Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When You're The Hunter ❯ End of Innocence ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
All Disclaimers and Warnings Apply.

Thanks again to all my loyal reviewers for the high number of reviews I have on this story. I appreciate your input.

When You're The Hunter
Chapter 7: End of Innocence

Written by: Scandalous Behavior (

~ ~ ~ ~

As much as Trowa didn't want to admit it to himself, it was his fault that Kestrel had found out like she had. He saw the blood drain from her face, her heartbeat picked up and her entire body fill with fright and horror at what she had witnessed. Murder, even if he didn't have to, was not something easily forgiven. But that was what he was, a monster, a demon that fed off others in order to preserve his existence in this world.

He would never forget how scared she was and how terribly heart broken she looked when she had stood there, when if he wanted to could over power her and force her to his will. He didn't do that, couldn't do that not to Kestrel.

Walking, it seemed to make more sense for him to be alone rather than seek someone out. He didn't know what to think, all he knew was that he wanted and needed Kestrel to understand and if that meant giving her space then so be it.

It wasn't until he actually looked up that he was at the building that Zechs owned and operated that was a gold mine to building up the fortune that Zechs had gathered in his hundreds of years of living. Inside the building shined with marble everywhere, on the floors and walls and he went to the elevator, ignoring the guard that was at the main entrance and with a glint from his eye the guy backed off.

Up to the entire floor that was darkened and Trowa could make out Zechs behind a desk, the room was huge and it seemed strange to have just a desk and three chairs as the only furniture in the room. Artificial light lit the room and Zechs turned to see Trowa.

"She knows." Were the only words Trowa could use to explain why he was here.

"I see," Zechs said, "and how did she take it or should I ask?"

"Not good, she caught me feeding."

"And you left her?"

"She wouldn't let me explain, and told me to leave her alone. I wasn't going to force the issue, not then."

"Has it ever occurred to you that her life is in danger and that you left her to the wolves when you left?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Treize wants you back and he doesn't like Kes being in your life."

"You think he would take her to get to me?"

"Didn't he do it before?"

Trowa only looked at Zechs and shook his head.

"I need to go."

Then the door to Zechs's office opened and Noin stepped in, her face betrayed her emotions.

"Kes's apartment is torn apart and she's gone."

Trowa let out a sound that sounded like a wounded wolf and Noin and Zechs looked at each other.

~ ~

Kes didn't know where she was. The last thing she remembered was sitting on her couch, holding her face in her hands while she cried. Her hand touched her head, which had a huge knot on the back of it like someone had hit her and she ached all over. Sitting up and blinking the wave of dizziness that assaulted her senses she glanced around what looked like a smooth cave with a small opening that had a door on it. She could hear the faint drip of water somewhere and as she touched the walls they were damp.

We must be near some type of waterfall or something, she thought and as she thought that the door opened and she backed up into the wall as she recognized Treize coming into the room.

"Treize, what? Why am I here, what's going on?"

"You'll find out soon enough, my dear," he came forward and grabbed her by the arm, the pressure so hard that she felt as if he was trying to break her arm.

Leading her out of the cave room, into a long corridor of a cave into an opened space she glanced around and then saw Relena, Hilde, Dorothy, and Cathy in next to nothing clothing on a huge bed that looked like it belonged on a stage.

"I figured that before I kill you, that my new little acquisitions should have a little fun with you," Treize's voice was cold.

"Kill me?"

"You didn't think I was going to allow you to have Trowa, did you?"

With that he glared down at her and she saw the unholy red light in his eyes and was startled but not surprised to see his fangs.

"That's right, I'm a vampire like your Lover Boy. So are all your little friends, although Dorothy has been for some time. But you aren't going to be as lucky as they are, my dear."

With that he jerked her arm and she fell onto the bed, that was only a mattress in the middle of the four girls. As she laid on her back she saw that around the high ceiling of the cave were cat walks and a tall regal woman was standing up there looking down, as Treize turned and began to ascend up the stairs with all the baring of a Prince.

Her vision became impaired as she realized that her friends were no longer her friends but demons with fangs and were looking at her like she was some little morsel of food to fight over.

~ ~

Trowa, Zechs and Noin were on their way to the mansion to get the others when Duo, Quatre, and Heero were in the doorway looking like at lost for words. As they got closer, they could smell the blood that was coming from inside the mansion.

"What the hell happened?"

"Treize," Duo's throat was all bloodied and his clothes were torn, as were Quatre's and Heero's.

"Where's Dorothy?" Noin demanded.

"The little back stabber came and got the girls," Quatre explained, "she tore through here and," Quatre looked at Trowa, "I think her intent was to have all three of them turned."

"What does Treize want with them? He has Kestrel."

"Treize has Kestrel?"

"Yeah, we just found out."

"Then he's using her as bait to get you." Heero spoke in chipped tones of malice at what had been done.

"He's been using us to get close enough to get the girls and turn them against us."


"Where the hell is he, Heero, I know you know." Trowa demanded.

"Niagara Falls, where else?"

~ ~

Kestrel didn't know what to expect from the girls, Dorothy had pure delight in her face and she knew that she was the biggest out of the troubles from the four.

"So, what have we here, a little girl that needs to learn her place?" Dorothy asked, licking her lips, "what do you say girls shall we teach her what her place is?"

