Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Where Sunrays can't reach you ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3

When he was 14 year old, Treize had given a presentation for all the students of the Academy. It was about the necessity of peace and the ways of how to obtain it. His classmates had rolled their eyes, teachers had given him worried looks and the younger students looked at each other puzzled. Only one person had listened, listened like her life depended on it. She had been only a slip of a girl, not yet enrolled in the academy yet, but trying out for the admission tests later that week. Her brown eyes watched him intently and without realizing he had focused his attention solely on her. After the presentation he had gotten lots of criticism. The teachers even called his Educators back at Khushrenada-castle to discuss his "strange way of thinking". He never talked of such a thing anymore, pretending he saw the errors of his former pacifism. Despite all this the he knew the presentation had been a success; the young girl with the clever face would never forget his words.

Eight years later she was standing next to his desk, hair in braids, shouting her reports for the day. She had been giving him updates about the conflicts in southern America, the latest speech by the minister of foreign affairs of India, the blossoming of the roses in the southern part of his garden and the recovery of sergeant Perth from his burns.

"….so I think both the mother and children are doing well."

Treize nodded. He was glad to hear Rea's eggs had come out and looked forward to seeing the baby-birds.

"What is on schedule for tomorrow, Lady?"

She grabbed one of the papers in her hand. But he knew she didn't need to look at them and wondered why she was always carrying them with her anyway.

"At 6 am there will be an endurance test for the soldiers of the third division, which you wanted to overlook, at 10 am you will receive the reports of the road conditions in Andorra, at 1 pm you have a conference call with Count Espinoza and the two top-graduates from the lake Victoria Academy are due to arrive at about 4 pm," she answered, without a look at her papers of course.

"One of them is Lucrezia Noin, I believe you have met her."

Lucrezia had been at a Christmas celebration at the palace of the chief commander of the Alliance. Treize knew by looking at her she hated being the token female student at the party and had felt sympathy for her. Lady Une however had taken an immediate dislike to her, probably because she was impatient with someone who seemed so gentle and less strong and determined as she was.

"Aah yes, Miss Noin, she reminded me of you when you were younger," he said with a hint of a smile. He loved teasing the people he liked, unfortunately there were not many of those.

The lady didn't even frown when she continued.

"The real name of the other one is unknown, but he calls himself Zechs Merquise."

Treize laid down the rose he had been caressing.

"What did you say, lady! SEX Merquise?" He smirked wickedly. "Those kids are really something else nowadays, don't you think?"

Lady Une nodded without a hint of a smile. "I do think the data I found on him was out of the ordinary, but the Academy swore to me they double checked everything about him. Also... he is known for wearing a mask."

Now Treize was really interested. He was quite amused by this "Sex Merquise" and imagined him to be a cocky playboy, dressed as someone headed for a masked ball. Treize looked forward to the consternation this man was undoubtedly going to bring to the castle.

"Thank you Lady. Any advices for today?" Treize asked.

"Take heed when Espinoza questions you about mines on Iberia, he is trying to find out what you are going to do with your shares," the Lady said as she walked to the door." Good evening, Your Excellency."

"Good evening, Lady."

After his conference call with the count, which had indeed tried to win information about his shares, Treize decided to wrestle through the many reports still lying on his desk. It had almost been ten years since he went to the Sanc kingdom. Never had he heard anything about Milliardo Peacecraft again. He had tried to find some information without being to obvious about it, but it had helped him no further. When he was alone he sometimes thought about him. He had tried to convince himself the prince was death, but just couldn't believe it. Someone with a stare like that doesn't die easily. But even if he is alive he will probably be raving mad after what he had gone through. Treize had wondered many times why he cared so much about him, after all he had only seen him for a few seconds. Maybe it was because his eyes seemed to beg for protection, his protection.

He looked up at the sudden noise. A helicopter was landing outside. Timeto meet miss Noin and Mr. Merquise.

