Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Married ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

While You Were Gone: The Sequel!


While You Were Married

*disclaimer* Geez o'pete, do I hafta to do this AGAIN?? *sigh* Ok, here we go. I do NOT own any of the Gundam Wing characters, only Trio Maxwell...and any other little kiddies that might pop up. ^__^

*warnings* Hmm...sometimes I wonder why I put this part here. It's rated PG-13!! THERE'S your warning!

Well, you all asked for it! Actually, pet crazy person asked for it, as this fic's written for her since she was the 246th reviewer of WYWG, but a lot of other people wanted a sequel also! So here it is!! After, of course, I made you wait about...oh...three months longer than I had said. *winces* Sorry 'bout that. If you hadn't figured it out yet, I'm not very good at making my own deadlines. -__-;; Actually, I would have made the Feb. 14th deadline, but FF.N was doing that "" thing that day, so I couldn't upload this, and then when visiting my cousin for the three-day President's Day weekend, I got stuck there after the blizzard that hit the east coast last week. I was supposed to be there for three days, and it ended up being eight because even when we could have come home on Thursday, school was still cancelled so my dad decided to stay longer. Dumbass. Anyhoo, this is it. I'm not sure if it's the last you'll see of Trio or not, but in case it is, I hope you enjoy it! It starts off quickly, just to warn ya. Buh bye!

"You're WHAT?!"

Hmm...yep! That was just the response she'd been expecting from him. Now Trowa owed her ten bucks, hehehe.

Trio smirked, shifting the small child she held in her arms over to her right hip. She ignored the stunned look on her beloved brother-that-claimed-he-was-older-than-her-but-didn't-have-any-real-proof's face, instead concentrating on making the nine-month old baby smile her wide, toothless smile. It took a good minute or so of Trio's cooing to his daughter before Duo's eyes seemed to snap back to attention, resting immediately on the young woman in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Trio, I don't believe I heard you correctly," he said stiffly, eyeing her warily as she grinned at him.

"I SAID, brother-dear, that Trowa and I are getting married." Duo blinked a few times, before shaking his head slightly.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you again. What was that?" Trio rolled her eyes exasperatedly.

"Don't give me that, Duo, I KNOW you heard me. Trowa and I are GET-TING MAR-RIED," she said, clearly and slowly as if she was speaking to the baby in her arms. Duo shook his head slowly, keeping his narrowed gaze on her.

"No. You're not," he said simply. Trio rolled her eyes again. As if it was HIS decision to make!

"It's not like I have to have your vote of approval or permission or something, y'know," Trio said, turning her attention down to the baby and tickling her chin. She smiled at the giggling sounds the babe made, and Duo nearly cringed at the motherly adoration in her eyes. "We're getting married."

"He didn't ask me," Duo grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Duo! What, is this the 1800's or something?" Trio exclaimed, snapping her violet eyes up to his. "You're not my father, he doesn't need YOUR permission!" she said, raising her voice challengingly.

"Well he still could have asked!" Duo yelled right back, propping his hands up on his hips and bending over a bit so he was eye-level with her. Trio sighed, shifting the baby back onto her left hip again. "You're too young to be married," Duo continued. Trio stared at him flatly before slightly raising her eyebrows. She glanced very slowly and pointedly down to the girl she was holding, and then back up again to her brother's suddenly flushed face, before deliberately cocking her head questioningly at him. "Th-that's entirely different!" he spluttered out, reaching out to take his daughter back from his sister. "Hilde and I are married!" Duo paused for a second, before realizing that that WASN'T the point he wanted to make. "I mean- well- ugh! Leave Kairi out of this!" (A/N: Anyone out there played Kingdom Hearts yet? ^__^ Kick-ass game for PS2. And while I don't really like Kairi that much, I think her name's pretty. Anyhoo...)

"Duo," Trio bit out exasperatedly once more, "I'm twenty years old. I'll be twenty-one by the time we actually arrange the wedding!"

"Yeah, too young to be married," Duo replied. Trio closed her eyes briefly, running a hand through her hair, which was out of its usual braid and flowing freely behind her, a good seven inches shorter than it had been.

