Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Whisper ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Whisper
Genre: Sap, Angst, 1+2 shenai
Disclaimers: I don't own 'Whisper' or Gundam Wing.
Summary: Duo needs help.

A/N: This is a Heero POV fic. Don't know where the hell the idea came from, it just sorta fell on me.

Duo Maxwell. Fifteen years old. Origin, L2. Pilot of Deathscythe. Specializes in infiltration, stealth, and blending in with his surroundings.

He is also an enigma to me. I am still unable to understand how he could smile and talk as if nothing was wrong in the world during a war. Even more baffling, is how he so easily managed to get under my skin.

catch me as i fall
say you're here and it's all over now
speaking to the atmosphere
no one's here and i fall into myself
this truth drives me into madness
i know i can stop the pain
if i will it all away

I never asked for his company, but he was always there. His attempts to get me to 'loosen' up, confused and annoyed me in many ways. One being that I did not understand him. He did not fit in with my training. The other being that he was my total opposite but we were so much alike.

Imagine my surprise when I found him curled in a fetus position on the bathroom floor. My instincts kicked in instantly, and I checked him for injuries. He does not speak as I do so and that bothered me more than the cuts I find on his wrists. They were fresh. Cut just deep enough to cause bleeding and pain, not enough to kill.

don't turn away
don't give in to the pain
don't try to hide
though they're screaming your name
don't close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
don't turn out the light
never sleep never die

I clean him up and place him in bed gently. He looks as if he is expecting something. Possibly for me to yell at him and tell him how weak he is. I never do. He is a baka but I do have respect for him.

I stare at him for five minutes before I ask..."Why?"

He stares in my face, startled. In the dim litted room, I can see his eyes clearly. Wide violet eyes. Vulnerable.

"I--" He started to say and I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding. He begins again.

i'm frightened by what i see
but somehow i know
that there's much more to come
immobilized by my fear
and soon to be blinded by tears
i can stop the pain
if i will it all away

"It's consolidation for the lives I stole." He rasps. "I look in the mirror and all I can see is the hollow shell of a broken teen. I'm weak, Yuy. I'm not as strong as I put on."

I want to grab him and shake some sense into him. I want to tell him how wrong he is, but his tears stop me. I have never seen him cry before and I am shocked.

"I-I-I failed them, ya know. I let everyone I care for die. And now I'm taking other peoples' loved ones away from them. Just creating new cycles of death." He finishes with a grim chuckle. He glares up at me and turns his delicate features into a frown. "I don't need your pity, Yuy. So stop lookin at me like that."

I glare back at him. If I don't tell him this now, he would hurt himself again and possibly worse than this one. Unacceptable. "You're not weak." I firmly state. He opens his mouth to protest but I cut him off. "It takes a very strong person to go through what you did and not give up on life."

His laughter is not expected. He laughs until his cheeks are flushed. "Yeah, whatever you say, Yuy." He picked at the bandanges on his wirsts and squeeze each of them. Blood seeps slowly through the white gauze. I'm at his side holding his hands gently on either side of his head.

don't turn away
don't give in to the pain
don't try to hide
though they're screaming your name
don't close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
don't turn out the light
never sleep never die

He struggles against my weight but tires quickly. Obvious signs of great blood loss. He stare down at him and he's waiting again.

"I am not going to hurt you, Duo." I say low. He looks angrily into my eyes.

"Then what the hell are you doing now?" He forced through gritted teeth. I remove myself from above him but don't release his arms. He lets me move him as if he was a rag doll.

fallen angels at my feet
whispered voices at my ear
death before my eyes
lying next to me i fear
she beckons me shall i give in
upon my end shall i begin
forsaking all i've fallen for
i rise to meet the end

I place him between my legs with his back to my chest. My hands are still holding his and he cranes his head. He looks shocked and I can't help the small smile that comes to my face. I bury my face into the crook of his neck and breath deeply. He shivers delicately and my smile grows.

"You will not cut yourself anymore, Duo. I won't let any thing or anyone hurt you. That includes yourself."

He doesn't answer me or protest. He just leans into the embrace. Minutes later, I hear his breath even out and watch him sleep. I press my lips softly to the side of his hearshaped face and lean back against the headboard.

"Ashiertu, Duo-kun. Omae wa ore no mono da.(1)" And I was never going to let anything hurt you again. Mission Accepted.


(1) Ashiertu, Duo-kun. Omae wa ore no mono da.= I love you, Duo. You belong to me.

A/N: Did that last bit seem a little possessive? Do ya like? I think that's the last songfic for now. I'm off to work on my continuations instead. I like this one alot so I'd appreciate if all who read this just give me a 1 to 10 rating at the least. It would make me very happy. Ja matter ne.
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