Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You May Go ❯ Right Behind You ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Right Behind YouHeero X DuoSequel to Wherever You May Go.Warning:Yaoi, swearing, MPreg, angst, OOCNESS, WAFF, etc...I don't own GW or OLP.Song: Right Behind You- Our Lady Peace~You haven't seen the world outside for days You sleep, you hope, you waitImagination disappearsAnd all the dreams you have you saveConfrontation like a mirrorThey try to take your mind away ~(Duo POV)It had been six and a half months since Heero's supposed death. I couldn't and wouldn't believe that he was actually dead. Heero was supposed to be indestructible or at least that was what Doctor J had wanted us all to believe. Besides, they'd never found his body. He could've been anywhere. I couldn't stop hoping and praying that he was alive. Although all the reasons my imagination had conjured up as to why he hadn't returned had begun to fade, I was still holding onto the tiniest shred of hope. The guys were great, well kind of, I mean they kept trying to perk me up, they also kept telling me that maybe I was right and he would come back someday, but they really thought that he was dead. They were just humoring me, so that they wouldn't have to argue with me about it.I hadn't been feeling very well in the last couple of months since Heero's 'disappearance' as I'd taken to calling it. It was really weird because I hardly ever got sick. I assumed it had something to do with a really good immune system because of all the junk I ate when I was younger on the streets of L2. I didn't think it was anything serious, well I hoped it wasn't. I had had this odd feeling sitting in the pit of my stomach too. I wasn't sure what it was exactly, just a strange knot. It didn't seem like a bad feeling, just different and weird kind of like nervousness or apprehension. It was almost as if I was waiting for something really intense to happen. Quatre says it's just nerves mixed with my feelings over Heero's 'disappearance'. That was bullshit if I ever heard it, but I humored him just to keep the peace.It was even crazier, that day Quatre had brought in some of his Arabic food which I usually love, but as soon as I'd caught a whiff of it, my stomach had revolted against me. I'd ran into the bathroom so fast I'd made my own head spin, which made things just that much worse."Duo, are you alright?" Quatre questioned from the other side of the white painted door of the restroom. I bent over the ivory porcelain toilet and puked again, successfully heaving up all of the contents of my stomach. Hearing me retch, Quatre had rushed in. "Oh Allah! Are you okay? What's wrong?" he exclaimed in concern. He reached to hold my hair back as I vomited yet again even though I was sure I had nothing left to throw up. I couldn't believe what was happening.I began having dry heaves. I guess my stomach didn't have any bile left to toss. After about six heaves, I collapsed against Quatre. He yelled for Trowa who appeared almost simultaneously. I felt really weak and dizzy, my vision swimming dangerously on the outskirts of unconsciousness."What's wrong?" I heard Trowa ask right before I everything went dark.(Dr. J's Lab, somewhere just outside of Tokyo, Japan.)(Heero's POV)I missed Duo terribly. That was the same thought, the only thought in fact that had been going through my head for the past six and a half months since I'd self-destructed. Dr. J had apparently stolen me away from the wreckage after my self-destruction, intending to re-train me. He had been having my Gundam revamped and remodeled while he'd let me heal and then began with some of his eccentric training regimens although he said I was being difficult this time around and that he'd have to spend extra of his precious time breaking me in all over again. Just that thought alone made me want to escape from wherever he was keeping me that much faster. I needed to see Duo again anyway. Wing would be ready very soon then I would be able to make my escape.I'd already planned it out too. In just a little while longer everything would be set for my escape. I didn't remember much about the crash, just that I had had no choice at that time. Then I remembered Duo's tear-filled eyes. I also recalled making love to Duo the night before the mission which was probably the happiest memory I had. My beautiful baka. I had a feeling that I really shouldn't have stayed much longer where I was. I just knew that something wasn't right with Duo. I just knew it somehow.Dr. J entered my dull, plain gray room and told me that my Gundam was perfectly completed, the way it should be and to meet him in the library for more training at 8 o'clock that evening. 'Yeah right' I'd thought sarcastically to myself. Like I was going to waste anymore time with the old man. I was so out of there. I had escaped relatively easily, considering who J was. Doctor J had definitely skimped out on security at his place this time.