"Um, hello? Hilde's the same age I am! And she already has a kid! AND she's married, to YOU no less," Trio muttered sarcastically. Duo snorted.

"Where's Trowa now?" Trio sighed.

"In the kitchen, I think. Trying to persuade Heero to propose to Relena," she replied, turning slightly to look down the hallway. "Like that'll happen anytime soon," she continued, snorting softly. Duo smirked, a thoughtful look coming over his face, which, quite frankly, scared the bejeezus out of Trio when she turned back around to face him again.

"You know, truthfully, I didn't know you and he had gotten so close. I mean, I didn't really think that the whole bouquet thing at my wedding would mean anything," Duo mused. Trio smiled softly.

"You've been married for a little over two years, Duo. While you were living with your new little family on L2, I was living with my boyfriend on L4." Duo looked alarmed at that, snapping his gaze back down to hers.

"You've been living with him?!" he practically shouting, startling the baby in his arms since she had almost dozed off.

"At Quatre's mansion? Remember?" Trio asked, chuckling at the look of relief that passed over her brother's face.

"Oh yeah, phew!" He paused again, looking as if he was trying to make a final decision about something in his mind. Finally, after a minute or so of Trio staring at him curiously, he nodded to himself slightly. "Alright, Trio, I'll make you a deal. You have my permission to marry Trowa-"

"Oh, joy," Trio interrupted sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Duo continued on obliviously.

"If, and ONLY if, you promise me ONE thing." Trio raised an eyebrow.

"One thing?" she asked.

"One thing," Duo replied, nodding. Trio eyed him warily for a second, before sticking out her hand.

"It's nothing bad, is it?" she asked suddenly, pulling her hand back a bit before Duo could grab it. He shook his head, his eyes dancing merrily.

"Not at all. It's a good thing actually, I promise! It's just something I want you to do before you get hitched."

"Before?" she repeated. Duo nodded.

"Well, sort of before," he amended. Trio watched him for a few more seconds before taking his still outstretched hand and shaking it.

"Alright, what is it?" she asked. Duo grinned.

"I want you to have a double wedding with Heero and Relena."

Trio's stomach dropped and she paled briefly.

Hmm... That might be a little difficult. But...


Forest green eyes stared despondently at the little red and black numbers that glared up at him. Small shapes of the same colors seemed to jump out and dance around mockingly, as if to further prove that only two of them matched each other. The numbers soon followed and did the same, as none of them were equal either.

Trowa's frown deepened as he shook his head a bit, erasing the previous image. He could do this, really, it wasn't THAT bad of a hand.

A four of hearts.

A Jack of spades.

A two of clubs.

An ace of diamonds.

Oh! And look! Another club, only an eight this time!


He was doomed.

Picking three of the cards at random, Trowa tossed them onto the table before him, pointedly not looking at the chestnut-haired woman in front of him.

"I'll take three," he muttered, praying to anything above that the cards he received would be at least somewhat useful.

Trio smirked at her boyfriend as he took one look at his new cards and abruptly dropped his chin to his chest.

"My bid?" she asked, a little haughtily.

"Yup," Trowa replied, taking a deep breath as he lifted his head a little to gaze at her.

"Hmm," Trio hummed, tapping her recently manicured nails against the tabletop. She paused, shifting a bit so that she was sitting crossed-legged, before smiling. "Twenty bucks," she offered. Trowa paled slightly, dragging in an exasperated breath.

"Why did I agree to go along with your 'no folding' rule again?" he asked, narrowing one eye at her. Trio shrugged.

"Got me." Trowa didn't respond to that for a second, taking a good look at his cards.

Yep, they were still worthless.


Drawing in another breath, he sat up straight and looked at Trio curiously. "Is a strip show worth twenty dollars?" Trio laughed at that, her eyes dancing merrily.

"Not tonight. We're not playing strip poker, I want the money," she replied, smirking again. Trowa blew out a breath, causing his bangs to flutter a bit. He seemed to be pondering something, though Trio had no idea what.

"Well, I'm flat broke now, I lost all my money to you," Trowa finally said, returning Trio's smirk as she smiled innocently at him and shrugged. "But I think I have something that might be of a little value."

