Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You Will Go ❯ Lyrics ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Heero stared blankly at his view screen, ice-like eyes calm in stark contrast to the emotions that were currently running through his mind. Just how had Trowa and Quatre gained the upper hand in that …conversation? He shook his head. The only other person who had the power to get under his skin like that was Duo.

It had been under five minutes since Heero had finished 'talking' with the determined duo, and in that time his thoughts had again rampaged, and despite the sudden developments that had occurred in his psyche, Heero decided he definitely did not like the process of 'social' thinking much. Sociality was confusing, he decided grudgingly. Fine, if it led him to Duo, then that was good. But otherwise…?

Heero frowned. Yes, sociality was definitely something that he was going to have to work on, especially if he was going to be with Duo.


The barely breathed name brought a sudden stop to his present train of thought and started him on another that was certainly twice as confusing. What if Duo didn't accept him? Could he face it? Shaking his head, Heero snorted. Failure was not an option. Duo was top priority - a priority that needed to optimised soon.

Sudden worry flooded Heero's senses, and concerned, he again opened the mission log he had hacked from Duo's computer earlier, checking it for any further details. There were none. Expelling a frustrated breath, Heero put his gundam on autopilot and read the message again.


Have heard that your last mission failed. This mission is the same as the last. Destroy the rather large remains of the base, and make sure there are no survivors.

Do not let this mission be like your last,


The sickly green writing illuminated Heero's face from the otherwise black background as he read, and reread the mission outline. His frown deepened visibly when he read the last line. Do not let this mission be like your last, he scoffed. It was not Duo that had botched the mission…it had been him. Yes, him. The Heero Yuy had screwed it up, and it had all resulted in Duo going on another mission.

Heero inhaled a shaky breath. He had saved Duo then. Though… he had also yelled at him, and unbeknownst to the braided pilot, unconsciously blamed him for screwing up the mission when it none of it was really his fault. Heero had compromised a mission so Duo could live, rigging the explosives and weakening them to save his life. But now his life was at risk again, and he was alone in a place with much higher security.

Life was hard, the Japanese pilot decided as he hurried his gundam back to the safehouse. Explosives…in duffel bag under floor. Fake ID…duffel bag. Unconsciously Heero found himself listing off equipment he considered requisite to gain access to the OZ base. And to help Duo.

Without further thought Heero took control of the gundam once again, and gunned it to the limit.

Heero found it took a little too much time for his comfort to get back to the gloomy safehouse. When he got there the dull entablature greeted him just as enthusiastically as it had the night before, and the Wing pilot found his mood was quickly as damp as the mouldy ceiling above him. He hurried onwards, not wanting to delay in getting to Duo before it was too late. An angry Duo could in essence be a careless Duo, or, he dreaded to think, a captured Duo.

This thought made Heero scurry even quicker, though he knew Duo was not an incapable pilot, even, no…definitely by himself.

In no time he had the tiny couch shifted to a nearby corner, alone and insignificant. In the ultimate hurry he tore the small manhole from the floor, accidentally snapping the rotten planks as ineffectively as twigs as he ravaged under the floor.

Reaching down, his hand snagged on the rough canvass of his duffel bag. He pulled it up and was just about to leave when another lump under the floorboards caught his eye. Again he reached down and pulled up another bag. Different only in the weight and the small neatly sewn-on self-caricature of Shinigami, Duo's duffel bag was heavy, and bearing many of the left over explosives they hadn't needed the night before. It bore a heavy reminder of what was at stake, and what could go wrong if the mission didn't go as planned.

Heero's eyes caught the hand-span ornament on the duffel, and he cringed. The large and devilishly wicked violet eyes glared up at him. The small mouth curled upwards in the trademark mocking laugh that was The God of Death. Frowning, the Japanese pilot remembered the smile hadn't been like that last night. And instead, the eyes had been cold and ruthless, the mouth curved downward in a wolfish snarl.

I hate you. The words echoed in his mind, and Heero pushed them to the back of his head, while making his way back out the door. It couldn't be true.

Scaling his way up Wing, Heero chucked the bags roughly into his gundam and strapped himself in his harness. Behind him, he could feel the eyes of the tiny Duo boring into the back of his head. I am insane, he thought, unamused. That baka of a thing is getting to me.

Turning around, he could make out the tiny figure with its malevolent smile. He quickly ignored it and faced forward, concentrating vaguely in more of a mild stupor on the controls of his gundam as he lifted off into the sky.

Coming out of his thoughts, Heero frowned slightly as he heard a sound coming from behind him. Glowering at the distraction and having to inspect what it was, he dreaded having to face the small image on the bag.

Placing Wing on autopilot, Heero listened carefully and recognised it as coming from behind him Duo's bag. Once again he ignored the elfin image as he reached back to gather the weighty bag in his arms. Definitely louder now, Heero found himself rummaging through the bag, and vaguely he recognised the sound as a song.

CD player, Heero thought dully, and he rummaged further. Must have accidentally pushed the Play button when I chucked the bags in here.

Eventually his hand closed around the small portable player, and strangely he pulled it out instead of turning it straight off. Putting a minute headphone up to his ear, he heaved in a strangled breath as the lyrics drifted in through his ears.

"…If a great wave should fall
It would fall upon us all
And between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own…"

He remembered this song; he had even been with Duo when he'd bought the CD.

"…If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go…"

They had been undercover in a nearby school, and typically Duo had insisted they go out and see the sights despite their orders to lay low. Grudgingly Heero had been left with Duo and had been forced to go with him; just to keep him out of trouble, of course. The streets had been packed, and he remembered how hard it had been to keep track of the other boy. If it wasn't for the occasional yank of the braid, he was sure despite his training, he would have lost track of him.

Soon enough, a colourful CD shop had caught the American boy's eye, and despite his utmost protests about the time, Heero had found himself following the other boy so as not to lose him. After half an hour of Duo sampling music, the braided boy had finally bought three CD's, this one amongst them.

"…And maybe, I'll find out
The way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you
Through the darkest of your days
If a great wave should fall
It would fall upon us all
Well I hope there's someone out there
Who can bring me back to you…"

Looking back, the laughter on Duo's face as he'd hurried along the streets in excitement hurt him. He had changed Duo in that fight, and it was up to him fix things before it was too late.

"…If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go…"

The truth and relation in the song's words haunted him, and not one to like distraction Heero once again took hold of the controls on his gundam, but unconsciously left the ear-phone in, caught in the music.

"…Runaway with my heart
Runaway with my hope
Runaway with my love…"

Checking the co-ordinates, Heero winced. It was still too far to go for his liking, what if…?

"…I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart and your mind
I'll stay with you for all of time…

…If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go…"

More focussed and determined than he had been before, Heero set his mind and turned off the portable CD player, chucking it back into the bag with uncommon care and discarding it into the corner with the other bag.

Vaguely, he noticed, the tiny Shinigami was facing away from him this time, laughing quietly in the corner instead of to his face.

Insane, was his last thought, before he blinked out that thought, and readied himself for the task that was before him.

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AUTHORS NOTES: Okay guys, tell me what you think, as always, and thank you everyone for the wicked reviews. READ AND REVIEW …again, please? ^v^