~don't know, but I believe in yesterday
And what it means
To bleed and know that you're okay

Are you waiting?
No matter what you say
No matter what you do
No matter what, I'm always right there behind you
No matter what, I'm always right there behind you~(Safe house in Okinawa)(Duo's POV)"Duo, come on, wake up," Wufei's mildly irritated voice registered in my foggy mind."Mmm," I groaned groggily, cracking my eyes open just a bit. My head was pounding beyond belief, I was sweating and I was fucking freezing. I was shaking and I felt like I was gonna throw up all over again although I doubted that for lack of substance to vomit. I was worse than any hangover I had ever had before in my entire sixteen years of life."Duo? How do you feel?" Wufei asked, concern written clear across his face. Wufei okay, I mean I really must have freaked them out if even Wufei-Mr-stick-up-the-ass had been worried about me. "I feel like I've been ran over by a wild stampede of Aries then sat on by Heavyarms," I rasped harshly, my throat scratchy from puking. I looked up gratefully as a water bottle was placed into my shaky hands."Duo, Quatre is a wreck. You really scared the shit out of us you know? We all agree that it's time we call Sally. We're worried about you, so please just humor us, okay?" he asked pleadingly. I just nodded silently, not having enough energy to argue. I didn't really want to see a doctor, but I guessed it was better than dying unnecessarily.After that incident, I felt absolutely fine, positively healthy except for that weird feeling that still clung to the bottom of my stomach. That was still there. Well, I pretty much completely fine except I seemed to feel nauseous in the mornings. It didn't last throughout the day, so I brushed it off as nerves. I tried to convince the guys that it wasn't necessary that we drag Sally all the way here from Tokyo, just for an overnight bug, but they refused to give in, saying it would do me good to get a check up anyway. It was like arguing with a brick wall; they would not budge.I jerked my head toward the door as it opened. Trowa and Wufei entered my room quietly, the door hardly making a sound as the came in. "What?" I snapped at them irritably. They studied me for a minute before speaking."Duo what's wrong, I mean really wrong? You've been different ever since Heero's dea-disappearance. What happened?" Trowa asked tentatively, his emerald eyes searching for answers hidden within my own."You really wanna know?" I questioned agitatedly. They both nodded slightly, curious as to what my problem was. "Well, maybe it's the fact that you guys secretly talk about Heero like he's dead! And that I'm a stark, raving, mad lunatic which I am not by the way. Forgive me for being a little edgy when my best friends think I'm nuts because my lover just disappeared off the face of the planet without a trace okay? I'm having a little trouble dealing with that at the moment," I groused sarcastically. They both looked to the floor sheepishly like dogs that had gotten in trouble for shitting on the carpet or stealing from the garbage. If they'd had tails, they would have had them tucked between their legs in shame. It served them right too. They deserved to feel guilty about it.There was a light tap on the door and then Quatre entered. He looked at the others questioningly before speaking to me, "Um Duo, Sally's here," he said softly."Whatever," I snipped angrily. Quatre flinched visibly and I immediately felt guilty for being so rude to the kind blond. I really wasn't in a good mood though. I didn't know why they kept bugging me when I obviously was easily provoked at the moment. I had been puking again which meant that their resolve to make Sally come had been solidified. They all backed out quickly as Sally entered. She gave them strange looks as they tiptoed out of my room. I glared icily at them until they were gone."So Duo, what seems to be the trouble?" Sally inquired lightly. I turned my furious glare on her instead of the now closed door. My face softened as I saw the genuine concern in her usually stern blue-gray eyes."I'm sick." I replied plainly, not really wanting to divulge the bitter details of my ailment.She raised an eyebrow before asking," You never get sick. Are you eating well? Getting an adequate amount of sleep?" I sighed in obvious defeat. She wasn't going to leave until she was satisfied with my answers. "Well, I was, that is