Trio raised an eyebrow at the man in front of her. "And that would be...?" she inquired.

"I'll tell you if you win this hand."

"Oh please, no contest!" Trio laughed. "What've ya got?" Trowa merely stared placidly at her, before a small grin broke out on his face and his eyes slid shut.

"Absolutely nothing," he said, tossing the cards onto the table.

"Well that's good, 'cause I only had a pair of sixes," Trio said, chuckling as Trowa snapped his eyes to her in disbelief.

"I have the worst luck..." he mumbled, cocking his head a bit as Trio continued to giggle at him. When she finally calmed down, she leaned forward over the table, folding her arms on the top of it.

"So," she said, "hand it over." Grinning cheekily, she idly tossed her long braid over her shoulder, keeping her eyes on Trowa's. His smile faded a little, and a light pink spread across his nose and cheekbones. Trio blinked at him, but held her grin. Why was he blushing?

"Alright," Trowa said, somewhat throatily. He coughed, clearing out his throat. Trio watched as he turned around, picking up his coat that had been discarded on the floor behind him. His hand disappeared into one of the pockets, pulling out something that Trio couldn't see. Trowa glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, both hands now cupping the unknown object. Again, he seemed to be thinking about something.

A few second later, he came to a decision. Turning around fully, Trowa placed the object on the table, catching Trio's gaze with his own. Her smile had faded a little as she stared at him curiously, noticing that he was slowly pushing whatever his hands were hiding across the table towards her. Still holding her gaze, Trowa removed his hands and laid them on the table in front of him, resting his chin on top of them.

Trio blinked, lowering her eyes to the object before her. Those same eyes immediately widened when she saw what it was.

A little black box.

What...? Was he...?

Trio snapped her eyes back up to Trowa's, noting that he was smiling lazily at her.

"T-trowa...?" she asked, uncertainly. Trowa's smile widened.

"Will you marry me?" he asked simply, his voice deeper than normal and slightly muffled since he still had his chin resting upon his hands.

Trio gasped, staring again at the little box in front of her. A slight choking sound of disbelief escaped her throat as Trowa sat up, reaching out to take the box. She lifted a hand to her forehead, brushing her thick bangs out of her eyes so that she could watch him clearly, her vision already blurry because of the water building up there.

Trowa opened the case, making sure that it was facing towards Trio so that she could she the simple gold band and diamond. She made another choking sob as the hand holding back her bangs lowered to cover her mouth, and she nodded her head quickly.

"Like I said, it doesn't have much value, but-" Trowa started, having been glancing off to the side and therefore not noticing her nod.

"-Am I supposed to care what it's worth?!" Trio cut in, her voice higher-pitched than usual. Trowa snapped his gaze back to her. "Yes!" Trowa blinked.

"Hu-wha?" he replied intelligently, disbelief echoing in his voice. Trio gave him a huge smile, laughter bubbling from her mouth.

"Yes! Oh my God, yes," she repeated, lunging across the table to tackle Trowa, easily catching his mouth with hers. Trowa lay with his eyes wide open for a second, before breaking off the kiss to stare up at her.

" I mean...are you- you will? You'll marry me?" he finally managed to say, a grin spreading across his own lips. Trio nodded eagerly, leaning forward to kiss him again. Trowa responded quickly this time, disregarding the fact that he was lying on his back, halfway under the table, with Trio half on top of him, her legs still sprawled out across the tabletop. Burying one hand into her hair, he deepened the kiss for a few seconds before pulling back so that just their foreheads were touching. He glanced down to his other hand, which was still holding the ring case. Brining it up so that they could both see it, he quietly removed it from it's binding before looking up at Trio. She caught his gaze and nodded quickly, blushing a little and holding up her hand. She watched, almost in awe, as Trowa slid the ring onto her finger. They both stared at it for a second before Trio intertwined her fingers with his and bent down to resume their previous activity.

"Mrs. Trio Barton," Trio murmured, breaking away from Trowa for a brief moment a second later. "I like the sound of that."

"I LOVE the sound of that," Trowa commented, before reaching up with one hand to pull her face back down to his, his other hand sliding under the cotton material of her shirt to trace the curve of her back-

-which was the position Quatre found them in, when he made the mistake of forgetting to knock before entering his own living room a few minutes later.