"Sure," Hilde said, her fangs already tingling for a taste of the skin on Kestrel's neck.

Relena was petting Kestrel's bare legs as Cathy yanked off outfit Kestrel was wearing so that all the girl had on was her bra and underwear.

"How to enjoy her first?" Dorothy asked and lightly kissed and nibbled at Kestrel's lips and as Kestrel felt fangs bit into her thigh, her wrist and her stomach she blacked out.

~ ~

It took them almost an hour to get to Niagara by private plane and Trowa felt inside that something was wrong with this, like it was a horrible dream that he needed to wake up from but it wasn't and he had to get to Kestrel now.

He jumped out of the plane before it landed near the edge of the cliff on the other side of the falls and is only coherent thought was to get to Kestrel, to do whatever was necessary to free her and have her back in his life.

Heero, Duo, Quatre, Zechs and Noin weren't too far behind and when he jumped off the cliff landing in the water and swimming to the hidden cavern below the Falls, they followed.

Surfacing, the room dripped and shown a light blue from the reflection of lit torches hanging on the walls. Getting out of the water into the underground cavern, he waited for half a second to make sure every one was there and headed down the hall, passing by other sleeping vamps that were part of Treize's elite team of vampires and with swift movements that bespoke his anger heads were taken off and with a liquid nitrogen container he sent it rolling down the hall way were it exploded and froze everything, including twenty vampires that were in the middle of a feeding on a pair of tourists. They picked up some supplies before leaving that were in a hidden panel in the wall of the mansion.

Having never seen Trowa so pissed, minus Zechs and Heero, the rest hung back but were ready the moment they found Treize, for the injustice of doing this to them when he was obvious not in his right mind and that was dangerous.

Trowa came to the open cavern and stopped short as he saw Kestrel laying on the abandoned bed, bleeding from over ten wounds created from fangs all over her body and quickly picked her up, hushing her as she whimpered and trembled in fear.

"It's alright, my angel."

"Trowa," her voice was weak and he could hear the blood in her throat and handed her gingerly to Zechs, who instantly bit his tongue and dropped the blood into her wounds healing them.

"Treize!! You coward, come out or do you expect your little blood bitches to fight for you."

"Ah, Trowa, how did I know you would show up to rescue your damsel in distress, quite like last time was it not. The girls had fun playing with her, she is quite the little sex piece is she not?"

"Damn you."

"Quite. And if you stay she just might be able to get to a hospital to keep her from dying," Treize was above on a cat walk quite satisfied with himself, "not unlike Heather, though she was more to my liking than your little golden cat is."

Treize turned his glance to the others.

"You can heal her all you want but she's lost too much blood to live for much longer," Treize licked the side of his lips, "very good flavor she has. Much like cherry tarts."

Having heard enough Trowa let go of his inhibitions and was in an instant up the wall and on the catwalk, taking his time and saw Treize seem glad for it.

"Finally, a real treat."

"You won't get away with this," Trowa's voice lowered to a snarl, "nor will you survive it this time."

Without mercy Trowa went about getting Treize's attention from the fight downstairs as the newly made vampires and Dorothy fought with the guys and as Treize saw Dorothy go down as Noin used the Hydrogen Peroxide spray in a container to melt the skin from the right side of the blonde's face, having found out that it was a powerful acid when used on a vampire's flesh. Trowa kicked Treize knocking him to the ground only to have him move and slid behind Trowa and use his own leg to break Trowa's sending him to the ground and then with a lung from him got Treize under him.

"Now you do remember us together."

"Remember this," Trowa took out the garlic that was in the pouch of his shirt and shoved it into Treize's mouth forcing it deeper into the back of his throat and with a slam of his palm to Treize's jaw forced the older vampire to swallow the garlic that was a poison to their system and instantaneously began to destroy him from the inside out, making him turn to a skeleton and into dust in seconds.

Trowa jumped, cat like to the ground setting his leg but still felt the pain of his landing and went to Kestrel who was inhaling painfully and jerking her body to ease the pain. Having dusted Dorothy and the other girls, the last choice even Duo and Quatre had admitted that sadly but they had no other seeing as how they were infected and unstable, their minds were wiped clean and only thoughts were of those to kill and feed, the others came to where Trowa held her in his arms.

"You all vamp…" Kestrel looked at Zechs, who smiled softly.

"I'm sorry, honey for not letting you know. It might have been easier on us had you known."


"Kes," Trowa talked to her, "no, stay awake, I need to ask you something."


"I know you are, sweetheart but I have to ask you a question."

Kes looked at him.

"No…need. Ask you.."


"Will I be…" she coughed and gasped for breath as the damage to her insides began to flood her system, "killer?"

"Not if you don't want to be." Heero explained, surprising her.

She barely nodded, knowing what Trowa wanted to know, having seen the good and bad to this.

Trowa bit into his arm and lifted it to her lips, having her latch on with a strength that should have been gone and when he could take no more of her taking his blood pulled his arm from her redden lips.


~ ~

It was the easiest way to keep her with him, now having lost Cathy to him. That was the lot in life to be a demon and have things taken and given to you. It wasn't like he asked for this kind of life but he could no longer say that he didn't look forward to the nights. Now that he had someone to share them with.

~ ~ ~ ~

Stay tuned for the Epilogue. Thought I'd leave you hanging did you? Nah!!

May 1, 2001