until I got sick. Now I can't sleep 'cause I'm always feverish and uncomfortable and I can't eat 'cause everythin' I eat comes back up on me. I swear to god the toilet gets more to eat than I do," I explained grumpily, crossing my arms over my chest.She scribbled some stuff onto her pad of paper and I assumed she had written down what I'd described, "I see," she said thoughtfully before continuing, "Are there any other symptoms besides fever, discomfort and vomiting?" she questioned in a professional tone."Yeah I get these flashes of heat out of nowhere and then I get really cold out of the blue. I'm irritable and moody all the time. I feel overly nauseous in the mornings and I have this weird feeling in my stomach, not a bad feeling just kinda strange," I counted off on my fingers, "Oh and I can't stand the smell of certain foods. They make me throw up," I finished idly with a heavy sigh.Sally hummed and hawed for a few minutes as she scribbled the rest of the symptoms down on the lined paper she held. "Well," she sighed, " This has to be the most peculiar thing I've ever heard," she said, tapping a fingertip to her chin in thought."What?" I asked, beginning to panic. What did she mean by 'peculiar'?"Duo, these symptoms only occur together when a woman goes through pregnancy," she explained, giving me an odd look. My eyes widened and my mouth hung open haphazardly."S-so what you're saying is-- You're telling me that I'm-- That I'm-- P-pregnant?" I sputtered incredulously. How was that even physically possible? Pregnant!? Me, Duo Maxwell, pronounced male!? Jesus Christ on a fucking bicycle eating crackers!"Well it appears so. I would assume it would have to do with experiments performed on you while you were under Professor G's care. You should take a pregnancy test to be sure and I'll take some blood, but I'm pretty positive that you are pregnant if your symptoms are anything to go by. Do you know when your last sexual encounter was and with whom? I should need to know that information, so that I can set a due date and have the birthing papers properly in order," she confirmed as though it were not completely insane sounding. I gaped at her. How in the hell could she be so calm? Due date?"Due date?" I questioned, confusedly."Well yes, of course. You know, the date when the baby will be born, unless you're going to have an abortion. I would strongly recommend that you do so, although you may already be too far along,"she spoke softly like she was trying to calm me down."I-I don't think I could do that Sally. I couldn't kill it. It just wouldn't feel right. What info did you need to know?" I asked, still in shock."When you last had sexual intercourse and with whom?" she repeated her earlier questions."Six months and three weeks ago, with," I stalled, unable to force the words out."With?" Sally pushed on, an eyebrow raised in question."Heero," I whispered. It was just hitting me. Heero was the father of my unborn child! How had things turned out to be so fucked up?!"Oh dear, are you sure?" she asked."Yes, I'm sure damn it! Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a slut. I've only ever slept with Heero. It has to be him," I clarified defensively. Sally nodded and scribbled down the information. I heaved a stress-filled sigh."I'm sorry Duo. I mean, about Heero-" she began quietly. I knew that tone well enough by now.I cut in, "Save it! He's not dead, I know it.""I hope you're right. Um Duo, because you're so far along in the pregnancy I must schedule an ultrasound right away. Perhaps tomorrow? It's strange that you've not gained any weight since the baby began to grow," she said almost to herself. I nodded to the question and she took her leave, a look of pondering on her face.Sally was right; it was odd that I didn't look pregnant. I didn't say so, but I had actually gained a couple of pounds. I guessed it really didn't matter all that much.I could hear the others battering her with questions as soon as she left my room. Nosy bastards that they were. I heard their collective gasps and a string of Chinese curses as she explained the diagnosis to my esteemed comrades. Damn, I was in for some kind of hell after she left.I laid back on my bed, savoring whatever peace I still had. My fever was beginning to give me a headache. I just hoped the others wouldn't give me too much hassle when they came to speak with me, which I knew was inevitable.There was a tap at the