Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Where Sunrays can't reach you ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9

His thoughts turned to Treize, as so often lately. He did understand why he had been angry after he had shut him out like that, pretending not to care about him but enjoying what he did to him in bed. Apparently the colonel was not upset with him about what had happened with De La Ferre. Zechs had never seen the count again and wondered what Treize had done to him. "Why don't you let me protect you?" Oh, how it had made him feel when the duke said that. But a long time ago his father had also vowed to protect him and he had failed. He didn't know what had made him reach out his hand for Treize in the first place. It had seemed his last change to keep him with him, a change that he for some reason had to grasp.

Still there was still something that had to be dealt with. Treize knew about his identity and about his lust for revenge. Why did he never try to stop me?

The flight back to Khushrenada-castle was pleasant enough. Lydia and the other female officers spoiled him like a child and had arranged for a helicopter to pick him up. When he was onboard Zechs read a book on the Capet kings of France. They had lived hundreds of years before men even flew to space. He arrived at a chapter on Louis IX, who had been canonized. The man had ruled his kingdom with great integrity, yet hadn't hesitated to participate in a bloody crusade. He compared his own situation with Saint Louis. His fellow officer started to idealize his skills, just as that king had been idealized. Like Louis blood stained his hands, but was admired anyway. This he could not understand. When he was raised he had learned there was nothing more vile than violence and war. But now he was getting to be admired for his fighting skills. Even if he knew his reasons for why he had thrown away his Peacecraft name, he was still confused by this contrast. My parents would disapprove. And deep down so did he.

The first one he saw when he got back at Treize's castle was Lady Une, who was waving a piece of paper in his face.

"You think you can manage to answer a few questions, or would you like me to get a nurse for you first?" she asked sarcastically.

He had almost accepted the offer to spite her, but knew she would be even more vicious if he made her do that.

"No, thank you, Lady."

"Only his Excellency calls me that, YOU can call me Lady Une," she responded.

Zechs suppressed a sigh; this is going to be a long interrogation.

------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

Treize was sitting on the edge of his bed. It had been three days since he had returned and he missed life at the country house. It had been less luxurious, but it didn't have so many people bothering with him. Lady Une had immediately come up to him when he stepped out of the plane. She had saluted and taken the reports from his hands. She was disappointed when he told her Zechs Merquise was coming later with a helicopter and had promised him to get to the bottom of the whole affair with his Mobile Suit.

Milliardo had been ordered to stay in the med-room, but tried to get out of it anyway. Treize had heard two soldiers in the hallway speaking admiringly about Milliardo's determination to fulfill his duties. It had done the colonel some good, but later that evening he had seen Milliardo accompany a soldier, who had lost his leg in a civil war a few years back. Treize had hired the man as a computer engineer and immediately felt suspicion when he saw them whispering. What's he up to?

He had passed them without saying anything. How long is this going to continue? Close....distant. Close....distant. There are always reasons to doubt him, for him to doubt me.

Treize poured his wine aggressively. "I can't take this anymore."

"Can't take what, sir?"

Treize turned around, surprised as he immediately recognized the voice. Milliardo stood in the now opened window.

"What!? How did you get here?" Treize stuttered.

Milliardo nodded at the window and then asked "Would you like me to leave?"

Treize knew the blond wanted him to say he should stay. That would take his responsibility for being here away from him. Curse him.

But before he could decide on an answer, Milliardo removed his mask and shook his head. Platinum hair waved around his exquisite face.

He was absolutely beautiful.

Treize sighed.


Milliardo walked towards him. He laid his hand behind the colonel's head and looked up at him.

"Thank you for being there when I needed you," he whispered.

For a second they looked at each other, Milliardo's fingers gently caressed Treize's hair and the prince studied his face like he had never seen it before. Then the duke pulled the beauty towards him and kissed him passionately. With equal enthusiasm Milliardo kissed back, following Treize's tongue through both their mouths. It felt so good to touch him like this again that the older man closed his eyes automatically. Then suddenly Milliardo broke the kiss and grabbed Treize's hand. The white glove was slowly removed and the prince started sucking a finger suggestively. He stared intently at Treize, who felt his pants tightening quickly.

