Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Where Sunrays can't reach you ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 12.

Zechs made his Mobile Suit turn to the left, hit, duck, kick, jump. It was almost as good as fencing. Fighting made him feel alive; he could use all his passion in it without being commented on. His inhibitions fell from him in the heat of the battle. He jumped backwards and counter attacked. The men and women he had trained in the last couple of months were doing a fine job. Still they were nowhere near as good as he was and he knew it.

His pulse raged when one of them attacked him from the back quite unexpectedly. Wonderful. He dodged it in the last instant and countered with a stroke of the sword. In battle he never had to hide his true self. What had confused him was how Treize loved to see him like this and even encouraged this behavior. Zechs was so used that people criticized him for his passion that he couldn't believe someone would actually want to see it. This made him feel at ease with Treize. Even if other aspects from his character made him nervous.

This training was a goodbye to his stay at Khushrenada castle. Even with everything that had happened there he was going to miss it. Not that he was going to admit that to anyone. It was best for people to think him apathetic.

He had defeated all the soldiers and it was still morning. Zechs directed his Mobile Suit to the hangars and jumped out. A mechanic saluted when he passed by. To the woods eh Treize? He wondered what the duke had planned for this day and felt somewhat excited. How childish of me. Also he longed for his embrace. He had gotten accustomed to the fact that he could visit his chambers whenever he wanted to before their estrangement. And now they hadn't slept together in weeks. Before that he hadn't wanted to appear eager or needy, afraid Treize would get enough of him. Therefore he had only visited his rooms about once a week. He loved how overheated Treize was whenever he did come by.

The walk through the forest was quite long, but pleasant. It was nice to see something besides the castle and the inside of a Mobile Suit. Birds sung, bees swarmed and he even saw a rabbit. He reached a spot without trees and knew he had to go to the next one. He didn't realize it, but the walk helped him lose some of the huge amount of stress that was always glowing in every cell of his body. Military training was hard enough, especially when one had such a big secret to cover up as he did. Unlike the others sleep was no refuge for him, but an extra strain. Wherever he started in his dreams, he always ended up trapped in that little room. The smell of decaying corpses, the unbearable cold and the knowledge his parents had died a gruesome death had forever destroyed any chance of a normal childhood, but also gave him little chance to find peace in his adult life. Whenever he thought about it, it was like an icy hand strangled his throat. Part of him wanted to tell Treize, to confide in him. But he didn't. Zechs was afraid he had already tried his patience too much lately and didn't want to disturb him anymore.

The things they had talked about in the night ran through his mind. The plans Treize had been talking about fascinated him and he planned to think about them long and hard when he was in space. He cursed himself for ever asking for a transfer, for there was nothing he wanted more right now than stay with Treize. Especially since they had only sorted their differences out a few hours ago. Yesterday… Zechs had never expected that Treize believed he had replaced him with Otto. He still felt sorry for how hurt the colonel had looked as he turned his face away from him and he decided to be a little more open about his own feelings towards him.

The next open spot was smaller than the first one. A big elm tree stood in the middle and he decided to climb it. Effortlessly he pulled himself up in the branches and sat on one of them. He put of his mask and studied some of the ants that did their important work. After a few minutes he heard a horse approaching. Treize. The pleasant nervousness that flared up was surprising. He felt how Treize looked at him, but pretended he didn't notice the duke was there. How long can he stare at me without saying anything? He can't be admiring me, can he?

Zechs finally looked up and stared in his eyes. Treize seemed completely happy just looking at him. It was unnerving, but made a spark fly in his chest.

"Come, Milliardo."

At first Zechs had hated it when Treize persisted in calling him by that name. Now he knew that was how Treize saw him; Milliardo Peacecraft. I am not Milliardo anymore, I am just Zechs, but I hope you will never find out.

He jumped from the tree.

"You only have one horse?"

"Yes, it would have been a little strange if I took two horses with me wouldn't it?" Treize responded. He patted in front of him at the saddle, indicating Zechs should take place there.