door. Speaking of the devil, Quatre, Wufei, and Trowa walked in, looking concerned. They sort of looked happy I guessed. "Duo?" Quatre called as he sat down next to me, putting his hands over mine kindly, his thumbs rubbing over the backs of my knuckles in smooth circular motions."Hmm?" I murmured softly in acknowledgment. I looked into his worried aquamarine eyes. He was looking back at me, our gazes meeting silently."Duo, we know about the baby. Sally told us everything. She-she also told us that you probably should get an abortion. Duo, you won't, will you?" he asked, his voice was so soft that it was more like a whisper and a little shaky and he looked like he was going to cry.I shook my head negatively, "No Quat. I refuse to. I couldn't kill something as innocent as a baby, especially not my own," I tried to smile as I said the words, but I failed miserably and tears began to well up in my own blue-violet orbs. What the hell was going on?"But Duo, you're not ready for a kid and-and we're in the middle of a war for God's sake! How will you take care of it? Are you going to put it up for adoption? You're only sixteen. And-and what if you don't survive the birth?" Wufei basically interrogated."Listen, I know the risks and I know that its gonna be hard, but I've got great friends that will help me out. I can't stand the thought of killing it. And besides I can't make the decision on my own. The baby's father has a say too," I answered quietly, hoping to sooth my migraine."Don't abandon it Duo!" Trowa exclaimed all of the sudden, making me jump. We all looked at him in confusion. I didn't think any of us had ever heard him exclaim anything before. "I'm sorry, it's just if you put it up for adoption, that's like abandoning it. I-I just don't like to think of what that's like for a child. I went through that when I was young. I think I agree with you to keep it," he explained, his tone returning to normal. I nodded as did Quatre, showing his support as well."Duo, who's the father?" the 04 pilot inquired tentatively."Heero," I replied simply. I couldn't look at their shocked faces. Silent tears streaked down my cheeks."What?!" Wufei blew up. It had been too much for him. I winced at the harshness and the volume of his voice."Are you sure?" Trowa asked pensively. I closed my eyes on my tears, hoping to swallow them down and face my friends."Yes, I'm sure," I confirmed softly, my voice quivering just the slightest."How can you be certain?" Wufei demanded. He still seemed kind of angry at the whole situation."Heero took my virginity almost seven months ago," I explained shakily, hoping beyond hope that my answer would put a stop to their questions. They all nodded without a word. Quatre blushed slightly. I smiled a small sad smile. Gods, what was I going to do?~by the atmosphere
You breath, you choke, you breath again
Conversation disappears
You realize they're not your friends
The panic of the future rears
You dig, you jerk
You find another way~(Safehouse- Next Day)"Damn! That shit's cold!" I exclaimed as Sally smeared blue jelly on my still flat stomach, although it was a bit more full than it used to be. The petroleum jelly was freezing."Language! You don't want your newborn to learn those curse words do you? I'm sorry about the temperature, but I didn't have time to warm it up in lukewarm water because you were too impatient and wanted to get this stupid thing over with as you so crudely put it,"she replied sternly. That got me to shut up. You know, Sally was going to make a great mother someday."Well, you don't seem to be getting bigger at all," she trailed off as though she was talking to herself. As she hooked up the ultrasound machines, she frowned, her brows drawing together slightly, making her look older than her mere twenty years."Is it a bad thing?" I wondered. I was starting to get concerned about it."Possibly. If your hips don't widen, it will be very difficult to deliver the baby. It may become distressed if it gets stuck," she explained as she began to move the small machine over my stomach."Stuck?" I repeated. Hips widen? Wait a minute where was this thing being born from?"Well yes. I imagine it will come out the way it got in," she replied with a small knowing smile. My eyes widened impossibly."Oh there she is. Wow!" Sally exclaimed. It made me wonder which one of us was having this baby although it was amazing to see the tiny body on the black and white screen.