~~*~~End Flashback~~*~~

Trio grinned in remembrance. Quatre had been quite shocked and flustered, to say the least, but he got the unintentional honor of being to first to know about their engagement. Trio's grin faded, a determined look entering her eyes. There was no way Heero was going to ruin her wedding plans. He WOULD propose to Relena, and she WOULD say yes, or else Trio would chop off her hair, bleach it, and pretend she was a second cousin of that Catalonia woman so that she could still marry Trowa.

Turning a bit, she eyed Duo with annoyance, almost pouting, before sighing.

"Ok, fine, you have yourself a deal. We'll have a double wedding with Heero and Relena," Trio agreed, albeit very reluctantly. Duo grinned.

"Good!" he replied cheerfully, shifting the baby in his arms. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a baby girl here that needs to take a nap." With that, he turned and headed off for his room, strutting a little too smugly and cooing at Kairi in that way that only new fathers can.

Trio frowned, before nearly jumping out of her skin as Trowa came up behind her and draped his arms over her shoulders.

"We're having a what type of wedding with who and who?" he asked, and Trio knew he was raising an eyebrow at her, despite the fact that she couldn't see it. She leaned back into the broad chest behind her, sighing.

"Duo's being all over-protective again," she muttered, glaring darkly ahead of her. She felt Trowa shrug.

"As long as it's a wedding where I get to marry you, I don't care," he said simply. "The only problem you have is convincing Heero." Trio's eyes widened, and she turned abruptly in Trowa's arms.

"He didn't hear, did he?" she asked, alarmed. Trowa shook his head.

"Nah, he's in the library now." Trio let out a breath in relief.

"You scared me there, Trowa," she said, smiling at the man in front of her. "So," she started, leaning in for a quick kiss, "you gonna help me convince him?" This time she saw the eyebrow Trowa raised at her.

"What do I get out of it?"

"A honeymoon, 'cause if we can't convince him, there's no wedding, remember?" Trio teased, running her fingers up his chest before tapping his nose. Trowa frowned a bit.

"Well, that was all the persuasion I needed. So, where do we start?" he asked, stepping back a bit. Trio grinned.

"I haven't the slightest idea."

* * *

Less than an hour later, Trio slowly made her way into the library. It wasn't as big as one would have thought, but still fairly large, with mainly old, dusty encyclopedias as reading material. There was a single bookcase of new novels, ones that Quatre had collected and added to the rest of what he had inherited. It was by this bookcase that Heero sat, sitting crossed-legged in an overstuffed armchair and using only a small table-lamp for light.

"So, do you turn into the Beast only at night?" the usually braided girl asked casually as she came to stand in from of the former-Gundam pilot. He glanced up briefly at her, before returning to his book. "Because you certainly look the part. Is there any reason to be tucked away in a corner where there's barely any light?" she continued, propping one fist onto her right hip. "The shadows over here are kinda freaky..."

Heero sighed, peering up at Trio through his unruly bangs. "Well, my plans were obviously foiled," he said, adding a light glare on to emphasize his point. Trio merely grinned at him.

"Are you suggesting, Mr. Yuy, that any attempts you were making to go unseen and unfound back in this dreary little corner didn't work?"

"You're talking to me, aren't you, Ms. Maxwell?" came the half-serious reply. "Oh wait, I guess I should be calling you Mrs. Barton, ne?" Heero finally looked up at her fully, closing the book he was reading since she didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. Trio sighed, plopping down ungracefully into a matching chair across from the one Heero was in. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Something wrong? I was going to say 'congratulations,' but..." Heero trailed off, unsure what to say.

"Well..." Trio sighed again. "I'm in a bit of a dilemma...actually, no, I'm just related to Duo."

Heero nodded in sudden understanding. "He's against it?"

"Thinks I'm too young." Heero's reaction was similar to what Trio's had been, as he raised an eyebrow.

"Did you remind him that he already has a daughter?"