Milliardo looked up at him and stopped his torturing occupation.

"I need to know something, Treize."

"What is it?" Treize hissed, quite unwilling to deal with anything besides a certain beautiful body.

"Why didn't you report me to your fellows of the Alliance?" Milliardo asked.

"You still think of me as part of the Alliance?" Treize asked, now realizing how important this conversation was.

"Well, aren't you?"

Treize smiled: " Do you think you're the only one who wants to destroy it?"

Milliardo looked surprised. "But why would you want to...?"

"Because of what they have caused, because they govern this world by force and manipulation, because of their dishonorable way of fighting and the many deaths they have caused." Because of you.

"But you have killed as well." Milliardo responded surprised.

"Do you think I don't know that!?" Treize lashed out.


Treize sighed. "It's okay, Milliardo, just know you can trust me."

There were a few seconds of silence.

"I will....try," Milliardo said.

Treize realized how much the prince longed to trust him and pulled him closer.

He wanted him to make him feel how hard he was already. The prince gasped when his body touched Treize's arousal. Then he smiled mischievously.

"You need me to take care of something, sir?"

This surprised Treize; Milliardo's playful site wasn't something he had encountered a lot.

"Why Lieutenant, that would be an excellent initiative."

The blond kneeled in front of his superior on the bed and looked at him expectantly.

Treize was enjoying their little game and whispered: "Pull your shirt of."

The young man obliged, slowly unbuttoning it. With every button that was loosened Treize could see more of the slim yet muscular body. He had to restrain himself from pushing it down on the mattress and climb on top of it. Instead he remained sitting in front of it, mesmerized by the movements of Milliardo's hands. When the blond had finally finished he threw his shirt next to the bed and looked at Treize again.

"Mine as well," the duke ordered.

Milliardo nodded and started to obey. His fingers didn't just unbutton the shirt, but softly tickled the skin beneath it. A sigh of relaxation left Treize's mouth. Hands moved lower towards the erect part of Treize's body. Pants were still covering it, but that didn't mean he couldn't feel Milliardo's fingers stroking him there and trace circles over the fabric. Treize put his arms behind himself to support his body as he leaned in to the touches. When his erection was grabbed more roughly he let out a single gasp and closed his eyes momentarily. The younger man went to sit between his legs.

Treize opened his eyes again when he realized it were no longer hands touching him. He stared at his lover, who softly kissed his hardness through his pants. His mouth felt warm even through the clothing and sparks flew through his body with every kiss. Milliardo looked up at him while he moved his hands unbutton his pants. When he had succeeded he bit in the fabric and pulled it down with his teeth, finally releasing Treize's hardness from its fabric prison. Long strands of hair tickled it as Milliardo bowed his head to kiss it again. Now that his lips directly touched his naked flesh it felt even better. Treize pushed up a little to indicate what he wanted him to do.

The young man complied and licked his length, looking upward a little insecurely to see Treize's reaction.

"Don't stop, Milliardo," he breathed.

Treize let out a barely suppressed scream when his erection was swallowed by Milliardo's mouth. His upper body leapt forward and he laid his hands in the blond hair. The sight of this beautiful man taking him in like this was almost too much. Treize started thrusting upwards slowly, not wanting to hurt him, but it was very tedious not to increase the pace as the friction felt incredible. His whole body begged for the release that was not far away. Suddenly Milliardo pulled away from him, making the older man look up frustrated.

"I don't think you want it this easily, sir," he said and smirked. He was having his revenge for last time.

"Come here, you little tease," Treize said affectionately.

He grabbed the pale wrists and pinned him down on the bed, covering Milliardo's slender body with his own. It felt so good to just lay on him for a moment, to feel the warm body beneath him, erection against erection. He needed to be inside him right now. But an old anxiety came to the surface. What will he do? Are his eyes going to shut me out again?