~don't know, but I believe in yesterday
And what it means
To bleed and know that you're okay

Are you waiting?~
(Two months later)I was in labor the moment it was beyond shitty. Contractions hurt like a bitch. I'd never experienced anything like it. I'd been shot and stabbed with shrapnel, punched, burned, and a billion other painful things, but nothing compared to labor. And the worst part of it was that I had three sixteen year old guys in the room freaking out with me and I was the one that was in labor!"Oh my god! Is that the head?" Quatre exclaimed ridiculously. I wasn't even fully unclothed yet. Sally was on her way right then and she had told me to be ready for when she got there, so I was in the middle of undressing while my comrades ran about like chickens with their heads chopped off.There was a loud thump and I looked over to see Wufei passed out on the floor. Then the door flew open and everything changed from semi-stressful to a thousand miles a minute. I didn't even have time to blink. My clothes were gone and I was on my back on the bed with my legs spread. “Jesus shit Christ!” I swore as Sally hitched my legs up, gazing at my most intimate areas.Sally was barking orders and looking between my legs every couple of minutes. It felt really weird to have everyone see my rear end amongst other private things. I felt really embarrassed. Whoa! What the hell was Sally doing now?"Sally what the hell are you doing?" I almost yelled as she poked around in between my thighs. She was touching some very private areas. Ones that no one, but Heero should have been privy to touching."I have to get the muscles to relax so that the baby will be able to get out easier," she explained, rnning her fingertips around my entrance, "Okay now on the count of three I want you to push okay?" My eyes widened as she said those words. Oh god, this was it."1,2, and 3," Sally counted out loudly. And I did. I clenched my eyes shut. It stung like a bitch as my rear stretched impossibly wide and I wondered if it would ever be normal again. "Okay, that's good. Breathe and we'll go again," she commanded and looked back under the sheet she'd placed over my spread legs. Quatre and Trowa were on either side of me, watching anxiously, their eyes glued to Sally.Sally counted again and then I pushed harder than the last time. Gods, it hurt. Next time a woman said I didn't know what the pain of childbirth was like she was going to get an earful. Damn! I screamed incoherently as I pushed."I can see the head Duo. Just one more big push. Here we go! 1,2,3!"she called out loudly, encouraging me. I pushed as hard as I could, the muscles in my abdomen burning with the effort. I screamed again and then it was like a great pressure was lifted. My ass was searing like a motherfucker and I was totally spent, but relief was already washing over me. I closed my eyes and just breathed for a few seconds. I didn't here any noise, no baby cries, nothing. My eyes shot open, panic setting in instantly."Where's the baby? I-is she alright?" I asked frantically. Sally turned around and smiled as she held a small bundle out to me. I reached out my shaking hands and took the bundle from her. I looked down at my new baby girl for the first time ever. She was beautiful. She was so tiny, like a wrinkly, red doll. She yawned and then her eyes opened dazedly. I wondered idly how a newborn could be so mild-mannered, but I didn't complain. I brushed her dark hair back from her forehead gently with just the tips of my fingers. She wrinkled her forehead and it reminded me of Heero. Her eyes were a dark blue violet colour that reflected both Heero and my eyes. She looked just like him, I thought. Everything about her reminded me about him. I smiled."Duo? What is her name?" Sally asked tentatively. I looked at the now sleeping baby in my arms curled comfortably in my arms. I didn't take my eyes off of her."Leanna," I answered quietly. Sally nodded silently. They all slowly drifted out of the room, leaving me with my baby.A little while later Sally brought in a bottle of formula. I was glad that we'd bought all the supplies the baby would need over the last two months. She handed the bottle to me and I began to feed Lea. She gulped down the food like she was starved. How could she be, she had just popped out of me an hour or so ago? I grinned, already in love with her. She may look like Heero, but she definitely had my appetite.
