Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You Will Go ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

NOTE: Tell me what you think……I don't write much action pieces, so tell me how I'm going so far. Thanks…and remember…PLEASE REVIEW!!! ~_^


The dull lighting in the room caused a faint buzzing noise, and as Duo found himself stuck for places to go, he cursed at the irritating noise in a futile attempt to dispel it. Added to that were the footsteps that were steadily growing louder. Shouts accompanied this, and as the level of distraction rose, the braided boy fingered his long braid in frustration, letting out an equally annoyed breath.

"How the hell do I get myself into these messes…"

Duo's wide violet eyes scanned the room, searching for a way out. He pursed his lips as his head turned to the door behind him, and then back again to the roughly eight by six metre room. Empty crates lined the uniform white walls, and metal-framed shelves dotted the room, making it look smaller than it really was, giving anyone a lot less room than they needed to move about. Even if he could…

His shoulder twinged and throbbed with threads of pain, reminding him of its annoying, but injured presence. Briefly he examined the sluggishly bleeding wound. True, it was sore; but he'd had worse and come out fine. There was no exit wound though, and annoyed, Duo frowned at the thought of having to dig the bullet out. It would have to wait; it wasn't bleeding too badly, but removing the bullet at the moment would aggravate it more. He tried moving his arm, and was met with a sharp pain - it did not move.

Dammit…he winced as he realised there was little chance of getting out of the base - his arm was as good as dead, and with nowhere to go, he had to face it. With another squadron or so coming down the hall behind him, it seemed his luck was running out. It would be impossible to actually run anywhere, but at least the detonator was still in his pocket.

Eagerly, Duo shook the shelves, noting happily that they weren't firmly attached to the ground and could be pushed over if necessary. If only he had had more time, maybe he could have even made a small fort - enough to withstand the forces until he managed to signal someone for help. Help, he thought. Yeah right. I'm stuck because of my own stupidity. Nice Duo, real smooth.

Laughing despite himself, the American pilot shook his head. If he added the word 'baka' in his own reprimands he'd even sound like Heero.

Duo was immediately subdued at the thought of the name.

"Heero," he rambled. "I'm stuck here in a hole of a…well basically a closet, and I'm thinking about Heero instead of escaping. How the hell did I get so-"

"02, we're coming in! We know you're in there!"

Duo started at the voice, immediately bringing his gun up to the ready. His injured shoulder protested the movement however, and he switched the weapon to his left hand. He ignored the voices, and instead concentrated on moving himself to a better position in the room.

Finding a spot he deemed as decent as any, Duo was surprised more than anyone when the door opened almost immediately and seven officers filed into the room, firearms posed for the kill. They covered the space between them in no time, closing the door and arranging themselves in something akin to order, all the while keeping their guns trained on him, the target.

Sizing them up, he realised that five out of the seven were all pretty small - and no different from the others he had encountered before. But that said, Duo himself was small, and the Oz soldier who'd shot him before had been small too. In this situation and with little he could do, he guessed size didn't mean anything.

Ammunition did. And even though he had a fresh round, and plenty of bullets ready for use in his bag, he doubted he'd get the chance to get to it without being shot, killed at worst. He sighed and assumed his best fake grin.

"Hey guys."

An officer who Duo deemed to be in charge cocked his head to the side slightly, grinning back but in a much more savage way. You're first buddy, the American grinned as he considered the rest of the opposition. Most looked like newbies, but there were two that seemed fairly adept, the sneering one obviously the leader though he still stood in line. Both appeared to be more arrogant than the others, if only from the slightly wild look in their eyes and their thrust-up chins, rather than anything else.

The one Duo assumed to be the team leader stepped forward, gun still drawn, the same ugly sneer plastered on his face. He was at least a foot taller than Duo, and though he knew that he wasn't exactly tall himself, the soldier's height was clearly enhanced by his athletic build.

"Bag on the floor 02, the gun too. No sudden movements or we will shoot."

I'd jump at the chance, but if I'm going down, I may as well have some fun while I'm at it…

Duo's grin widened tauntingly, and he laughed. "Yeah man. I've heard that before. I've got to hand it to y'all. You guys never change your routine, despite what people like me always tell you. Bores a guy half to death, no pun intended, hearing 'hands up, gun down', all the time. Some originality wouldn't-"

"Shut up-"

"Heard that before too-"

"I said-"

"-Shut up."

A deeper voice than before cut the air, and searching for the source Duo noticed a slightly larger man enter the room from behind the others. Realising he had come alone, Duo tensed visibly. The man clearly radiated power and supremacy. He noticed how the other men moved aside for him, and even how the previous controlling officer took a small step to the left, allowing the new one to stand immediately before him.


Duo bowed, never taking his eyes off the man before him. "The one and only."

"Good. Place your gun on the floor, slowly. Do the same with your bag." Tired of the same old games, pursed his lips.