Trio chuckled. "Oh yes, but it didn't matter. 'Cause that's 'different,'" she impersonated Duo, making quotation signs in the air with her fingers. "Actually, that's why I came to talk to you." Yes, the double-wedding thing...the whole reason she'd come to talk to Heero. Trio figured that before she tried to do any persuading or pushing, she'd need to know where Heero thought he and Relena's relationship stood.

Heero cocked his head to the side a bit, before changing positions and throwing his legs, clad in a pair of khakis, over the arm of the chair. He idly straightened out the forest green, button-up shirt (that was currently un-buttoned) and white undershirt he was wearing as he adjusted to this new position. "Oh?" he questioned simply. "What can I do for you?"

Trio sighed for a third time, tucking her jean-clad legs under her and resting her chin on her palm as she propped her elbow up onto the arm of the chair. "How are you and Relena doing?" she asked, completely switching topics, and causing Heero to blink at her. He groaned a second later.

"Oh God, you're not gonna pull a Trowa on me, are you?" he asked, rubbing one hand across his eyes and peering at her through his fingers.

"No! No, I'm just wondering," Trio chuckled. "I haven't talked to Relena in a while, that's all."

"She's coming up in two days, but if you must know, we're doing fine," Heero replied shortly, lowering his hand from his face. "Everything's peachy."

"Did you just say 'peachy'?" Trio asked abruptly, raising an eyebrow. Heero stared solemnly up at the ceiling.


Trio chuckled softly again. "Well, since you brought it up, when ARE you going to propose to Relena?" she asked, none too discretely. Heero frowned.

"I didn't bring it up, YOU did. And who said I was going to propose to her?" he shot back. He was not up to having this conversation again.

"Why wouldn't you?"

Heero shrugged. "I can't really picture myself getting down on one knee and proposing, much less raising a family or anything," he answered simply. Trio frowned this time, before smiling gently.

"Trowa didn't get down on knee," she recalled, still smiling. Heero turned his gaze from the ceiling to her face.


Trio shook her head. "No, actually, in all my girlish fantasies, I never imagined it would happen the way it did. He proposed to me in the least romantic and most surprising way. I'd always imagined big, fancy restaurants or something, but then I guess it wouldn't have been as special, 'cause I'd have been expecting it," she mused softly.

"Sooo," Heero started, crossing his arms behind his head, "how DID he propose to you?" Trio smiled.

"We were playing poker, and he was out of money so he used the ring for his bid."

Heero nearly fell out of his chair when he heard that. "Are you serious?" he asked, almost in disbelief. "That's so...easy...and so Trowa." Trio laughed.

"It was original, I'll give him that," she said. "And I guess...easy...not as nerve-wracking anyway. It was the two of us, no big crowds around." Heero nodded.

"That's how I would go about it."

"You mean you've thought about it?" That was news to Trio.

"I..." Heero paused, not sure if he should say what he was about to, as he hadn't told Trowa, but decided to anyway. "I have a ring...actually..."

Trio blinked. Twice. And her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. There really WAS a chance that she and Trowa would be getting married this century!

"Can I see it?" she asked excitedly, untucking her legs from underneath her and leaning forward in her seat. Heero nodded, still looking a little unsure of himself, and sat up to face Trio, before he paused.

"I'll show it to you later, it's in my room," he suddenly said, as though he'd just remembered.

"That's fine," Trio nodded eagerly. "I can wait." She paused, looking at the man in front of her. "When were you planning on using it?"

"I already told you, I don't want a family yet," Heero said, a little edgily. Trio sighed.

"Getting married doesn't mean you have to have a family right away. Just because my brother did doesn't mean everyone else will," she pointed out softly. Heero buried his face in his hands.

"I know that. Hell, if I wanted kids, I'd have them by now, that's not the point," he mumbled. Trio smirked.

"So you ARE sleeping together." Heero blushed faintly at that, but didn't look up.

"Did I say we weren't?"

"True, true," Trio nodded.

"The thing is...being're EXPECTED to have kids. It's not like having a wedding will suddenly get Relena...pregnant...just that...she might want them then...I don't know!" Heero bit out, frustrated. He looked up at Trio. "Do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I understand completely," Trio nodded. "But, Heero, Relena's got a big job she's working with right now. And you're- WE'RE- still young. I doubt she'll want kids yet. That's something you'll decide together. She won't push you into anything."