Zechs hesitated for a moment, but then climbed the horse and sat down. Treize took the reins, with his arms around him. The lieutenant automatically relaxed against the strong body. Treize took one hand of the reins and laid it on Zechs' chest, pulling him even closer against him. It made Zechs feel safe and loved. Those were unfamiliar feelings to him, but he didn't push them away anymore. Treize made the horse run through the forest, jumping over wood and evading many trees by no more than an inch.

With any other Zechs would have taken the reins himself, but he trusted Treize's horsemanship. He loved the wind in his hair, the excitement of the ride and Treize's hand wrapped around him protectively.

Suddenly the duke pulled the reins, making the horse come to a quick halt.

"This is our stop," the colonel said and jumped of.

He wanted to follow suit, but Treize reached out his hand. Zechs had been jumping out of Mobile Suits for years and out of Treize's window for a little while now. He didn't need the hand for support. Yet he took it anyway.

"What are we going to do now?" Zechs asked.

Treize smiled deviously. He caressed the neck of the noble beast.

"Stay here, Deborah," he said to the horse, not tying it down to something.

Then he looked at Zechs.

"Let's have a little contest."

Zechs' eyes sparkled.

"Like what?"

"We will run to the next big elm tree." Treize pointed to his right. "Whoever gets there first wins."

They looked at each other, both fueled with the trill of the challenge.

"Now!" Treize shouted.

They shoot through the under wood. Zechs felt adrenaline flow through him, making him run faster and faster. Treize was running next to him. The duke glanced at him and accelerated. Zechs followed suit. He's not going to beat me this time. They began to breathe heavily, but didn't slow down for a moment. Zechs felt how his legs started to hurt, but it meant nothing. Only beating Treize did. First he thought he imagined it, but Treize began to lose inches on him. This only made him increase his speed more. Now he was a foot behind him, two feet, three feet. He concentrated on Treize so much that the pond in front of him came very sudden. Still he would never have fallen in if Treize hadn't pushed him.

The cold water swallowed him for a moment. Then he reached the surface.

"You tricked me!......again."

Treize was only laughing, extra loud to rub it in.

"You're taking a bath, Milliardo? You smelled nice enough before."

He shot Treize a deadly glance. But two can play this game.

"The water is quite pleasant actually, you mind taking care of my shirt, Your Excellency?"

And with that he slowly took it off and threw it to the duke at the shore. Treize's laughing had stopped and by now he only stared at the now bare-chested man in the water, surrounded by his floating hair.

"Oh and my pants to, if you would?" Zechs said and removed them without much effort. He swum to Treize and handed them over, shooting a seductive glance. Then he swum away again, pretending to be oblivious to Treize's mesmerizement. From the corner of his eyes he saw how the duke removed his boots and clothes and laid them in the grass. Zechs still pretended he didn't noticed and swum on his back in the direction of the duke. Sooner than he had expected the colonel reached him and pulled him under water. Treize wrapped his arms over Zechs' shoulders and forced lips on his mouth with quite a lot of force.

It startled him a little, but it felt so good that he soon gave in. The duke sucked at his tongue hungrily. Without breaking the kiss they reached the surface. Zechs laid an arm around his neck and caressed the hollow of Treize's knee with his foot. Then a hand disappeared under the water and soon found what it was looking for. The colonel's eyes opened wide when the blond moved it over his starting erection.

"Milliardo," he softly moaned in his mouth. The young man broke the kiss and moved his lips to one of Treize's nipples. He looked intently at the man's reactions, it was obvious he tried to keep himself from losing control and Zechs started to feel very aroused by viewing Treize's restrained passion. But he was not planning to give in yet. Treize gasped as he squeezed his arousal and licked at the hardening nipple. Slowly moved his other hand to his shoulder. Then suddenly he pushed the older man under and quickly swum away from him. As he looked back he saw only water and he looked around frantically to see where he might resurface. At the last moment he noticed how Treize was already very close to him and he made some quick strokes to keep some distance between them.

When the colonel once again gasped for air he sent a look at Milliardo like a hunter would at his prey. But the young man only raised an eyebrow and just stared at him. Only when Treize dived at him he started swimming away again. He had always been an expert swimmer and it was to his surprise that the man slowly gained on him. He used more force in his strokes, but he couldn't prevent that the man got closer. And if he was honest he wanted to be overtaken by Treize. He felt a hand on his hair and was pulled backwards.