He didn't want to find out. Not now. Therefore he moved away from the body. The young man looked up at him with questioning eyes and he smiled reassuringly. Then he turned him around and made him lay on his stomach. His fingers massaged the soft skin and Milliardo automatically raised himself a little to make it easier for Treize to touch him there. The duke then pulled him up to his hands and knees, feeling very tempted as his erection touched the blond's tight ass when he leaned over to kiss his cheek.

Treize turned for the cupboard and smirked. At least this time it hasn't fallen. He grabbed the bottle of rose oil and opened it with his teeth. Then he poured some oil on his hands and spread it out to his fingers.

"Why… we're not getting prude now, are we?" he whispered when Milliardo momentarily seemed to hesitate to spread his legs. It took a lot of self-control to take the time to prepare him with the oil and not just delve into him. But he knew he couldn't do anything to make it hurt. You would never trust me again. His fingers worked the oil inside stretching him and soon making the young man gasp with excitement. This was so utterly enticing that he threw the bottle on the ground. With one deep trust he entered Milliardo's comforting warmth. He closed his eyes and for a moment just enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded. Then Treize felt how the young man readjusted his hands to keep his balance. He licked his ear and whispered.

"Think you can take me on?"

It was a challenge. Milliardo tensed and reached for the end of Treize's bed for support. The older man thrust in harder and deeper making the man beneath him use all his strength just to keep his balance. The blond started gasping every time he pushed himself inside him. His head jerked back, obviously feeling intense pleasure.

"Ungh Tr..."

"What did you say down there?" Treize asked, trying to keep his breathing somewhat steady.


"Say my name," the colonel commanded.

"Make... me."

So now it's I who's challenged, eh? He knew very well what to do next. One hand remained on Milliardo's hip, but the other moved downwards. He started massaging Milliardo's hardness as he kept on thrusting inside him. The new touch made the young man twist his body. It had already been troublesome for him to keep his balance before, but with this extra pleasure it became downright impossible. Totally in ecstasy he almost sunk down on the sheets, but Treize's hands kept his body in the same position. He knew it wouldn't be long before the blond would come and Treize stopped his massaging, deliberately postponing his release.

"Well, prince?"

Treize knew about the battle between pride and pleasure that waged beneath him. To give the latter aid he softly touched Milliardo's erection again.


The duke sighed; it was another battle won, but not the last one. He knew Milliardo was an expert in finding new ways to shut him out. Treize was at the peak of pleasure at this point and decided to give Milliardo what he wanted. His fingers teased the top of the prince's manhood once again and he trusted in him with full force. Milliardo screamed and shook violently as he came, collapsing on the bed. Treize spilt quickly after that, first inside his lover, then on him.

He was also tired and let himself fall on the body that seemed to do nothing but panting. Softly he bit in a cheek. Milliardo rested his face trustfully against Treize's mouth and closed his eyes. He looks so young and vulnerable like this. Still he couldn't resist whispering:

"That was an easy challenge."

It took about half a second for Milliardo to realize what he meant. His sweet face turned foul and a flame of pride made him edge away from the duke. Treize laughed.

"Come on little one, don't get cross."

He licked his cheek to appease him and Milliardo soon relaxed again. Still Treize couldn't help worrying a little. He had noticed those sudden mood swings a few times before. Milliardo could go from being happy to utterly miserable within a second.

Treize possessively kissed the sweat-covered shoulders of the prince, who slowly regained his normal pace of breathing again. The prince sighed and caressed the arm the older man had laid down above his head. A few moments they cuddled like that, both not wanting to break the moment, but then Milliardo tried to get up.

"What is it now?" the duke said annoyed. He wanted to keep the warm body under him longer.

The blond turned to him as he stood up and said: "It's best that I go back to my room now, or do you want me to climb through your window by broad daylight?"

"Now that would really get them talking wouldn't it?" Treize remarked and they both smiled.

Milliardo started looking for his clothes. They were spread on the bed and around it. Treize knew there wasn't another way. There was too much security around his room. He couldn't let him sneak out through the door later.

When Milliardo was more or less dressed he went for the window, but was stopped by Treize's arms, which hugged him from behind.

"Will you come again?"

"Yes.... if you want me to."

He is trying to get the upper hand again....or does he really need me to say it?