Heero stared at Trio for a few seconds, before dropping his hands from his face and glancing off to the side. "I know," he sighed. "I think it just...scares me." Trio blinked. Heero was actually admitting to being scared? "Don't look at me like that," he mumbled, catching her surprised look.

"Sorry," she said quickly. Heero shook his head.

"S'ok." He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "I know...I know that I act like it doesn't bother me- and it really doesn't- you know how many people I've killed?" he asked, holding our his hands as if to show her. Trio narrowed her eyes at his sudden train of thought, and shook her head briefly. "Me neither," Heero sighed. "But it doesn't seem right...that someone like me, who has taken so many lives...should give life to something else. It's like...a mockery or something." Trio blinked again.

"Heero..." she said, almost in awe. The man-in-question shook his head suddenly, appearing a bit surprised at everything he'd just said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to lay all that on you," he muttered, rising from his chair in order to make a hasty retreat. Trio stood up just as quickly though, and grabbed his arm as he tried to walk past her.

"Heero, wait," she said, turning to face him. He eyed her warily from beneath his bangs for a moment, before Trio smiled brightly at him. "You've seen Kairi, yes?"

Heero frowned, unsure where the girl before him was going with this. "Yeah," he answered slowly. "Duo's been showing her off ever since he got here."

"She's a cutie though, ne?" Trio asked cheerfully, pulling Heero out of the library with her.

"She is," Heero nodded, his curious gaze bearing into Trio's back.

"Have you held her yet?"

Heero stopped abruptly, picking up what she meant to do. "No, I haven't, and I don't mean to. Duo's already tried to force her into my arms, so don't you try to. I'll probably...drop her...or something," he said, holding himself firmly in place. Trio turned to him with an exasperated look.

"See, that's exactly what we're going to prove wrong. Heero, when the time comes for you to have kids, you're NOT going to be some horrible father," Trio said assuredly, as she started walking again. Heero reluctantly followed, which signaled to Trio that she'd hit the nail on the head. "We just have to get you used to being around children. Which means being able to hold babies comfortably." Heero groaned lightly, but didn't try to stop as Trio proceeded to drag him through the house.

She paused as they entered the kitchen, glancing around the side of the wall to peer into the living room. Her brother was in there, sitting on the couch talking to Trowa, but the baby was nowhere to be seen. Hilde was still out shopping, so Trio figured Kairi was still taking her nap. Quietly, she backed into the kitchen again, and took a different exit out towards the stairs and up to the bedrooms. When they finally entered the room Duo and Hilde were staying in, Trio dropped Heero's arm from her tight grip, and walked softly over to the portable crib to gaze at the babe resting in it.

Kairi was small for her age, which was nine months, but had been born with a full head of hair. The soft wisps of chocolate brown hair were tied back into two tiny pigtails, something Trio thought was adorable. As she carefully lifted Kairi out of the crib, the baby opened her deep blue eyes, staring curiously at her aunt.

"Aww, look her woke up!" Trio cooed, bringing the baby up to her face so she could rub her nose against hers. "And she didn't cry or anything. She's such a good baby, ne, Heero?" she continued, glancing back to where Heero stood awkwardly in the doorway.

"Uh, suuure," he replied, still sounding a little nervous. Trio held the baby against her hip, gesturing with her free hand for Heero to step further into the room. He did so, slowly.

"Do you know how to hold a baby?" Trio asked. Heero paused for a second, before shaking his head slightly. "Alright, hold out your arms-"

"-Trio," Heero cut her off, "I really don't think-"

"-HOLD out you arms," Trio repeated, cutting Heero off the same way. He sighed in defeat, doing as told. Trio shifted, gently placing Kairi in Heero's hands. He held her at arm's length, looking awkward, as if he were afraid she would explode. Trio chuckled. "She's not dangerous, y'know." Heero merely nodded, not taking his eyes off the baby. Slowly, he brought her closer to his chest, eventually cradling her as he had seen others in the house do. "Just be sure to support her neck," Trio instructed patiently. Heero nodded again.