When he walked through the main hall Lady Une notified him that the two students were already testing some of the A-type Lion Mobile suits. This surprised him a little; he had assumed someone named Sex would check out the female population first.

"Let's watch them then," he said and they walked to a balcony with a view on the practice grounds.

It would be an understatement to say he was impressed. Both of them pilots were quick, elegant and brave in their fighting, but one of them was slightly above the other in every aspect. It took about fifteen minutes for this pilot to defeat the other. The hatch of the fallen suit opened and the pilot jumped put of it. The victor followed suit, but since his Mobile Suit was still standing, the distance to the ground was much larger. A long but slender man floated to the earth, his very long, very light hair falling after him.

!!!!???? It can't be! Is that? No! It's him! Treize stared at the masked pilot wide eyed. He was perplexed at how sure he was by only looking at the extraordinary color of the young man's hair and his elegant way of moving. But how? Why?

The two new students discussed the battle as they advanced towards the castle. Suddenly Zechs looked up at Treize and Lady Une. He gave a little nod, while Lucrezia saluted. Treize nodded as well, still startled. Lady Une bared her teeth and hissed.

"Doesn't he know how to greet properly?"

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In the evening Zechs and Noin were waiting in a large hall to be officially introduced to Treize Khushrenada. Zechs looked at the room approvingly. The Lake Victoria Academy had been very basically furnished and this was the complete opposite. Treize Khushrenada has good taste. But the velvet on the floor is a little decadent. The last time he had been in such an environment was in the Sanc castle. He pushed thoughts of his youth away, protecting his inner self from hurt. The young man half expected trumpeters to announce the duke when the door opened. But a stern looking woman with glasses, who took a stand next to the door and feigned disinterest, was the only one who accompanied Treize Khushrenada. The duke first walked to Noin.

"It's nice to meet you again, miss Lucrezia." He took her hand and kissed the back of it softly. Zechs knew this confused her; she was certainly no aristocrat and didn't know how to deal with their way of behavior.

"Thank you, your Excellency," she murmured.

"And you must be Mr. Merquise," he said while he turned his attention to him. Somehow it seemed the duke was mocking him, but that was probably his imagination. Treize offered him his hand and Zechs shook it. For a moment it seemed like the duke was caressing the back of his hand with his thumb and Zechs wondered if Treize was going to kiss his hand as well. But the duke let go of it and asked for Noin's whereabouts. While she told him about their graduation, Zechs got the feeling the duke was watching him from the back of his eye. He is just trying to unnerve me, stay calm.

"Why did you choose such a name for yourself?" Treize asked him suddenly.

Zechs responded: "Since some aristocrats tend to think themselves better than others, Merquise seemed like a good name to gain respect." He felt the eyes of the woman burn at him because of this obvious criticism, but Treize remained undisturbed.

"And what about your first name?" he asked.

"I was given the number 6- PT at my student card so Zechs seemed convenient."

"Really? I thought you meant something else with it," Treize said and gave him a look, strong enough it seemed to burn through the mask.

Now Zechs was really unnerved. What does this man want from me?

"I am glad to have you two working with me, Lady Une will tell you about your duties," the duke said and with that he saluted.

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When Treize was back in his office he immediately poured himself a glass of wine. What was that? I flirted with him. It had happened automatically, even without him planning to do so. He only teased some of his closest staff members, but it was never sexual and he couldn't believe he was attracted to this man. But he was. He wanted to lift that horrible mask of his face and look into those blue eyes, to trace his tongue over that elegant neck and..... He sighed, but his lips formed a wicked smile. I have certainly gotten to Milliardo's nerves.

Milliardo indeed. Treize was now certain it was he. Earlier that evening he had convinced himself to be mad and obsessive. Why would this new student be Milliardo Peacecraft? Just because of his hair color and elegance?

But when they had shaken hands he noticed Zechs fingers exercised a specific amount of pressure at the fingertips. Only very old aristocracy families used this way of handshaking. Treize now smiled and raised his glass to the unresponsive moon.

"To the future, Milliardo."

To be Continued