A soft kiss was planted on Milliardo's cheek. The colonel opened the window and the young man simply jumped out. Treize looked down and saw how he gracefully landed on the grass so many feet away. Without looking back he disappeared in the dark of the night.

The visits by his young lover were the peaks of the next couple of weeks for Treize. In more than one-way. This thought amused Treize, like his thoughts tended to do. Milliardo grew less inhibited every time. He smiled as he remembered how excited the prince had been when Treize had tied his hands to the bed. Still something was nagging him. He could visit me more often.... He knew they shouldn't take big risks. De La Ferre's actions had clearly shown what could happen if people found out about their relation. Still.

He turned the music a little harder and leaned back in his seat. Strange how someone who enjoys being submissive in the bedroom so much, always seems so in control off everything else.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in Lady."

"Good evening, Your Excellency." The woman responded, while she closed the door behind her.

As always when she entered Treize's private chambers she seemed ill at ease.

"You asked me to come immediately once I had tracked down your entire pedigree," she said.

"You're finished already? My compliments for your rapidity."

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Lady said. He knew this compliment pleased her, but it didn't show in her expression.

"I have found a line of Khushrenada earls until the thirteenth century. In 1278 AD Geoffrey Khushrenada was created a duke. The Khushrenada's have been dukes ever since."

Treize nodded for Lady to continue.

"Your mother's ancestors seem to have been earls for a long time. However... the second son of the last king of Istrie is a direct ancestor of hers. This wouldn't matter had not the line of the first son died out about sixty years ago. Your mother's brother therefore would have been the heir to the throne if the revolution hadn't overthrown the last king."

"Hmmm and this means?" Treize asked.

"You are not a king and wouldn't have been had the kingdom still existed. However would your uncle die, you could make certain claims..."

Lady paused a second and then said:

"When the Alliance is destroyed, it might be a plus to be of royal blood to gain acceptance as leader of the world."

Treize hesitated a moment but said: "No, I think it would not be wise to be styled a prince. People will more likely feel sympathy with someone who is not of royal blood, being a duke would give me enough respect with the old aristocrats."

Lady nodded and wrote something down.

"Another matter, Your Excellency: I have placed an order for the production of another 27000 Mobile Suit guns as coming from the Alpenian Federation. A squadron of mountain troopers will intercept the order at 4:37 this night and bring them over to our depots in Iberia."

"Very well done Lady, I expect a note once these have arrived there." Treize responded.

"Sir," Lady said. She saluted and left the room.

------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

Zechs wanted to surprise the man that was becoming the most important person in his life. A year ago he had never expected he would trust this ambitious Alliance figure. Now he did.... as far as he was able to trust someone anyway.

He had climbed through the window to his bedroom, where he was waiting. From the room next to him he heard Maria Callas, as singer from long ago his mother had been fond of. He enjoyed the music he hadn't heard for so long. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and he recognized Lady Une's voice. I hope this won't take long. He turned around on the bed, and lazily laid his head on one of the pillows, waiting for Treize to be finished. Suddenly he leapt up and started listening to the conversation intently. His eyes widened a little more with every word that reached his ears.

Leader of the world Support 27000 Mobile Suit guns Very well done Lady.

Zechs stared unbelievingly at the door. How can he? He lied to me! He almost felt an urge to cry. All this time he wanted nothing but power. Stupid, STUPID!! How could I have ever thought he would be different? Wanting to get rid of the Alliance to protect people? How could I ever believe that? He looked at his hands for a moment. Maybe it's him who ordered someone to make my Mobile Suit malfunction! But I can't understand what motivated him to do that. He looked up angrily. But I apparently didn't know anything about him. Why Treize? He clenched his fists.

I am so naive. He just uses me for pleasure and laughs behind my back.... he probably intends to use me in one of his schemes.

"But it's not going to happen," he said almost aloud.

Pride had been his one friend after his parents were killed. Treize had diminished its prominence, but now that his faith in him had shattered, pride once again became his one and only. He dashed for the window and jumped out of it. I am going to destroy you all.

To be Continued.

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