"Fine," he pouted with a lopsided grin and winked at the unyielding officers. "But I demand to keep my make up, my perfume and my-"

"02! Enough!" The man was no nonsense and wasn't intimidated by the young pilot's carefree attitude. He evidently dealt with people like him before. Shit. We've got something serious going down here…what to do, what to do…

Duo simply laughed and bent to put the bag on the ground, hiding a wince as the coarse straps grazed his limp arm. He vaguely noticed the vivid blood that stained the straps and the parts of the bag that had been flush against his back. He chucked the gun to the ground and placed his uninjured hand on his hip, slouching and mocking the rigid stance of the other soldiers.

"Dobson. Pick this up." The officer indicated toward the bag and a young soldier scuttled forward and bent down, not taking his eyes off the young pilot. He retreated quickly upon obtaining the gear, handing it to that who had given the order.

In an instant the bag was open, and unconsciously Deathscythe's pilot winced at having lost so many beloved explosives, not to mention a complete change of clothes.

"This can't be all. You planted a bomb in which we cannot disarm. Where is the detonator?" When Duo simply tapped his foot and began to whistle inanely the head soldier jerked his head toward the more than amused pilot.

"Search him."

In the brief instant that it took for the man to say the words and the actual soldier to set his first foot forward, Duo knew this would be his only chance to gain control of this downward spiralling situation. Almost impatiently despite the little time it took the solder to get to him, he tapped his foot even harder.

As the man named Dobson came forward timidly, Duo reset his trademark grin and raised an entertained brow. The obviously unsettled soldier stopped and looked back at his commanding officer.

"What are you waiting for? Search him." In mild ire the officer jerked his chin toward Duo, indicating him to step forward. He did, albeit slowly, not taking his eyes off Duo's.

Duo tensed, glad his too-big and baggy OZ uniform concealed any small movement that he might make. He knew the detonator was still in his pocket. No matter what it took, he wouldn't let them get it. He wouldn't stuff up anything else.

The soldier began patting his back and shoulders, searching for any concealed object, and as the man finished that and moved down towards Duo's disguised pocket, the American pilot delivered a vicious kick to the downward facing man's torso, winding him.

Then, three things happened at once. The soldier keeled inward on himself as Duo caught his gun from his limp hand. The officer barked an order and gunfire tore through the air at point blank range, effectively killing the young Private as Duo pulled him up to protect himself. His injured shoulder ached with the bustle and Duo's eyes teared with the effort of keeping the man - now a literal dead weight, up high enough to keep himself covered.

The head officer - Colonel Jacobs Duo read as he got closer - snarled and raised his arm to the men in a silent gesture. They stopped firing immediately. He noticed the men were more spread out now, and centred in the only open space in the room, he was almost surrounded. He backed against the shelf behind him, keeping his gun raised.


"Sir." The previous commanding officer stepped forward, a wild look in his eyes as he focussed only on Duo. Jacobs smiled sombrely at seeing this, and turned to leave. He stopped at the door.

"Private Dobson was your step brother, was he not?"

"Yes sir. We were close." Thompson eyed Duo with barely withheld contempt, and in between concentrating on the officer before him he emphatically waved his gun at the young pilot in warning.

"Like real brothers? Friends even?" Colonel Jacobs turned briefly and holstered his gun in one swift movement, folding his arms and clearly examining the officer before him.

"Like real brothers, sir." Thompson's hard stare and at-attention expression aimed toward Duo didn't waver as he answered.

"Good then. You can take care of this."

"On what grounds?"

"We need 02 alive for questioning. Other than that do what you like, just keep him subdued. I want to hear nothing of an escape from these grounds. Have him at Interrogation Room One in an hour." And with that, he turned and left, leaving Duo in a room with six fully armed and uninjured soldiers.

Life wasn't fair Duo decided as they began to surround him like wolves do their prey. He flinched as gravity tried to pull the limp, but gangly soldier he was holding to the floor, tugging on his already injured shoulder. Hauling him up like a heavy sack of potatoes, Duo found it harder than it was worth to keep his gun aimed at the same time.

"So," he laughed somewhat nervously. "This was your brother? Damn, he's heavier than he looks. Doesn't look like you, though I guess that's probably a good thing, huh?" Duo squinted as he made a show of examining Thompson's face from behind his brother, grinning in tense anticipation while awaiting a reaction.

The glint in Thompson's eye didn't change, and he ignored Duo's previous comment. Instead, he looked around at the other men, who had by now relaxed somewhat. He grinned and jeered, indicating at the American.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a wee gundam pilot on our hands. He doesn't look that tough, and after all, that was only my step brother. What do ya say we give him a little warm welcoming…the OZ way." It wasn't a question, but a statement phrased as one.

For the first time on this mission, Duo let his mask down, and he frowned while the men laughed. The atmosphere had already become more hostile, even if only by the murderous looks in their eyes. They began to close in on him once more, Thompson's laugh sounding more loudly over the others. Duo found himself glaring back, his previous thoughts returning.

Oh yep buddy, you're definitely first…when I get my chance. If only…


AUTHORS NOTE:Okay guys, tell me what you think of this chapter. I've never really written that much actiony bits before, so tell me how I went and what you think I need to improve on to get better. Thanks for reading, and PLEASE REVIEW!…they're huge ego boosters.