Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Your Lips Touch Mine ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Your Lips Touch Mine
A Work by Karasu-ko
Kris was on cloud nine. She and Duo were walking through the town together, just to be alone. It was the anniversary of their first date, and Duo wanted it to be special. The two had already gone out to dinner, and then to a small ice cream parlor together. Now they walked along the beach, hand in hand. The moonlight shimmered upon the salty ocean water as it gently washed on shore, back and forth. Kris smiled as Duo gently squeezed her hand and gave her a small peck on her lips. He stopped in front of her and wrapped his arms around her waist, and nuzzled her nose gently. Kris smiled and kissed him back, holding his hands in hers.
"This was a wonderful evening Duo…" she breathed, as the cool ocean water lapped against their ankles.
"It's still early. We've got all the time in the world. Let's make the most of it," he whispered into her ear.
He pulled her close and kissed her deeply. She returned his passionate gift eagerly. He ran his hands along her backside and kissed her neck. She moaned softly as he trailed sweet, hot kisses from her lips, down her chin and neck, to her collarbone. She kneaded his back as he kissed, running her hands down to his lower back. She swiftly brought her hands beneath his shirt and worked beneath the smooth material of his shirt. Duo grabbed her waist and slowly brought her down to the sand, kissing her softly. She shivered as the icy water hit her skin, but she ignored it. She reached up and kissed her lover. She slowly unbuttoned his shirt as she dove into his tender lips. He took off his shirt once the buttons were loose in one swift motion of his arm. He murmured softly as she ran her hands over his chest with her sandy fingers. He ran his hands down her shoulders to her shirt, untying the knot, which was the only thing that kept her breasts from being exposed. He undid the knot with quick precision, removing her shirt and throwing it next to his. She could feel the summer air hit her newly exposed skin, and she loved every moment with a passion. Duo ran his finger along her sternum in between her breasts, leading a barrage of kisses behind his finger as it went down lower…and lower. Kris ran her lips along the nape of his neck as he descended down. He cupped her breasts in his hands, and sucked each one gently. She let out a soft murmur of delight from his sensual touch. She sat up slightly, and reached down to his jeans. She loosened the notches on his belt slowly, and let the belt loose like a whip, discarding it as useless. Kris then ran her hands down his pants, feeling his lower body and reaching his fly, she unbuttoned and unzipped him. He smirked and took the jeans off; leaving him clad in only a pair of silk, black boxers and his gold cross dangling from his neck. Duo leaned down and caressed his hands along her sides, leading down to her skirt. He smiled. She hated wearing skirts, but she wore one for him, for their special night. He placed two fingers on each side of her waist, and slowly slid it down from her legs, adding to the pile of clothing on the sand. Kris lay back on the sand, smiling softly. She lay there, exposed with the exception of her black panties, and the bracelet she was given by Duo for her birthday. Duo looked her body over, taking in each part of her body.
'She's breathtaking…' he thought to himself.
Kris smiled seeing his gaze. She ran her hands along his arms and chest. Duo smiled warmly and leaned down, kissing her neck. She breathed his name out, as she moaned softly. Her body ached against his, and she wanted his touch badly. She pulled him down by his braid, pulling him close to her. Kris ran her hands against his legs and back as she kissed his upper body furiously. Duo returned every passionate kiss happily, slowly inching his fingers down her sides the same way he had done to her skirt. He was beneath her straps and smoothly inched the black garment down her legs and off, chucking them over his shoulder. Kris giggled at his touch, his fingers gliding along a sensitive area. He smirked and bent down, running his tongue along the area. She squealed, trying not to ruin the moment, but couldn't help but laugh.
"Duo! Eep! I-I'm…god quit it! Haha! Stop!" she laughed.
Duo looked up at her and grinned. He loved that laugh of hers. He soon found himself beginning to chuckle as she tugged on the waistband of his silk boxers. He looked down at the clothing, then up at her. She smiled coyly, and sat up close to his ear.
"You gonna lose these or what, ne?" she whispered huskily.
"You're sure you want to?" he said quietly. Kris nodded.
"Duo…you don't stop the roller coaster in the middle of the ride, do you? Keep the ride going, babe. I'm strapped in and ready…" she breathed, nibbling on his ear gently.
Duo grinned and moved his hands to his boxers, sliding them off and adding to the pile of clothing in the sand next to them. Now they both lay upon the beach, the sand covering their bodies inch by inch, and skin exposed to summer air and salty ocean waters. Duo looked into Kris' eyes and he saw a pool of emotions. Her icy blue eyes sparkled with a mixture of fear, passion, and desire. She lifted her hand up and gently took his braid in her hands. She went down to the end of it, and undid the band that held it all in. She unbraided his hair carefully, each lock of chestnut brown hair falling to Duo's sides or down his back. Duo smiled, once she finished taking his braid out and lay back down. He leaned down and kissed her, straddling her legs apart, opening the entrance.
"Are you sure, Kris? I-I don't want to hurt you…" he whispered into her ear.
"Duo…don't argue…if you love me, just do me…" she breathed.
He swallowed, then nodded. He leaned down and kissed her deeply, slowly entering her body, taking his claim. Kris gasped softly beneath his lips, clenching her eyes shut from the overwhelming pain that erupted within her. Duo noticed this and began to stop but she shook her head.
"D-Don't stop Duo…god...don't stop" she cried out hoarsely. Duo looked at the tears that began to stream down her face, but he continued. Kris grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a long and deep kiss, to ease her pain. She slipped her tongue into his mouth as his sex slipped into her body. Finally, when neither could take any more, Duo stopped and collapsed next to her on the beach. She looked at him tiredly; both of them were panting and gasping for air. He looked at her, eyes glossed slightly. Both of them gave the other a tiny smile. Kris inched closer and wrapped her arms around him, laying against his chest for warmth. Duo hugged her body close to his own, and kissed her crown.
"Duo…I love you…thank you…" Kris sighed happily.
"What for?" he asked, confused by the thanks.
"For proving your love for me. And for the best night of my life…" she cooed.
Duo smiled. "Thank you, as well." He tilted her chin up and kissed her gently.
Kris stood up, dusting herself off from the sand sticking to her sweat-covered body. Duo watched her, and took in every curve of her figure. She went into the water, washing off her legs and back. Duo stood and walked over, hugging her from behind. He laced his fingers with hers, as she leaned back against him and closed her eyes. Duo rocked her gently, the waves hitting their backs. Kris looked up at him, gazing at how handsome he was when his hair was done. True, it was matted slightly from getting wet. But with his violet eyes, angelic face, and his long hair flowing in the breeze…he was perfect. He pulled her close and smiled, her hands were placed on his chest. She shivered from the water, and he scooped her up into his arms. Kris smiled warmly, and wrapped her arms around his neck. He walked out of the water and over to their pile of clothes. Duo placed her down gently upon her feet, and began to dress himself again. Kris did the same, taking less time for her since she had less to put on. Once she was fully dressed, she watched Duo as he finished covering his shimmering body. Finally, Duo was fully dressed once more and his hair was rebraided. She smiled and took his hand. He smirked slightly and picked her up again. They walked home this way, Duo cradling Kris in his arms while she found herself asleep. She curled up close to him, laying her head in the nape of his neck. He smiled. 'The perfect end to a perfect night' he thought.

The End