~matter what you say
No matter what you do
No matter what, I'm always right there behind you
No matter what you say
No matter what you do
No matter what, I'm always right there behind you~(Five years later- present)

(Duo)Heero never did come back after the war. I still don't believe that he's dead, just lost somewhere, maybe even looking for me. He's never even seen his daughter. She's so beautiful, growing up so fast.Her hair is grown long and is usually held back in pigtails or braids. She loves to play with my hair and she hopes she can grow hers as long as mine one day. She's still tiny for her age, but she's healthy and as hyper as I am. She starts grade one in the fall. She's so excited about it too. She turns five next week and she keeps asking about her present as if I will actually tell her what it is if she keeps asking me.

She's up already. I can hear her tiptoeing down the hall. Too bad I'm a master at stealth and can hear her every move. She sneaks into the room and just as she's about to grab me and yell, I grab her and yank her under the covers with me. She screams and giggles. I laugh and tickle her.After we are calm again, I get up. "C'mon squirt, let's go brush our teeth and put our hair up," I suggest with a yawn. She smiles and nods to my words. I give her a piggyback to the bathroom. She giggles and tells me to 'giddy up'. I pretend to whinny like a horse and run the rest of the way to the blue bathroom."Daddy, I want pigtails today," she says excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet. I nod and remind her that we have to brush our teeth first. We use the purple bubblegum toothpaste that I always buy and then she sits on the toilet seat. I brush out the bedtime tangles and grab a couple of purple hair bands with flower bobbles on them. I part her soft, chocolate brown locks with the chestnut streaks in them and pull it into pigtails expertly. I then begin to pull my meter and a half long hair into a high ponytail. She hugs me around the neck and plants a moist kiss on my cheek as I am finishing up.I smile and she grins back at me. "Hey squirt, what do you say we go to the park when we're done breakfast?" I ask as we hopped down the stairs."Yeah!" she exclaims loudly, jumping up and down with barely contained energy. I grin and proceed making breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes are on the menu this morning.After we eat and put our dishes in the dishwasher, we leave a note on the door for Marcia, the mail lady so that she knows why Lea isn't at the door to greet her this morning. It says, 'Gone to park. Love Lea.'We walk the three blocks down to the park and Lea tells me what she plans to do there today. I smile and tell her that she has a good plan. We hold hands, swinging them back and forth playfully as we made our way to our favourite playground.We arrive at the park and I sit in the long grass and watch her play. She brings me a caterpillar she found on the slide and sits next to me."Look daddy, he's got blue spots," she says intelligently, pointing at the cerulean coloured spots on the insect's back. I watch her and smile."What are you going to name him?" I ask curiously. She wrinkles her forehead like Heero used to when he was thinking and then after a moment of thought, her dark eyes light up."Mr. Skittles," she answers with a proud grin. I laugh and nod several times."That's a good name. Maybe we'll take him home and wait to see what kind of butterfly he turns into," I offer."Okie, but first he has to spin himself into a cocoon. He won't be a moth because he's not fuzzy. Moth capitilars are fuzzy," she recites. I smile at her pronunciation. She's very smart for an almost five year old, though sometimes she has trouble with speech, which I've been told is completely normal for her age."Daddy, what was my other daddy like?" she asks suddenly. I glance over at her, meeting her matching purplish eyes. Unlike some parents, I had told my little girl everything. She had pictures of Heero and I had told her all about him. She thought it was very humorous that he had never laughed when I was acting funny."He was very strong and very special to me," I describe thoughtfully. She watches me."I pray to the baby Jesus every night. I ask him if he can find my other daddy and bring him home to us," she tells me. I don't tell her that Jesus never really existed or that god is a fantasy. I just smile and nod. Children have to have something to believe in."Maybe if you be a good girl, he will answer your prayers," I suggest and she nods happily.She puts Mr. Skittles on my arm and takes the tennis ball I brought with us over to the brick wall. I stand slowly, my eyes on my arm as I do, so that I don't drop the caterpillar. When I look up there is a man standing next to Lea. She is saying something to him and then she hands him the ball. He tosses it and catches it. Then he kneels down and talks to her. She giggles. I am starting