"She's so light," he murmured, still not removing his eyes from her.

"Well what did you expect?"

"...I don't know..." Heero shrugged.

"See? It's not so bad," Trio said, smiling at the two. Heero shook his head slightly, silently agreeing with her. Kairi, up until this point, had been gazing curiously at the new man holding her, her eyes wide.

"She doesn't cry much, does she?" Heero asked. "I haven't really heard her at all while they've been here."

"No, she's really good about being held by strangers," Trio said in agreement. Kairi giggled unexpectedly, slapping her hands against Heero's chest, before fisting her tiny hands into the green material of his shirt. She soon discovered the buttons on the shirt, and tried wrapping her chubby hand around one. Much to her disappointment, it wouldn't come off, so she quickly gave up and instead reached up to see if maybe this man's ear would come off. Heero merely chuckled, gently prying her hand away and holding it in his much larger one.

"And she's so small," he murmured again.

"You were once that small," Trio pointed out. Heero let out a short bark of laughter.

"I find it hard to believe that I was ever this small or cute."

"I'd have to agree with that," came a slightly nasal voice from the doorway, before Wufei stepped into the room. "I, on the other hand, was even cuter," he said, smirking a bit. There was an amused gleam in his dark eyes.

"Oh, hey Wufei," Trio greeted casually. He nodded to her in response.

"Trio," he said in greeting. "What are you guys doing?" Heero blushed slightly at the question, looking towards Trio for the answer.

"We're getting Heero used to babies," the brown-haired girl said. Wufei raised an eyebrow at the two.

"Why?" he asked. "Relena isn' she?" He trailed off slightly. Heero shook his head quickly.

"No, no, she's not. I was Trio's idea," was the answer he finally settled on. Trio grinned.

"You've held her, right, Wufei?" she asked. The Chinese man nodded.

"Oh yes, Duo's forced her into my arms many a time in the past two days," he grumbled, though he didn't sound too upset.

"Wanna hold her again?" Heero asked, turning towards him. Wufei shook his head.

"No, that's ok. I was just heading downstairs. You coming?"

Trio and Heero glanced at each other and nodded. "Sure," Trio said. "Let's go." When Heero went to return Kairi to Trio, she shook her head, smiling. "Nah, you can hold her. I'm sure Duo will be quite pleased." Heero paused, shrugged, and then followed Wufei out of the room. Trio walked after them, grinning to herself. Oh yes, they would be planning their wedding in no time.

* * *

"He already has a ring??"

Later that evening, while Trowa and Trio were getting ready for bed, Trio informed Trowa of what Heero had told her.

"Yep," she replied, pulling down the blanket and sheets on the bed. Trowa shook his head bewilderedly, pulling an old cotton T-shirt over his head.

"This might not be as hard as we first thought," he mused, bending down his head so he could tie the drawstrings of his pajama pants loosely. Trio nodded, pulling on a baggy T-shirt that went down to mid-thigh. She sat down on the bed, brushing her thick, wet locks of hair.

"Yeah, but he's still pretty set against not marrying her yet," she replied, dividing her hair into three sections and weaving them through one another. When she finished, she set the brush on the nightstand beside her and climbed under the covers, waiting for her fiancé.

"Well from what you said," Trowa sat down next to her, pulling the blanket up to his lap, "it sounds like he's just nervous."

Trio paused, thinking that over as she turned off the lamp beside her. "Maybe," she said softly, resting her head on the pillow. Her arms quickly found Trowa's body and she cuddled up against him. He eagerly wrapped his arms around her slightly smaller frame in return.

"I can wait as long as it takes," Trowa said softly. Trio chuckled.

"I don't know if I can. The whole honeymoon thing has been sounding really good recently," she replied, reaching up to kiss him quickly. Trowa rested his head atop hers, and she felt him nodding slightly. "G'night," she said softly, yawning a bit.

"Love you," was the mumbled reply. Trio grinned.

"You too."

(Ok, I split this up into two parts to make it easier to read. That way you don't have to read it all at once if you don't want to.


Alright, fine, I also did it so that anyone who reviewed the original preview could review again to tell me what you thought. *smiles innocently* So please do so after you read the next part!)