"Here, you seductive little…"

Zechs turned around and tried to push him away with his hands, but Treize grabbed them and started pushing back. Water splashed as they struggled against each other and he didn't even notice he was laughing. Then suddenly the colonel pulled instead of pushed and his lips ended up less than an inch away from Treize's. The laugh disappeared from his face and they simply looked at each other for a moment.

Before the older man could make his move Zechs closed his eyes and kissed him. A little surprised, Treize parted his lips after a moment. The young lieutenant entered his mouth gently and started moving his tongue against the Treize's playfully. Then the older man pushed his arousal against him, telling him wordlessly how much he wanted him. Zechs' blood began to rush quicker through his veins, reveling in the realization of how much this man needed him. And I need him too.

Treize broke the kiss and traced strong kisses down to his neck, making Zechs gasp and jerk his head backwards. He leaned on Treize, who managed to keep them both floating in the water. The duke's hand reached for his hips, squeezing them before it left them again for Zechs' growing erection. The strokes started slowly, but increased in speed. He moaned loudly, vaguely registering how the duke looked at him intently all the while. You love seeing me at your mercy don't you? It had been a while since he had received pleasure and had no longer the will to tease him any further.

His gasps further enflamed Treize's desire. His hand moved away from the pleasured spot and was wrapped around Zechs' waist and he pulled him with him to the shore. Treize pushed him down at the edge of the pond and laid himself on top of him. The weight of his lover pushed the young man to the bottom, so only his face was above the water and he knew he would be unable to get out of this position if the older man didn't want him to. It was exciting; losing control like this.

Treize sucked one of his nipples, not removing his stare from Zechs eyes, telling him he was not going to escape anymore. Treize's erection touched his own and the blond rocked it against him. The feeling was so intense that he dug his teeth in his lips to keep himself from crying out. There was nothing he wanted more than to be filled by him at this point and he looked at him begging.

"You want me to fuck you?" Treize said, jokingly emphasizing the word because of what they had discussed last night.

Zechs looked at him startled. He can read my thoughts now too?


He parted his legs slightly, hoping it would be a good enough answer.

"That won't do," Treize responded and he pushed his knee between Zechs' legs to force them further from each other. Being exposed like this was highly enticing for the blond and he looked up a little hurt when the other man climbed of him and walked to his clothes on the grass. What!? Why is he…? Then he realized what he was looking for and sighed relieved. Zechs looked on as the completely naked man bowed down and took something from his cape. The sight of his muscled body, covered with drops of water, made him so hard it hurt. And it grew even worse when Treize turned around and he could see his big prove of lust. The man was always completely at ease naked and he could easily understand why. But he didn't understand why it was he of all people the handsome man wanted so badly.

The little jar Treize had taken from his cape was opened and he knelt down between his legs again. The colonel rubbed something liquid on his fingers, but most of it washed of by the water before he could push a finger inside his lover. Treize looked at him questioning, but Zechs nodded and spread his legs even further apart.

"It might hurt a little. But you sort of like that don't you?"

Zechs looked at him surprised. I guess he is right. But before he could think anything else another finger joined the first, preparing him for what was coming. The older man tried his best to stretch him as much as possible, moving in as much oil as he could. Still the third finger hurt a little, but he knew something bigger was yet to come. Treize's fingers sought and found something deep inside him and he started enjoying the feeling of them in him. He moaned when they were withdrawn and gasped when the tip of Treize's erection was pushed inside him. Slowly it was pushed further, coming to a temporary halt whenever his lips released a soft moan.

"shhh it's okay, little one, the pain will stop soon."

Treize's concern made his worries float away and he started to relax. The duke slowly started thrusting, looking at his eyes to see if he wasn't hurt too much. But quickly the pain mixed with pleasure and he jerked his head back in the water. It felt so good to be filled again that the control over his body quickly faded. Zechs reached for something to squeeze, but the bottom of the pond slipped through his hands the moment he grabbed it. Treize's thrusts got more uncontrolled and Zechs' hands desperately sought for something to hold onto. Suddenly they were grasped by his lover, which squeezed them and smiled reassuringly.