to get scared. I swallow reflexively and I walk swiftly towards them.As I get closer I can here Lea talking. "Daddy's over there with Mr. Skittles. Would you like to see?" she's asking, her voice soft and filled with cheer. The stranger nods silently. I stop as they turn towards me. Lea grabs the man's hand and pulls him towards me."Daddy! Look, my prayers came true!" she exclaims, tugging the man along behind her. I look at her, puzzled. Then the stranger steps closer to me."Duo?" his voice is so familiar as he speaks my name. My eyes grow wide. Heero?"Oh my god! Heero, is that really you?" I almost whisper in disbelief. He looks up from the little girl tugging at his coat. Joyful tears begin to fall down my cheeks. I run to him and hug him. He hugs me back tightly. I can't believe this is happening.He kisses me then, his lips crushing against my own. Then Lea is pushing her way between us. I laugh through my tears.Heero looks down at her then picks her up and gives her a kiss on the cheek. She giggles and throws her arms around his neck. He's surprised."She knew who I was Duo," he states disbelievingly. I nod, smiling softly.“Of course, she knows who her other daddy is. I've told her all about you," I reply quietly. Something tickles my neck. I put my hand there and realize that I had forgotten about Mr. Skittles, whom has traveled up my arm to my neck while I wasn't paying attention. I laugh and put him back on my hand.Heero takes my other hand. Leanna is on his shoulders. We walk slowly back towards my house. I might actually get my happily ever after after all.(Heero POV)After I had escaped from Doctor J's lab, I had no idea where I was and I was terribly disoriented. J quickly caught up with me and sedated me. I went through several months of training, but I was smarter this time and J never broke me. I let him think he had control until I could be free.During the time I was being trained the other pilots never knew I was alive. They took over all the missions which were few during the seven or eight months I had been trained. After J was satisfied that I was up to par, he gave me a barrage of missions,keeping me too busy to look for my lover. They were all one right after the other. I never had time to contact the other pilots.After the war had ended, I finally began my search for the others and myself. Before I found them or Duo, the Mariemaia war happened. I was lost after that. I sent my Gundam to Quatre and began my search for Duo all over again. He'd moved around several times then disappeared completely. He didn't come to either of the parties that I had gone to at Relena's. He practically fell off the map.It took me nearly three years to track him down and three months to convince myself to go see him. It was a semi-warm day in May when I finally did go to see him. I was on my way, but as I walked through a park towards the location I knew to be his home. I saw two people. One was a young girl. She looked to be about four or five years old. She had long hair that was put up in pigtails. She was quite an adorable little thing. When she saw me, she got really excited. She asked if I wanted to play ball with her.I had told her I didn't think her daddy would like it if she were playing with a stranger. She giggled and said I was silly because she already knew who I was. I looked at her confusedly. She put the ball in my hand and told me to throw it then catch it. She reminded me completely of Duo. She just had his personality and his smile for some odd reason.Later after Duo and I were reunited and I learned that the little girl, Leanna Rae Yuy as she was named was my only daughter. Duo had explained the pregnancy and I'd apologized for not being there for him during it. I was actually disappointed that I hadn't been there.

We were happy and I moved in with them easily, after all, I had nothing else to go back to. We had some trouble with the sleeping arrangements at first and there was quite a damper on our sex life, seeing as Lea liked to crawl into bed with us in the middle of the night. We ended up putting a lock on the door, just so we at least had a warning before we let her in.Duo wants to try again for another child soon. I'm not sure if I want him to. He could die giving birth. He really wants another one. I did too even though the risks were dangerous. I loved him and our family together, so I was willing to try. I was just glad that I was alive to be here for it.~open up my veins now I don't feel the same
no no no
You open up my brain but I wont be replaced

No matter what you say
No matter what you do
No matter what I'm always right there behind you
No matter what I'm always right there behind you
No matter what I'm always right there behind you
No matter what I'm always right there behind you~*~Owari~*

I hope you all enjoyed the stories. I rewrote them, so I hope they were improved enough for everyone. Please review, I really appreciate the feedback.
