviously don't feel the same way

She doesn't cry or hold her breath. The day is too new to cry again.

I remember when you returned before you left. They smiled and congratulated you. I would have too. You didn't seem to care. Was it that you knew already? I watched you then, liked I used to believe you would watch me. You knew I was there. I used to think you knew everything.

She looks to her companion. A simple stone marking. Heero Yuy, the only name they knew, carved into its face. It too looks out over the ocean.

I told them that they were wrong. I told them they didn't know you; but neither did I. I cried for you when they told me to, and I hid the tears when they told me it was inappropriate. They were the ones who did this, not me. There was nothing I could do.

The sun is moving upwards; the day had begun. She stands and dusts of her clothes. She is a new person these days. These things now take a back seat.

I used to think I should come here to say goodbye. I used to think a lot of things. I don't need to say goodbye. You never did.

She walks down the hill. She tries to hide the pain in eyes. No one needs to know. Before she gets into her car and drives away she looks back. This is where they met; is this where they leave?

I am glad I came to visit today. When you come back will you be too?

She wipes her last tear away. She doesn't have to believe what they say. She never listened anyways.