Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Where's Bob ❯ Where's Bob ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
(Me and Wufei were fighting again, he was going on with another one of his women things, when suddenly something struck me....Where's Bob?.)
(I stopped arguing and started thinking. Wufei was still arguing, with whom I don't know.)
(Then I started looking around for Bob)

Wufei: (stops arguing and looks at me) What the hell are you doing?

Me: I'm looking for Bob.

Wufei: ...

Me: Bob, where are you?

Wufei: Maybe I was right about women.
(I start looking in other rooms and trying to find Bob)

Heero: Are you talking about Bob?

Me: Yeah he's missing. Can you help me find him?

Heero: Sure, I'll help.

Wufei: Who are you guys talking about?
(We both start searching for Bob again)

Heero: Gee, We can't seem to find him anywhere. I'll go get the others.
(A couple of minutes later Trowa, Quatre, and Heero come in)

Quatre: So Bob is missing. Any idea of where he went?

Me: Not a clue.

Trowa: ...

Heero: Trowa's right, we should look outside of the house.
(We start to look around town for Bob. We all meet back at the house)

Wufei: What are you talking about!!!

Me: Ok, Why don't you guys take your Gundams and I'll take Ryo-ohki.
(We all head off in our space ship thingys)

Me:(sending out a message) Bob where are you?... I'm not getting a response.

Quatre: Do you guys see him any where?

Me: Nope

Trowa: ...

Heero: Nothing here

Wufei:(on the edge of tears) What did I miss?!

Me: I'm going to go out to space yo see if I can find him
(Soon I get out to space and send out another message)

Me: still nothing (Sudenly it struck me) He went to the Tenchi dimension.
(I leave for the Tenchi dimension)

(Meanwhile In the Tenchi dimension)

Bob: My name is Bob, I have come to destroy Ayeka.

Ryoko: All right, go ahead!

Ayeka:Um, may I ask why you want to destroy me?

Bob: No, weakling you can't ask!
(I just got into the Tenchi dimension)

Me: Bob, are you here.

Bob: Damn-it I was just about to kill Ayeka!

Me: I told you before that I wanted to kill her. Now say bye and come home I'll meet you there.

Ayeka: Why does everyone want to kill me?

Ryoko: It's not that hard to understand.

Me: See-ya Ryoko! I'll come kill Ayeka another day! Oh, and tell Washu I said Hi and thanks for the copy of Ryo-ohki.

Ryoko:Ok see-ya!
(I leave the Tenchi dimension)

Bob: You haven't heard the last of Bob!
(Leaves shortly after me)

(back at home Heero, Quatre, Trowa, and a very confused Wufei were waiting upon our return)

Me: Hey guys I found Bob, he should be here shortly.

Wufei: ...(whimpers)
(Bob comes up in his Gundam)

Wufei: Hey, is'nt that Deathscythe.
(Bob jumps out)

Wufei: And isn't that Duo?

Me:) (Running up to Duo and putting my arms around him) Bob, I found you, I found you, Ifound youuuuu!

Wufei: But that's Duo!

Heero: Bob, Duo, what's the difference?

Wufei:(... DAMN YOU ALL!

Quatre: Wait a second , how do we know he's the right Bob?
Me: because only my Bob would be sweat enough to try to kill Ayeka for me.

Wufei:(crying) Why must I be surrounded by crazy people,why?!

Me: Wimpy Girlie man!


(Everyone else laughs evily)