He started moving with the rhythm of Treize's movements, losing himself in it. It drew away all his thoughts; the only thing he felt was the man moving above and inside him. He stared upwards to see his lover's expression getting affected by pleasure. Because of me? He was no longer able to hold back his screams as his lover pushed in him again and again against that sweet spot that brought him so much pleasure. With a sharp scream he came, spilling in the water and squeezing Treize's hands until his knuckles turned white. He was unable to speak as he shuddered against the older man. The duke pulled his chest against his, laying his head against his shoulder and then climaxed as well. His hot seed spouting inside the young lieutenant added to his ecstasy. Zechs kept his head against Treize's shoulder as he tried to regain some control over his breathing. Then slowly they loosened their grip on each other. The older man looked at him from above and gently kissed him on his cheek. As soon as the body contact was lessened Zechs started shivering, not from pleasure this time but from the cold. Treize caressed his face and gently moved him out of the water.

"Are you cold?"

"Not really," he responded.

"You're lying again," the duke stood up and walked away from him.

For a moment Zechs was afraid he was angry with him. However Treize had only gone to get his cape. He walked back and wrapped it around Zechs' shoulders.

"I guess I shouldn't have made your clothes wet," he said as he sat down to embrace him from behind.

They sat there for a long while without saying anything. Occasionally Treize stroked some of Zechs' long wet hair from his face.

Zechs looked at the castle, partly taken away from view by branches. The beautiful castle that belonged to his lover.

"It looks nice from here," he said impressed.

"You think so?" Treize said softly

" don't?" Zechs questioned

"There have been times in my life when I wanted to burn it down. It was like a prison when I was younger," Treize said without emotion.

"You weren't allowed to leave it?"

"As a child only on official occasions or education. I would have liked to see more of the other world, the world were people live in," Treize explained.

He always pries into my past, but I don't know much about his either.

Clouds had hid the sun the whole day. Zechs wished it would appear so it could help dry his clothes a little faster. Just when he thought it was a lost cause, it escaped it's white veil and shone on their faces. Treize followed his stare upwards.

"I love being with you in the sun," the duke said.

"So do I." He hardly realized he said it aloud.

"But I have to hide you away, Milliardo Peacecraft. Only Zechs can live in this world and even he has to wear a mask."

Zechs was quite surprised by his words. They kind of put in place vague thoughts he had had about himself.

Treize stared sadly at the clouds that once again covered the sun.

"I am going to let you to live in a world were you can be in the sun, Milliardo, whenever and with whomever you want," the duke said, as if lost in his own world.

Suddenly he seemed to snap out of his thoughts and stood up.

"I think it's best to take you home."

They didn't say anything to each other as they went back for the horse. It stood at the exact spot where Treize had left him. But Milliardo wasn't even surprised by this anymore. They once again mounted the horse. Once again he relaxed against Treize's body with the dukes arms wrapped around him. Only this time the touch wasn't just enticing, but desperate.

Just before they left the woods, Zechs got off the horse so he could arrive separately from him.


But he knew there was nothing left to say.

------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

Treize looked out of his window at the dark sky. Milliardo was going to leave, but he was content. For a day he had taken away his worries, showing him what his life would have been like as Milliardo Peacecraft instead of Zechs Merquise. But it wasn't just Milliardo who had seen something different today. For the first time Treize had almost felt just as wanted by the blond as he wanted him. The way he had been today had reminded him of his youth. Milliardo was after all only eighteen. He sighed. Someone his age should be enjoying life and not suffering from those horrible memories without confiding in anyone. For Milliardo had never told him about what had happened at the attack of the Sanc-kingdom and he wondered how the prince would react if he found out he knew about it. A helicopter arrived on the grass before him. He looked down to see the south gate open. Milliardo and sergeant Myumbe came out, walking in the direction of the helicopter.

Treize corrected himself: He wasn't content, he was miserable. The duke squeezed the white glass curtain as he watched his disappearing young lover. Just before the blond got in he turned around a little and stared through his mask at Treize's window. Then he turned his head back to the helicopter and got in.

Goodbye Milliardo.

Treize sat down behind his desk and opened a drawer. A bottle of red wine was taken out of it.

He was going to need it tonight.

To be Continued.

*waves at reviewers *

Thanks guys!